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1、Unit9綜合測試卷一、單項選擇-Im not sure.I go to the countryside to visit my grandparents.A. can B.must C.may D. need()1. The girl loves painting, so she wants to be an when she grows up. () 10.-Can you play the piano or the drums?A. painter B.artist C.actor D. dancer-.( )2.The twins are in different classes. O

2、ne is in Class One and is in Class Two. A. Yes,I can B.No,I cant C.Play the drums D. No,I dontA. another B.otherC.the other D. others二、完形填空()13.A. writeB. describe C. drawC. actressC. sameC. mouthC. warm()3.He loves to eat junk food, so he is getting. He must lose weight.A. thinB.heavy C.tall D. sho

3、rt( )4.The boy straight hair and of medium height.A. is;is B.has;has C.has;is( )5.-What he look like?-He wears glasses.A. is B.does C.was D. did()6.No hurry. We still have time left.A. littleB.a little C.lot D.a lot()7.Nobody can do these things in the same way. People usually do themA. quickly B.sl

4、owly C.quietly D. differently()8.-What are your plans for the weekend?-I a football match with my friend.A. watch B.watching C.watched D. am going to watch()9.-Do you have any plans for this summer holiday?Do you know her? She is a famous 26 . Her name is Dilraba. She looks 27 in Pretty Li Huizhen (

5、漂亮的李慧珍)and Miracles of the Namiya General Store(解憂 雜貨店).Let me 28 her look in them.In Pretty Li Huizhen, she acts Li Huizhen. She has long curly 29 .She is a 30 girl who always helps others and everyone likes her.In Miracles o the Namiya General Store, she acts Tongtong. Tongtong has short blue hair

6、 and she always takes a guitar 31 her. 32 does she want to do? She says she wants to be a singer.In real life, Dilraba is not tall 33 short. She is of medium 34 .She is slim with a beautiful nose. To be a great actress is 35 dream and she works very hard for it.()11.A. singer B. dancer()12.A. differ

7、ent B. difficult()14.A. noseB. hair()15.A. boringB. lazy()16.A. withB. on()17.A. WhatB.How()18.A. andB. but()19.A. heavyB. tall()20.A. hisB. her三、閱讀理解C. fromC. WhereC. orC. heightC. theirA. tall B.thinC.smartD.hard-working()23. How many ball games is Mr. Peterson good at?A.4. B. 3. C. 2.D. 1.()24. T

8、he underlined word means in Chinese.A.阻止 B.嘲笑 C.逼迫 D.鼓勵()25. Which of the following is NOT true?This term (學期)we have a new teacher of English. His name is Mr. Peterson. He isA. Mr. Peterson is a very good English teacher.B. Mr. Peterson enjoys playing computer games.American. He is not very tall an

9、d he is thin. He has a round face and small blue eyes. Hewears glasses and they make him look smart. He has dark brown hair.C. Mr. Peterson is good at playing football.Mr. Peterson works very hard. In class, he has many good ideas to make the classD. Mr. Peterson enjoys his life in China.四、補全對話very

10、interesting. We all like his class. After class, he always encourages us to speak moreEnglish. Sometimes, he plays games with us. He is very strong and he can play basketball從A-G中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項補全對話。(選項中有兩項是多余的)Laura:Dont you love Johnny Dean, Bob?Bob.:Johnny.?and football very well. He is good at spo

11、rts. Sometimes he plays table tennis with us, but he doesnt play it very well.Mr. Peterson loves living in China very much. He enjoys lots of things in China. HeLaura:Dean. The singer.Bob:l dont know. 26.next month.()21. What does Mr. Peterson do?A. He is a doctor. B.He is a teacher.C.He is a farmer

12、. D.He is a worker.()22. We cannot use to describe Mr. Peterson.really loves eating Chinese food. He loves traveling in China too. He is going to visit XianLaura:Hes really tall and really thin. And he has curly hair. And he has funny glasses.Bob:Oh yeah? I see him.Laura : 28.Bob:I like that woman w

13、ith long blonde hair.Laura:ls she tall or short?Bob: 29.Laura:Oh, is she Tina Brown?Bob:Yeah. I think shes really cool. 30.Where does he work?Shes very beautiful and shes a great actress.Look, there he is.What does he look like?Yes, she is short.Who s your favorite actress?G.She s of medium height.2

14、五、書面表達假設你是湯姆(Tom),請根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容提示,向你的筆友吉姆(Jim)介紹你的爸爸內(nèi)容提示:.外表:高,瘦,黑色短發(fā),戴眼鏡;.工作:醫(yī)生,坐公交車上班,上班從不遲到,從早忙到晚,幫助很多病人,每 個人都喜歡他;.愛好:打籃球,每個周末都和我一起打籃球;.你對他的評價:Dear Jim.Id like to tell you something about my dad. He isBest wishes.Yours,TomUnit 9綜合測試卷一、單項選擇1.B根據(jù)設空前的an可先排除A和D;再根據(jù)設空前的 那個女孩喜歡畫畫”可推斷, 她想成為一名 藝術

15、家”,所缺的詞是artisteC本題考查another, other, the other和others的區(qū)別。句意:那對雙胞胎在不同 的班級。一個在一班,另一個在二班。表示 兩者中的另一個”要用the other.故答案 為CoB本題考查形容詞的詞義理解。根據(jù)題干中的他喜歡吃垃圾食品”以及 他必須減肥”可推斷,他正變得很 胖”,所缺的詞是heavyoC本題考查have和be的用法。句意:那個男孩留贏發(fā),中等身高。和 hair搭配 的詞是has;和of medium height搭配的詞是is,故答案為C。B根據(jù)答語 他戴眼鏡”可推斷,詢問外貌特征時要用“What do/doe駐語+look

16、like? 的句式結構,故答案為BoB本題考查a little的用法。根據(jù)句意可知,我們還有一些時間,修飾不可數(shù)名詞time,表示些;少量”要用a little,故答案為B。.D本題考查副詞的詞義理解。四個選項的含義分別是:quickly快速地;slowly緩慢地;quietiy安靜地;differently不同地。根據(jù)本題語境可知,沒有人能以同樣的方 式做這些事情,人們通常以不同的方式做它們。表示 不同地”要用differently,故案 為Do.D本題考查be going to的用法.根據(jù)本題語境可知,答語的含義是我打算和我的朋友一起觀看一場足球比賽 be going to do sthi

17、意為 打算做某事”,故答案為D。 9c 句意:一一你這個暑假有什么計劃嗎?一一我不確定,我可能會去農(nóng)村看望我 的爺爺奶奶。本題考查情態(tài)動詞 may的用法。結合設空處前的“Im not sure ”可推斷 答案為C, may表示語氣不太強烈的推測。10. C本題考查選擇疑問句的答語。選擇疑問句不能用yes或no來回答,排除A、B和D;根據(jù)問句 你會彈鋼琴還是敲鼓”可知,合適的答案是Co 二、完形填空篇章圖解 本文是關于迪麗熱巴的介紹文章。of medium hcighlOH rub apczvnyl iiifhrrMigsllim u-hh a heuutilul nm?drcam: be n

18、femiia.h lui堪 luiirk buiir討哂曲律仙girl who 曲八、)寫 helps hershti5 short tiliK: hair11. C迪麗熱巴是位著名的女演員”,所缺的詞是actress12. A根據(jù)下文的描述可知,她在漂亮的李慧珍和解憂雜貨店里的形象看起來很不同”,所缺的詞是different o13.B根據(jù)語境 讓我來描述一下她在那兩部影視作品中的外貌吧describe工可知所缺的詞是B根據(jù)設空前的long curly可知,所缺的詞是hair。C根據(jù)其后的 總是幫助別人”可推斷,她是一個 熱心的”女孩,所缺的詞是warm, 此時warm的含義是 熱心的”。A

19、根據(jù) 她總是隨身帶一把吉他”可知,所缺的介詞是with。A根據(jù)句意 她想做什么呢”可知,所缺的特殊疑問詞是 What。C根據(jù)句意 在現(xiàn)實生活中,迪麗熱巴不高也不矮”可知,所缺的詞是or。C of medium height意為 中等身高”,所缺的詞是height。B她的”夢想是成為一名很棒的女演員,所缺的詞是her。四、閱讀理解 Id like to tell you something about my dad. He is very tall and thin. He has black short語篇解讀本文是關于我們的新老師彼得森先生的介紹文章。 hair and wears glas

20、ses. He is a doctor. He goes to work by bus every day. And he is neverB 細節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)第一段中的 “This term we have a new teacher of Engli shHis late for work. He helps a lot of sick people. Everyone loves him. Sometimes he has to name is Mr, Peterson ”可知,彼得森先生是一位老師,故答案為 B 。work all day and all night, but he still finds time to help me with my studi


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