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1、Boundary Control of a Single Point Mooring System with Input Saturation in Three-Dimensional Space匯報人:項韋杰指導老師:賀威北京科技大學 自動化學院CONTENTS231Background IntroductionDynamic AnalysisNumerical Simulations4Control Design5Conclusions and Future work北京科技大學Background Introduction1 Nowadays, flexible mooring syst

2、ems (FMSs) are widely used in engineering field, such as inshore gas and oil exploitation in deeper and harsher ocean environment. The marine environment is complex due to the influence of wind, wave, ocean current, tide, etc. Therefore, suppressing the vibration of the FMS is a challenging research

3、 task.北京科技大學Fig. 1.Flexible mooring systems (FMSs) Many engineering systems have flexible structures, such as Euler-Bernoulli beam, flexible marine risers, and flexible manipulators. 北京科技大學Fig .2 Two-link manipulatorsFig .3 Single-link manipulatorFig .4 Robot manipulators北京科技大學Fig .5 Flexible satell

4、iteFig .6 Flexible crane In the process of dynamic analysis, we regard the flexible mooring system as a distributed parameter system (DPS). The DPS is mathematically described by PDEs and a series of ODEs.北京科技大學Fig .7 Euler-Bernoulli beamDynamic Analysis2A typical single point mooring line system is

5、 provided in Fig. 8.北京科技大學 We consider the single point mooring line system with input saturation in X,Y,Z directions,and the input saturation functions are written as below:北京科技大學Dynamic Modeling北京科技大學The governing equation and boundary conditions can be described as:Using the Hamiltons principle:W

6、e can obtain the governing equations as follows:北京科技大學The boundary conditions as follows:北京科技大學Control Design3The systems block diagram as shown in Fig. 9.北京科技大學 Since the mooring line system has an impact on input saturation, we design an auxiliary system to compensate the input saturation, to achi

7、eve better control performance. This auxiliary system is given below:北京科技大學 In order to suppress the vibration of the mooring line system, we propose the boundary control laws as follows:北京科技大學Consider the Lyapunov candidate function :北京科技大學By proving, we can obtain that derivate of V(t) as follows:

8、北京科技大學Furthermore, under the proposed control theme, we can obtain:The control design is completed.北京科技大學Numerical Simulations4The parameters of the flexible mooring line system are listed in Table:北京科技大學Without control:北京科技大學Fig .10 Displacement on X without controlFig .11 Displacement on Y without

9、 controlFig .12 Displacement on Z without controlWith the proposed boundary control:北京科技大學Fig .13 Displacement on X with proposed controlFig .14 Displacement on Y with proposed controlFig .15 Displacement on Z with proposed controlConclusions and Future work5 This strategy proposes the boundary cont

10、rol for suppressing the vibration of a single point mooring line with input saturation in three-dimensional directions. A typical auxiliary system is proposed to compensate for the systems input saturation. We modeled the systems dynamic process as a DPS which is described by PDEs and ODEs. The prop

11、osed boundary control provides accurate and concise analysis for the single point mooring line system. With the proposed control design, all the signals of the closed-loop system have been verified to be uniformly bounded through applying the LDM. In addition, the ocean environment is complex and changeful, a single point mooring line is not enough. Therefore, it is an interesting theme of mooring lines systems future stud


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