1、 來源網(wǎng)絡整理,僅供供參考來源網(wǎng)絡整理,僅供供參考 描寫父愛的英語句子1、父愛是高山,即使在最困難的時候,也鼓勵我挺直脊梁。Love is a mountain, even in the most difficult times, I was encouraged to straighten the backbone.2、父親的德行是兒子最好的遺產(chǎn)。The fathers virtue is the sons best legacy.3、沒有哪一個人真正了解自己的父親,但是,我們大家都有某 種推測或某種信任。No one really knows his own father, but we
2、all have a certain kind of speculation or some kind of trust.4、父愛是一縷陽光,讓你的心靈即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到溫 暖如春。Love is a ray of sunshine, let your mind even in the cold winter can feel the warmth of spring.5、父愛是一把大傘,總在有雨的天里撐著。父愛是一座大山, 挺拔而偉岸。The father is a big umbrella, in rainy days holding. Love is a mountain, tal
3、l and stalwart.6、父親不需要用多好的語言來贊美他,像一頭任勞任怨的牛!My father does not need to use good language to praise him, like a hard working cattle!7、水平高的父母與子女之間造成悲慘的誤解的,常因成年人要 在青年身上獲得只有成年人才有的反響與情操。High levels of parents and children caused a tragic misunderstanding, often for adults to get only adults to get the res
4、ponse and sentiment.8、父愛是一座山峰,讓你的身心即使承受風霜雨雪也沉著堅定。Love is a mountain, let your mind calm and firm also even under various difficulties and hardships.9、父母所欲為者,我繼述之;父母所重念者,我親厚之。The parents want to be the person, I afterwards said; the parents of the heavy read, I kiss the thickness of the.10、擁有思想的瞬間,是幸
5、福的;擁有感受的快意,是幸福的;擁 有父愛也是幸福的。Have thought the moment, be happy; have feelings of pleasure, happiness; have fatherly love is happiness.11、父親是一個銀行,發(fā)行知識,支付愛。The father is a bank, the issue of knowledge, pay love.12、老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。天下可運于掌。Old and old, as well as old people; young and old, and young pe
6、ople. The world can be transported in the palm.13、父愛是一把大傘,即使在風雨交加的路上,也不讓一滴水珠 落在我身上。The father is a big umbrella, even on the road will not let Its raining and blowing hard., a drop of water fell on me.14、父親,是你一個氣度寬大的朋友。Father, you are a generous friend.15、父愛是一座大山,挺拔而偉岸。Love is a mountain, tall and s
7、talwart.16、父愛是沉默的,如果你感覺到了那就不是父愛了!Love is silent, if you feel that its not the father!17、父愛就像用布條編成的網(wǎng),看似粗糙,孩子睡在里面卻很安 全。父愛像縷縷陽光,能給孩子一生溫暖。Love is the cloth woven net, seemingly rough, children sleep are safe inside. Love like the sun continuously, can give children life warm.18、父愛是一片*的大海,濃郁而深遠。The fathe
8、r is a world of waters of the sea, rich and profound.19、父愛是蠟燭,默默的為我們奉獻著自己。The father is a candle, silently dedication to our own.20、一個父親能管好一百個兒子,而一百個兒子卻難管一個父親。A father can manage one hundred sons, and one hundred sons but a handful of a father.21、男人最然鐵石心腸,但只要當了父親,就會有一顆溫柔的心。The man has a heart of sto
9、ne, but as long as the father, there will be a gentle heart.22、父愛是拐杖,讓我們在人生中少摔跟頭。Love is a crutch, let little stumble in life.23、對做父親的人來說,失去父親不一定就是不幸;對做兒子的 人來說,沒有兒子也不一定就是痛苦。For the father of the people, the loss of a father is not necessarily unfortunate; for the son of the people, no son is not nec
10、essarily the pain.24、我會見到上天的震怒,卻看不到憤怒的父親。I will see the wrath of heaven, but not by the angry father.25、父愛是北斗,即使在伸手不見五指的夜里,也能讓我辨明方 向。The father is the Big Dipper, even in the dark night, also can let me identify the direction.26、父愛是一泓清泉,讓你的情感即使蒙上歲月的風塵依然純潔 明凈。Love is a clear spring, let your emotions
11、 over the years even if the dust is still pure and bright and clean.27、使你的父親感到榮耀的莫過于你以最大的熱誠繼續(xù)你的學業(yè), 并努力奮發(fā)以期成為一個誠實而杰出的男子漢。Make your way to the glory of his father with the biggest enthusiasm you continue your studies, and make efforts to become an honest and outstanding man.28、為人父母天下至善;為人子女天下大孝。As par
12、ents for children all over the world the world perfection; filial piety.29、父親的愛是威嚴的、沉默的、憂郁的、深遠的。讓你的思想 即使沾上骯臟的污垢也能煥然一新。His fathers love is dignified, silent, melancholy and profound. Let your mind be a new look, even if it is dirty.30、父愛是我人生旅途中的一盞明燈,在我迷路時,照亮我的行程。Love is a lamp in my journey, when I g
13、et lost, make my trip.31、父愛是座山,比山更偉岸,父愛是條江,比江更寬廣,父愛 是片海,比海更慷慨,父愛是棵樹,比樹更大度。Love is a mountain, the father is taller than our mountain, river, wider than the river, the father is more generous than the sea, the sea, the father is more generous than the tree tree.32、父親,應該是一個氣度寬大的朋友。Father, should be a
14、generous friend.33、父愛可以犧牲自己的一切,包括自己的的生命。Love can sacrifice everything, including his life.34、父愛同母愛一樣的無私,他不求回報;父愛是一種默默無聞,寓于無形之中的一Fatherly love with motherly love and selfless, he does not return; the father is an unknown to the public, in an invisible.35、人見生男生女好,不知男女催人老。People see a good boy, I do not know men and women aged.36、父愛是音樂,讓我們快快樂樂的生活。Love is music, let us happy life.37、父親期望兒子比自己更加無可指責,這是無可指責的。The father expects his son to be more than himself, and that is to blame.38、家庭是父親的王國,母親的世界,兒童的樂園。The family is the kingdom of the father, the mother of
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