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1、Writing-Abstract(SCI摘要寫作要點(diǎn)-英文版)Writing-Abstract(SCI摘要寫作要點(diǎn)-英文版)Writing-Abstract(SCI摘要寫作要點(diǎn)-英文版)Contents(Functions and Elements Wu Junkang )(Language Focus Li Chuanyang )(Case analysis Dong Chengpeng )Contents1Introduction2How to write3Practice(Functions and Elements Wu Junkang )(Language Focus Li Chua

2、nyang )(Case analysis Dong Chengpeng ) Introduction Definition A short passage showing the substantive research contents andinformantions briefly and clearly without any comments and extra explainations.Purposes Offering substantive research contents for readers to decide whether they want to get th

3、e whole paper. Elements Objective of the researchResearch methodsResearch resultsConclusions Functions For busy readers to understand the research contents quickly and attracting them to read the whole paper .For database searching services IntroductionObjective of the research Including research pr

4、emise, background, goals and topic areaResearch methods The principle, theory, conditions, objects, materials, technology, structure, equipment, procedures, etcResearch results The results ,data,relationships between the observations and the effect Conclusions The analysis,comparison and evaluation

5、of results and sometimes the applicationElements IntroductionDifferent types of abstractInformative abstract: Summarizing the odjective,methods,primary datas and conclusions of the paper comprehensively and briefly. Usually, this abstract can partly replace reading the full text.About 200300words.Th

6、at depends.Indicative abstract:Normally summarizing the theme of the paper, with just two or three sentences and without any arguments and conclusions,which is commonly for reviews and meeting reports. This abstract can be used to help readers to decide whether to read the full text or not.About 100

7、 words.Informative-indicative abstract: Summarizing the highest valuable informations in forms of informative abstract expression, while showing the rest in forms of indicative abstract expression. text.About 100200words. IntroductionAttention:All of these elements must be expressed Briefly and Clea

8、rly.The quality of your paper directly affects whether it is accepted and the retrieved and cited frequency.The number of the words should be generally controlled in 5%10% of the full text. IntroductionAnnouncements:No common senses and comments in abstract,dont mention the contents that should be w

9、ritten in Introduction.Dont simply remention the meaning of the title.The elements should be expressed briefly and clealy,and dont make the abstract divided into sections.Use the third person and standardized expressions.The word abbreviations should be performed with full name for the first time.No

10、 mathematical formulas, chemical structural formulas, figures and tables performed How to write Language FocusWelcome Li Chuanyang ! ()1.English abstract contains the title, abstract and keywords. According to the relevant provisions of international academic session, for international exchanges, sc

11、ientific and technical reports, dissertations and academic papers should be accompanied by a foreign language (English) Abstract.2. In principle, the Chinese abstract considerations are applicable to the preparation of a summary in English, but English has its own way of expression, language habits,

12、so in writing English abstract should pay more attention. Language FocusThe general principles of AbstractThe sentence of the English abstract should be simple, usually about 510 significance complete statement smooth sentences. In order to achieve the most concise summary in English, and clear resu

13、lts, need to use the following methods:1) the summary at the beginning of the first sentence, do not repeat the title with papers2) The background information should be deleted, or reduced to a minimum.3) only use new information. Past studies should be deleted or minimized4) Do not include the auth

14、or future plans.5) should not contain a summary which not belong to the statement, such as:Work described herein, are . first“Work described herein, has not been reported.“Work described herein, is an improvement of the latest research. Language FocusThe general principles of Abstract6) Do not repea

15、t the same expression of the information.such as: at a temperature of 250 to 300 Should be replaced at 250300 at a high pressure of 1.2 MPa Should be replaced at 1.2 Mpa7) delete unnecessary phrases, such as: “A method is described”,/ “In this work”, “It is reported that”, “Extensive investigations

16、show that” Language Focus Language FocusThe tenses of AbstractEnglish abstract tenses is better to use present tense, past tense, present perfect, past perfect tense less, while other composite state basic need.The present tense. For the beginning of this paper points out that the research purpose,

17、narrative research content, describe the results, conclusions, advice or discussion, etc. For example:This study(investigation) is (conducted, undertaken) to ;The resultshows(reveals),It is found thatThe conclusions areThe author suggests The tenses of AbstractThe past tense. Used to describe the di

18、scovery of the past a certain period of time, or a research process (such as experiment, observation, investigation, medical process). Such as: The technique of . was applied to study.The voice of abstractsWhat kind of voice, it is necessary to consider the abstract of the characteristics, but also

19、to meet the needs expressed. A abstract is very short, just try not to mix, but do not mix in a sentence. Passive voice can be used in most cases.Active voice. Now try to advocate the use of active voice more and more, because it helps the text is clear, concise and forceful expression. Language Foc

20、usThe voice of abstractsPassive voice. Previous emphasis on multi-passive voice, reason is that the facts of scientific papers mainly through, as that thing is who did it, without going to prove. In fact, in the indicative abstract, to emphasize the action taker, to use the passive voice is better.

21、The person and parts of the English abstractIn recent years, the beginning of abstract often use the third person,such as: This paper ., and now tend to use more concise passive voice, infinitive or sub-word phrase at beginning.Numerals. Avoid using Arabic numerals as the first word, eg: Three hundr

22、ed . are collected . in Three hundred do not write 300Singular and plural. Singular and plural forms of nouns is not easy to identify, results predicate form error. Language FocusSentencesTo be familiar with common English abstract sentence(1) research purposes, commonly used in the summary of the f

23、irst In order to ., this paper describes . The purpose of this study is . This paper intends / aims to .(2) indicates research objects and methods The effect/sensitivity/function of certain was observed/detected/studied, to emphasize the action taker, to use the passive voice is better. Language Foc

24、us Practice Case Analysis Welcome Dong Chengpeng ! o()oInformative abstract (報(bào)道性摘要)Its characteristics are summarizes papers the purpose, methods, key data and conclusions comprehensively and brieflyIndicative abstract (指示性摘要)Also called descriptive abstract, descriptive abstract or topic abstract,

25、generally only two or three Sentences summarize the themes, without involving the evidence and conclusions. This abstract can be used to help potential readers to decide whether to read the full text. Informative- indicative abstract (報(bào)道-指示性摘要)Informative abstract form in order to express a higher v

26、alue section of information in the literature ,indicative abstract form in the rest of the presentation. Case Analysis Sequence of Writing Abstract The first sentence: You talk about the significance of this paper. The second sentence: Using “To eluicdatie the mechanism ., To investigate ., or for t

27、he purpose of . ”beginning to tell the purpose of your research.The third sentence: tells you the contents of the study, research methods.The fourth sentence: telling the main result of yours research. The fifth sentence: the results of your research conclusions Case Analysis SCI informative abstract case SCI indicative abstract casecase SCI informative- indicative abstract SCI abstract commonly used method of expressionResults section(1) show study result, there are common vocabularies: show, result, present, etc.(2) Introduction conclusions have common vocabularies:summary


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