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1、Discuss the words meaningExercise 1Exercise 2Exercise 3Discuss the words meaningperspective : a particular way of thinking about something or viewing something The speaker gave us an insiders perspective of food safety.Read the sentences below and use context to write the definitions of the underlin

2、ed words. One word has been done for you.e.g.outrage:_ The public were outraged at the successive campus shooting. The citizens felt outraged at the irresponsible remarks made by the member of the Parliament. “Outrage” can also be used as an noun. e.g. widespread outrage international outrage public

3、 outrage moral outrage in outrageto make somebody shocked or angry Discuss the words meaning廣泛的憤慨國際義憤公憤義憤憤怒地Noteperpetrator:_ _ It is reported that the principal perpetrator of the crime was finally caught by police in a small village. Similarly, I take into account the alcohol intake of all family

4、members, not just that of the perpetrator of the abuse.(Text A) “Perpetrate” is the verb form. a person who commits a crime or does something wrong or evil Discuss the words meaningNote3. marital:_ _ The couple has decided to get a divorce. Now they are considering about hiring a lawyer to help them

5、 divide their marital assets. Intense drinking by the perpetrator or the victim (spouse) often leads to increased marital conflict.(Text A) Collocations: marital problem connected with marriage or with the relationship between a husband and wifeDiscuss the words meaning婚姻問題Discuss the words meaning

6、marital discord marital breakdown marital agreement marital autonomy marital crime marital status 夫妻不和婚姻破裂婚姻協(xié)議 婚姻自主(權(quán))婚姻上的犯罪婚姻狀況4. project:_ _ He projected his guilt unconsciously on his partner. Universally, all abusers, whether hitters or drinkers , project blame onto others: “Its not my fault”. (

7、Text A) Exercise: What does “project” mean in each of the following sentences? transfer an emotion or desire to another person, especially unconsciouslyDiscuss the words meaningDiscuss the words meaning 1. They are projecting a new plant for sewage treatment. 2. The population of that city is projec

8、ted to rise to one million in the next five years. 3. She wants to project herself more as a friend than a leader. 4. Light projected his shadow onto the wall. 5. He tried to project himself into their situation. 6. Sharp rocks are projecting from the seas at the base of the cliffs. 設(shè)計(jì),規(guī)劃預(yù)計(jì)展現(xiàn)投射設(shè)想處于.

9、突出,伸出5. tirade:_ They launched into a tirade against the government for its inept handling of the nuclear crisis. The politician delivered an angry tirade against the new policy of tax reduction. a long angry speech criticizing somebody or somethingDiscuss the words meaning6. recrimination:_ _ Gradu

10、ally both parties realized that mutual recrimination will do no good to the solution of the problem. At the meeting, there was a period of bitter recrimination.accusations made by two people or two groups of people about each others behaviorDiscuss the words meaningintoxicate:_ _ He has no capacity

11、for liquor: one glass of wine is enough to intoxicate him. Peter was arrested for DWL (driving while intoxicated). “Intoxicate” can also mean “to excite sb. greatly”. e.g. She was intoxicated with success. to cause to lose control of ones behavior because of alcohol drink or a drugDiscuss the words

12、meaningNote8. norm:_ _ Many children who witness abuse falsely take violence as a norm and expect it in their own adult relationships. Strikes are the norm in some European countries. Collocations: accepted norm ethical norm social norm a situation or a pattern of behavior that is usual or expectedD

13、iscuss the words meaning接受的規(guī)范; 公認(rèn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)倫理規(guī)范社會(huì)規(guī)范Discuss the words meaning statistical norm family norm conform to the norm break the norm deviate from the norm above the norm below the norm 統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 家庭規(guī)范符合規(guī)范違規(guī)偏離常態(tài) 高于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)低于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)9. symptom:_ _ The drug will help relieve your symptoms of allergy. Symptoms of this

14、kind of disease include fever and stomachache. Collocations: typical symptom chronic symptom acute symptom a change in ones body or mind that shows that he/she is not healthy Discuss the words meaning典型癥狀 慢性病癥 急性病癥Discuss the words meaning intermittent symptom severe symptom mild symptom physical sy

15、mptom mental symptom psychological symptom display/have/exhibit symptom develop symptom aggravate symptom identify the symptom relieve symptom間歇性病癥嚴(yán)重的癥狀輕微的癥狀身體上的癥狀心智上的癥狀心理上的癥狀呈現(xiàn)癥狀出現(xiàn)癥狀加劇癥狀識(shí)別癥狀緩解癥狀10. instigate:_ The fightings between the two countries were instigated by the territory dispute. It woul

16、d be unwise to instigate a military attack. “Instigate” can also mean “incite sb to do sth bad”. e.g. He instigated the two parties to fight. to cause something bad to happenDiscuss the words meaningNote11. imbibe:_ They used to imbibe cans of beer in the open air at night. It is really dangerous if

17、 you imbibe a lot before driving.Note “ Imbibe” means “absorb sth, especially information” in the following sentence. He imbibed much knowledge of English history from these books. to drink something especially alcoholDiscuss the words meaningNote12. ambiguous:_ The ambiguous nature of many legislat

18、ive acts requires clarification by the courts. She deliberately gave an ambiguous account of what happened that night. not having one obvious meaning, confusingDiscuss the words meaning13. mediate :_ _ The government mediated between the workers and the employers. They attempted to mediate between t

19、he warring countries to end the fighting. “Mediation” is the noun form. to intervene in a dispute between two groups of people in order to bring about agreementDiscuss the words meaningNote14. harbor:_ _ The criminal may harbor hatred against his neighbor. He harbored a grudge against his boss .to k

20、eep feelings or thoughts, especially negative ones in ones mind for a long timeDiscuss the words meaning15. intimidate:_ _ The kidnapper intimidated him into paying a ransom of $50000 for his little boy. He intimidated his neighbor into silence. More related words in the family. to frighten or threa

21、ten somebody in order to make him do what one wantsDiscuss the words meaningNoteintimidation intimidator intimidatory intimidatingly16. pent- up:_ _ Without an outlet, her pent-up discontent of her marriage life might eventually grow to form abnormal psychology. He finally found a chance to release

22、his pent-up emotion.(of feelings , energy, etc.) that cannot be expressed or releasedDiscuss the words meaning17. accommodate:_ _ The new comers of the company need to accommodate to the new working environment. He accommodated himself easily to the new schedule. “Accommodate” means “ provide sb wit

23、h a room or place to sleep, live or sit” in the following sentence. The auditorium can accommodate 3000 people. to change ones behavior in order to deal with a new situation betterDiscuss the words meaningNote18. distortion:_ _ They are in a rage with the medias report which is considered to be full

24、 of distortions of the facts. His account of the incident has been condemned for a gross distortion of the truth. the changing of the meaning or purpose of something into something that one disapproves ofDiscuss the words meaning19. milieu:_ The municipal government tried to create a milieu conduciv

25、e to the technological innovation. This restructuring of family life establishes a milieu that tolerates and accommodates to violence. social environment one lives inDiscuss the words meaning20. syndrome:_ _ It is a rare syndrome in which the production of white blood cells is damaged. This syndrome

26、 mainly affected people over sixties.a set of physical conditions that show one has a particular disease or medical problemDiscuss the words meaning21. irritability:_ The boss sometimes displays irritability towards his subordinates over trifles. Apart from occasional irritability with the child, he

27、 proved himself a good husband and father. bad tempter; a tendency to be easily annoyedDiscuss the words meaning22. illusory: _ The young graduate has an illusory hope that he will find a well-paid job soon. People in that country had an illusory sense of freedom and security. Exercise: Can you list

28、 some other words with the similar meaning as “illusory”? not real, although seeming to beDiscuss the words meaningimaginaryunrealfancifuldeceptivedelusive23. property:_ One of the physical properties of the metal is to expand with heat and contract with cold. The pupils are comparing the chemical p

29、roperties of these two substances. “Property” also means “possessions”. e.g. He inherited considerable property from his grandfather.a quality or characteristics that something hasDiscuss the words meaningNoteNote24. abstinent:_ _ The doctor strongly advised the patient to be abstinent from alcohol.

30、 Experience suggests this is not the case; abstinent and recovering substance abusers are well-represented in domestic violence courts and batterers programs. (Text B)refraining from an activity or from the consumption of something, especially alcoholDiscuss the words meaning25. divergent:_ It seems

31、 there are always divergent views on these hot issues. Capital and labor have divergent interests.tending to differDiscuss the words meaning26. cognitive:_ _ Scientists are trying to understand the process of childrens cognitive development. This cognitive model of children learning their first lang

32、uage is rather complex.connected with mental processes of understanding Discuss the words meaning27. intervention:_ _ The child would have suffered from continuous abuse but for the intervention of the police. State intervention in economy sometimes is inevitable. Collocations: timely intervention p

33、ersonal interventiongetting involved in order to influence a situation in some wayDiscuss the words meaning及時(shí)干預(yù)親自介入Discuss the words meaningarmed intervention foreign intervention legal intervention judicial interventionsurgical interventionhuman interventionpolitical interventionactive intervention

34、武裝干涉外國的干涉法律干預(yù)司法介入外科手術(shù)治療人為干預(yù)政治干預(yù)積極介入28. cumulative:_ _ People in that area have suffered heavily from the cumulative effect of incessant flooding these years. The Kaufman Kantor and Murray Straus study measured only whether the batterer or victim had been drinking at the time of the violence(use), no

35、t their drinking pattern or the cumulative effects of drinking(abuse). (Text B)increasing in quantity, degree, or force by successive additionsDiscuss the words meaning29. erosion:_ _ People in that country are worrying about the gradual erosion of their civil liberties. The erosion of the passive f

36、emale stereotype is likely to result in more women being charged and convicted of offences generally, (Text C) the gradual destruction or removal of power, rights, etcDiscuss the words meaning30. domineer:_ _ She had an unhappy childhood because her father was a cold and domineering man. They finall

37、y got divorced because the husband domineers over the wife and the children.assert ones will over another in an arrogant wayDiscuss the words meaningDiscuss the words meaning22. Find more words of each word family. The first one has been done for you.Base formOther related forms in the word familyab

38、usecontribute expose identify normal abuser, abusive, abusively, abusiveness, abusagecontributing, contribution, contributor, contributable exposure, exposition, expositional, expositor, expository identifiable, identification, identified, identity, unidentifiablenormally, abnormal, abnormally, norm

39、ality, normalnessDiscuss the words meaningBase form Other related forms in the word familyevidentinhibit stress stable establish evidence, evidential, evidentially, evidently, evidentnessinhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitive, inhibitory, inhibitorstressed, stressful, unstressed, stressorstab

40、ilise, stability , stabilised, unstable, instability, stabilisation established, establishing, establishment, disestablished, disestablishment, establisherDiscuss the words meaningBase formOther related forms in the word familyintense motivedomestic analyze internal intensely, intenseness, intensifi

41、cation, intensified, intensify, intension, intensity, intensive, intensivelymotivate, motivated, motivating, motivation, unmotivateddomestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domesticsanalysed, analyser, analysing, analysis, analystinternally, internalize, internalization, internalizedD

42、iscuss the words meaningBase formOther related forms in the word familyconcept eliminatedefineconstructemergeisolateconception, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualising, conceptuallyeliminated, eliminating, elimination, eliminative, eliminatordefinable, defined,

43、defining, definition, redefine, redefined, redefining, undefinedconstructed, constructing, construction, constructive, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstructionemerged, emergence, emergency, emergent, emergingisolated, isolating, isolation, isolationism, isolationist, isolatableDisc

44、uss the words meaning3. Explain the meaning of the following roots. Add at least five similar derivatives with their Chinese definitions. One example has been given to you.RootsMeaningMore derivatives with Chinese translatione.g.physiorelating to nature and natural phenomenaphysics物理學(xué);physiology 生理學(xué);physiologist生理學(xué)家;physiotherapy 物理療法;physiological 生理的Discuss the words meaningRootsMeaningMore derivatives with Chinese translation1uni-one;having one2tri-three; having three3minstic


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