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1、Unit 5 Signs (Story time)宿豫區(qū)第一實(shí)驗(yàn)小學(xué) 高丹Know about meAt weekends, I often go to the park with my family. I go to school by bike every day. I can fly kites high in the sky. I like reading stories, too. We all like eating noodles. I have a sweet family. Hi! Boys and girls. Im Ms. Gao.Try to sayYou haveYo

2、u likeYou canYou often go toYouKnow about meAt weekends, I often go to the park with my family. 7/16/2022What signs do you know?Lets share和大家分享一下:你知道哪些標(biāo)識呢?SignsLook and guessWhere are they?Where are they?Watch and check a clothes shop a juice shop a bookshopa restaurantWhat signs are they talking ab

3、out?Try to guessWhat signs are they talking about?Listen and tickTip: 聽錄音, 他們談?wù)摰臉?biāo)識。Read , match and underlineTips: 細(xì)讀課文,根據(jù)圖意貼上合適的標(biāo)識,并用“”標(biāo)出其含義。Read , match and underlineTips: 細(xì)讀課文,根據(jù)圖意貼上合適的標(biāo)識,并用“”標(biāo)出其含義。Read , match and underlineTips: 細(xì)讀課文,根據(jù)圖意貼上合適的標(biāo)識,并用“”標(biāo)出其含義。Read , match and underlineTips: 細(xì)讀課文,根據(jù)圖

4、意貼上合適的標(biāo)識,并用“”標(biāo)出其含義。Read , match and underlineTips: 細(xì)讀課文,根據(jù)圖意貼上合適的標(biāo)識,并用“”標(biāo)出其含義。Think and discussWhy do people put signs here?Tip: 小組討論在這些地方放置標(biāo)識的原因。Think and discussHow to remind others?Tip: 小組討論在這些地方如何提醒他人?Read, find and sayHow to remind others? Tip: 這些地方如何提醒他人? 讀一讀,找一找,說一說。worried 擔(dān)心的Read, find and

5、sayHow to remind others?take into把帶入 Tip: 這些地方如何提醒他人? 讀一讀,找一找,說一說。Read, find and sayHow to remind others? Tip: 這些地方如何提醒他人? 讀一讀,找一找,說一說。Read and imitateTip: 注意人物的語音、語調(diào)和語氣!Read and imitateTip: 注意人物的語音、語調(diào)和語氣!Read and imitateTip: 注意人物的語音、語調(diào)和語氣!Read and imitateTip: 注意人物的語音、語調(diào)和語氣!Acting timeTip: 4人一組,任選一個(gè)

6、場景進(jìn)行表演,可在課文基礎(chǔ)上添加標(biāo)識、豐富內(nèi)容。Design and showTip: 4人一組,為我校的一些公共場所設(shè)計(jì)合理的標(biāo)識,并展示。A: Look! .B: We can put here.C: What does it mean?B: It meansC: I see./D: We can also put here.A: What does it mean?D: It meansA: I see./What are signs? Signs are pictures and words. Some of them are about information. They help people.If we can follow the signs and keep the rules in mind, we will have a better life! Some of them are about rules and warnings. They tell us what we can do and what we cant do.HomeworkFinish Read and choose & Look and write (P50).


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