高三一輪英語總復(fù)習(xí)-Unit 2 Healthy eating 課件【系列一】_第1頁
高三一輪英語總復(fù)習(xí)-Unit 2 Healthy eating 課件【系列一】_第2頁
高三一輪英語總復(fù)習(xí)-Unit 2 Healthy eating 課件【系列一】_第3頁
高三一輪英語總復(fù)習(xí)-Unit 2 Healthy eating 課件【系列一】_第4頁
高三一輪英語總復(fù)習(xí)-Unit 2 Healthy eating 課件【系列一】_第5頁
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1、Unit 2Healthy eating人教版 必修三-2-.單詞 由簡到難,水到渠成The first step is as good as half over.【識記閱讀單詞】1.nut n. 2.bean n. 3.pea n. 4.eggplant n. 5.pepper n. 6.mushroom n. 7.peach n. 8.lemon n. 9.barbecue vt.&n. 10.mutton n.-3-11.roast adj.vt.&vi. 12.bacon n.13.vinegar n.14.fibre n.15.carrot n.16.garlic n.-4-【拼寫高

2、頻單詞】1. n.日常飲食vi.節(jié)食2. vt.&vi.油煎;油炸3. v.aux.應(yīng)當(dāng);應(yīng)該4. vi.變細(xì);減肥adj.苗條的;纖細(xì)的5. n.女主人;女主持人6. adj.生的;未加工的7. n.謊話;謊言vi.說謊8. n.顧客;消費(fèi)者9. n.債;債務(wù)10. vi.&vt.窺探;秘密監(jiān)視n.間諜;偵探11. n.胸部;乳房-5-【拓展核心單詞】1. vt.平衡;權(quán)衡 n.天平;平衡 adj.保持平衡的2. n.好奇心 adj.好奇的;奇妙的 adv.好奇地;奇妙地3. n.折扣 v.點(diǎn);數(shù);計算 n.柜臺4. n.缺點(diǎn);虛弱;弱點(diǎn) adj.虛弱的5. n.強(qiáng)項;長處;力量 vt.加強(qiáng)

3、;鞏固6. vt.咨詢;請教;商量 n.顧問;會診醫(yī)生-6-7. vi.&vt.消化 n.摘要;概要8. vi.怒目而視;閃耀 n.怒視;炫目的光9. vt.限制;限定 n.界限;限度 adj.有限的10. n.利益;好處 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益 adj.有益的11. vi.嘆息;嘆氣 n.嘆息;嘆息聲12. vt.&vi.(使)聯(lián)合;(使)結(jié)合 n.組合-7-1.“購物”名詞薈萃discount折扣consumer消費(fèi)者supermarket超市bargain便宜貨cashier出納員receipt收據(jù);收條mall 商場2.diet用法小結(jié)go on a diet用規(guī)定的食譜,

4、節(jié)食diet strictly嚴(yán)格控制飲食-8-3.limit用法小結(jié)limit.to.把限制在內(nèi)be limited to sth.受限制于beyond the limit超過限度set a limit to sth.對規(guī)定限度there is a/no limit to對是有限的/無限的4.各種“看”法glance vi.(粗略地)看一下;一瞥;掃視n.一瞥;掃視glare vi.怒目而視;閃耀n.瞪眼;怒視stare vt.&vi.凝視;盯著看n.盯;凝視observe vt.看到;注意到;觀察;觀測;遵守,慶祝vi.注意;觀察spot vt.發(fā)現(xiàn);認(rèn)出witness vt.目睹;目擊n

5、.目擊者;見證人-9-5.后綴-en構(gòu)成的動詞sharpsharpen 削尖strengthstrengthen增強(qiáng)widewiden 加寬deepdeepen 加深broadbroaden 變寬hardharden變硬6.debt用法小結(jié)get/run into debt負(fù)債pay off ones debts 還清某人的債務(wù)be in heavy debt負(fù)債累累be/get out of debt擺脫債務(wù)-10-.短語化難為簡,輕松記憶Learn to walk before you run.【識記】1.get away with 2.win.back 3.earn ones livin

6、g 4.cut down 【默寫】1.體重減輕;減肥 2.說謊 3.欠債 4.不久以后 5.增加體重 -11-1.cut短語薈萃cut down削減;砍倒;縮小cut off切斷;中止;隔絕cut in插話cut up切碎cut out刪除2.weight短語put on weight增加體重lose weight減肥-12-.高頻句型分析探究,融會貫通Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.1.“,” he thought.他想:“再沒有比這些更好吃的了?!笨键c(diǎn)提煉比較級用于否定結(jié)構(gòu)中表達(dá)最高級的意義。2.He could not have Yong

7、 Hui telling people lies!他可不能讓雍慧哄騙人們后跑掉??键c(diǎn)提煉have sb.doing sth.意為“讓某人做某事;讓某情況發(fā)生”。1.沒有什么比這更令人惱火了。2.她是怎么作弊成功的?-13-.語篇填空舊材新用,探究根源Kill two birds with one stone.Wang Peng 1. (feel)very frustrated when he saw 2. of his customers would eat in his restaurant.3. his opinion,nothing could be 4.(good)than his f

8、ried rice,barbecued mutton kebabs,roast pork or his cola.When 5.(follow)one of his best friends into Yong Huis 6.(new)opened restaurant,he was amazed at 7. menu there:raw vegetables served in vinegar,fruit and water.In order to win his customers back,he went to the library to do some research, 8. sh

9、owed that Yong Huis menu didnt give the customers energy-giving food.In fact,there were 9.(weak)in Wang Pengs menu as well.So the only solution is to combine the two menus to get a 10.(balance)diet.-14-15-核心詞匯核心句式1.balance vt.平衡;權(quán)衡n.天平;平衡派生balanced adj.平衡的;安定的;和諧的領(lǐng)悟高考究考法誦讀或翻譯句子(1)These local citizen

10、s now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic.(2016四川,閱讀理解C)這些當(dāng)?shù)氐木用癫坏貌辉趥鹘y(tǒng)的自給的捕獵生活方式和法國現(xiàn)代的生活方式之間做出平衡。(2)Ive got a good sense of balance and learnt to ski quite quickly._我有很好的平衡感,因此滑雪學(xué)得很快。 -16-核心詞匯核心句式完成句子(3)Move slow

11、ly,then be sure and dont let your body shake.(2014遼寧,語法填空)慢慢走,然后一定保持平衡,不要讓你的身體搖晃。(4)When he was running after his brother,the boy and had a bad fall.(2015湖北,多項選擇)這個男孩追趕他哥哥時,身體失去平衡,摔了一個大跟頭。聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)keep ones balance 保持平衡(2)lose ones balance 失去平衡(3)break the balance 打破平衡(4)out of balance 失去平衡to keep

12、your balance lost his balance -17-核心詞匯核心句式2.get away with(不用被動語態(tài))不因某事受懲罰;偷攜某物潛逃;受到(較輕的懲罰)領(lǐng)悟高考究考法翻譯句子(1)Do you think the murderer should get away with it?_(2)For such an accident he was lucky to get away with a fine._聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)get away 離開,脫身;逃掉(2)get away from sb./sth.擺脫;從逃掉你認(rèn)為兇手會逃脫懲罰嗎?這樣的事故他只交了罰款就了事

13、真是幸運(yùn)。-18-核心詞匯核心句式3.consult vt.&vi.向咨詢;查閱派生consultant n.會診醫(yī)生;顧問領(lǐng)悟高考究考法用consult的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)Who will the woman later?以后這位婦女會咨詢誰?(2)I have a successful career as an educational .(2016天津,閱讀表達(dá))作為一名教育顧問,我的職業(yè)生涯很成功。(3)He the dictionary at once.他立刻查了字典。(4)You should usually different types of sources.(2015湖南,語法

14、填空)你應(yīng)該經(jīng)常查閱不同類型的資源。consult consultant consulted consult -19-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)consult sb.about sth.向某人請教某事(2)consult a book(a dictionary)查書(詞典)(3)consult with sb.同某人商量-20-核心詞匯核心句式4.benefit n.利益;好處vt.有益于;有助于vi.受益派生beneficial adj.有益的;受益的領(lǐng)悟高考究考法完成句子(1)Many of the things we now benefit would not be aroun

15、d but for Thomas Edison.(2015江蘇,單項填空)要不是愛迪生,我們今天獲益的很多東西就不會存在了。(2)The author of the passage aims to stress benefit taking notes by hand.(2014遼寧,閱讀理解A)本文作者的目的是強(qiáng)調(diào)手寫筆記的好處。(3)It is said that yoga is to human health.據(jù)說瑜伽對人體健康有極大的好處。from the of of great benefit -21-核心詞匯核心句式單句寫作(4)首先,我們永遠(yuǎn)不會忘記和你在一起學(xué)習(xí)和生活的快樂場景

16、,這對我們的未來會有很大的好處。(2016天津,書面表達(dá))_(5)為了團(tuán)隊的利益我愿意犧牲自己的利益。(2015浙江,書面表達(dá))_聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)benefit from/by 從中受益(2)for the benefit of. 為了的好處(3)be beneficial to 對有益Firstly,we will never forget those happy scenes of studying and living together with you,which will benefit us a lot in the future.I tend to sacrifice my

17、own interest for the group benefit.-22-核心詞匯核心句式bine vi.&vt.(使)聯(lián)合;(使)結(jié)合派生combination n.聯(lián)合;組合領(lǐng)悟高考究考法用combine的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)It came from good planning and better doing .(2016浙江,書面表達(dá))它(成功)來源于好的計劃和更好的行動相結(jié)合。(2)It is important that we theory with practice.對我們來說,把實(shí)踐和理論結(jié)合起來是重要的。(3)In recent years an English word“

18、infosphere” has appeared,_ the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.(2015福建,單項填空)最近幾年,一個英語單詞“infosphere”出現(xiàn)了,它結(jié)合了“information”和“atmosphere”兩個詞的意義。combined combine combining -23-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)combine with 與結(jié)合(2)the combined efforts of.齊心協(xié)力-24-核心詞匯核心句式6.before long(時間)不久之后;在短時間內(nèi)領(lǐng)悟高考究考法完成句子(1)Bef

19、ore long hes (rush)off to the market to buy the ingredients.不久他沖向市場,買那些配料。(2),there were times I would have the groundhog sitting next to a rabbit.(2015四川,完形填空)不久以后,有好幾次土撥鼠與兔子坐在一起。(3)We it before long.我們很快就會知道的。rushed Before long will know -25-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(diǎn)(1)long before很久以前(2)before的用法:才;趁未;以免;(不

20、久)就;在前;It was/will be+一段時間+before 從句;還沒來得及-26-核心詞匯核心句式1.“Nothing could be better,”he thought.他想:“再沒有比這些更好吃的了?!狈治鎏釤捑靠挤ā皀othing+比較級”句式表達(dá)最高級意義?!胺穸ㄔ~+比較級”結(jié)構(gòu)表達(dá)最高級意義,通常意為“沒有比更;沒有像一樣”。常用的否定副詞有no,not,never,nothing,nobody,hardly等。用比較級表示最高級意義的常見句型還有:(1)比較級+than+any other+單數(shù)名詞/any of the other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞/any of the o

21、thers/anyone else/anybody else/anything else/all the others/all the other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞;(2)can/could+never/not+enough/too.“再也不過分”。-27-核心詞匯核心句式領(lǐng)悟考法用考點(diǎn)完成句子(1)There is than being praised by my teacher.(2015湖南,書面表達(dá))沒有比受到老師表揚(yáng)更好的事情了。(2)I have never had trip before.我從來沒有過這么愉快的旅行。(3)It cant be .(=Its the worst thing

22、 Ive ever known.)這是(我知道的)最糟糕的事情。nothing better a more pleasant worse -28-核心詞匯核心句式2.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能讓雍慧哄騙人們后跑掉。分析提煉究考法句中have sb.doing sth.用于否定句中,意為“不允許某人做某事”。(1)have sb./sth.doing sth.讓某人做某事/讓某事發(fā)生(動作持續(xù))(肯定句)(2)have sb.do sth.讓某人做某事(3)have sth.done讓

23、別人做某事;完成某事;遭遇不幸的事-29-核心詞匯核心句式領(lǐng)悟考法用考點(diǎn)用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(1)I cant have you (speak)to your mother in such a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.(2)It is not a good idea to have the machine (run) all the time.(3)Dont be worried.Ill have Tom (help) you finish the work.(4)They would have the medic

24、ine (send) by rail from Anchorage to Nenana.(2016北京,完形填空)speaking running help sent -30-.單句填空1.When he was riding a bike in the street,he fell and his arm _(hurt).2.The book has a greater effect on me than of the other books.3.He stresses the importance of communication,and I cant agree (much).4.It

25、was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was _(happy)than I was.5.Turn off the gas after cooking.You can never be careful.6.I am your teacher so I wont have you (smoke)at your age.hurt any more happier too smoking -31-7.Forgiveness can be surprisingly (benefit)to your physical and mental health.8.The two writers worked well in (combine).9.He had overcome all his weaknesses before he (leave)for home.10.He tried his best to get away with (tell)lies.beneficial combination left telling -3


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