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1、本 科 畢 業(yè) 論 文The Ways of Improving Junior Middle School Students Interest in English LearningTake the Class 7, Grade 2, at the Second Middle School in Tongren for Example院 系 外國語言文學系 專 業(yè) 英 語 年 級 學 號 姓 名 指導教師 貴州 銅仁2014年6月提高初中生英語學習興趣的方法TABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT i 摘要ii I. Introduction1 II.The conception o

2、f interest1 III.The feature of interest in learning1IV.The features of interest in junior middle school student2-4V.The questionnaire survey of junior middle school student in English learning.4 5.1 Purpose of research4 5.2 Object of research,content of research45.3 Survey results4VI.The analysis of

3、 junior middle school student lack interest in English learning5 6.1.Students English foundation is bad5 6.2 Student Lack the correct value in English learning5 6.3 Student Lack the good habit in learning5 6.4Lacking of family education5 6.5Uneasy relationship between teacher and student5 6.6Lacking

4、 of advanced teaching facilities5VII.The ways of improving junior middle school students interest77.1 Teacher should love their student and love their job with great passion77.2 Teacher study the textbook carefully and increase some interesting links with content of the textbook for foundation77.3 T

5、ry to increase the teachers image, establish a good relation between teacher and student and guide the students interest with indirect ways87.4 Using multimedia network in English learning8-107.5 Organize English activities107.5.1 The organized English hand-written paper activity107.5.2 Singing comp

6、etition11VIII. Conclusion11REFERENCES12ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS12ABSTRACT A persons success needs the right guidance. Interest should be a good teacher in learning. Interest promote every one of us to forge ahead with initiative attitude and precipitate us to find out the little things around the world. The

7、re are some“why”,which waiting for us to explore in the world. No matter how vast the land is, we will try our best to find the truth with great passion. Also, without interest students cant study well in English learning. If the students has interest , they will learn fun and will get twice the res

8、ult with half the effort in English learning. Therefore, as an English teacher ,we should learn how to cultivate students interest in English learning and let the students have something changes from the passive attitude to active attitude. According to the features of the time in junior middle scho

9、ol students and the characteristics of English in the textbook. We summary some methods of improving junior middle school students interest in English study. key words: Junior middle school students, interest, junior middle school studentsinterest feature, English teaching methodAdvisors Signature S

10、tudents Signature 摘要 一個人的成功需要正確的引導,那最好的老師應該就是興趣。興趣推動著我們每一個人主動地去開拓進取,促使我們學會發(fā)現(xiàn)身邊的大小事。無論是遼闊寬廣的大地,還是浩瀚無垠的海洋;無論是形形色色的人生,還是生生不息的物種,它們都存在著很多個“為什么”等著我們洋溢著滿懷的興趣去發(fā)掘其中的道理。同樣,學生在學習中也離不開興趣,擁有了興趣,學生才會學得開心起勁,學習的效果往往會是事半功倍。因此,作為一名英語老師,應該學會怎樣去培養(yǎng)學生學習的興趣,讓學生由被動轉換為主動,本文根據(jù)初中生這個年齡階段的特征和英語這門學科的特點,總結了一些提高初中生英語學習興趣的方法。關鍵詞:初

11、中生 興趣 興趣作用 教學方法 初中英語 指導老師簽名 學生簽名 I. Introduction English is one of the most important international languages which is used widely in the world. With the development of society, we have more and more chances to communicate between each country. As we all know, language is a communication tool which

12、is very important for students to learn, especially for the junior middle school students, it is one of the most important subjects. Most students are not interested in English learning,the reason is that these students did not play a good foundation during the former times. They dont know what the

13、teacher say in English lesson and then lose the interest in this subject. It is well-known that the interest is the best teacher in learning. When we take the interest to learn, undoubtedly,we will get a great result in English studying. In order to let more students like English, teacher will find

14、out more ways to attract students interest. This paper enumerates many methods to improve the interest of junior middle school students English study .II.The conception of interest Interest refers to the spirits, it is fond of something or emotional concerns about something. Psychology people try th

15、eir best to understand and engage in something in some activity tendency of consciousness.It is shown that peoples selective attitude and positive emotional reaction toward to some things , some activities. Interest has a great importance in the humans practice activity. It can make the person focus

16、 on their attention to bring a good psychological tension state.III.The feature of interest in learning What is interest?It is a kind of like emotion. It is based on the need of humans cognition and exploration which can be an important motivation to promote the awareness of things and to find the t

17、ruth. Take students studying for example , it is the most active factor in students learning motivation. When we have interest in learning ,we can easily talk about how to study and seek the learning methods and techniques. Tolstoy said:“the success for the need of teaching is not forced, but to sti

18、mulate the students interest .”Visible interest in the success of teaching in English study plays a very important role. English can be successful , largely depends on their interest in learning English . It is well known that English is a kind of language. When students have great interest in Engli

19、sh ,they will be absorbed in their study. With interest , learning is not a burden, but a kind of enjoyment . Bruner said: “the best stimulate of learning is interested in the material ” In foreign countries , the first people who is Herbart take the psychology as the theory basis of pedagogy . He t

20、hinks everyone in our life have many interests that the education should be taken this as the foundation, Teachers should put the cause and cultivate the interest as one of the important missions. There is a famous people who once said:“Interest is signal and symbol of the growth ability.” For each

21、parent , usually , observe their childrens interest is the most important for the education. With interest , learning will be positive, consciousness, initiative. Then the psychology can be in a good state.IV.The features of interest in junior middle school student The first interest characteristic

22、in junior middle school students learning is : They have a broad certain. With their growth, they has expanded the scope of knowledge, curiosity is greatly enhanced . They are not only loved literature books, but also like science ,technology books . As a teacher , should be good at helping their st

23、udents to increase the interest in learning. At the same time, teacher should cultivate students concentration in English learning. The second interest characteristic in junior middle school students learning is: compare junior middle school students with primary school students, they have more diff

24、erentiation and selection. For instance, some students love some of their subjects more, but not all of them like these subjects. Because it is related to the teachers education quality. For example, On the same subject, a teachers teaching quality is not high, the students interest in learning is s

25、ignificantly reduced. Next , it is related to the academic performance. If students grades or scores are still better, they can be interested in these subjects more. On the other side, if students scores or score is bad, it will affect the enthusiasm of learning. Once you get good grades or scores i

26、n a row, you would be interested in the subject. There is a positive significance of selection in students learning interest , but the teacher must pay more attention to avoid one-sided interest . Because some of students love art, so that they ignore mathematical subject. As we know, it is wrong. T

27、he third interest characteristic in junior middle school students learning is: Start with some depth. Primary school students are more interested in some specific materials , novels and stories, while for some abstract theory are not. Junior middle school students under the influence of the right ed

28、ucation, they will gradually on the theoretical, the need to use their brains to think about positive materials with interesting emotion. When they are reading literature works, are not interested in the narrative, but begin to the changes in peoples heart. In this way, the junior middle school stud

29、ents interest in learning will become more and more profound. However, in the absence of the proper education, under the influence of the junior middle school students interest in learning, something in the practical and superficial may still occupies a very important position. For example, some you

30、ng are only interested in how to make or device when they participate in the activities of science and technology, but they are not interested in the principle of something about the machine structure or machine device. Take another for example, some of them are often pay more attention to the inter

31、esting plot in the story and dont mind the real social significance of works, characterization of the characters when they read some literary works. For this situation,our parents and teachers should give them proper guidance and let their interest toward to the theory and practice with deep level d

32、evelopment. The fourth interest characteristic in junior middle school students learning is: They have a higher consciousness. Compare junior middle school students with primary school students, obviously, junior middle school students can consciously control their own interest which make their inte

33、rest in learning , social life and their future get together. Moreover, junior middle school students have some indirect interest to encourage them to achieve a certain purpose they are longing for. They are trying to master the material or take part in this activities with positive attitude. There

34、are many teenagers to be top students or“ young scientists”,what they can is hard-working with self-consciousness. V.The questionnaire survey of junior middle school student in English learning5.1 Purpose of research In order to understand the status of the junior middle school students interest in

35、English learning more. We use the method of questionnaire survey to analysis the special situation, which can help us to find the best ways to increase junior middle school students interest in English learning. 5.2 Object of researchObject: the Class 7, Grade 2 , at the second Middle School in Tong

36、ren Number: 70 people5.3 Survey resultsNumberIn total (70)Proportion (%)ABCDABCDQ117 12281324%17%40%19%Q283719611%53%27%9%Q31714201924%20%29%27%Q4821291211%30%42%17%Q5203011929%43%16%12%Q6730201310%43%29%18%Q7232415833%35%21%11%Q82312211433%17%30%20%Q91030131714%43%19%24%Q10820301211%29%43%17%Q11121

37、0351317%14%50%19%Q121522161721%31%23%24%Q132015132229%21%19%31%5%24%31%Q151215331017%21%47%14%VI. The analysis of junior middle school student lack interest in English learning6.1 Students English foundation is bad It is hard for many students to improve their interest in English learni

38、ng,not because they are not interested in English. But because they dont pay more attention to English in the first place. When they come up against problems in English learning, they dont take the initiative to ask their teacher. As a result, there will be more problems. It affects them fail behind

39、 the teachers teaching.6.2 Student Lack the correct value in English learning Most students dont have the correct value in English learning. They just want to get good grades.6.3 Student Lack the good habit in learning A good habit is very important in English learning. It is difficult for junior mi

40、ddle school student to study regularly in the age of puberty. For example, they need teacher and parents to supervise them to take preparation before class and review after class and so on.6.4 Lacking of family education A good learning environment can help student to study well, especially , the le

41、arning atmosphere in family. Most of students parents dont have the ability to give their children guidance in study. So it will affect the students interest in English learning.6.5 Uneasy relationship between teacher and student The relationship between teachers and students is the main relationshi

42、p in junior school students learning life. There are many teachers like to use compulsory means to require and control students. As we all know, junior school student has a strong rebellious spirits at puberty.6.6The traditional teaching method and teaching form There are more teacher lack of innova

43、tion consciousness in teaching. In general, most teachers use the traditional teaching method to teach their students. It is hard for teacher to arouse the students passion in English learning. VII.The ways of improving junior school students interest7.1.Teacher should love their student and love th

44、eir job with great passion The teacher is a special occupation, every teacher should undertake the responsibility when they are doing this job. As a teacher, is not only pass their knowledge to students, more over to love each student and take care of each student, think of them as their own childre

45、n. For all we know, love is the soul of our education, it has a magic power to model a beautiful heart. Students learning atmosphere, power will be more , motivation of learning will be aroused, students learning interest will follow too. 7.2. Teacher study the textbook carefully, take the contents

46、of textbook as the foundation and increase some interesting links in the class Every teacher should not only have a good preparation before class, but also refer to some date about lesson when they want to conduct a best-quality lesson. At the same time, use their teaching methods to add some intere

47、sting links in English classroom. Students will focus attention in class with curiosity then will understand teachers purpose quickly, to improve their thirst for knowledge. The success of the classroom into a direct bearing on the quality of teaching the whole class. Introduction is one of the impo

48、rtant part in teaching. There is an old saying:“a good beginning is half done” Everything is difficult in the beginning , how to do a good job at the beginning of lesson? And let it be full with funny. Generally, we use pictures, music, questions and so on. For example,in the textbook of grade seven

49、 M1U7“When is your birthday?”First, I show students some pictures about famous people that they know all of them, then ask:“Boys and girls , do you know the man in the first picture?”the students answer “yes, we do ” then I ask:“Who is he ?”most of students answer together: “He is Yao Ming”. And the

50、n Ill ask :“Where is he come from?”the students give me different answers, some of them say:“He is from Beijing”or “He is from Shanghai”then I tell them the right answer:“He was born in Shanghai in 1980 and he is my favorite sports star”at this time, I write “be born”“was/were”on the blackboard and

51、ask students to master. Next,I speak to my students:“I was born in February,1990”then write this words on the blackboard and explain the meaning of the word. Final, I ask to my students:“When was your born?”, students give me some different answers, I write these answers on the blackboard and teach

52、them to read . According to the pictures and the ways of questioning to take a introduction can active the atmosphere of classroom before class , increase interactive classroom between teachers and students, stimulate the students interest in English learning, understand how much their students lear

53、n. Great teaching result that through this way to increase interest in the introduction part of class, let students interest into the class quickly.7.3.Try to increase the teachers image, establish a good relation between teacher and student and guide the studentsinterest with indirect ways. The dev

54、elopment of education is based on teachers, if you want to improve the quality of education , teacher still is the most important factor in education. Teachers image is directly related to the teenagers healthy growth. As a teacher of this special occupation, its a essential requirement to love thei

55、r job and take care of their students. Teaching is the bounden duty, be a model for other is the inherent requirement. A good teacher is not only have the excellent professional knowledge, more needs is to love their students with heart, try your best to the students inner world, understand them, re

56、spect them, trust them. When you did all of these that you are able to communicate with students easily and will establish a good relationship between teachers and students. Students passion and creativity will be higher in learning , so ,the teachers teaching and students learning will have more po

57、wer, interest will come very naturally in this kind of atmosphere.7.4.Using multimedia network in English learning With the development of network communication technology,web,as an important information media , more and more , becomes one of the most fundamental information sources, it has brought

58、convenience to us in all aspects of life. Meanwhile education and teaching constantly renew and develop, junior middle school students in particular has stepped into the new model of teaching. Above all, the application of web multimedia in teaching, making English teaching to be more and more perfe

59、ct. Network multimedia, it has image feature , intuitive feature, lively feature and so on. The use of multimedia network makes the English class be more active, real in learning situation,which can improve students interest ,motivation and inspire their brains to let them learn how to think somethi

60、ng when they are in this teaching environment. English , it is a kind of language , the real purpose is to let students can easily understand what the people said and talk to other frequently in English communication. In order to stimulate students interest, we use network multimedia to show some pi


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