



1、上海音樂學院來華留學生申請表(非學歷生)Application Form for International StudentsShanghai Conservatory of Music (Non-degree Program)護照姓Passport Surname護照名Passport Given Name中文姓名Chinese Name照片Photo性別Sex出生日期Date of Birth國籍Nationality出生地點Place of Birth護照號碼:Passport No.護照有效期:Valid Until宗教信仰Religion婚姻狀況Marital Status手機號碼M

2、obile phone No.本國聯(lián)系方式Address in Your Home Country 電話Tel郵編 Zip code錄取材料郵寄地址Address of Receiving Admission Documents 電話Tel郵編 Zip code緊急聯(lián)絡人姓名Person for Emergency Contact 電話Tel最后學歷Highest Academic Degree電子郵箱Email現(xiàn)工作或學習單位Employer or Institution所在年級Current Grade職業(yè)Current Occupation申請專業(yè)和主修科目Field of Study

3、& Subjects漢語 Chinese Language口音樂進修(請在下面選擇填寫)Music Major(Please Select from below)入學時間 Intake time: 年 Yr.月 Mo.學習時間 Study Duration:1 學期 1 Semester ; 口2 學期 2 Semesters;1 年 以上 More than One year作曲 Composition. 指揮 Conducting 中國民族樂器演奏 Chinese Traditional Instruments Performance 口音樂學 Musicology 鋼琴 Piano聲樂歌

4、劇 Voice& Opera口管 弦樂器演奏 Orchestral Instruments Performance音樂教育 Music Education口藝術 管理 Arts Administration音樂 工程 Music Engineering現(xiàn)代器樂與打擊樂 Modern Instruments and Percussion 音樂戲劇 Music Theatre 擬主修科目 Major to Apply漢語能力 Chinese ProficiencyHSK 證書 HSK Certificate, Level在何處學習(study from) 在本國(Home) 在中國(China)

5、其他地方(Other place)學習時間(study hours) 口1200 hours推薦人/機構:Recommended by經費來源 Source of Funding獎學金(Scholarship)自費(Self-supporting)校際交流(Exchange Student)其他(Other)備注:未滿18歲申請者請?zhí)顚懸韵卤O(jiān)護人信息Note: Applicant under 18 should fill in the part of Guardians information監(jiān)護人姓名 Guardians name: 國籍 Nationality:與被監(jiān)護人關系 Relati

6、on to the applicant:電話:Telephone No.監(jiān)護人保證 Guardian hereby affirms that監(jiān)督該生不從事學習目的以外的活動并保證遵守本地法律To supervise the applicant not to do anything not applicable for an exchange student; and assure him/her will abide by the local laws.督促該生努力學習并遵守上海音樂學院的各項規(guī)章制度To urge the applicant to exert to study industr

7、iously and observe the pertinent rules and regulations of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.督促該生按時交納各項費用,該生不能支付有關費用時,由我負責支付To urge the applicant to pay the necessary fees on time; and will be liable to him/her for the payment which in case he/she is not able to afford to pay.負責該生在上海音樂學院學習期間發(fā)生意外事故的處理工作T

8、o handle the accident that the applicant meets during his/her study period at Shanghai Conservatory of Music.監(jiān)護人簽字:日期:Signature of GuardianDate申請人在提交本申請表時,需要同時提交下列材料:1)護照復印件2)最高學歷證書3)報名費500元(人民幣)4)報名照片三張5)與音樂專業(yè)有關的音響資料6)其他相關資料(如音樂老師推薦信等)Applicant must submit the following documents with this form whe

9、n applyingThe copy of passportThe copy of your highest academic degreeApplication fee: RMB500Three passport-size photosMusic recordings(CD or DVD) about the major studyOther documents(recommendation letter, etc)口無需通過學校安排住宿 No need for accommodation arrangement by SCM口申請留學生宿舍 Applying for Internation

10、al Student Dormitory需要預定宿舍,學校將根據(jù)實際情況調配/Book a dormitory(if needed), the arrangement will be made according to the actual situation.雙人間/ Double-room(day/person)RMB40 ;單人間 / Single-room(day/person)RMB80申請人保證/I hereby affirm that上述各項申請中填寫的情況是真實無誤的/All the information in this form is true and correct;因提供信息錯誤、不清晰或不完整而造成的任何后果由我本人承擔/I will take all the responsibilities for any result caused by wrong, incomplete or unclear information in this for


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