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1、史學論文寫作之外文參考文獻的引用及標題、摘要和關鍵詞等的翻譯問題一、國際上標注參考文獻的幾種不同模式1. MLA格式Modern Language Association (MLA,現(xiàn)代語言學會)所用的Works Cited模式What is MLA?The Modern Language Associations writing style is the leading means of documentation in the educational and literary world. The current MLA writing manual is the sixth editio

2、n. A new manual has been published about once every decade over the approximately fifty years of MLA styles existence.主要被應用在人文學科,如文學、比較文學、文學批評和文化研究等。When is MLA used?The MLA writing style is often used by writers who are not required to use a particular writing style.How is MLA different?The MLA sty

3、le focuses on citing information about the author of a research source. Who created a source is more significant than when it was published.Example: Last Name Page #Works CitedBook Author Last Name, Author First Name. Book Title. ed. Editor First Name Editor Last Name. City Published: Publisher, Yea

4、r.Website Author Last Name, Author First Name. Site Title. ed. Editor First Name Last Name. Publication Day Month. Year. Accessed Day Month. Year. .Additional information may be found at the Modern Language Association website (/).2. APA 格式American Psychological Association (APA,美國心理學會)所用的Reference模

5、式What is APA?The American Psychological Association (APA) style is the preferred means of citing resources in the social sciences circle. The APA writing manual is in its 5th edition and is newer than the MLA writing style.APA格式指的就是美國心理學會American Psychological Association)出版的美國心理協(xié)會刊物準則,目前已出版至第六版,總頁數(shù)

6、272頁,而此協(xié)會是目前在美國具有權威性的心理學學者組織。APA格式起源于1929年,當時只有7頁,被刊登在心理學期刊 Psychological Bulletin。APA格式是一個為廣泛接受的研究論文撰寫格式,特別針對社會科學領域的研究,規(guī)范學術文獻的引用和參考文獻的撰寫方法,以及表格、圖表、注腳和附錄的編排方式。APA格式因采用哈佛大學文章引用的格式而廣為人知,其“作者和日期”的引用方式和“括號內(nèi)引用法”相當著名。When is APA used?APA style is used when writing a psychological paper or any social scien

7、ces paper. It is a helpful style when most sources are from published journals, articles, and frequently published works.How is APA different?APA references focus on the date and title of a research source instead of the author. This is because one author or journal can have three similar articles,

8、as well as because scientific information changes.Example: Title Page #ReferencesBook Author, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Book Title. (Vols. Volume#(s). In First Initial. Middle Initial. Editor Last Name (Ed.), Published City, Published State: Publisher.Web Document Author Last Name, Firs

9、t Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). In Web Document Title. (chap. Chapter/Section). Retrieved Month. Day, Year, from URL AddressAuthor Cited Within TextFormat: Author Last Name (Year Published) sentence.Example: Dr. Milton (2019) theorizes that there is correlation between students expressions in a c

10、lass and the grade that the students earn in that class.Author Not Cited Within TextFormat: Sentence (Author Last Name, Year Published).Example: There is a correlation between students expressions in a class and the grade that the students earn in that class (Milton, 2019).Direct QuotationFormat: Se

11、ntence (Author Last Name, Year Published, Page Number(s).Example: “There is a correlation between students expressions in a class and the grade that the students earn in that class” (Milton, 2019, p. 2).Additional information may be found at the American Psychological Association website (/).3. CSE

12、格式Council of Science Editors (CSE,科學編輯委員會)所用的Cited References模式What is CSE?The Council of Science Editors was established in 2000. CSE is an extension of the Council of Biology Editors (CBE), which was originally formed in 1957. The CSE goal is to develop an internationally congruent writing style t

13、o foster communication and abundant information.When is CSE used?CSE is used for work with hard sciences or international purposes. CSE is unsuitable for literary work because of the detail it requires.How is CSE different?Like the APA style, the CSE style focuses on citing the date, rather than the

14、 author, of a source. The CSE referencing formats include details that help differentiate similar articles in the same work.Example:Heading Page #Cited ReferencesWeb Document Author. Site Title home page on the Internet. Published City (Published State): Publisher; Year Month Day. cited Year Month D

15、ay. Available from: URL Address.Book Author Last Name, First Initial. Book Title. City Published (State Published): Publisher; Year. Total Page Numbers p.Entire Sentence(s)Format: Sentence(s)In-Text Citation Sequential Number.Example: It is important to understand the implications of the word proble

16、m, as well as the logic of the formulas used to find the correct answer1(這里的數(shù)字應為上標).Part of SentenceFormat: Sentence startIn-Text Citation Sequential Numbersentence end.Example: They have been proven to play different but vital roles in the ecosystem2 (這里的數(shù)字應為上標) and students should plant them on Ea

17、rth Day.Additional information may be found at the Council of Science Editors website (/).4. CMS格式(芝加哥格式)Chicago Manual of Style (CMS,芝加哥格式手冊)所用的Bibliography模式What is CMS?The CMS writing style was first used in 1890 by students at the University of Chicago. The current CMS writing manual is the 15th

18、 edition. The 15th edition is said to be the biggest update in 20 years.(到2019年實際上現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)出了第16版)芝加哥格式(由芝加哥出版社制訂的出版規(guī)范手冊),主要用于歷史學科和人文社會學科。 該手冊的格式指南受到高度重視,在西方的影響最大,運用最廣泛。我們國家的人文社會學科運用西方文獻時,普遍采用此格式。When is CMS used?The CMS writing style is used in the humanities community with such topics as art, history,

19、and literature. If the MLA style is not mandatory, CMS style is a great alternative.How is CMS different?CMS is known as one of the most simplistic and concise means of citation. Like MLA, CMS style focuses on citing information about the author, rather than the date, of a research source.Example:Bi

20、bliographyBook Author Last Name, First Name Middle Name. Book Title. City Published: Publisher, Year Published.Website Author Last Name, First Name Middle Name. Site Title. Created Day Month Year. (Accessed Day Month Year).Format: SentenceN.* N= the sequential number of the in-text citation.Example:

21、 Fill a clear glass lamp with seashells, dried flowers, marbles, or other items to enhance the look of your home in a functional way.15 (這里的數(shù)字應為上標)Format: Footnote Number (Superscript of Corresponding In-Text Citation). Author Full Name, Source Title (Publication Location: Publisher Name, Issue Day

22、(Unabbreviated) Month Year), Page Numbers Without p. or pp.Example: 3. Peggy Pie, The Kooky Cooks Cookie Cookbook (New York: Sweet Tooth Press, 31 December 1989), 312.Format: Endnote Number (Superscript of Corresponding In-Text Citation). Author Full Name, Source Title (Publication Location: Publish

23、er Name, Issue Day (Unabbreviated) Month Year), Page Numbers Without p. or pp.Example: 3. Peggy Pie, The Kooky Cooks Cookie Cookbook (New York: Sweet Tooth Press, 31 December 1989), 312.Additional information may be found at the Chicago Manual of Style website (/).二、芝加哥格式手冊的參考文獻的引用格式1.What is a bibl

24、iography? bibliography(參考文獻)The bibliography is a list of books, documents and other sources used by the author in writing the work and preparing the notes and is usually at the end before the index. It is important to have a bibliography in a work so the readers can quickly see the sources that the

25、 author has used and also other works that the author thinks are related to the subjects. Reference和Bibliography的區(qū)別Reference是指在文中直接或間接地引用參考過了的文獻。Bibliography另外包含了作者背景知識的來源,不一定是直接被引用的文獻。文獻引用是在一篇文章的段落或文字之中“參考來源”的標注,即標明被引用的文字或者材料的來源、出處。參考文獻是作者在撰寫論著過程中直接或間接引用過的(不僅僅是查閱參考過的)有關書籍、期刊等資料。凡是引用他人已發(fā)表文獻中的觀點、數(shù)據(jù)和材

26、料,都要在文中標記。注釋是對正文文字(一段話、一句話)的進一步說明或解釋。它是一種思維的暫?;蚬諒?。(這就說明注釋不是參考文獻)。但我們現(xiàn)金往往將注釋與參考文獻混用,直接用注釋注明參考文獻的出處。文中引用他人的研究成果,要求準確地引用原文,不能斷章取義為我所用。文獻的引用由直接引用和間接引用兩種方式:直接引用:將原文直接照抄,將抄錄的原文用引號標注。間接引用:通過自己的語言,表述被引用的內(nèi)容。但不管是直接引用還是間接引用,都必須標明原始文獻的出處。文末的參考文獻采用順序編碼法按正文中引用的文獻出現(xiàn)的先后順序連續(xù)編碼,并將序號置于方括號中。如: 1中國社會科學院語言研究所詞典編輯室. 現(xiàn)代漢語詞

27、典M. 修訂本. 北京:商務印書館,2019. 2劉徹東. 中國的青年刊物:個性特色為本J. 中國出版,2019(5):38-39. 3國務院新聞辦公室中國的糧食問題N人民日報,2019-10-25(2) 2. bibliography and notestheir similarities and differencesfootnotes and endnotesendnotes and bibliographysuperior numerals注釋與參考文獻的異同若引文“超過一定數(shù)量”,應另起一段,后退一格,用仿宋體。 西方學術界對此有明文規(guī)定。比如,美國心理學協(xié)會出版手冊對“獨立的引語段

28、”(block quotation)的規(guī)定是:“如果引文有40個字或超過40個字,則在獨立的段落中顯示出來,且,不必用引號。”而芝加哥格式手冊給出的數(shù)據(jù)是:“超過100字,或,至少超過8行?!毕啾戎拢绹睦韺W協(xié)會出版手冊的規(guī)定的數(shù)量(超過40個字)太少,芝加哥格式手冊的規(guī)定(超過100字,或,至少超過8行)也許更適合漢語界的學術格式。 外文參考文獻的著作名要用斜體字e.g. Bainton, Roland H. Studies on the Reformation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1966. 析出的文獻的引用方法:從期刊或者論文集中引用某篇論文,則是論文題目要

29、加雙引號,用正體字,而期刊或論文集等用斜體字。例子:Cohn, Henry J. “The Territorial Princes in Germanys Second Reformation, 1559-1622.” In Internationa Calvinism, 1541-1715, ed. Menna Prestwich. Oxford: Clarendon, 1985, pp. 135-165.外文參考文獻中的人名引用格式在腳注尾注中的引用格式和在參考文獻中的引用格式不同腳注尾注中是名在前姓在后參考文獻中是姓在前名在后,姓與名之間有逗號隔開例子:在腳注尾注中E. A. Kosmi

30、nsky, Studies in the Agrarian History of England in the Thirteenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956, pp. 261; 265-267. 在文末參考文獻中應為:Kosminsky, E. A. Studies in the Agrarian History of England in the Thirteenth Century, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1956.Bibliography(參考文獻)示例(一)史料中文:馬丁

31、路德:路德文集(第一、二卷),路德文集中文版編輯委員會編,上海:上海三聯(lián)書店,2019年。馬丁路德:馬丁路德文選,馬丁路德著作翻譯小組譯,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2019年。 外文:Bromiley, G. W., ed. Zwingli and Bullinger. The Library of Christian Classics, vol. XXIV. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1953. Hillerbrand, Hans J., ed. The Protestant Reformation. New York: Harper & Ro

32、w, Publishers, Inc., 1968. Hillerbrand, Hans J., ed. The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1978). Jackson, S. M., and & W. J. Hinke, eds. The Latin Works and the Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 2. P

33、hiladelphia: Heidelberg Press, 1922, repr. as Zwingli on Providence and Other Essays. Durham, NC: The Labyrinth Press, 1983. Jackson, S. M., and C. N. Heller, eds. The Latin Works and the Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 3. Philadelphia: Heidelberg Press, 1929, repr. as Commentary on True a

34、nd False Religion. Durham, NC: The Labyrinth Press, 1981. Jackson, S. M., ed. The Latin Works and the Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, vol. 1: 1510-1522. Trans. Henry Preble etc. New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1912. (二)研究著作和論文中文:阿利斯特麥格拉思:宗教改革運動思潮,蔡錦圖、陳佐人譯,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2009年。埃邦儒爾等:瑞士簡史,南京大學歷史

35、系編譯組譯,南京:江蘇人民出版社,1974年。埃爾頓, G. R.編:新編劍橋世界近代史(第卷),中國社會科學院世界歷史研究所組譯,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2019年。奧爾森:基督教神學思想史,吳瑞誠、徐成德譯,北京:北京大學出版社,2019年。保羅阿爾托依茲:馬丁路德的神學,段琦、孫善玲譯,南京:譯林出版社,2019年。保羅蒂利希:基督教思想史從其猶太和希臘發(fā)端到存在主義,北京:東方出版社,2019年。外文:Bagchi, David, and David C. Steinmetz, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology.

36、 Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019.Bainton, Roland H. Studies on the Reformation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1966. Bainton, Roland H. The Age of the Reformation. Malabar, Florida: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1956; reprint edition 1985.Brady, Thomas A. Jr. Communities, Politics and

37、 Reformation in Early Modern Europe. Leiden: Brill, 2019. German Histories in the Age of Reformations, 1400-1650. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Protestant Politics: Jacob Sturm (1489-1553) and the German Reformation. New Jersey: Humanities Press, 2019. . Turning Swiss: Cities and Empi

38、re, 1450-1550. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.Chardwick, Owen. The Early Reformation on the Continent. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.Courvoisier, Jaques. Zwingli: A Reformed Theologian. Richmond, Virginia: John Knox Press, 1963.Dixion, C. Scott, ed. The German Reformation: The E

39、ssential Readings. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2019.(三)工具書:圣經(jīng)(簡體和合本),中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會、中國基督教協(xié)會,南京,2019年。世界人名翻譯大辭典,新華社譯名室編,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1993年。外國地名譯名手冊(中型本),中國地名委員會編,北京:商務印書館,1993年。Carney, Jo Eldridge, ed. Renaissance and Reformation, 15001620: A Biographical Dictionary. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pr

40、ess, 2019.Dewald, Jonathan, ed. Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World (6 vols). New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 2019.中文格式的參考文獻主要類別M-專著(monograph )A-專著、論文集中的析出文獻(article)C-論文集(conference)N-報紙文章(newspaper)J-期刊文章(journal)D-學位論文(dissertation)R-研究報告(report)S-標準(standard)P-專利(paten

41、t)Z-不屬于上述的文獻類型芝加哥格式手冊的英文參考文獻不分文獻類別。參考文獻的類別及其標識方法1 連續(xù)出版物 作者. 文題 J. 刊名, 年, 卷(期): 起始頁碼-終止頁碼.2 專著(或譯著) 作者. 書名 M. 譯者. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年.3 論文集 作者. 文題 A. 編者. 文集 C. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年.4 學位論文 作者. 文題 D. 所在城市: 保存單位, 年.5 專利文獻 申請者. 專利名 P. 國名及專利號, 發(fā)布日期.6 技術標準 技術標準代號. 技術標準名稱 S.7 技術報告 作者. 文題 R. 報告代碼及編號, 地名: 責任單位, 年份.8 報紙文章

42、作者. 文題 N. 報紙名, 出版日期 (版次).9 在線文獻(電子公告) 作者. 文題 EB/OL , 日期.10 光盤文獻(數(shù)據(jù)庫) 作者. 文題 DB/CD. 出版地: 出版者, 出版日期.11 其他文獻 作者. 文題 Z. 出版地: 出版者, 出版日期. 示例(一)專著示例 1 張志建.嚴復思想研究M. 桂林:廣西師范大學出版社,1989.2 英藹理士.性心理學M. 潘光旦譯注.北京:商務印書館,2019.(二)論文集示例 1 伍蠡甫.西方文論選C. 上海:上海譯文出版社,1979.2 別林斯基.論俄國中篇小說和果戈里君的中篇小說A. 伍蠡甫.西方文論選:下冊C. 上海:上海譯文出版社

43、,1979.凡引專著的頁碼,加圓括號置于文中序號之后。(三)報紙文章示例 1 李大倫.經(jīng)濟全球化的重要性N. 光明日報,2019-12-27,(3)(四)期刊文章示例 1 郭英德.元明文學史觀散論J. 北京師范大學學報(社會科學版),2019(3).(五)學位論文示例 1 劉偉.漢字不同視覺識別方式的理論和實證研究D. 北京:北京師范大學心理系,2019.(六)報告示例 1 白秀水,劉敢,任保平. 西安金融、人才、技術三大要素市場培育與發(fā)展研究R. 西安:陜西師范大學西北經(jīng)濟發(fā)展研究中心,2019.人名、地名譯名的規(guī)范性問題1、規(guī)范、嚴謹米開朗琪羅,or米開蘭基羅、米開朗基羅?(意大利語:Michelangelo,14751564)拜占庭,or拜占廷?伊拉斯謨,or伊拉斯馬斯、伊拉斯莫斯?不同語種導致的人名地名譯名的差異約翰加爾文,John Calvin,根據(jù)法文譯為“讓加爾文”約翰胡斯,or 胡司?捷克語:Jan Hus,譯為“楊胡斯”;英文:John Hus,譯為“約翰胡斯”休加佩(Hugh Cape,約938996,


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