高中英語復習PPT課件:M8-Unit-5 Meeting-your-ancestors-學習培訓模板課件_第1頁
高中英語復習PPT課件:M8-Unit-5 Meeting-your-ancestors-學習培訓模板課件_第2頁
高中英語復習PPT課件:M8-Unit-5 Meeting-your-ancestors-學習培訓模板課件_第3頁
高中英語復習PPT課件:M8-Unit-5 Meeting-your-ancestors-學習培訓模板課件_第4頁
高中英語復習PPT課件:M8-Unit-5 Meeting-your-ancestors-學習培訓模板課件_第5頁
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1、Unit 5Meeting your ancestors 說起木乃伊,人們總會立刻想起埃及。但最近的消息說,秘魯?shù)囊粋€墓地中也發(fā)現(xiàn)了一具女性木乃伊,更與眾不同的是,這具木乃伊的手臂等部位上竟然還刻有復雜的文身圖案。 墓葬中的珠寶是金質的,其他陪葬品也都非常精致考究,考古學家由此推斷說,這具女性木乃伊生前應該是一位重要人物。 參考詞匯:木乃伊 mummies; 秘魯?shù)囊粋€墓地 a Peruvian cemetery; 復雜的文身圖案 complex tattoo patterns; 陪葬品 burials 【寫作要求】 必須使用5個句子介紹全部所給的內容。 Speaking of mummies

2、, people always immediately think of Egypt. But the recent news goes that a female mummy was also found in a Peruvian cemetery. What is more unusual is that this mummys arms and other parts of the body were engraved with complex tattoo patterns. Its burials of jewellery, gold, and other graved goods

3、 were also very delicate and elegant. The archaeologists infer that this mummy should be an important figure during her lifetime.1. n. 可能的選擇 adj. 供選擇的2. n. 挨餓;餓死3. n. 精確;準確4. v. 打斷講話;中止;打岔5. adj. 有觀察力的;敏銳的;嚴重的6. vt. 假定;設想7. adv. 不管;不顧_ _ _ _ _ _ alternative starvation accuracy interrupt acute assume

4、 regardless8. v. (使)鋒利;尖銳;清晰9. adj. 足夠的;富裕的10. adj. 凌亂的;臟的11. n. 分析12. v. 使成熟;成熟13. n. 意義;重要性;重要意義14. adv. 以方式;不知怎么地_ _ _ _ _ _ _ sharpen ample arrest analysis ripen significance somehow15. vt. 刪;刪除16. n. 分割;劃分;分配;分界線17. v. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞18. v. 加速;促進19. vt. 逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留20. adj. 有技巧的;熟練的_ _ _ _ _ delete d

5、ivision applaud accelerate messyskilful / skillful1. 受夠了;飽受;厭煩2. 不管;不顧3. 至多;最多4. 切碎5. 向前看;為將來打算6. 追溯到7. 通向;導致_ _ _ _ _ _ _ fed up with regardless of at most cut up look ahead date back lead to 8. 結果_as a result 1.You must be aware that _ here _ we found evidence of some of the earliest people who li

6、ved in this part of the world. 2.We _ (excavate) here for many years and its have been excavating that 3.So we think _ is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. 4.Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes _ (make) from animal skins. made it 1. assume vt. 假定;設想

7、 I falsely assumed that he was familiar with the subject. 我錯認為他對那題目很熟悉。assumption n. 假設,假定make an assumption 假設,假定on the assumption that 假設,假定assume sb. / sth. to be 認為某人/某物是assuming that 假設assume that 設想,假定根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英語句子(1)我認為目前的情況將會繼續(xù)下去。 I _ that the present situation is going to continue.(2)尚未證實他有

8、罪,就得假定他是清白的。 We _ him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.am assuming must assume(3)我們大家可以一起走假定其他人不遲到的話。 We can all leave together_the others arent late.(4)我想你總是在同一時間起床。 I _ you always get up at the same time.assuming thatassume that(5)雖然她病了,卻裝作快樂的樣子。 Although she was ill, she _ an air of cheer

9、fulness.(6)假定這是真的,我們現(xiàn)在該怎么辦? _, what should we do now?assumed Assuming it to be true 2. sharpen v. 使鋒利;尖銳,清晰 A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。sharp adj. 尖銳的;鋒利的;急劇的根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)上學之前,我會把鉛筆削好。 I _ before I go to school.(2)世代居住在城市里使他們磨煉了才智。 Generations of urb

10、an living _their wits.will sharpen the pencils sharpen(3)培訓會使你思維敏捷。 The training will _ your thinking. sharpen 3. applaud v. 鼓掌歡迎;贊賞 He was loudly applauded. 他受到熱烈的掌聲歡迎。applause n. 鼓掌;掌聲根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我們一致贊成你的決定。 We all _ for your decision.(2)在夢里,我為你喝彩。 In dreams, I _. applaud youapplaud for you (3

11、)他唱得真不怎么樣,經常走調,不過我還得鼓掌叫好。 He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still _. have to applaud 4. accelerate v. 促進,加速 Sunshine, fresh air and rest often accelerate a persons recovery from sickness. 陽光、新鮮空氣和休息常會促使病人早日康復。acceleration n. 加速;促進 根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我們要加速改革開放的步伐。 We should _ and openin

12、gup.(2)加速經濟發(fā)展是我們當前的任務。 Our present task is to _economic growth.accelerate the pace of reform accelerate(3)必須抓住一切機遇加快發(fā)展。 We must seize all opportunities to _ _. accelerate development 1. regardless of 不管,不顧 All our proposals were rejected, regardless of their merits. 我們所有的建議都遭到拒絕,不管這些建議的價值如何。根據(jù)漢語意思,完

13、成英語句子(1)不管花費多少錢,我都打算買下那本書。 Im buying the book, _the cost.(2)盡管以前我們失敗過,但仍要堅持下去。 We will go on_.regardless ofregardless of past failures(3)走自己的路,讓別人去說吧。 Go your own way _ what people say.has been marked out 2. cut up 切碎;使傷心 She was badly cut up when she failed. 她失敗后感到非常痛心。 cut down 砍倒;削減;縮減cut in 插入;插

14、話cut off 切斷;隔斷;斷絕 cut out 剪成;戒掉cut sth. into sth. 把某物切成某物根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)他在斗毆中被打得遍體鱗傷。 He _ in the fight.(2)她似乎仍為那件事感到十分傷心。 She _ about it. was badly cut upstill seems very cut up 3. with relief 寬慰地 We all sighed with relief when the plane finally touched down safely. 飛機最后終于安全著陸了,我們大家都松了一口氣。to ones

15、relief 令人寬慰的是with satisfaction 滿意地with pride 驕傲地with patience 耐心地 根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)拉拉寬慰地笑了, 跟家人在一起實在是太好了。 Lala smiled _. It was good to have her family around her.(2)“好的,”我舒了一口氣,“告訴他吧?!?“All right,” I said _, “tell him.” with reliefwith relief 4. date back 追溯到 This castle dates back to Roman times. 這

16、個城堡可追溯到羅馬時代。 同義詞組有:date from, go back 此外,還有trace back to也可以表示“追溯到某某年代”,一般用人作主語;如果用物作主語,則用被動語態(tài)。根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我們兩國間的往來可以追溯到上個世紀。 The contact between our two countries can _ last century.(2)這座教堂的歷史可以追溯到13世紀。 The history of this church_the 13th century.be traced back todates from / dates back to(3)他的家

17、庭可以追溯到清朝。 His family _ the Qing Dynasty. dates from 1. Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. 很對。植物學分析結果明確告訴我們,這兒四周曾經是一個很大的淺水湖。 (1)as作“當?shù)臅r候”,引導時間狀語從句。 用于表示同一個人的兩種動作交替進行,指“一邊,一邊”。 The girl dances as she sings on the st

18、age. 表示兩個同步發(fā)展的動作或行為,譯為“隨著”。 As time went on / by, she became more and more worried. 表示兩個短促行為或事件幾乎同時發(fā)生。 I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. (2)assince, 作“既然”、“由于”解,引導原因狀語從句,常用來表示已為人們所知或顯而易見的原因或理由 As / Since youre not feeling well, you may stay at home. (3)asin the way that, 作“像”、“按照的方式”解,引

19、導方式狀語從句。He speaks English as Americans do. (4)用于asas或not so / asas中,前一個as是副詞,后一個as是連詞,引導比較狀語從句。They helped the old man as often as possible. (5)作“雖然”、“盡管”解,引導讓步狀語從句。常用倒裝語序,即adj. /adv. / n. as 主語謂語主句。 Tired as they were, they walked on. (6)as引導類比從句,與so 連用,表示“正如所以”。 Just as French people enjoy their w

20、ine, so the British enjoy their beer.世界與環(huán)境(讀寫任務) 環(huán)境問題影響著人們的工作,學習,生活等,而我們的工作,生活,生產等又使環(huán)境污染越來越嚴重,如何保護我們的環(huán)境成為人們最為關注的話題之一。 涉及此話題的讀寫任務,常常涉及:1.世界范圍內環(huán)境污染的原因,如水污染越來越嚴重、砍伐森林嚴重、大氣污染嚴重、白色垃圾、人口增加等??忌鷳撘庾R到最為本質的原因是人類活動。2. 環(huán)境問題給人們帶來的危害,其中包括自然災害問題。3. 如何應對環(huán)境問題,政府、個人應該做些什么。以及綠色生活、珍惜水資源、使用再生資源、實現(xiàn)經濟可持續(xù)發(fā)展、創(chuàng)建綠色學校等問題。 實用表達

21、: in the long run 從長遠看來 greenhouse effect 溫室效應water shortage 水資源短缺be unfriendly to the environment 對環(huán)境不利ruin the environment 破壞環(huán)境litter collection and disposal 垃圾的回收和處理be in short supply 供應不足make every citizen aware that使每個人都意識到call on the efforts from all sides 號召各個方面做出努力 utilize the natural resour

22、ces 利用自然資源 sustainable development 可持續(xù)發(fā)展 Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment./ Its everyones duty to protect the environment. 保護環(huán)境,人人有責。 raise the awareness of environmental protection 提高環(huán)保意識 conserve natural habitats 保護生存環(huán)境 take effective measures; effective measures

23、should be taken / adopted 采取有效措施 take active measures to protect rare animals 采取積極措施保護珍稀動物 environmentfriendly products 環(huán)保產品 Gone forever are not only, but永遠失去的不僅是,還有 閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 Science Daily (Jan. 31, 2009) Scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) have selected

24、262 European observatories which analyzed the series of (minimum and maximum) daily temperatures from 1955 to 1998 to estimate trend variations in extreme temperature events. According to the study, in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extreme heat increasing, from 0.5 to 1 in t

25、he average minimum temperature, and from 0.5 to 2 in the average maximum temperature. Continuous rises in annual temperatures in certain areas lead to “changes in the environment and significant increases in the frequency of values considered extreme temperatures”. To reach this conclusion, the scie

26、ntists worked with 135 stations with a daily series of minimum temperatures and 127 stations with a daily series of maximum temperatures, located in 34 European countries. During the 44 years of analysis, the researchers recorded extreme cold events (between the months of November and March) and ext

27、reme heat events (from June to September) noting a slight decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat. The decrease in days of extreme cold and increase in days of extreme heat are due to both local and global factors, according to the scientists. Some of them include the h

28、eat produced in cities or the change in the general circulation of the atmosphere which directly determines extreme temperature events. Apart from their direct relationship with climate change, extreme temperatures (minimum and maximum) particularly affect human health. 【寫作內容】 1以約30個詞概括短文的內容要點; 2以約1

29、20個詞就“極端天氣頻繁”的主題發(fā)表看法,內容包括: (1)分析極端天氣出現(xiàn)的原因; (2)極端天氣對人類健康的影響; (3)人類應如何應對? 【寫作要求】 可以使用實例或其他論述方法支持你的論點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容但不得引用原文中的句子。 該篇讀寫任務所給文章是一則新聞報道,屬于說明文文體。文章告訴我們(According to the study) in Europe days of extreme cold are decreasing and days of extreme heat increasing以及這個問題產生的原因The decreaseare due to both

30、 local and global factors. Some of them include the heat produced in cities or the change in the general circulation of the atmosphere. 所以在進行概括時,我們首先闡述文章所說明的問題,然后再概括原因。 正文部分,三個要點所占篇幅部分伯仲。要點(1)和(2)屬于現(xiàn)象和影響的分析,屬于說明文文體,應該用一般現(xiàn)在時來寫。我們要意識到全球變暖是導致極端天氣出現(xiàn)的主要原因,所以對于要點(1) “極端天氣出現(xiàn)的原因”,我們可以從導致全球變暖的原因的角度來思考,比如:濫伐樹

31、木,人類活動大量排放二氧化碳等多種溫室氣體等。極端天氣對某些傳染疾病的傳播起到推波助瀾的作用,極端天氣會導致極端高溫,對人體健康最直接的影響是發(fā)病率和死亡率的升高,這些都是極端天氣對人類健康的影響(要點2)。 所以我們要減少二氧化碳的排放,植樹造林,保護地球的氣候,阻止其繼續(xù)惡化,是我們的共同責任(要點3)。 According to the passage, extreme temperatures happen much more frequent than ever before in European countries. These are largely due to the he

32、at produced in cities and the circulation of the atmosphere.Reasons for extreme temperatures are varied. For one thing, humans activities like burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, which make the globe warmer, causing the global temperature to go up. For another, peoples cutting down trees th

33、at can absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide for furniture also contributes to the warmth of the earth, which gives rise to extreme temperatures.Extreme temperatures can do a lot of harm to peoples health. The heatwave or the high temperatures can cause stress, worsening of diseases and even dea

34、th, especially among children and old people. Therefore, to cope with the extreme temperatures, the most effective way is a global effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Individuals should use less energy, plant more trees and recycle materials because everyones contribution counts. 閱讀下面的短文

35、,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 Lakes, rivers and the air in many places in China are still polluted, some seriously, in spite of continuous efforts to control pollution, a Chinese environmental official said on Tuesday. Zhang Lijun, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection,said environmental protection d

36、epartments across the country should press enterprises harder onpollution control. The quality of the water sampled in almost a quarter of the monitoring stations set up along major rivers and in 28 major lakes averaged at level ,which is too polluted to be used even for farm irrigation, while the a

37、ir quality of 39.5 percent of 320 cities of prefecture level and above averaged level or worse,according to a document circulated at the meeting. The Ministry of Environmental Protection was considering a policy to deprive polluting enterprises from enjoying favorable treatment in subsidies and taxa

38、tion, usually given by investmentseeking local governments. Last year, 156 projects with a total investment of 473.7 billion yuan (US$69.28 billion) failed environmental evaluations due to potentially high energy consumption and pollution emissions,including many chemical and coalburning plants. In 579 projects that passed the evaluation,with a total investment of 2.4 trillion yuan, clean production


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