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1、上海牛津英語 4A 講義 M1U1 Meeting new people 1. 詞匯: classmate 同學(xué) schoolmate 校友 deskmate 同桌 friend 伴侶 meet 遇見 people 人們 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 student number 學(xué)號 sit 坐 skip 跳繩 live 居住 near 在 鄰近 year 年 well 好 mask 面具 2. 詞

2、組: my classmate 我的同學(xué) go to the park 去公園 ride a bicycle 騎自行車 skip a rope 跳繩 live near the school 住在學(xué)校鄰近 walk to school 走路去學(xué)校 play basketball 打籃球 like reading 寵愛閱讀 years old 歲 Nice to meet you !很興奮遇到你! Nice to meet you, too. 我也很興奮遇到你! See you !再見! 3. 語法:形容詞性物主代詞 his , her ,your , my,its , their , our

3、形容詞性物主代詞(全部格)后必需加名詞; my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother His/Her name is name s Sally. 向別人介紹某個人 Can 句型 can 后的動詞必需是原形 He can swim very fast. He can t sing.Can he climb a tree ? 主語是第一人稱 I ,we,其次人稱 you 和第三人稱復(fù)數(shù) they , his parents 等的 時候,句中動詞用原形; 動詞不加 s 主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,動詞要相應(yīng)變化(加 s) She lives ne

4、ar our school. She walks to school every day. My friend has a nice dress ; 變否定句和疑問句時要添加助動詞 doesnt 和 does,動詞要變回原形; My brother doesn t likehis toy car. Does Kitty walk to school every day ? like 后面加 名詞復(fù)數(shù) We like balls. 動詞 ing 形式 We like playing basketball. to do We like to play basketball. do-doing 的規(guī)

5、章:直接加 ing singing , playing , painting , jumping 去末尾的 e,加 ing writing , dancing , coming 練習(xí): 雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再加 ing swimming , skipping running 一, 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: This is I new classmate. she name s Sally.That s weEnglish teacher. he brother is my classmate. I deskmate is Jill, she hair is long. 二, 讀句子,用適當(dāng)?shù)拇?/p>

6、詞填空; Jack is my friend. sister is Kitty. 第 1 頁,共 11 頁Whats Jack s sister s s Kitty. 根 are long. Mr Li is our teacher. has got a red car. Whos your father.The tallmanisfather. Has your brother got a big ball.No, hasn t. My father is a doctor. is tall. car is black. -Is that ruler.-Yes,it s r

7、uler.Eddie and I are s classroom, -Are in Class2 .Yes, am. Look at these trees. are tall and green. roots 三, 按要求該句子: 1.I like this book. 一般疑問句 like this book ? 2.Jill lives near the school. 否定句 Jill doesnt livenear the school. 3.Ginger likes to eat fish. 一般疑問句 Ginger to eat fish. 4.They walk to scho

8、ol every day. 一般疑問句 they to school every day. 5.Ben and Alice can swim very fast. 對劃線提問 _What can Ben and Alice _ do. M1U2 Abilities 1. 詞匯: climb 爬 draw 畫畫 paint 用顏料畫畫 swim 游泳 read 讀 write 寫 Jump 跳 hop 單腳跳 picture 畫,圖 dream 夢 interview 采訪 guest 嘉賓 everyone 大家,每個人 fast 快 high 高 very 很,特殊 welcome 歡迎 b

9、oth (兩個)都 dolphin 海豚 wasp 黃蜂 crisp 薯片 2. 詞組: paint a picture 畫一幅畫 climb a tree 爬樹 count to three 數(shù)到三 very much 特殊 read a book 看書 swim in the river 在河里游泳 fly very high 飛得很高 swim very fast 游得很快 very well 很好 both super 都很棒 our guest 我們的嘉賓 welcome to 歡迎來到 3. 語法: 句型 確定句: I/He/She/They can run fast. 否定句:

10、I/He/She/They can t run fast. 一般疑問句: Can you/he/she/they run fast ? 特殊疑問句: What can you/he/she/they do ? 2.have got,has got 表示某人有某物 4. 寫作:能用所學(xué)語言對一個人進(jìn)行描述; 題目: My friend/classmate/father My friend and I are good friends. We live in the same flat. We study in the same school. We go to school together.

11、We are deskmates. We are alike. We have the same hobbies such asplaying basketball. We help each other. We return home together. We are like twins. 5. 形容詞性物主代詞 his , her ,your , my, its ,their , our 練習(xí): 一, 按要求寫單詞: 第 2 頁,共 11 頁1. 同音詞: see for here watch 2. 反義詞: tall young black 3. 同類詞: draw eleven yo

12、ur 4. 復(fù)數(shù): people foot glass 二,用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: Here be some bread for you. How many class are there in your school. Where is you white rubber. My father can drive a car. Who be that tall lady. Supergirl write,but she can fly high. you count the bookls.No,I can. Here be two glass of milk. Dont ride the b

13、icycleon the road.Can you pony sing. - be you fifteen.-No,he not be fifteen, -Can her brother write ABC.-No,he can. Please give I that book. 三 按要求寫句子: can t write. 合成一句 . 2.My friend can play football well. 否定句 My friend play football well. 3.My parents can swim fast. 改成一般疑問句,并做確定回答 your fast.Yes, .

14、 4.I can ride a bicycle to the park. 一般疑問句 you a bicycle to the park. 5.Can his sister draw well. (確定句 well. 6.Sam can jump. (劃線提問 改為 can Sam . 7.Our classmate can sing . 對劃線提問 can classmate . 8.He likes swimming in the river. 把 like He in the river. 9.Their father is Tim. 對劃線提問 their father. 10.Her

15、 brother has got some nice pictures. 一般疑問句 her brother nice pictures. M1U3 How do you feel. 1. 詞匯: back 回來 biscuit 餅干 feel 感覺 happy 興奮的 sad 傷心的 hungry 餓 full 飽的 thirsty 口渴的 tired 累的 crow 烏鴉 bottle 瓶子 water 水 drink 喝 pebble 小石子 so 所以 then 那么,然后 idea 方法 toast 烤面包 post 郵局 lamp 燈 postman 郵遞員 第 3 頁,共 11

16、頁large 大的 cream 奶油 berry 果凍 want 需要,想要 2. 詞組: a new bicycle 一輛新自行車 have some biscuits 吃些餅干 each other 對方 drink some water 喝些水 thirsty and tired 又渴又累 a good idea 一個好想法 a bottle of water 一瓶水 a piece of toast 一片烤面包 long and thin 又長又細(xì) post lamp 路燈 post office 郵局 be full of 布滿了 be tired of 厭倦 Have some b

17、iscuits. Thank you. I have an idea. 我有一個想法; 3. 語法: Howdoyoufeel? I m /we rehungry. How does Danny feel ? Hes thirsty. 以 here ,there 開頭的句子 是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)仍是不行數(shù)名詞; be 動詞用 is 仍是 are 要看后面的名詞是單數(shù)仍是復(fù)數(shù), Here s somewater for you. Here are some pebbles. There is a bottle under the tree. 練習(xí): 一 按要求寫單詞: There are three

18、crows in the tree. 1.peach 復(fù)數(shù) 反義詞 3.her 主格 反義詞 賓格 5.right 同音詞 7.hungry 反義詞 二用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: 同義詞 some biscuit. s sweet. dothe lime taste.-It do his sister feel.-They are tired. hair be long. 5.-Where are the mouse.-They are under the bed. are Betty red coats. do Jill feel.-She s happy. monkey like to ea

19、t bananas. have some juice,please. not bethirsty. be some juice. 11.-What can his brother do. is a old man. have your son got. 14.There are three knife in my box. s fine. do your grandma feel.-She likes make the snowman. Teddy swim in the sea. 18. they like to eat chicken. is any water in the bottle

20、. 三,按要求改句子: 1.Mary can make some strawberry 否定句 cakes. Mary make strawberry 確定句 2.Has her deskmate got a blue skateboard. Her got a blue skateboard. 第 4 頁,共 11 頁3.I have got a new colour ball. 一般疑問句 you a new ball. 4.Sam is on the sofa. 對劃線提問 Sam. m sad. 用 how 提問 How you . 6.Grandma is fine. 對劃線提問 g

21、randma. 7.Sam is hungry. 對劃線提問 對劃線提問 How Sam . 8.We are thirsty and hungry now. now. 9.There is a bottle under the tree. 對劃線提問 How there under the tree. 10.My pencil is yellow and red. 對劃線提問 is your pencil. 11.Her father is thirty-eight. 對劃線提問 is her father. 12.There are some pebbles in the bottle.

22、一般疑問句 there pebbles in the bottle. 13.I have got an umbrella. 將 I 改為 the girl The girl got an umbrella. M2U1 Jill s family單詞: uncle 叔,舅,伯 aunt 姨媽,姑媽,舅媽 cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 parents 父母親 grandparents 祖(外祖)父母 family 家庭 welcome 歡迎 dive 跳水 really 真的 Mid-autumn Day 中秋節(jié) watch 看,觀看 riddle 謎語 sometimes 有時 bright

23、光明的 lady 女士 dish 盤子 wash 洗 catch 抓 cook 做飯 put 放 garden 花園 visit 探望 photo 照片 mooncake 月餅 詞組: my mother s brother我母親的兄弟 have some mooncakes 吃月餅 watch the beautiful moon in the garden the girl in the short black dress the lady in the long red skirt the man in the bright green shirt 在花園里看漂亮的月亮 那個穿著短的黑色

24、連衣裙的女孩 那個穿著長的紅色裙子的女士 那個穿著鮮綠色襯衣的男士 catch the fish 抓魚 wash the dishes 洗盤子 cook the fish 煮魚 put the fish on the plate 把魚放在盤子里 on Mid-autumn Day 在中秋節(jié) visit her grandparents 探望祖父母 句型: have 句型: 確定句: I have ( got ) a nice coat. Jill hasgot a nice cat. 否定句: I dont have ( got ) a nice dress. Jill doesnt have

25、 got a nice cat. 或 I haven t got anice dress. Jill hasn t got anice cat. 一般疑問句: Do you have a nice dress. Does Jill have a nice cat. 或 Have you got a nice dress. Has Jill got a nice cat. 特殊疑問句: What have you (got ) . What has Jillgot. 或 How many do you have ? How many does she have ? 第 5 頁,共 11 頁2 -

26、Whos that man. 那個男人是誰? -He s my 他是我的( 親人) . s some water. Here are some biscuits. s right. 你是對的; 真的嗎? 6.How many uncles and aunts do you have. 練習(xí): 一, 按要求寫單詞: father (同類詞) grandmother 同義詞 your 主格 four 同音詞 he 全部格 family 復(fù)數(shù) aunt 同音詞 dive 名詞 danceing 形式 fat 反義詞 hi 同音詞 we 全部格 boy 復(fù)數(shù) 二, 用所給詞的正確形式填空: 1. yo

27、u have friends.Yes,I . are this girls.They re my classmate. have a uncle. he name is Bob. bus. many bus can you see.I can see one 5.My auns can dance.They like dance. 6.That man is the boy not like peaches. is photo of Jill s family.There be five peoplein the family. parents have some riddles for me

28、. 三,按要求寫句子: 1.That man is my father. that man 一般疑問句 father. 對劃線提問 2. .She s my cousin.she. girl s nameis Kitty. 對劃線提問 this girl s name. brother s nameisDavid.對劃線提問 her brother s name.5.We have some mooncakes. 一般疑問句,并確定回答 have mooncakes.Yes, . 6.Wangrong is tired. Wangrong 對劃線提問 . M2U2 Jobs 單詞: docto

29、r 醫(yī)生 nurse 護(hù)士 teacher 老師 student 同學(xué) police officer 警察 fire 火 firefighter 消防員 cook 廚師 bus driver 巴士司機(jī) job 工作 call 打電話 fire station 消防站 bring 帶來 engine 引擎 brave 勇敢的 afraid 可怕 dangerous 危險的 princess 公主 pretty 漂亮的 dream 夢 price 價格 dress 連衣裙 dream 夢 care 關(guān)懷 詞組: call the fire station 打電話給消防站 brave firefig

30、hter 勇敢的消防員 Visit a fire station 參觀一個消防站 put out the fire 滅火 第 6 頁,共 11 頁Play with fire 玩火 help people 幫忙人們 be afraid of 可怕 句型: 1.-What does he do./What is he. -He s a doctor. 2.Welcome to our fire station. 3. 祈使句: Dont playwith fire. 否定句 同義句: Youcant playwith fire. Close the door , please. (確定句) Pl

31、ease don t close the door.(否定句) 4. I can help people. help 后加名詞和代詞的賓格: help Alice/me/her/him/it/them 5. I like my job. you. -Yourewelcome.練習(xí): 一, 給以下句子配對: Who is he ? A.I can put out fire. What does he do. m Mr Brown.What can he do. m happy. I like my job.Where is he. m a firefighter. m at the fire s

32、tation. How does he feel. 二, 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空: 1. What their mother do.She s a cook. recousin.2. Can the firefighter . likes .paint 3. Look at the fireman.They are brave. 4. What beyou.Werepostman. 5. How many dresshas the princess.She s one.6. Our grandfathers have some riddles for we . 7. What are the

33、lady.They renurse. 8. Do you have a uncle.Yes,I s drive9. Welcome to is I 10. The girl be s Paul三, 按要求改句子; 1.What does your mother do. your mother. 改成句意相同的句子 2.My uncle is a police officer 對劃線部分提問 What uncle . re nurses. 對劃線部分提問 What they . 4.Tom is a young doctor. 改成否定句,句意不變 Tom doctor. 5.Dont play

34、withfire,children.Children play with fire. 改成句意相同的句子 6.What are you. 改成句意相同的句子 . 7.The police officers are brave 改為一般疑問句,并做確定回答 第 7 頁,共 11 頁8.That lady is a teacher. .Yes, . 改為一般疑問句,并做否定回答 .No, . 9.We are at the fire station. 對劃線部分提問 you. 10.Hes a cook. he 對劃線部分提問 . 四,按要求寫詞: doctor 同類詞 又小又尖 dangerou

35、s反義詞 pretty 同義詞 bring 反義詞 firefighter 同義詞 Ben 全部格 their 主格 M2U3 I have a friend 單詞: coat 外套 shirt 男襯衣 blouse 女襯衣 skirt 短裙 T-shirt T 恤 sweater 毛衣 jeans 牛仔褲 shorts 短褲 strong 強(qiáng)壯的 sharp 尖的 blunt 鈍的 tooth ( teeth )牙齒 footfeet 腳 net 網(wǎng) bite 咬 kid 小孩 bread 面包 sock 襪子 jacket 夾克衫 wear 穿 shoe 鞋 詞組: a pair of j

36、eans 一條牛仔褲 a pair of shorts 一條短褲 a pair of shoes一雙鞋 a pair of socks 一雙短襪 small and sharp an orange coat 一件橙色的上衣 句型: have 句型 確定句 : I have a pink and white T-shirt. It has small but sharp teeth. 否定句: I havent got apinkandwhite T-shirt. It hasnt got small but sharp teeth. 一般疑問句 :Have you got a pink and

37、 white T-shirt. Has got small but sharp teeth. 特殊疑問句: What have you (got ) . What has itlgot. refriendsnow.練習(xí): 一, 用 have , has 填空 1. They a a big apple. 2. Sally two dresses.Yes,she . 3. They a a basketball. 4. Mary and Ben cards.They can play cards. 5. What you.I a pink scarf. 6. The girl two big e

38、yes. 7. We two nice dresses. 二, 用 is,am,are,have,has 填空; 1/.I a car driver. I a new car. 2.The butterfly six long. man three for children. 4. Jill a T-shirt.Yes,her T-shirt black and red. ladies white dresses. a football. you. I a driver. 第 8 頁,共 11 頁8.Peter and Sally friends. red. rabbit eyes uncle

39、 a brave. mother three new and nice. 三,按要求改寫句子; 1.I have a pair of blue jeans.I 改為 my cousin My cousin a pair of blue jeans. 2. Danny has some friends. 改為否定句 Danny friends. 3. Mrs White has long hair. 改為一般疑問句,并作確定回答 Mrs White long hair. Yes, . 對劃線部分提問 4. These are blue coats. these. 5. His shirt is

40、purple. 對劃線部分提問 his shirt. 6. The mouses teeth are sharp. 改成意思相同的句子 The mouse teeth. 7. The rabbit has red eyes. 改成一般疑問句,并做確定回答 the rabbit red eyes.Yes, . 8. Paul has a skateboard.Kitty has a skateboard. 合成一句 Paul and Kitty two . 9. Jill has a white dress. 改成意思相同的句子 dress white. 10. The lion is afra

41、id. 改成否定句,句意不變 The lion . 11. Sally has a s pink.合成一句 Sally has skirt. 12. The rabbits eyesare red. 改成句意相同的句子 The rabbit eyes. 13. The firefighter has a strong body. 改成一般疑問句,并做否定回答 the firefighter a strong body.No, . 14. Danny has a yellow T-shirt. 對劃線部分提問 Danny. 15. Mr Black is a police s brave. 合成

42、一句 Mr Black police officer. 三, 按要求寫出適當(dāng)?shù)脑~: shorts 同類詞 : sharp 反義詞 afraid 反義詞 pink: (同類詞) strong (反義詞) tall 反義詞 branch 復(fù)數(shù) strawberry 復(fù)數(shù) kid 同義詞 tooth復(fù)數(shù) foot 復(fù)數(shù) mouse 復(fù)數(shù) 復(fù)數(shù) them 主格 child 第 9 頁,共 11 頁學(xué)校英語四年級下冊 情態(tài)動詞 一:情態(tài)動詞的用法: 常用的情態(tài)動詞有 can, may, must,need,should, had better. 1. can 的用法: “能,會” eg: He can

43、speak a little Japanese. 他會說一點日 表示才能 語; 表示請求或許可 “可以” eg: Can I help you. 要我?guī)兔?. 表示估量 “可能” eg: Where can she go now. 她可能到哪里去了呢 . 的用法: 表示請求或答應(yīng) “可以”“準(zhǔn)許” eg: May I go home , please. 請問我可以回家嗎 . 表示可能性 今“ 可能”,或許” eg: I think it may rain this afternoon. 我想 日下午可能下雨; 注: might 為 may 的過去式,但也可以代 may,語氣較為悅耳客氣或更加

44、不愿定; eg: 替 He might not come today. 今日他或許不來了; 語氣不愿定 You might also get a headache when you work too hard 也可能患頭痛 3. must 的用法: ,當(dāng)你工作太努力時,你 表示義務(wù),必要或命令 “必需,應(yīng)當(dāng)” eg: You must come early tomorrow 你明天 得早來; 表示估量時“確定,確定” eg: They must be at home.The light is on 他們確定在 家, 燈亮著呢 . must not 禁止,不許 eg: You must not tell lies. 你不許撒謊; 留意: must 開頭的疑問句,其否定回答通常用 dont have to 或 neednt ;而不用 mustnt eg: -Must I finish my homework first. 我必需先完成作業(yè)嗎? -No, you dont have to/ neednt. 不,你不必; can 和 must 在 表估量時,


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