



1、Unit One Company IntroductionObjectives:Have a general idea of the course arrangement.Have a general understand what is interpreting.Get familiar with the information of the two companies.Improve the skills on short-term memory.Have a good command of the basic words and expressions about company int

2、roductions.Warming-up PracticeInterpret the following story into the target language.Moon in the wellOne day,a little monkey is playing by the well. He looks in the well and shouts : “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says, “Goodness me!The mo

3、on is really in the water!” And olderly monkey comes over. He is very surprised as well and cries out: “The moon is in the well.” A group of monkeys run over to the well . They look at the moon in the well and shout:“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Letget it out!” Then,the oldest monkey hang

4、s on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch . And he pulls the next monkeys feet with his hands. All the other monkeys follow his suit, And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see t

5、he moon in the sky, He yells excitedly “Dont be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!” 井底撈月一天,有只小猴子在井邊玩兒。它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “噢!我的天!月亮掉到井里頭啦!一只大猴子跑來一看,說, “糟啦!月亮掉在井里頭啦!” 老猴子也跑過來。 他也非常驚奇,喊道: “糟了,月亮掉在井里頭了!” 一群猴子跑到井邊來, 他們看到井里的月亮,喊道: “月亮掉在井里頭啦!快來!讓我們把它撈起來!” 然后,老猴子倒掛在大樹上, 拉住大猴子的腳, 其他的猴子一個個跟著, 它們一只連著一只直到井里。 正好他

6、們摸到月亮的時候,老猴子抬頭發(fā)現(xiàn)月亮掛在天上呢 它興奮地大叫:“別蠢了!月亮還好好地掛在天上呢!”Phrase interpretingInterpret the following words and phrases into Chinese or English respectively.龍頭企業(yè) 民營企業(yè)合資企業(yè) 上市公司子公司 注冊資本公司形象 企業(yè)目標專利技術(shù) 高新技術(shù)Sentence InterpretingListen to the sentences and interpret each sentence into the target language.1. Langsha

7、owns 4,000 sets of most advanced sock machines imported from the US, Japan and Italy.2. 浙江新光飾品是一家集飾品研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售、貿(mào)易于一體的大型民營企業(yè)。3. 經(jīng)過十年的發(fā)展,新光公司已發(fā)展成為中國知名企業(yè),中國飾品行業(yè)的龍頭企業(yè)。4. 王斌集團座落于中國國際小商品城義烏,下轄六個生產(chǎn)基地,總占地面積82萬平方米,現(xiàn)有員工7000多人。5. Repow products have been exported to over 40 countries where reputable distributors

8、 have been established to deal with the important aspect of after sales customer care, service and warranty.6. With an annual production capacity of 350,000 “E” vehicles Repow is one of the largest electric vehicle manufacturers in China.7. 青年汽車集團客車產(chǎn)品與世界領(lǐng)先的德國NEOPLAN合作,產(chǎn)品覆蓋長途旅游、公交、專用客車等全部領(lǐng)域, 國內(nèi)市場占有率超

9、過80%。8. 青年汽車集團的發(fā)展得到國家和各級政府的肯定,先后獲得中國客車企業(yè)10強、中國機械工業(yè)500強、“國家級重點高新技術(shù)企業(yè)”、“國家火炬計劃”等榮譽。9. As one of the factories with the most complete varieties and specifications in China, our company is pointed to be the supplier of many domestic garments、suitcase and tent factories as well.10. In 1999 Weihai passed

10、the ISO9000 quality system certification, the first one in the province purchased computer-controlled zipper test equipment.Passage Interpreting (sight interpreting)Text AInterpret the following introduction of Zhejiang Berkam Garment Co, Ltd.浙江貝克曼服飾股份有限公司總投資2800萬美元,占地11萬平方米,員工2600多名,一直致力于時尚男裝的設(shè)計與生產(chǎn)

11、, 其產(chǎn)品涉及服裝、鞋、包、皮具及配飾等各個領(lǐng)域,尤其在休閑服飾領(lǐng)域中是新生活觀、新著裝觀的潮頭導(dǎo)航者。并在俄羅斯、意大利、中國香港等五十幾個國家和地區(qū)注冊了貝克曼商標,設(shè)立了生產(chǎn)基地和研發(fā)基地,在全球有十多個銷售分公司,實施了貝克曼品牌的國際化運作。貝克曼始終奉行“沒有最好只有更好”的品質(zhì)理念,系列產(chǎn)品已通過ISO9001:2000國際質(zhì)量體系認證。貝克曼公司被國家出入境檢驗檢疫局批準為“產(chǎn)品綠色通道”企業(yè),產(chǎn)品獲“國家免檢”、“浙江名牌”榮譽稱號。Text BInterpret the following introduction of Winner International Trade

12、 Co. Ltd.Established in 1994, Winner International Trade Co., Ltd is an enterprise which engages in international trade in texitile and clothes.The turnover in 2009 reached $30 million,and the amount of imports was up to $100,000.Our company sticks to the principle of Quality First, Prestige First a

13、nd Customers First. Wed like to cooperate sincerely with enterprises at home and abroad to create the splendid future together. Reading Expansion 有限責任公司和有限股份公司1、有限責任公司是屬于“人資兩合公司”,其運作不僅是資本的結(jié)合,而且還是股東之間的信任關(guān)系,在這一點上,可以認為他是基于合伙企業(yè)和股份有限公司之間的;股份有限公司完全是資合公司,是股東的資本結(jié)合,不基于股東間的信任關(guān)系. 2、有限責任公司的股東人數(shù)有限制,為2人以上50人以下,而 HYPERLINK /view/30746.htm t _blank 股份有限公司股東人數(shù)沒有上限,只要不少于5人就可以。 3、有限責任公司的股東向股東以外的人轉(zhuǎn)讓出資有限制,需要經(jīng)過全體股東過半數(shù)同意,


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