人教PEP版四年級英語下冊 Unit 6 Part B 第4課時 教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第1頁
人教PEP版四年級英語下冊 Unit 6 Part B 第4課時 教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第2頁
人教PEP版四年級英語下冊 Unit 6 Part B 第4課時 教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第3頁
人教PEP版四年級英語下冊 Unit 6 Part B 第4課時 教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第4頁
人教PEP版四年級英語下冊 Unit 6 Part B 第4課時 教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)公開課_第5頁
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1、PEP版英語四年級(下)Unit 6 ShoppingPart BLets talk & Lets act能聽、說、讀、寫詞匯:how much, eighty, dollar, pretty, expensive能夠在情景中運(yùn)用句型:How do you like ?How much ?Its .Its very/too .Learning goalsLets playWarming upniceLets say.Look at _t_h_esc_a_r_f.Its/_T_hn_eic_ye_r_e .Lets playgoodLets say.Look at t_h_eg_lo_v_es_

2、.TIthse/yTrhee_yg_ro_eo_d.Lets playsmallLets sayLook at.t_h_e_u_m_b_r_e_l_al_.Its/_Ts_hm_ea_yl_r_e_.Lets playcoolLets say.Look att_h_e_s_u_n_g_l a_s_se_s_.TIthe s/yTrhee_y_rc_eo_o_l_.Look and guessWho and where are they?What are they doing?PresentationLets watchLets answerWhere are they?In a shop.Wh

3、at do they want to buy?A skirt.How does Sarah like the skirt?Its very pretty.Sarah, how do you like thisskirt?Its very pretty.Sarah, howdo you like thisskirt?Its very pretty.你覺得 怎么樣?Lets learn美觀的; 精致的Language pointHow do you like+物品?Its/Theyre+形容詞.詢問對方對某物看法的 句型及答語this dressthese shoes prettyniceLets

4、 answerHow much is the skirt?Its 8_9dollars.Can I help you?Yes. How much is this skirt?Its $89.Can I help you?Yes. How much is this skirt?Its $89.Lets learn多少錢$是美元符號, 用 在數(shù)字前面。Language pointHow much is/are+物品?( Its/Theyre )+價格.詢問物品價格的句型及 答語物品是可數(shù)名詞單 數(shù) 或不可數(shù)名詞, be 動詞用is。物品是可數(shù)名詞復(fù) 數(shù),be動詞用are??谡Z中可直接回答價格。Oh

5、, thats expensive!I like it,mum!Sorry, Sarah.Its too expensive.昂貴的;花錢多的Lets learnCulture cornerCulture corner100$100Culture corner100yuan100dollars80 80Look and choose80元80 yuans80 yuan40 $ 4040美元40 dollar40 dollarsLets retellSarah, how do you like thisskirt?I_t_s v_e_r_y_p_r_e_t_ty_.Can I help you?

6、Its $89.Yes. _H_owm_u_chis_t_hi_s_s_k_ir_t?Oh,that s_ex_p_e_n_si_ve_!I like it, mum!Sorry, Sarah. I_t_s_t_o_o e_x_p_e_ns_iv_e_.Read, tick or cross( ) 1. This skirt is very pretty. ( ) 2. Sarah likes this skirt.( ) 3. They will take it.Role playListen and imitate.Read the dialogue.Role play.Lets act1

7、02016 10461215It will be cold soon. You have 50yuan.Choose three things.That scarf is pretty.How much is it?Ill take it!Its 10yuan.我買了。102016 10461215is/are.How much?Ill take it!.要求:1. 挑選3種物品;2.物品總價低于或等于50元。doyoulikethisskirt?How連詞成句practiceHowmuchisit.Iwillforlunch.幫Sam釣魚manyis the1.How skirt.mucht

8、heisare3.How much gloves.Its too expensive.How do you like this skirt?How much is this skirt?Ill take it!你覺得這條裙子怎么樣?它太貴了!我買了!這條裙子多少錢?Read and matchHow much is it?Can I help you?How much are they?How do you like it?Yes. Can I try them on?Its nice.Its 10ya.nuTheyre $10.B. What colour do you like?D. Ho

9、w do you like this skirt?A. Can I try it on?C. Can I help you?E. How much is it?A: 1. CB: Yes, I want a skirt.A: 2. BB: I like yellow. A: 3. DB: Its nice. 4._A A: OK.B: Great. 5._E A: Its 60 yuan.B: OK. Ill take it.Read and choose重點(diǎn)單詞或詞組how much 多少dollar美元eighty八十Summary重點(diǎn)句型How do you like.?How much is/ar


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