



1、ABC基礎英語對話:飲酒dario: good afternoon brian. you look very tired today.brian: i am. i stayed up all night to watch the soccer.dario: i hate soccer. its such a dumb game.brian: there is no way that you can say that soccer is a dumb game!dario: people with two perfectly good arms play soccer but the rules

2、 say that you cant use them to touch the ball!brian: but thats what soccer is all about. skillfully moving the ballwith just your feet and head!dario: i told you that it was dumb!brian: maybe you think its dumb because you cant play soccer well?dario: i prefer to play a sport that lets me use the wh

3、ole of my body-like swimming!戴瑞奧:下午好,布萊恩。你今天看起來很疲倦。布萊恩:不錯。我為了看足球一夜沒睡。戴瑞奧:我討厭足球,那是一種愚蠢的比賽。布萊恩:你不可以說足球是愚蠢的比賽。戴瑞奧:踢足球的人兩只胳膊一點兒毛病都沒有,可卻規(guī)定你不準用胳膊碰球!布萊恩:可這正是踢足球的關鍵所在,只用你的腳和頭巧妙地傳球!戴瑞奧:我跟你說了這很愚蠢!布萊恩:也許你覺得足球愚蠢是因為你踢不好足球吧?戴瑞奧:我寧愿做一種能讓我運用全身的運動,比如說游泳!new words 新單詞folks: parents父母my folks were very strict and said

4、 that i had to comehomebefore midnight even if i was at a party.我的父母很嚴厲,他們說即使我去參加晚會也必須在午夜前回家。video game: a game played on a computer or console like play station電子游戲,在電腦上或諸如游戲站的控制臺上玩的游戲i have wasted so many hours playing video games instead of studying.我已經(jīng)浪費了太多的時間玩游戲,而沒有學習。electric guitar: a musical

5、 instrument, a guitar that uses electricityto make it loud電吉他,一種樂器,用電來發(fā)出響聲的吉他most teenage boys dream of having an electric guitar and of becoming arock star one day.十幾歲的男孩子大多都夢想有一個電吉他,并且某一天能成為搖滾明星。dialogue-對話jessie: did your parents ever make you learn a musical instrument whenyou were younger?tina:

6、 i went to piano lessons every Saturday morning for five years.jessie: did you like going or did your parents force you?tina: they forced me to go. i really hated it.jessie: i used to wait until my brother went out with his friends andthen borrowed his guitar.tina: can you play any songs on the guitar?jessie: i can still remember some of them, i suppose.tina: i have a guitar in the closet. maybe you could play something for me?jessie: no problem! it will be like re-visiting my childhood.杰茜:你小的時候你父母讓你學過樂器嗎?蒂娜:有五年的時間我每個星期六早晨去上鋼琴課。杰茜:你自己愿意去的還是你父母強迫你去的?蒂娜:


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