



1、3、We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record,which affordsglimpse o the breakup of formerly continuous environments.發(fā)現(xiàn)的為環(huán)境破裂提供概覽5、Allopatric spetion cso be brought by the imperceptibly slow bolossalmovements of the tectonic plates.A s 能被組成地表的板塊移動(dòng)帶來8、While previously the gap betn t

2、he continents had allowed a free flow of water,now the isthmus presented a barrier t divided the Ocean from the PacificOcean.雖然過去在大陸間裂縫使得水,但是現(xiàn)在 i 提供了分隔 A 和O 的屏障9、Preschools educational programs for children under the age of five significantly from one country to another according to the views t diff

3、erentsocieties hold regarding the pure of early childhood education.依據(jù)不同科學(xué)家的觀點(diǎn),各個(gè)國家不同的 P 的早期教育的目的。根據(jù)不同社會持有的關(guān)于早期兒童教育的目的,學(xué)前班在國與國之間差異顯著21、Frequent fire is a factorto which rain forest species seem unable to adapt,although ancient charcoal remainsarrival of human ggestt moist forests also occaally burn.

4、頻繁的火災(zāi)是雨林物種不能適應(yīng)的一個(gè)古老木炭顯示潮濕的雨林經(jīng)常失火。,雖然保留下來的在人類出現(xiàn)之前的雖然追溯到人類到來之前的亞馬遜森林土壤的古代木炭殘留物表明潮濕的森林也能燃燒,但是頻繁的火是雨林物種似乎不能適應(yīng)的一個(gè)22、When burning occurs, it prevents competition among plant species fromprogressing to the po,diversity of the ecosystem.當(dāng)發(fā)生火災(zāi),能防止植物物種間的競爭演化為物種其他物種,這降低了生態(tài)的多樣性當(dāng)火災(zāi)發(fā)生,它了植物物種間的競爭發(fā)展到一些物種排外這個(gè)點(diǎn),物種排外減

5、少了生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的整體多樣性26、Sucs in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site availablefor colonization a safe sitehas either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and othernegative eractions to a levelestablished.批注 11: 定語從句,修飾site批注 12: 定語從句,修飾level批注 10: 同位語,解釋site,破折號后

6、面不是句子批注 j8: 定語從句做狀語批注 9: 結(jié)果狀語批注 7: 后置定語,修飾remains;remains 在這里是名詞, 作主語,dating 意為追溯到;prior to 意思是:在之前批注 j6: 定語從句,先行詞做賓語批注 j5: 定語從句修飾views批注 j4:語批注 j3: 定語從句,先行詞做主語批注 j2: 定語從句,先行詞做主語批注 j1: 定語從句,先行詞做主語at which the invading species canewhere disturbance by fire or by cutting down of treesreducing the over

7、allwhere some species exclude othersfrom Amazon forest soils dating prior to thediffert make up Earth rface殖民的成功很大程度上取決于有地方可以殖民,這個(gè)地方是被毀壞并由物種競爭向物種轉(zhuǎn)變殖民的成功取決于有一個(gè)可獲得的用于殖民的地方一個(gè)被火災(zāi)或者砍樹帶來的干擾要么移除了競爭的物種要么減少了競爭的水平和其他的消極作用到的物種能夠建立的安全的地點(diǎn)27、A fertile, plowed field is raly invaded by a large variety ofds, whereas

8、 aneighboring construction site from which the soil has been compacted or removed to may remain virtually free of vegeion for many months or even years despite receiving the same input of seeds as the plowedfield.一個(gè)肥沃的土地快速被草,盡管的土地完露,不肥沃的原本土壤保持很久不生長植物雖然接受了像肥沃土地一樣多的輸入。一塊肥沃的耕地會被大量的雜草,但是一個(gè)的(土壤被壓縮或者被移除,出

9、一個(gè)粗糙的、貧瘠的母質(zhì)材料的)建筑地點(diǎn)可能維持著很多個(gè)月甚至很多年都沒有植被,及時(shí)接收到和耕地一樣多的的投入31、Thecommunityof species with the higsubsequent stage may consist of plants with similar survival rates but lower inva rates.最初占據(jù)場地的群體因此由最高率的植物組成率的物種組成,盡管后續(xù)的階層由相同生長率但是更低47、Native Americans had grown cornhe rfields as did later settlers who becam

10、e farmers,原住民已經(jīng)在這里種植玉米數(shù)年,但是從沒有像后續(xù)移居者的耕地一樣大,土著印第安人在這個(gè)地方種玉米已經(jīng)很多年了,但是從來沒有像后來成為農(nóng)民的者那樣在這么大的土地上種植,他們的剩余物被運(yùn)往東部50、However, no group or species can ma ain its dominance indefini y, and when,after over 200 million years,of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years ago, mammals began to flourish,

11、 evolving from relatively few types ofsmall terrestrial animalso the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales,t we know today.然而,沒有群體能保持他們的優(yōu)勢,當(dāng)恐龍進(jìn)化為很多種類。,哺乳動(dòng)物開始繁榮,從幾種生物62、At, pr was made in relatively small sheetsby the beginning of the fourteenth century, very large批注 j22: 定語從句t were pa

12、sted together,butsheets as much as a meter批注 20:語批注 21: 定語從句,修飾species批注 19:語egion for years, but neverin such large.whose surpluses were shipped east批注 16: 否定詞位于句首,句子使用了倒裝,as later settlers did批注 17: 定語從句,修飾settlers批注 18: 定語從句,修飾farmers批注 j14: 定語從句批注 15: 表轉(zhuǎn)折,翻譯成:但是t occupies a disturbed areatherefo

13、re may be comedhest rate of inva,whereas the community of the 批注 13: 定語從句,主語后面出現(xiàn)從句,找第二動(dòng)詞exe a coarse, infertile parent materialacross were available.最初,紙張被制造成小片,但是 14 世紀(jì)初,到大張的紙了。65、But Russias potential frowth was limited too, and in a few decades Russiawould reach the barrier of inadequate energy.但

14、是俄羅斯的潛在生長也有限,在幾十年內(nèi)俄羅斯遇到了使得英國退縮的能源不足66、Theengine of Watt and his followers was the technological advancetgave people,east for a while, unlimiteder and allowed the invention and useof all kinds of er equipment.蒸汽發(fā)是給人們無限能源并且激發(fā)發(fā)明和利用各種能源機(jī)器的技術(shù)進(jìn)步69、Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal o

15、f energy, plants exploits ants wibundant energy.this need by providing extrafloral nectart 因?yàn)楣は佇枰罅磕芰?,植物利用這個(gè)需求通過提供可供給螞蟻能量的e n73、Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains andon whi

16、ch the pollen germinates.蚱蜢通過破壞接受和萌芽的c 或s 阻擋授粉和產(chǎn)生74、Catillars devour the ovaries, where the seeds are produced, and seed beetlelarvae eat seeds.毛毛蟲吃生產(chǎn)的o,并且鉆入果實(shí)的 s b l 吃。76. Importing the grain, which would have been expensive and timeconsuming for, kept the price of the grain low and thus stimulated

17、 individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.進(jìn)口比自己種植還要貴和費(fèi)時(shí)間的糧食,使得價(jià)格降低并且因此刺激了有其他食物和消費(fèi)品需求的荷蘭人自己生產(chǎn)谷物是昂貴且耗時(shí)的,而進(jìn)口谷物使得谷物的價(jià)格低,并且促進(jìn)了對于其他食品和消費(fèi)品的需求87. Aime when hiring qualified people ising more difficult, employers have a distinct advantage.can eliminate invalid biases from the pros批注 j32: 定語從

18、句作為狀語批注 j33: 定語從句做主語批注 j30:語;定語從句,修飾grain批注 j31: 定語從句, demand 是名詞the Dh to have produced themselvesas they burrow in develo fruits批注 j28: 地點(diǎn)狀語從句批注 j29: 條件狀語批注 j27: 定語從句批注 j26: 定語從句who批注 j25: 定語從句批注 j24: 定語從句t was already holding England back批注 j23:語當(dāng)雇傭高質(zhì)量的員工變得,能拋棄種族偏見的雇主有明顯優(yōu)勢。88. Of course anyone re

19、ceiving aephone call can ask the caller to repeat wordsheard indistinctly but anywords would provoke embarrassment.當(dāng)然任何人可以請求尬對方重復(fù)話語,但是有要求對方重復(fù)每一句話的的人會引起尷93. Moreover, in any country where population presses hard upon natural resour,teral economic situation is apt to be so precariousternment control o

20、fcapital and labor, production and consumption,es inevitable. It is no accidentt the twentieth century should be the century of highly centralized ernmentsand totalitarian dicorships.在依賴自然資源的國家,經(jīng)濟(jì)情況是如此重要以至于控制.變得不可避免。20世紀(jì)是和t d 的世紀(jì)是必然的。187. Kodaks decito file for bruptcy protectionis a sad,though notunexpected, turning pofor a lea


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