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1、第PAGE 頁碼6頁/總NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù)6頁Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.英語必修三外研版Module2同步精煉(4)及答案Module2 Developing and Developed Countries Period FourGrammar:Link words 同步精練(外研版必修3,課標(biāo)通用)時間:60分鐘.用but,while,although或however填空1Developing countries are those where agriculture is

2、the main source of income,_this income is not enough to maintain a moderate level of living.2The birth rate in developing countries is always high,_it is comparatively low in developed countries.3He hasnt arrived.He may,_,come late.4Most people are aware of the risk of flood in the city if the dam r

3、emains unrepaired,_the government seems to say nothing about it.5_some of the countries have realized the importance of science and technology,this does not necessarily make it easy to develop science in those countries.6I think we should get the computer,_it will take up much space.7He called for h

4、elp again and again,_no one came to him.8One cant feel the air;_it does exist.答案1.but2.while3.however4.while5.Although6.though/although7.but8.however.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1No matter how many difficulties we may come across,we should try to deal with them._many difficulties we may come across,we should try to deal wi

5、th them.2Although she is clever,she doesnt study very hard.Clever_she is,she doesnt study very hard.3He knew all his friends would be there,but he didnt want to go.He knew all his friends would be there,he didnt want to go,_. 4If you set the alarm at 5 oclock,youll wake up and catch the early bus.Se

6、t the alarm at 5 oclock,_youll wake up and catch the early bus.5Though it was raining hard,they went out to play.Though it was raining hard,_they went out to play.答案1.However2.though/as3.though4.and5.yet/still.單項填空1Some people waste a lot of food,_others havent enough to eat.Ahowever BwhenCas Dwhile

7、答案D句意:一些人浪費糧食,但另外一些人卻食不果腹。根據(jù)句意,主從句之間為對比關(guān)系,而however表對比,讓步時需要用逗號隔開。因此選D。2We had to wait half an hour_we had already booked a table.Asince Balthough Cuntil Dbefore答案B句意:雖然我們已預(yù)訂了桌位,但我們還必須等半個小時。前后兩個分句之間為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,因此選B。3Difficult_the task was, they managed to complete it in time.Ayet Bwhen Calthough Dthough答案D

8、句意:盡管任務(wù)很難,他們還是想方設(shè)法及時完成了。as/though引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,從句需要倒裝。4Later,_,he decided to leave for that faraway place.Abut Bhowever Cyet Dalthough答案Bhowever“然而”放在句中,前后用逗號與句子隔開。5_I really dont like art, I find his work impressive. AAs BSince CIf DWhile答案D句意:盡管我并不真正喜歡藝術(shù),但是我發(fā)現(xiàn)他的作品還是令人嘆服的。前后兩個分句表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,因此選D。6Which turnin

9、g should I take to the Capital Building,Madam?Im sorry,_Im a stranger here myself.A/ Band Cbut Dthen答案C“Im sorry,but.”是習(xí)慣用法but用來引出道歉的原因,本身沒實際意義,不翻譯出來。7_,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.AHowever late is he BHowever he is lateCHowever is he late DHowever late he is答案D句意:無論他回來得多么晚,媽媽總會

10、等他一起吃晚飯。此處however相當(dāng)于no matter how,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,從句是陳述語序,句中的主謂不倒裝。8Excuse me for breaking in,_I have some news for you.Aso Band Cbut Dyet答案C句意:打擾了,我插句話,這兒有你的消息。Excuse me,but.是習(xí)慣用語。9_you have got a chance, you should make full use of it.AAfter BNow thatCAlthough DAs soon as答案B考查連詞。句意:既然你有這個機會,你應(yīng)該充分利用。根據(jù)句意,

11、前后分句之間為因果關(guān)系。故選B。10He is a danger; there is no reason,_,to shoot him.Abut Bwhile Cthough Dalthough答案C句意:他是危險分子,但也沒有理由擊斃他。though表讓步可以用作副詞,多放在句尾,有時也可以放在句中。 11Between the two generations, it is often not their age,_their education that causes misunderstanding.Alike Bas Cor Dbut答案Dnot.but.意為”不是而是”,符合句意。句

12、意: 在兩代人之間,往往不是他們的年齡而是他們所受的教育會引起誤解。12My parents were quarrelling about me_I could not quite tell why.Asince Bthough Cif Duntil答案Bthough表示讓步,意為“盡管”。13All of us enjoy playing computer games,_we cant spend too much time on it.Aand BorCbut Dso答案C句意:我們所有的人都喜歡玩電腦游戲,但是我們不能在這上面花太多的時間。but連接兩個并列分句,表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。14We

13、all admit that breaking a record is fantastic._,some challenges are not good for peoples health.ATherefore BHoweverCMoreover DFurthermore答案B句意:我們都承認打破紀(jì)錄是了不起的,然而,有些挑戰(zhàn)對人們的健康不好。however然而,符合句意。therefore因此;moreover此外;furthermore而且。15The shop doesnt open until 11 am.,_it doesnt lose any business because o

14、f this.Afor Bor Cbut Dso答案C句意:這家商店直到上午11點才開門,但是并沒有因此而失去生意。前后句之間是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,所以要用but。.短文改錯假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。 刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下畫一橫線(_),并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及修改均僅限一詞;2只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。A lot of people thought th

15、at teachers need to love our students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects.These ideas are,of course,true to a certain degree and they are perhaps a little of too simple.It is impossible for anyone love everyone they know,and teachers deal with the large number of student

16、s over the years.On the other hand,teachers could certainly be able to make their students feel that they are concerning.A good knowledge of the subject is extremely important,but equal important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the students effectivelya teacher need to be trained in the

17、skills of teaching.答案A lot of people thougheq o(t,sdo4(think) that teachers need to love oueq o(r,sdo4(their) students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects.These ideas are,of course,true to a certain degree aneq o(d,sdo4(but) they are perhaps a little oftoo simple.It is i

18、mpossible for anyone eq o(,sdo4(to) love everyone they know,and teachers deal with theq o(e,sdo4(a) large number of students over the years.On the other hand,teachers eq f(could ,should/need) certainly be able to make their students feel that they are concernineq o(g,sdo4(concerned) .A good knowledg

19、e of the subject is extremely important,buteq o( equal,sdo4(equally) important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the students effectivelya teacher neeeq o(d,sdo4(needs) to be trained in the skills of teaching.書面表達請根據(jù)下表內(nèi)容寫一篇比較上海和北京這兩座城市的英語短文。詞數(shù):100左右上海北京華東,坐落在長江河畔中國的東北部1 500萬人口1 633萬人口冬天稍冷,

20、夏天悶熱冬天寒冷,夏天涼爽 現(xiàn)代化城市,高樓林立 古老的城市,古建筑和宮殿_翻譯下列句子,然后組句成篇。1北京和上海都是中國有名的大都市。上海在中國的東部,而北京在中國的東北部。_2有著1633萬人口的北京是中國的首都。上海有一千五百萬人口。 _3冬天和春天的北京比上海要冷一些。但是在夏天北京比上海要涼爽許多。_4北京有悠久的歷史,是一個有很多古建筑的城市,還有很多宮殿,比如頤和園和故宮。_5上海是一座有很多高樓大廈的現(xiàn)代化城市。_6世界上的第三大河長江流經(jīng)上海市。上海坐落在華東。_答案1.Both Beijing and Shanghai are famous cities in China

21、. Shanghai is in the east of China while Beijing is in the northeast.2Beijing is the capital of China, which has a population of 16.33 million. Shanghai has a population of 15 million.3The weather in Beijing in winter and spring is colder than that in Shanghai. But in summer, it is cooler in Beijing

22、 than that in Shanghai.4Beijing, which has a long history, is an ancient city with a lot of old buildings and has many palaces, such as the Summer Palace and the Imperial Palace.5Shanghai is a modern city with a lot of high buildings.6The worlds third longest riverthe Changjiang Riverflows through the city of Shanghai. And Shanghai is on the


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