已閱讀5頁,還剩18頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、序號 英 文 全 稱 中 文 解 釋1 A lagging power-factor 滯后(zh hu)的功率因數(shù)2 A mutualky induced e.m.f 互感(hgn)電動勢3 a retarding torque 制動(zh dn)轉矩4 Abnormal operating condition 不正常運行狀態(tài)5 Abnormal overload 異常過載6 Abnormal overvoltage 事故過電壓7 Abnormal state 非常態(tài)8 Above earth potential 對地電勢9 Abrupt signal analysis 突變信號分析10 Ab

2、solute potential 絕對電勢11 AC circuit breaker 交流斷路器12 AC component 交流分量13 AC directional over current relay 交流方向過流繼電器14 AC distribution system 交流配電系統(tǒng)15 AC reclosing relay 交流重合閘繼電器16 Accelerating protection for switching onto fault 重合于故障線路加速保護動作17 Acceleration Trend Relay(ATR) 加速趨勢繼電器18 Accurate Working

3、 Current 精確工作電流19 Accurate Working voltage 精確工作電壓20 Activate the breaker trip coil 起動斷路器跳閘21 Adaptive features 自適應特性22 Adaptive relay protection 自適應繼電保護23 Adaptive relaying 自適應繼電保護24 Adaptive segregated directionalcurrent differential protection 自適應分相方向縱差保護25 Admittance relays 導納型繼電保護裝置26 AI(artific

4、ial intelligence) 人工智能27 Air brake switch 空氣制動開關28 Air breaker 空氣斷路器29 Air-blast circuit breaker 空氣滅弧斷路器30 Air-blast switch 空氣吹弧開關31 Air-space cable 空氣絕緣電纜32 Alarm 報警33 Alarm relay 報警信號繼電器34 Alarm signal;alerting signal 報警信號35 Alive 帶電的36 All-relay interlocking 全部繼電連鎖37 All-relay selector 全繼電式選擇器38

5、Amplitude Comparison 絕對值比較39 Analogue 模擬40 Angle of maximum sensitivity 最大靈敏角41 Annunciator relay 信號繼電器42 Approximation component 逼近(bjn)分量43 Arc extinguishing coil 滅弧線圈(xinqun)44 Arc suppressing coil 消弧線圈45 Arc suppressing reactor 滅弧電抗器46 Arcing fault 電弧接地(jid)故障47 Armature 電樞48 Asymmetric load 不對稱

6、負載49 Asymmetric short circuit 不對稱短路50 Asynchronous resistance 異步電阻51 Asynchronous tractance 異步電抗52 Attacted armature relay 銜鐵(磁鐵)吸合式繼電器53 Automatic quasi-synchronization 自動準同步54 Automatic reclosure 自動重合閘55 auto-put-into device of reserve-source 備用電源自動投入裝置56 auto-recosing with self-synchronism 自同步重合閘

7、57 Auxiliary contacts 輔助觸點58 Auxiliary relay/intermediate relay 輔助繼電器中間繼電器59 B sampling function B樣條函數(shù)60 Back-spin timer 反轉時間繼電器61 Back-up over-speed governor 附加超速保護裝置62 Back-up protection 后備保護63 Back-up ssystem 后備繼電保護64 Biased differential relaying 極化差動繼電保護系統(tǒng)65 Bi-directional relay 雙向繼電器66 Bi-stabl

8、e 雙穩(wěn)態(tài)67 Black-out area 停電區(qū)68 Black-start 黑啟動69 Blinker 繼電器吊牌70 Bloching protection 閉鎖式保護71 Blocking relay 連鎖繼電器72 Blocking signal 閉鎖信號73 Blow-out coil 滅弧線圈74 Branch coefficient 分支系數(shù)75 Breaker contact point 斷路器觸點76 Breaker pount wrench 開關把手77 Breaker trip coil 斷路器跳閘線圈78 Brushless excitation 無刷勵磁79 Bu

9、chholtz protecter 瓦斯保護80 Bundle factor 分裂系數(shù)81 Bundle-conductor spacer 分裂導線82 Bus bar 母線;導電條83 Bus bar current transformer 母線電流變壓器84 Bus bar disconnecting swich 分段母線隔離開關85 Bus compartment 母線室;匯流條隔離室86 Bus coupler CB 母聯(lián)斷路器87 Bus duct 母線(mxin)槽;母線管道88 Bus hub 總線(zn xin)插座89 Bus insulator 母線(mxin)絕緣器90

10、Bus line 匯流線91 Bus protection(Bus-bar protection) 母線保護92 Bus protective relay 母線保護繼電器93 Bus reactor 母線電抗器94 Bus request cycle 總線請求周期95 Bus rings 集電環(huán)96 Bus rod 匯流母線97 Bus section reactor 分段電抗器98 Bus structure 母線支架;總線結構99 Bus tie switch 母線聯(lián)絡開關100 Bus-bar chamber 母線箱101 Bus-bar fault 母線故障102 Bus-bar in

11、sulator 母線絕緣子103 bus-bar protection with fixed circuit xonnection 固定聯(lián)結式母線保護104 Bus-bar sectionalizing switch 母線分段開關105 Bushing 套管106 bushing type xurrent transformer 套管式電流互感器107 Bypass 旁路108 Cable relay 電纜繼電器109 Capacitance 電容110 Capacitance effect 電容效應111 Capacitance relay 電容繼電器112 Capacitive curre

12、nt 電容電流113 Capacitor 電容器114 Capacitor of series compensation 串補電容115 Capacity charge 電容充電116 Capacity ground 電容接地117 Carrier channel 高頻通道118 Carrier or pilot-wire receiver relay 載波或導引線接受繼電器119 Carrier receiver 發(fā)訊機120 Carrier transmitter 收訊機121 Cascading outages 連鎖故障122 Catch net (protecting net) 保護網(wǎng)

13、123 Chatter 顫振124 Circuit breaker 斷路器125 Circuit breaker failure protection 斷路器失靈保護126 Circuit control relay 電路控制繼電器127 Clip-on leads 夾式引線128 Clock 時鐘129 Close by local protection 保護(boh)合閘130 Close-up fault 近距離故障(gzhng)131 Closing coil 合閘線圈(xinqun)132 Closing relay 合閘繼電器133 Coil adjuster 線圈調節(jié)器134 C

14、oil curl 線圈135 Coil current 線圈電流136 Coil end leakage reactance 線圈端漏電抗137 Coil factor 線圈系數(shù)138 coil inductance 線圈電感139 Combined bus and transformer protection 母線和變壓器共用保護140 Commissioning 投運141 Common-mode voltage 共模電壓142 Communication channel 通訊通道143 Communication interface 通訊接口144 Compensation theore

15、m(compensation principle) 補償原理145 Compensation voltage(compensating voltage) 補償電壓146 Compound relay 復合繼電器 147 Concentrated coil 集中繞組148 Concussion 震動149 Conductance relay 電導繼電器150 Configuration control 組態(tài)控制151 Connection with 90degree 度接線152 Constant 常量153 Contact 觸點154 Contact bounce 觸點顫動155 Contac

16、t multiplying relay 觸點多路式繼電器156 Continuous load 持續(xù)負載157 Continuous rating 連續(xù)運行的額定值158 Converter relay 換流器繼電器159 Coordination of relay settings 保護的整定配合160 Coordination time interval 保護配合時間階段161 Core 鐵芯162 Counting relay 計數(shù)繼電器163 Coupler 耦合器164 Critical clearing time 極限切除時間165 Cross-country faults “越野

17、式”雙相同時接地故障166 Crystal can relay 晶體密閉繼電器167 CT line-break 斷線168 Current actuated leakage protector 電流起動型漏電保護器169 Current attenuation 電流衰減170 Current balance type currentdifferential relay 電流平衡式差動電流繼電器;差動平衡式電流繼電器171 Current changer 換流器172 Current compensational ground distance relay 電流補償(bchng)式接地遠距繼電

18、器173 Current consumption 電流(dinli)消耗174 Current differential criterion 電流(dinli)差動判據(jù)175 Current transformer 電流互感器176 Current transformer phase angle 電流互感器相角 177 Current transformer saturation 電流互感器的飽和問題178 Current traveling wave 電流行波179 Current-balance relay 電流平衡式繼電器180 Current-limiting relay 限流繼電器1

19、81 Cut-off of supply 停止供電182 Cut-off push 斷路器按鈕183 Cut-off relay 斷路繼電器184 Cut-out relay 短路繼電器185 Damping circuit 陰尼電路186 Dash current 沖擊電流187 Data medium 數(shù)據(jù)載體188 Data processing 數(shù)據(jù)處理189 Data transmission 數(shù)據(jù)傳輸190 Dead zone(Blind spot) 死區(qū)191 Definite time 定時限192 Definite time relay 定時限繼電器193 Delay-act

20、ion relay 緩動繼電器194 Delta 三角形195 Differential mode interference 差模干擾196 Differential motion 差動197 Differential protection 差動保護198 Differential protection withpercentage restraining 具有比率制動的差動繼電器199 Differential relay 差動繼電器200 Differential relay with fast saturated current transformer 帶有速飽和變流器的差動繼電器201

21、 Differential relay with Restraint Characteristic 具有制動特性的差動繼電器202 Digital protection 數(shù)字式保護203 Digital signal processor 數(shù)字信號處理器204 Direct axis 直軸205 Directional contact 方向觸點206 Directional distance relay 方向距離繼電器207 Directional over-current protection 方向過流保護208 Directional over-current relay 方向過流繼電器20

22、9 Directional pilot relaying 方向縱聯(lián)繼電保護210 Directional protection 方向保護211 Direct-to-ground capacity 對地電容(dinrng)212 Discharge 放電(fng din)213 Disconnecting switch 隔離(gl)開關214 Discontinuous relay 鑒別繼電器215 Discriminating zone 判別區(qū)216 Dislocation 損失、故障引起的混亂217 Disruption 瓦解、系統(tǒng)解列218 Distance protection 距離保護

23、219 Distance relay(impedance relay) 阻抗繼電器220 Distributed capacitance of long line 長線分布電容221 Distribution feeder 配電饋線222 Diviation character 偏移特性223 Double bus bar protection 雙母線保護224 Double-ended clip-on leads 雙頭夾式引線225 Dropout current 回動電流226 Dry-type transformer 干式變壓器227 Dual bus 雙總線228 Dynamic at

24、tributes 動態(tài)特性229 Dynamoelectric relay 電動式繼電器230 Earth fault 接地故障231 Earth-leakage protection 對地漏電保護232 Economic dispatch system 經(jīng)濟調度系統(tǒng)233 Electric capacity 電容234 Electric interlock relay 連鎖繼電器235 Electric reset relay 電復位式繼電器236 Electrical apparatus(equipments) 電器設備237 Electrical governing system 電力調

25、速系統(tǒng)238 Electrical network(power network) 電網(wǎng)239 Electrically operated valve 電動閥門240 Electro polarized relay 極化繼電器241 electrolyte 電解質242 Electromagnetic brake 電磁制動243 Electromagnetic torque 電磁轉矩244 Electromagnetical relay 電磁式繼電器245 Electromechanic relay 機電的246 Electromotive force 電動勢247 Emergency serv

26、ice 事故運行248 Emergency standby 事故備用249 Energy direction relay 能量方向繼電器250 Equivalent circuit 等值電路251 Escapement/interlock/blocking 閉鎖252 Excitation-loss relay 失磁繼電器253 Expert system 專家系統(tǒng)254 Extermal characteristics 外特性255 Extinction coil 消弧線圈256 Extinguishing voltage 滅弧電壓257 Extra high voltage 超高壓258

27、Extra-high-voltage transmission line 超高壓傳輸259 Fail safe interlock 五防裝置260 Fail-safe unit 五防261 Failure rate 故障率262 False tripping 誤動263 Fast ersponse 快速響應264 Fast-operate slow-release relay 快動緩釋繼電器265 Fast-release relay 快釋放繼電器266 Fault clearing time 故障切除時間267 Fault component 故障分量268 Fault detecting

28、relay 故障檢測繼電器269 Fault diagnosis 故障診斷270 Fault line 故障線271 Fault location 故障定位272 Fault phase selection 故障選相273 Fault phase selector 故障選線元件274 Fault recorder 故障錄波器275 Fault type 故障類型276 Fault-component algorithms 故障分量算法277 Faulted phase identification 故障相識別元件278 Faults recorder 故障錄波279 Feedback 反饋28

29、0 Feeder 饋電線281 Fiber optical communication 光纖通信282 Fiber-Optic Pilot 光纖縱聯(lián)保護283 Field application relay 勵磁繼電器;激勵繼電器284 Field failure protection of generator 發(fā)電機的失磁保護285 Field test 實地試驗286 Filter 濾波器287 Finger 觸點的接點288 Fourier algorithm 傅立葉算法289 Free-standing 獨立的;無需支撐物的290 Frequency component 頻率分量291

30、 Frequency response 頻率響應292 Frequency sensing 頻率測量293 Frequency window 頻窗294 Full-wave phase comparison protection 全波相位比較保護295 Fuse box(Fusible cutout) 熔斷器296 Gaseous shield 瓦斯保護裝置297 Gas-Insulater switchgear GIS 氣體絕緣組合電器298 Generator 發(fā)電機299 Generator cutout relay 發(fā)電機斷路繼電器300 Generator Negative Curr

31、ent Protection 發(fā)電機負序電流保護301 Generator out of step protection 發(fā)電機失步保護302 Generator protection 發(fā)電機保護303 Generator protection for negativesequence current 發(fā)電機負序電流保護304 Generator stator single phase earth fault 發(fā)電機定子繞組單相接地保護305 Generator stator winding short circuit faults 發(fā)電機定子繞組短路故障306 Generator-trans

32、former set 發(fā)電機變壓器組307 Graded time settings 階梯型時間配置308 Grading 等級309 Ground fault relay 接地故障繼電器310 Ground-fault of ungrounded system 小電流接地系統(tǒng)311 Grounding apparatus 接地裝置312 Half-cycle integral algorithm 半周積分算法313 Hard strap 硬壓板314 Harmonic current 正弦電流315 Harmonic restraining 諧波制動316 Healthy phases 非故

33、障相317 Heavy load 重負荷318 Hidden failures 隱形故障319 High impedance busbar differetial protection 高阻抗母線差動保護320 High resistance 高阻321 High sensitive relay 高靈敏度繼電器322 High speed impedance relay 高速阻抗繼電器323 High speed signal acquisition system 高速數(shù)字信號采集系統(tǒng)324 High tension electrical porcelain insulator 高壓電瓷絕緣子

34、325 High voltage line 高壓線路326 High-frequency direction finder 高頻測向器327 High-voltage relay 高壓繼電器328 Immune to electromagnetic interference 不受電磁干擾329 Impedance circle 阻抗圓330 Impedance compensator 阻抗補償器331 Impedance converter 阻抗變換器332 Impedance mismatch 阻抗失配333 Impulsing relay 沖擊繼電器334 Inadvertent ener

35、gization 過激磁335 Incorrect tripping 誤動336 Inductance couping 電感耦合337 Induction coefficient 感應系數(shù)338 Induction cup relay 感應杯式繼電器339 Induction disc relay 感應圓盤式繼電器340 Induction type relay 感應式繼電器341 Inductor 電感342 Infeed current 助增電流343 Inrush exciting current of transformer 勵磁涌流344 Instantaneous protecti

36、on 瞬時保護345 Instantaneous under voltageprotection with current supervision 電流閉鎖電壓速斷保護346 Insulation supervision device 絕緣監(jiān)視347 Insulator 絕緣子348 Insulator arcing horn 絕緣子角形避雷器349 Insulator arc-over 絕緣子閃絡350 Insulator bracket 絕緣子托架351 Insulator cap 絕緣子帽352 Insulator chain 絕緣子串353 Inter turn faults 匝間短路

37、354 Interlock 連鎖355 Intermittent fault 間歇故障356 Intermittent fillet weld 間接角縫焊接357 Internal fault 內部故障358 Internal resistance 內阻359 Interrupting time 斷路時間360 Intertripping underreach protection 遠方跳閘欠范圍保護361 Inverse phase sequence protection 逆相序保護362 Inverse power protection 逆功率保護363 Isolated neutral

38、system 中性點絕緣系統(tǒng)364 Jumper connection 跳線365 Kalman filter algorithm 卡爾曼濾波算法366 Laplace and Fourier transforms 拉氏和傅里葉變換367 Leased line 租用線路368 LED 發(fā)光二極管369 Line trap 線路陷波器370 Load characteristic 負載特性371 Load flow calculations 潮流計算372 Load patterns 負荷形式373 Load schedule according to frequency change 按周波

39、減載374 Load shedding 甩負荷375 Lockout relay 閉鎖出口繼電器376 Locus of measured impedance 測量阻抗軌跡377 Longitudinal differential protection 縱聯(lián)差動保護378 Longitudinal differential relay 縱聯(lián)差動繼電器379 Loss of synchronism protection 失步保護380 Low impedance busbar protection 低阻抗母線保護381 Low-frequency component,subharmonic 低頻

40、分量,低次諧波382 Low-frequency high-voltage protection 低頻高壓試驗383 Low-voltage protection 低壓保護384 Low-voltage rekease relay 低壓釋放繼電器385 Low-voltage relay 低壓繼電器386 Magnetic flux 磁通387 Magnetic induction 磁感應強度388 Magnetization curve 磁化曲線389 Magnetizing 磁化390 Magnetizing inrush current 勱磁涌流391 Magnitude of curr

41、ent 電流幅值392 Main protection 主保護393 Manipulating organ 操作單元394 Manipulation 操作395 Man-machine interface 人機對話接口396 Margin 裕度397 Measured impedance 測量阻抗398 Measurement 測量399 Measurement signal 測量信號400 Measuring unit 測量元件401 Mechanism latch 機械鎖402 Memory circuit 記憶回路403 Metallic fault 金屬性故障404 Micro-pro

42、cessor based protective relay 微機繼電保護405 Microwave link protection 微波保護406 Minimum load impedance 最小負荷阻抗407 Motor-field failure relay 電動機磁場故障繼電器408 Moving coil relay 動圈式繼電器409 Muktiole-reclosing breaker 多次重合閘斷路器410 Multi-ended circuit protection 多端線路保護411 Multi-finger contactor 多觸點接觸器412 Multi-phase

43、compensated impedance relay 多相補償式阻抗繼電器413 Multiple earth 多重接地414 Multi-zone rekay 分段限時繼電器415 Mutual-induction 互感416 Mutual-induction of zero sequence 零序互感的影響417 Mutually coupled lines 有互感線路418 Negative direction 反方向419 Negative phase relay 負相位繼電器420 Negative sequence impedance 負序阻抗421 Negative-phase

44、 sequence impendence 負相序繼電器422 Network topology 網(wǎng)絡拓樸423 Neutral auto-transformer 中性點接地自耦變壓器424 Neutral displacement protection 中性點過電壓保護425 Neutral-current transformer 零序電流互感器426 Neutral-point earthing 中性點接地427 No-load release 無跳閘428 Non-linear characteristics 非線性特性429 Non-sinusoidal signal 非正弦信號430

45、Normal inverse 反時限431 Normally closed contacts 常閉節(jié)點432 Normally open contacts 常開節(jié)點433 Object-oriented 面向對向434 Off-peak 非峰值的435 Off-position 斷開位置436 Offset impedance relay 偏移特性阻抗繼電器437 Ohm relay 電阻繼電器438 Oil-immersed type reactor 油浸式電抗器439 Open-phase relay 斷相繼電器440 Operating characteristic 動作特性441 Op

46、erating eqution(criterion) 動作方程(判據(jù))442 Operating load 運行負載443 Operating time 動作時間444 Operational(internal)over-voltage 操作(內部)過電壓445 Optical link protection 光纖保護446 Option board 選擇板447 Optoelectronic coupler 光電耦合器件448 Orthogonal 正交的449 Oscillation 振蕩450 Oscillator coil 振蕩線圈451 Oscillatory reactivity

47、perturbation 振蕩反應性擾動452 Oscillatory surge 振蕩沖擊453 Out flowing current 外汲電流454 Out going line 引出線455 Out of service 退出運行456 Out of step 失步457 Outlet 出口458 Output(executive) organ 出口(執(zhí)行)元件459 Over current protection 過電流保護460 Over fluxing ptrtection 過勵磁保護461 Over head line 架空線462 Over load 過負荷463 Over

48、reach blocking scheme 超范圍閉鎖式464 Over voltage protection 過電壓保護465 Over voltage relay 過壓繼電器531466 Over-current relay withunder-voltage supervision 低電壓起動的過電流保護467 Over-load relay 過載繼電器468 Over-load trip 過載跳閘469 Parallel 并聯(lián)470 Parallel port 并聯(lián)出口471 Peak value (交變量的)最大值472 Percentage differential protect

49、ion 比率差動保護473 Percentage differential relay 比率差動繼電器474 Permanent fault 永久性故障475 Permissive under reaching transfertrip scheme 欠范圍允許跳閘式476 Permissive underreach protection 允許式欠范圍保護477 Phase comparison protection 相位比較保護478 Phase comparison relay 相位比較繼電器479 Phase segregated protection 分相保護480 Phase to

50、phase fault 相間故障481 Phase-angle of voltage transformer 電壓互感器的相角差482 Phase-shifting algorithm 移相算法483 Pilot protection 高頻保護;縱聯(lián)保護484 Pilot protection using distance relay 距離縱聯(lián)保護485 Platform 平臺486 Pneumatic 氣動的487 Pockels effect 波克爾斯效應488 Polar characteristics 極化特性489 Polarized voltage 極化電壓490 Pole-pai

51、rs 極對數(shù)491 Porcelain insulator 瓷絕緣子492 Positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗493 Potential transformer 電壓互感器494 Power direction relay 功率方向繼電器495 Power factlr relay 功率因數(shù)繼電器496 Power failure 電源故障497 Power line carrier 電力線載波498 Power line carrier channel 高頻通道499 Power line carrier protection 電力線載波保護500 Power

52、relay 功率繼電器501 Power rheostat 電力變壓器502 Power swing(out of step)blocking 振蕩(失步)閉鎖503 Power system analysis and computation 電力系統(tǒng)分析與計算504 Power system control 電力系統(tǒng)控制505 Power system oscillation 電力系統(tǒng)振蕩506 Power system splitting and reclosing 解列重合閘507 Power system transients 電力系統(tǒng)暫態(tài)508 Power-angle 功角509 P

53、ower-angle curve 功角特性曲線510 Power-transfer relay 電源切換繼電器511 Power-transformer relay 電力傳輸繼電器512 Primary 一次側的513 Primary protection 主保護514 Private line 專用線路515 Proportional Brake LongitudinalDifferential Protection 比例制動式縱差保護516 Protection against overpressure 超壓防護517 Protection against unsymmetrical lo

54、ad 不對稱負載保護裝置518 Protection criterion 保護判據(jù)519 Protection device 保護設備;防護設備520 Protection feature 保護特性521 Protection of generator-transformer set 發(fā)電機-變壓器保護522 Protection reactor 保護電抗器523 Protection screen 保護屏524 Protection switch 保護開關525 Protective cap 保護帽526 Protective casing 保護外殼527 Protective cover(

55、protective housing) 保護罩528 Protective device(protective gear) 保護裝置529 Protective earthing 保護接地530 Protective earthing outer insulation 保護接地外絕緣531 Protective equipment 保護設備532 Protective gap 保護間隙533 Protective ground 保護性接地534 Protective link 保護線路535 Protective panel 保護屏柜536 Protective relaying equipm

56、ent 繼電保護裝置537 Protective switch 保護開關538 Protective system 保護系統(tǒng)539 Protective transformer 保護變壓器540 PT line-break PT斷線541 Pulse 脈沖542 Pulse relay(surge relay) 沖擊繼電器543 Quadrature 正交544 Quadrature axis 交軸545 Quasi-steady state 準穩(wěn)態(tài)546 Rated armature current 額定電樞電流547 Rated burden/Rated load 額定負載548 Rate

57、d primary voltage 一次額定電壓549 Rated secondary voltage 二次額定電壓550 Ratio restrain 比率制動551 Reach(setting)of protection 保護范圍(定值)552 Reactance 電抗553 Reactance bond 電抗耦合554 Reactance of armature reaction 電樞反應電抗555 Reactive power cimpensation 無功補償器556 Reactor grounded neutral system 中性點電抗接地系統(tǒng)557 Receiver mach

58、ine 收信機558 Reclaim time 復歸時間559 Recloser 重合閘560 Rectangular wave 矩形波561 Rectifier bridge 整流橋562 Recursive least square algorihm 最小二乘算法563 Redundancy of relaying system 保護配置的冗余度564 Relay acceleration after auto-reclosing 重合閘后加速保護565 Relay acceleration before auto-reclosing 重合閘前加速保護566 Relay act trip

59、繼電器操作跳閘567 Relay based on incremental quantity 增量(突變量)繼電器568 Relay based on transient component 暫態(tài)保護569 Relay location 保護安裝處570 Relay must-operate value 繼電器保證啟動值571 Relay overrun 繼電器超限運行572 Relay system configuration 保護配置573 Remote backup protection 遠后備保護574 Remote controlled 遙控的575 Remote Terminal

60、Unit 遠程終端設備576 Remote-control apparatus 遠程控制設備577 Reserve bus 備用母線578 Residual current 零序電流579 Residual current relay 零序電流(dinli)繼電器580 Residual magnetism 剩磁(shngc)581 Resistance grounded neutral system 中性點接地(jid)方式582 Resultant torque 合成轉矩583 Returning current of protection device 保護裝置返回584 Reverse


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