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1、How to RYour Products on Amazon The Ultimate Guide終極指南如何在亞馬遜中產(chǎn)品前言If you want sucs on Amazon, you need to understand how AmazonsSearch Algorithm works right?如果你想要在亞馬遜上取得成功,那么,你就必須知道亞馬遜的搜索運算是怎么工作的,對吧?Sounds obvious, but youd be surprised聽起來毋庸置疑,但,你會很驚訝的Most sellers have no idea how Amazon rsand delive

2、rs search results; let alone how (easily) exploitable it can be!大多數(shù)賣家都不知道亞馬遜是如何并如何傳遞搜索結(jié)果的;更別提它是多好(容易)被利用的一個東西!Are you ready for a shocking fact?你準備好認清這個驚人的事實了嗎?THREE TIMES as many buyers search for products to buy on Amazon,rathern.大多數(shù)買家在亞馬遜上搜索要買的產(chǎn)品的次數(shù)比谷歌的搜索量要多出三倍。Think about it你想想看Where do you go w

3、hen you need to know if a product is worth buying?當你需要知道一個產(chǎn)品是否值得息?的時候,你會去哪里得到這個信1What about when you want the best deal on anything from a book to a refrigerator?從一本書到一臺冰箱,你想從中獲得最有價值的東西,你會想到什么?Amazon亞馬遜Yet, you probably dont pay attent to its search engine much less consider it as a marketing channe

4、l worth optimizing for. Even most Amazon Marketers are still spending their days trying to optimizetheir Amazon Listings foogle然而,你可能不會注意到亞馬遜的搜索引擎,更不可能考慮到它可以作為一個值得優(yōu)化的。甚至大多數(shù)“亞馬遜”仍然在每天花時間,努力去為谷歌優(yōu)化他們亞馬遜的產(chǎn)品But, what if you knew how to rin Amazon instead?但是,要是你知道如何在亞馬遜上呢?Youd have THREE TIMES more ready-

5、to-buy customersn youdEVER get in and youdt in a fractof the time!你會得到比以往在谷歌上面得到的多三倍的準顧客量,并且是在短時間內(nèi)獲得!Youre about to read The Ultimate Guide to R on Amazoning Your Products現(xiàn)在,你會接觸到亞馬遜產(chǎn)品終極指南But before we get should knowo the meat of the matter, here are some basics you但在進入這個話題之前,須知道些基本知識2roducing A9:

6、Amazons Product Search Algorithm介紹 A9:亞馬遜的產(chǎn)品搜索算法A9 is the name of Amazon s product search algorithm. Since this is aguide about ring products in Amazon, it makes sense to starthesource. So, this is A9s offi results.l sement for how they calculate searchA9 是亞馬遜搜索算法的名字。自從 A9 成為亞馬遜產(chǎn)品的指南,它在上就具備了意義。因此,這就

7、是 A9 對于他們?nèi)绾斡嬎闼阉鹘Y(jié)果的正式。Our work starts long before a customer types a query. Wevebeenyzing data, observing past traffic patterns, andindexing the text describing every product in our catalog before the customer has even decided to search.Amazon的工作遠在顧客前就開始了在分析數(shù)據(jù),觀察以往的傳輸模式,并幾乎是在顧客決定搜索之前索引描述每個目錄中的產(chǎn)品的文本。亞

8、馬遜As we can see here, much of the work is done before the customer even touches the keyboard. Once the customer actually hits “Enter” to perform a search, the A9 algorithm delivers results through a two-step pros:正如在此所見,大部分工作都幾乎在顧客觸及鍵盤之前就做好了。一旦顧客真正敲擊“Enter”去進行一個搜索,A9 算法就通過兩個步驟傳輸結(jié)果:Once we determine

9、which items are good matches to the customers query, our ring algorithms score them to present the most relevant results to the user.Amazon一旦確認哪個項目最符合顧客的的算法就會把它們作為最關(guān)聯(lián)的的結(jié)果呈現(xiàn)給顧客。亞馬遜3Its a pretty simple pros at its core:這個是十分簡單的一個過程:1., they pull the relevant results from their massive “catalog” ofprod

10、uct listings.首先,他們從產(chǎn)品列表大量的“目錄”中拉出關(guān)聯(lián)的結(jié)果。2.Then, they sort those results the user.o an ordert is “most relevant” to然后,他們按照與用戶“最相關(guān)”的指令分類這些結(jié)果。Now, some of you SEOs out there might be thinking, “Wait a secondIsnt relevancys turf? I thought Amazon only cared aboutconvers! Whats all this focus on relevance

11、ng here?”現(xiàn)在,你的一些搜索引擎優(yōu)化師可能會想:“等一下相關(guān)性不是谷歌的地盤嗎?我認為亞馬遜只關(guān)心轉(zhuǎn)換!在這里關(guān)注關(guān)聯(lián)性做什么?”The answer is simple: Relevance doesnt mean the same thing to Amazont it does to. Read this sement from A9 carefully to see if youcan catch the difference:很簡單:關(guān)聯(lián)性對于亞馬遜的意義并不同于谷歌。閱讀這個來自A9 的描述,看看你是否能夠抓住其中的不同之處:One of A9s tenets ist re

12、levance ishe eye of thecustomer and we strive to get the best results for our users. We continuously evaluate our algorithms using humanjudgments, programmatic performance metrics.ysis, key business metrics andAmazon力圖為我A9 的其中一個原理就是:“關(guān)聯(lián)性是顧客的眼睛”。們的顧客獲得最好的結(jié)果。不斷地用人類的判斷、規(guī)劃性的分析、關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)指標和性能指標來評估的算法 。亞馬遜Seet

13、?看到了嗎?4says, “What results most accura query?”y answer the searchers谷歌說:“哪些結(jié)果最準確地回答了搜索者?”Amazon says, “What products is the searcher most likely to buy?”亞馬遜說:“哪些產(chǎn)品是搜索者最有傾向的?”The difference betn those two quests is the difference betnhow Amazon measures relevancy compared to.這兩個問題的差異就是亞馬遜相對于谷歌之間方法的差異

14、。On the whole, ring in Amazon is more straightforwardnbecause youre essentially cutting the work in half. This is because theres no such thing as offSEO for Amazon; they only useernal factors to determine how a product rs. Backlinks, solmedia,authority These are all things you dont need to worryabou

15、t on Amazon.總體來說,從本質(zhì)上把工作削減了一半,使得在亞馬遜上比谷歌要來得直接得多。這是因為,在亞馬遜沒有所謂的站外優(yōu)化;他們僅僅用來決定一個產(chǎn)品如何。反向,社交,權(quán)重這些都是你在亞馬遜上不用擔(dān)心的。t being said, there are a few simple rules you must always remember about Amazon. These 3 rules are critically important to making the most of this guide, so make sure you read them twice:也就是說,對

16、于亞馬遜,你有幾條簡單的規(guī)則必須記住。這 3 條規(guī)則是這個指南的至要關(guān)鍵,請確保你讀多兩遍:1.Amazons top goal in everything they Per Customer (RPC)s alwaysize Revenue亞馬遜做任何事情的最高目標是最大化單個顧客收入。2.Amazon tracks every actt a customer takes on Amazon, rightdown to where their mouse hovers on the page亞馬遜顧客在亞馬遜上的每一個舉動,直至他們的鼠標在頁面上停留的位置。3.The A9 algorith

17、m exists to connect the daracked in #2 to the goal5sed in #1A9 算法的存在是用來把在#2 上得到的數(shù)據(jù)與#1 上規(guī)定的目標連接起來。So far, so good?目前為止,感覺還好嗎?Corllars of the A9 AlgorithmA9 算法的支柱From A9 s website and from the informatt Amazon makesavailable to us through their Seller Central (login required), we can groupAmazons r通過

18、A9 的們的信息,別:ing factorso three equally important categories:和亞馬遜通過他們的賣家中心(需要登錄)提供給我可以把亞馬遜的歸類為三個同樣重要的類ConverRate* These are factorst Amazon has found have asistically relevant effect on converrates. Exles of converrate factors include customer reviews, quality of images and pricing.轉(zhuǎn)化率*這些是亞馬遜找到的對于轉(zhuǎn)換率有

19、著統(tǒng)計學(xué)上的影響的。關(guān)于轉(zhuǎn)換率的例子包括顧客評論、質(zhì)量和評價。Relevancy Remember thestn the A9 algorithm? They gatherthe results, and then they decide how to list them. Relevancy factorslA9 when to consider your product page for a given search term.Relevancy factors include your title and product descript.關(guān)聯(lián)性還記得 A9 算法的第一步嗎?他們收集結(jié)果

20、,然后決定如何列舉他們。關(guān)聯(lián)性用給予的搜索詞來告訴 A9 什么時候考慮你的產(chǎn)品頁面。它包括你的題目和產(chǎn)品描述。Customer Satisfact& Retent How do youmake the most t they keep s in customermoney from a single customer? Make them so happycoming back. Amazon knowst the secret to max RPCretent. Its a lorder to get someone to spend $100 oncen $10ten times. Cus

21、tomer Retent Defect Rate.factors include seller feedback and Order顧客的滿意度&保留度你如何最大程度地從一個顧客手上賺到6錢?讓他們開心成為回頭客。亞馬遜深知單個顧客利潤最大化的秘訣,在于顧客的保留度。十美金并分十次花,要單缺陷率。讓一個人花一百美金,比讓他每次花很多。顧客保留度包括賣方反饋和訂*Notet Amazon usesboth predicted and real converrates forproduct rings. For exle, if your product is priced highern oth

22、ersimilar products, Amazonwill predict a lower converrate for yourlisting and uset rate until real dorrects it.*注意,對于產(chǎn)品,亞馬遜同時運用轉(zhuǎn)換率跟實際轉(zhuǎn)換率。例如,如果你的產(chǎn)品定價高于其他同款產(chǎn)品,亞馬遜對于你的產(chǎn)品會一個相對更低的轉(zhuǎn)換率,并運用這個轉(zhuǎn)換率直至它被真實數(shù)據(jù)修改。Okay! We re finally ready to start talking about how to rproductlistings in Amazon. What you ll find be

23、low are 25 Amazon ringfactorst either Amazon themselves or independent marketers haveconfirmed the A9 algorithm to use.好的,現(xiàn)在終于可以開始談?wù)勅绾卧趤嗰R遜你的產(chǎn)品了。在者確認的 25下面你會發(fā)現(xiàn) A9 算法運用的亞馬遜本身或者個亞馬遜。Top 25 Amazon R亞馬遜前 25ing FactorsAmazon isnt likewhere they go to greengths to hide thefactorst they useheir algorithm. I

24、nside Amazonler Central,theyll blatantlyl you several of their top ring factors. You csovisit the offil Amazon Seller Support Blog for some great insights. Andheres the UK Seller Support Blog if youreerested.亞馬遜不像谷歌一樣竭盡全力隱藏他們在算法中運用的。在亞馬遜賣家中心,他們會公然告訴你幾個頂尖的。您還可以亞馬遜賣家支持博客的去了解一些偉大的見解。如果你感,這是英國賣家支持博客 UK

25、Seller Support Blog。Conver Sales RRate Factors 轉(zhuǎn)換率銷售After just a couple searches on Amazon, it should be pretty obvioust7number of sales compared to other similar products otherwise knownas Sales R is one of the most important rings factors.在亞馬遜上幾番搜索之后,銷售數(shù)量與其他同類產(chǎn)品相比很明顯不然稱之為銷售是其中一個最重要的。Even now Amazo

26、n is testing a new featureheir search results wherethey automatically append a #1 Best-Seller banner (see below) to the best-selling product in category-specific searches, like this one for “Strollers”:即使現(xiàn)在,亞馬遜正在他們的搜索結(jié)果中測試一個新功能,自動添加一個#1 Best-Seller 橫幅(見下文)的暢銷產(chǎn)品到特定范疇搜索的最暢銷產(chǎn)品中,例如這個“嬰兒車”:Its simple rea

27、lly真的很簡單More sales mean higher rings more sales! and higher rings mean銷量多意味著高高更意味著高銷量!8It sounds like a vicious cycle, but luckily there are still many ways for new sellers to compete.聽起來就像是惡性循環(huán),但幸運的是,對于新賣家,還是有很多方法去競爭的。Customer Reviews 顧客評論It probably doesnt need to be saidt the number anditive-ness

28、 ofyour customer reviews is one of the most important r Amazons A9 algorithm.ing factors in或許根本不用說,顧客評論的數(shù)量跟積極性是亞馬遜 A9 算法中的一個最重要的。This exle product search for the keyword“vacuum”illustrates someeresting pos about how Amazon weights review volume vs. reviewquality:這個產(chǎn)品搜索例子,搜索關(guān)鍵字“vacuum”,說明了亞馬遜如何權(quán)衡評論的數(shù)

29、量跟質(zhì)量的有趣問題。9Lets dissect this search results page:讓一起來仔細研究一下這個產(chǎn)品搜索頁面:1.The BIvacuum (green) has the most reviews AND the highestreview rating. Its also the best-seller in its category, so it rs at thetop.牌子 BI(綠色框)有最多評價和最高的評價率。它也是這個類目的最暢銷賣家,所以它最前。102.The second-red Dirt Devil (red) has more customer

30、reviews, but alower review rating. Its also a best-seller, so it rs second.第二的 Dirt Devil(紅色框)有的顧客評價,但是評價率比較低。它也是暢銷賣家,所以位列第二。3.The third-red Shark Navigator (blue) has less customer reviews, buta higher ratingn #2, and its also a best-seller, so it rs #3.第三的 Shark Navigator(藍色框)顧客評價最少,但是評價率比第 2 名多,而

31、且也是暢銷賣家,所以排第三名。4.The Hoover WindTunnel at #4 habstantially more customer reviewsn any of the top three listings, but its not as highly rated as #1 and #3,and its not a best-seller, so it rs #4.第四的 Hoover WindTunnel 有著比上面三個都多的顧客評價,但是卻沒有第一跟第三那樣的評價率,而且也不是暢銷賣家,所以排第四。Answered Quests 答疑This is one of thos

32、e metricst Amazon doesnt specifically se theytrack. But, its dahey have acs to and Q&As are listed close to thetop of the product page, which typically means it s important forconvers.11這是其中一個亞馬遜不明確說明追蹤的指標。然而,它們所擁有的數(shù)據(jù)通向Q&A 被列于靠近產(chǎn)品頁面頂端,意味著它對于轉(zhuǎn)換很重要。Furthermore, there products like this (me-approved) P

33、hilips Sonicareelectrictoothbrush,whichrs#1forthekeyword“ electrictoothbrush”over other equally rated best-sellers because is almosttwice as many customer Q&Asn any other listinghe category:此外,產(chǎn)品類似于 Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush,相比同等賣家,以關(guān)鍵字“electric toothbrush”位列第一名,這是因為它在這個產(chǎn)品類別比其他類目有著最多的顧客Q&

34、As。產(chǎn)品知識的深度和廣度需要擴寬,作為消費者對產(chǎn)品用法,耐用程度等等提出疑問,作為從業(yè)者需要對每個問題回答夠?qū)I(yè),盡可能用為回答相應(yīng)而設(shè)計問題。參考同類目前十的產(chǎn)品的答疑。Image Size & Quality尺寸&質(zhì)量12Amazon continues to tighten their image size and quality policies for product listings. Right now, some categories wont even display resultst donveeast one imaget is 10001000 pixels or l

35、arger.These are called “suppressed listings”.亞馬遜繼續(xù)勒緊產(chǎn)品上架的圖像尺寸和質(zhì)量政策?,F(xiàn)在,一些類別甚至不顯示少于 10001000 像素的圖像。這些被稱為“抑制上架”。The 10001000 pixel image size allows Amazon to offer customers their Hover-to-Zoom feature, shown below, which theyve found has adramatic effect on converrates.像素 10001000 的尺寸讓亞馬遜能夠提供顧客的來回縮放功

36、能,如下圖所示,這種功能對于轉(zhuǎn)換率有著戲驚人的效果。Awful artistry aside, you can seet as my cursor hovers over the image,Amazon automatically displays a zoomed-in verhe productinformatpane.除了令人驚嘆的藝術(shù)性,你可以看到,隨著光標在圖像上徘徊,亞馬遜自動在產(chǎn)品信息窗格放大。Noticet imagety is not whats important here. This Tippmannpaball gun is the #1 product for th

37、e keyword “paball guns”, but itonly has one image. Since the image is big enough and informativeenough to give the customer all the info they need, make Amazon happy.ts all it takes to注意,在這里圖像質(zhì)量不是最重要的。這個被點擊是產(chǎn)品#1 的關(guān)鍵字“paball guns”,但是它只有一張圖。只要這張足夠大并足以提供顧客他們想要的信息,亞馬遜就很高興了。13t means its better to have o

38、ne large, high quality imagen to havemultiple normal-sized images. Not to sayt multiple imageswontfterconvert bettern one image, justt the benefits quickly tr othe.這樣意味著,提供一張大的、高質(zhì)量的比多個正常大小的來得更好。別說多張沒有單張轉(zhuǎn)換得好,產(chǎn)品的好處會隨著第一張而慢慢減小。如果自建產(chǎn)品自拍圖,發(fā)現(xiàn)其家賣家盜用,向亞馬遜他們產(chǎn)品并要求下架Price 價格Remember earr when we talked about h

39、ow Amazons A9 productsearch algorithm uses both predicted and real converrates todetermine which products to showheir search results?記得早先談到的亞馬遜的A9 產(chǎn)品搜索算法同時運用和真實轉(zhuǎn)換率來決定哪些產(chǎn)品應(yīng)該出現(xiàn)在搜索結(jié)果里面嗎?Oneofthebiggestfactors Amazonusestodeterminepredictedconverrate is pricing they knowt customers tend to seek thebest

40、deals. More importantly, Amazon uses pricing as a major factor inpicking which product to showhe buy box, which is the part of thepage containing the Add to Cart button (well talk more aboutt later).亞馬遜用來決定轉(zhuǎn)換率的其中一個最大的就是價格他們知道顧客傾向于追求好。更重要的是,亞馬遜用定價作為挑選哪個產(chǎn)品顯示在購物車的一個重要Cart button 的這個選擇按鈕(稍后,就是產(chǎn)品頁面包含 Add

41、 to會細講)。14Notice heret the top-ring product for the search term “juicer” hasless customer reviews, lower customer reviews and lower Sales Rn every other listinghe top 4. It still shows #1 because its gotdecent ratings and is priced waaaaay below the category average.等級高的有著搜索詞“juicer” 的產(chǎn)品,相比其他的注意看這里的

42、前四的產(chǎn)品,有著較少的顧客評價,較低的顧客評價率跟更低的銷售等級。Note reasont customer reviews are still vital here. And pricing isnt the onlyt the Black & Decker Juicer rs #1的。而且定價也不是 Black & Decker顧客評價在這里仍然是Juicer第一的唯一理由Parent-Child Products 父子類產(chǎn)品Many sellers create multiple listings for variats of the same product.This iboptima

43、l. Its much better to use Amazons built-in parent-childproduct functality to direct all customers to a single product page.許多賣家會為同個產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)建多條listing。這做法是比較不好的。馬遜的父子類模板上架產(chǎn)品來引導(dǎo)顧客到單一產(chǎn)品頁面會更好。This has several benefits:這是幾個優(yōu)點:Itizes your customer reviews, since Amazon will combine your15similar productso a si

44、ngle primary product page這樣可以最大量化你的顧客評價,因為亞馬遜會在同一個主要的產(chǎn)品頁面。的同類產(chǎn)品結(jié)合It makes the mosse from a UX standpo; keng customers on thesame page makes it more likely theyll buy your product從用戶體驗的立場這樣做最有意義,讓顧客停留在同一個頁面,因此增大的可能性。Amazonhas shown a preference for ring products with multiple heir listingopts亞馬遜偏好于有多

45、個選項的listing。Lets look att top-ring Black & Decker Juicer again:讓我再次看看 Black & Decker Juicer :If you scroll back up the page, youll seet this juicer is the only one inthe top 4 results to utilize parent-child product connects. When youenable the parent-child relat Amazons search resultsship, it shows

46、 as an extra optin如果你滾動頁面,你會看到這個榨汁機是前四的產(chǎn)品中唯一一個用了父子類的產(chǎn)品。當你運用父子關(guān)系時,在亞馬遜搜索結(jié)果中它會被作為一個額外的選項。This not only increases click-through rates, we can see heret it alsohelps you rabove the competit!16這不但會提高點擊率,它也能使你在競爭中具備優(yōu)勢。Time on Page & Bounce Rate頁面停留時間&彈出率Remember, Amazon can measure every way a customerera

47、cts with their website, so its easy for them to track detailed time on page andbounce rate ss.切記,亞馬遜可以把握到顧客與互動的每一個方式,因此他們很容易就能到具體頁面停留時間、統(tǒng)計彈出率。Heres exactly what these similar-but-different metrics mean on Amazon:這就是亞馬遜上類似卻不相同的指標對于亞馬遜的意義:Time on Page: Amazon bevest the amount of time a customerspends

48、 on your listing page is a good measure of howerested they arein your product. A customer who reads your full product descript,looks through reviews and investigates the Q&As is muore likely tobuyn the onet spends a couple seconds skimming the features.頁面停留時間:亞馬遜認為,顧客在一個產(chǎn)品頁面停留的時間多少是衡量顧客對這個產(chǎn)品度的好標尺。一個

49、看完你所有產(chǎn)品描述,看遍評價并探究 Q&As 的顧客比只在頁面上停留幾秒看看產(chǎn)品特點的顧客更傾向于。Bounce Rate: A “bounce” is when a customerforms a search, visitsyour page, and then either goes back to the search results or clicks on aRelated Product offer. Ken mindt Amazon has a muore exactmeasurement of bounce raten, again, because all user act

50、ivityhappens withheir platform.彈出率:“彈”,意思是顧客開始搜索、你的頁面、然后返回搜索結(jié)果頁面或者點擊一個關(guān)聯(lián)產(chǎn)品。記住,亞馬遜比起谷歌,有著更準備的計算彈出率的方法,重申,這是因為所有的用戶的活動都在他們的上產(chǎn)生。17Product Listing Completeness產(chǎn)品的完整性Finally, the last conver The individual sectmetric to optimize for is listing completeness. of the product listing mostly have to do withsr

51、elevancy, as youll learn below, but the actual completeness of the listinghas an effect on converrate.最后,最后的轉(zhuǎn)換指標就是優(yōu)化產(chǎn)品完整性。就像你接下來會認識到的,產(chǎn)品的單個模塊都跟關(guān)聯(lián)性有關(guān)系,但是實際的完整性對于轉(zhuǎn)換率有很大的影響。As a general rule, the more complete you make your listing, the better. Doyour best to fill in every single fieldhe listing setup

52、page toizeyour chanof appearing at the top of product search results.一般來說,你的越完整越好。盡可能填好建立頁面的每一個部分,使你的產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)在搜索結(jié)果前面的機會最大化。Relevancy Factors相關(guān)性Title題目Optimizing your product title for Amazon is an excellent exle of thewayt optimizing for Amazon differs from optimizing foogle.與在谷歌上優(yōu)化不同,在亞馬遜上優(yōu)化你的產(chǎn)品標題是一個極好

53、的例子。In, you want a concise, engaging title with your keyword close tothe beginning.在谷歌,你需要一個簡潔、吸引人的標題,并讓關(guān)鍵字靠近開頭。In Amazon, all you care about is keywords. You want to cram as manykeywordso about 80 characters as yousibly can.18在亞馬遜,所有你關(guān)注的就是關(guān)鍵字。在 80 個字符中,你要盡你最大能力填入盡量多的關(guān)鍵字。In fact, you can actually go

54、better to have too many keywords80 characters if you want, and its n too few. Ive seen top-listedproducts with titlest make no sense and have over 200 characters, likethis top-rated “Nexus charger”:事實上,如果你想的話,你完全可以超過 80 個字符,并且,太多比太少好。我看過一些排前的沒有意義的產(chǎn)品標題,上面有超過 200 個字符,就像這個“Nexus charger”:It should be n

55、otedt Amazon is starting to crack down and standardizeProduct Titles keep an eye out for this moving forward要注意的是,亞馬遜正在開始打擊和規(guī)范產(chǎn)品標題留意好這個趨勢Features / Bullet Pos特性/要點The other big reasont particular Nexus charger rs so highly isbecause is lots of keyword rich, informative features. Features, whichare d

56、isplayed as bullet po are an absolute must.另一個 Nexus chargers right below the pricing and product opts,這么靠前的理由是它有大量的關(guān)鍵字,充滿信息量的特性。特性,以要點的形式顯示在價格和產(chǎn)品選擇下面,是一個絕對不可少的必須。19Just like with images, Features are so importantt Amazon no longer he buy box, andallows products without bullet pos to be featurednovi

57、ng them is a serious road-block to good Amazon rings.就像,特性非常重要,以至于亞馬遜不允許沒有標示要點的產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)在購物車中,沒有這些就像是亞馬遜上的路障。Another good ex monitor, which rle of proper Feature usage is this Asus computer s #1 for “computer screen”:另一個很好的完整的特性用法的例子就是 Asus 電腦顯示器,在電腦“computer screen”類別#1:Notice how the bullet-pos are bot

58、h extremely detailed and include aton of keywords? At the same time, theyre easily readable, whieansthey wont confuse customers and risk hurting convers.怎樣的要點才能夠非常詳細并包含大量的呢?與此同時,它們還易讀,不會顧客,或者危害轉(zhuǎn)換率。Product Descript產(chǎn)品描述Your product descriptis basically where you expand on your Features. Its also the p

59、art of the page you have the most control over. If theresanywhereto really put a lot of efforto engagement, itshe productdescript.產(chǎn)品描述基本上來說就是擴展功能。它同時也是你最能控制到的頁面的一部分。如果是可以做多點努力的,就是產(chǎn)品描述。t being said, ken mindt unlike withthere is no benefit20to having a keyword appear multiple times on the product pag

60、e; if itsanywhere in your product listingeast once, you will be relevant torfor it.話雖然這么說,但是要記住,同個關(guān)鍵字在產(chǎn)品頁面出現(xiàn)無數(shù)次也是沒有好處的,如果有,一次就夠了,這就會讓你的關(guān)聯(lián)到。If you want to see a truly appetizing product descript one for this DeLhongi Espresso Maker the #1 r term “espresso maker”., check out the ed listing for the如果你想


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