初二英語上冊(cè)Unit 4 Our World詞句精講精練_第1頁
初二英語上冊(cè)Unit 4 Our World詞句精講精練_第2頁
初二英語上冊(cè)Unit 4 Our World詞句精講精練_第3頁
初二英語上冊(cè)Unit 4 Our World詞句精講精練_第4頁
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1、.*;Unit 4 Our World詞句精講精練【詞匯精講】1. share1share用作及物動(dòng)詞,意為“共用;合用;分享。例如:Its hard to share power. 權(quán)利很難分享。2share sth. with sb.意為“與某人分享某物。例如:Tony shared his chocolate with other kids.托尼把他的巧克力與其他孩子分著吃了。She shares a house with two other students.她與另外兩個(gè)同學(xué)合住一所房子。2. feed feed作動(dòng)詞,意為“喂養(yǎng),飼養(yǎng)。常用如下搭配:1feedto中的feed是及物動(dòng)

2、詞,其后接飼料或食物名詞作賓語,to為介詞,其后一般接動(dòng)物或小孩等名詞表示對(duì)象,意為“把喂給吃。例如:Please feed some grass to the cow. 請(qǐng)給牛喂點(diǎn)草。She has fed milk to the baby. 她已給嬰兒喂過奶。2feedon中的feed也是及物動(dòng)詞,其后接人或動(dòng)物名詞作賓語, on后接食物或飼料名詞,意為“用喂。on與with 可交換。例如:The child was feeding the monkey on/with a banana.那孩子正用香蕉喂猴子。3. thousandthousand是數(shù)詞,意為“千,當(dāng)表示詳細(xì)的“幾千時(shí),用

3、“基數(shù)詞 + thousand,注意不加-s。例如: There are nine thousand students in our school. 我們學(xué)校有9000名學(xué)生?!就卣埂?thousands of 表示“數(shù)千,成千上萬的,這時(shí)thousand后要加-s,且后面有介詞of,但是不能與數(shù)詞連用。例如:There are thousands of people in the street. 在街上有成千上萬的人。2表示數(shù)詞的還有hundred“百,million“百萬,billion“十億。它們的用法和thousand一樣,可以用來表示約數(shù)和確數(shù)。例如:More than ninehu

4、ndredpeople have died in the fighting.900多人在這場戰(zhàn)斗中喪生。The programme was viewed on television inmillionsofhomes.無數(shù)家庭通過電視收看了這個(gè)節(jié)目。4. find out find out意為“找到,發(fā)現(xiàn),查明,多指通過調(diào)查、詢問、打聽、研究之后“弄明白。通常含有“經(jīng)過困難、曲折之后才找出難以找到的東西。例如: Please find out when the train leaves. 請(qǐng)查一下火車什么時(shí)候離站。【拓展】 1find是動(dòng)詞,意為“找到,通常指找到或發(fā)現(xiàn)詳細(xì)的東西,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是找的

5、結(jié)果。例如: He didnt find his book. 他沒有找到他的書。 2look for意為“尋找,是有目的地找,強(qiáng)調(diào)找的動(dòng)作。例如: Jim is looking for his little dog. 吉姆正在找他的狗。5. protectprotect為及物動(dòng)詞,意為“保護(hù)。常用搭配protect sb./sth. from,意為“保護(hù)某人/某物免受傷害。例如:We should protect rare animals.我們應(yīng)該保護(hù)珍稀動(dòng)物。Parents protect their young children from danger. 父母保護(hù)他們的孩子不受傷害。6.

6、look uplook up 意為“在詞典或參考書中查閱,檢查,其后跟名詞作賓語,名詞可放在look和up之間,也可放在look up 之后;假如代詞作賓語,那么只能放在look和up之間。例如:Look up the word in the book, and you will know its meaning.在書中查查這個(gè)詞,你就知道它的意思了。Please look them up in the dictionary carefully. 請(qǐng)仔細(xì)在詞典中查一下它們。 7. missing missing是形容詞,意為“找不到的,失蹤的。例如: They still hoped to f

7、ind their missing son. 他們?nèi)匀幌M业剿麄兪й櫟膬鹤?。【拓展】辨?missing ; lost ; gone missing意為“失蹤的,找不到的,強(qiáng)調(diào)某人或某物不在原處。lost意為“喪失的,迷路的,輸?shù)袅说?。gone意為“分開的,過去的,不復(fù)存在的,不做定語。例如:I never found the missing letter.我一直沒有找到喪失的那封信。Dont go too far away, or youll get lost.不要走得太遠(yuǎn),否那么你會(huì)迷路的。Now it was gone, as though it had never been.如今它已

8、逝去,仿佛它從未存在過。8. talk about sth. talk是不及物動(dòng)詞,意為“談話,講話。常用短語:talk about sb. / sth. 議論某人/某事;talk to sb. 和某人議論;talk with sb. 和某人交談。例如:They are talking about a movie. 他們?cè)谧h論一部電影。 Dont talk to me while Im studying. 在我學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)不要和我說話。Ill need totalkwithyou, but theres no hurry.我得和你談?wù)劊恢薄?. in dangerin danger 意為“處于

9、危險(xiǎn)中。danger是名詞,意為“危險(xiǎn),danger的反義詞是safety,意為“平安。dangerous是形容詞,意為“危險(xiǎn)的,常放在be動(dòng)詞后面作表語。dangerous的反義詞是safe,意為“平安的。例如:We must help the animals in danger. 我們必須幫助處于危險(xiǎn)中的動(dòng)物。 Its dangerous here,please take the boy to the safety. 這危險(xiǎn),請(qǐng)把男孩帶到平安的地方去。10. run out of run out of 意為“用完,主語只能是人。例如:He has run out of red ink. 他

10、的紅墨水用完了。 We run out of coal, and had to burn wood. 我們的煤用完了,所以不得不燒柴。 【拓展】run out of和run out的辨析:run out和run out of 這兩個(gè)短語都有“用完的意思,但用法不同。run out作不及物動(dòng)詞短語,表示“被用完;被耗盡,其主語通常是時(shí)間、金錢、食物等無生命的名詞。而run out of那么是及物動(dòng)詞短語,表示主動(dòng)。例如:His strength ran out. 他的力氣用完了。11. pay attention to pay attention to表示“注意;留心;專心,該短語中to是介詞,

11、后面可以接名詞、代詞、動(dòng)名詞或賓語從句。例如: Dont pay any attention to Nina she doesnt know what shes talking about. 別理睬Nina她根本不知道自己在說什么。You must pay attention to the problems of spelling in your writing.你必須注意你寫作中的拼寫問題。You should pay more attention to observing.你應(yīng)該多注意觀察。12. die outdie out 意為“滅絕,是固定短語。例如: This species ha

12、s nearly died out because their habitat is being destroyed.因棲息地正遭受破壞,這一物種已幾乎滅絕?!就卣埂縟ie是不及物動(dòng)詞,意為“死。其如今分詞是dying;過去式和過去分詞為died;其名詞為death;形容詞為dead。例如:His grandpa died three years ago. 他的祖父三年前死了。His grandpas death made him very sad.他祖父的死使他很傷心。The old man has been dead for many years.這位老人已經(jīng)去世多年了?!咀⒁狻?die是

13、非延續(xù)動(dòng)詞,不能與表示一段時(shí)間的短語連用,應(yīng)用be dead 來代替。2dying 是形容詞,意為“臨終的;垂死的,用來做定語,修飾名詞。例如:dying wishes臨終遺愿。13. land land作名詞,意為“陸地。例如:Most mammals live on land. 大多數(shù)哺乳動(dòng)物生活在陸地上。【拓展】land作不及物動(dòng)詞,意為“著陸。例如:When are we landing? 我們什么時(shí)候著陸?In a few minutes. 等幾分鐘就著陸了。14. whole & all whole和all都可作形容詞,都有“整個(gè)的,完全的之意,但用法不同。 1whole表示“全部

14、的,全體的,用法如下: 1 用在表示整體的單數(shù)名詞前:限定詞 + whole + 單數(shù)名詞。例如:the whole year 全年 2 可接復(fù)數(shù)名詞:限定詞+ whole + of + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞。例如:the whole of students 全體學(xué)生 3 whole不能修飾不可數(shù)名詞或物質(zhì)名詞,不能說the whole water。 2all表示“全,都,主要用法如下:1 用在表示整體的單數(shù)名詞前,all + 限定詞 + 單數(shù)名詞。例如:all the year 一整年2 可接復(fù)數(shù)名詞,all + 限定詞 + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞。例如:all the students 全體學(xué)生3 all 能用于各

15、種情況。例如:all the water所有的水【注意】 當(dāng)whole和all與復(fù)數(shù)名詞連用時(shí),whole強(qiáng)調(diào)“完好的;整體的,而all強(qiáng)調(diào)“所有的。例如:It snowed for fifteen whole days this January. 今年一月整整下了十五天雪。Im glad that all my friends can come to my birthday party. 我很快樂,所有的朋友都能來參加我的生日聚會(huì)。【詞匯精練】I. 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞。1. People can enjoy n_ in the countryside. The air is fre

16、sher and the sky is bluer there.2. She c_ the table with a cloth yesterday.3. In the o_, there are all kinds of fishes.4. Thousands of old trees were in the f_ ten years ago, but now there are few.5. She began to draw on the paper, after a while, a beautiful cat a_.6. Wes here and there, but could n

17、ot find her.7. She probably knew that I wasnt telling her thew story.8. The security forces have started searching for them men.II.根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填空。1. These plants float on the _ 外表 of the water.2. My grandparents keep a lot of _ 綿羊 in the countryside.3. The fox usually _ 以為食 meat.4. The teacher had no _

18、 控制 over the children.5. The rivers in the countryside are much _清澈的 than those in the cities. 6. He sets an _ 典范 to the other students.7. They could learn English well in such a bad _ 情況.8. Robots can _ 修理 machines easily.9. I am quite sleepy. Dont _ 叫醒 me up until 8 oclock tomorrow morning.10. Mr.

19、 Wang advised us to use an English-English _ 字典.11.The school promised rapid 結(jié)果in the learning of languages. 12. We take care of animals and plants. In fact we _ 保護(hù) ourselves.III. 根據(jù)句意,用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。danger, sheep, make, France, science1. A lot of _ are eating grass by the river.2. Lin Tao can speak

20、 Chinese and _.3. The traffic here is very busy and its _ for children to walk alone.4. Whats this building _ of ?5. Mrs. Green is a famous _. She invented many useful things.IV. 綜合填空。用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,其中有兩項(xiàng)多余。feed, fresh, rubber, small, on, control, meatThere are a lot of trees around us. The trees can help to make the air 1 and cleaner. They can also help to 2 the weather. They provide


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