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1、1.Come with me. Studying aim:1.Review the words and sentences. 2.Can write the composition “My ”. 3.Sounds and words Key point 1.Can spell the words and say sentence . 2 Use the sentence to ask and answer “ What does she/he do. She/He is ” 、“ Is this your dictionary. No. its not. its Tonys. Difficul

2、t point 1. The usage of does /do Whose/what 2. usage of “ 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)”;Step 1.Warming up 1.sing a song “What do you want to do.”2.Ask and anser with the picture cards. Step 2.Presentation the key points 1.by some practices 1What _ she do . She _ a doctor. 2_ dictionary is this. Its Tonys. 3 _ this your d

3、iary. Yes, it is. 4)What _ they doing. They _ swimming. 2.Summary (1)The usage of do/does (2)The usage of “ 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)”3.Find out the other Key Points in a group of four. 4.Show your idea to the class 5.Write down on the notebooks Step 3 Do exercise 1.Do the exercise of Unit 1 from paper 2.Check the ans

4、wer in a pair 3.Write the Keys Step 4.Review the composition. 1.Ask Ss read the title. 2.Give 3-5minutes to write it . 3.Check out. Step 5 Summary Step 6.Homework 1.Read the Keys 2.Do exercise 后記:通過(guò)復(fù)習(xí), 區(qū)分了 do/does 的用法,寫(xiě)人作文通過(guò)例文幫學(xué)生一起總結(jié)出要點(diǎn)后能順當(dāng)?shù)貙?xiě)出來(lái);對(duì)單詞 dictionary/diary 記得不堅(jiān)固;加強(qiáng)課堂單詞的聽(tīng)寫(xiě),來(lái)補(bǔ)償這個(gè)方面;加強(qiáng)同學(xué)對(duì)前后學(xué)問(wèn)的

5、交叉運(yùn)用教學(xué);Unit 2 and 3 不行數(shù)名詞 Studying aims : Review sentences structures, words and phrases. Teaching Key Points 1.Do you have any glue. Yes ,I do.I have some glue./No,I don t.I dont have any glue. 2. Does Jenny have any scissors. Yes,she does./No,she doesnt. 3. Compare “some/any”Teaching difficult poi

6、nts :Compare “some/any”,不行數(shù)名詞 Teaching aids Recorder and tape, picture of desert, picture cards Teaching procedure Step One Getting ready Sing a song Step Two Revision Ask and anser with the picture cards. Step 2.Presentation the key points 1.By some exercise 1 Do you have _glue. Yes ,I _.I have _ g

7、lue. 2 I have some paper but I dont have _ glue. 3 _ Jenny have any scissors. No,she _. 4My mother has some _糖 and _.蔬菜 2.Summary (1)The usage of any/some (2)The usage of 不行數(shù)名詞;3.Find out the other Key Points in a group of four. 4.Show your idea to the class 5.Write down on the notebooks Step 3 Do e

8、xercise 1.Do the exercise of Unit 2 from paper. 2.Check the answer in a pair 3.Write the Keys Step 4.Review the composition. 1.Ask Ss read the title. 2.Give 3-5minutes to write it . 3.Check out. Step 5 Summary Step 6.Homework 1.Read the Keys 2.Do exercise from 后記:同學(xué)通過(guò)復(fù)習(xí)對(duì)不行數(shù)名詞和some/any 的用法加深了印象做題中發(fā)覺(jué)各

9、別同學(xué)仍找不到緣由,多做題來(lái)提高他們的成果;Unit2 &3 一節(jié)課不夠時(shí)間全部復(fù)完,仍需時(shí)間加強(qiáng)練習(xí)的評(píng)講;5 Its cold in winter. Studying aims : 1. Review the words about the seasons and the weather. 2. Read and repeat the conversation Teaching key points: the composition of the weather Teaching difficult points: How to ask the weather. Teaching aids

10、: Pictures and PPT Teaching procedure: Step 1 Revision T:Whats the weather like today.Use the picture cards S: Its sunny. T:Is it sunny today. S: Yes, it is ./ No, its not. Ask the students to practice in pairs use the target language of Unit 5. Step 2 Presentation of the Keys 1.By some exercise 1.W

11、hat _ the weather like. It is rainy. 2.What _ the weather like. It was cool. 3,Is it windy today. Yes,it _. 4Its _ in summer. 5There are _ seasons in a year. 2.Summary 1.問(wèn)天氣:What is the weather like today. It is sunny. What was the weather like yesterday. It was cloudy. 2.天氣簡(jiǎn)筆圖: P27 sunny hot windy

12、cloudy cold rainy cool 3.leaf單數(shù)) - leaves(復(fù)數(shù))樹(shù)葉 3.Find out the other Key Points in a group of four. 4.Show your idea to the class 5.Write down on the notebooks Step 3 Do exercise 1.Do the exercise 2.Check the answer in a pair 3.Write the Keys Step 4.Review the composition. 1.Ask Ss read the title. 2

13、.Give 3-5minutes to write it . 3.Check out. Step 5 Summary Step 6.Homework 1.Read and write the Keys 2.Do exercise 后記:同學(xué)經(jīng)過(guò)復(fù)習(xí)天氣和季節(jié),對(duì)句子和單詞加深了印象;作文The weather in my hometown &My favorite season. 仍需要重點(diǎn)來(lái)記 憶下;Unit 6-7 The Months 一、 Studying aims ; 1.Can read these phrases from Unit 6-7:January- December/1

14、st-31st 2.Can use the sentences “ Whens your birthday./Whats the date today.”3.Can write the composition “ A birthday party”二、 Teaching key points Use the sentences : “ Whens your birthday./Whats the date today. Its . ”and the phrases to make dialogs .三、 Teaching difficult points: The Usage of the d

15、ate. 四、 Teaching medium Picture Cards , PPT 六、 Teaching procedure Step 1 Review these :January- December/ 1st-31st Step 2. Presentation the keys 1 1.T: Whats the date today .PPT Ss:Its March 3 rd. 2.Continue ask and answer. 3.Have Ss summary: 1 st ,2nd,3rd,21st,22nd,23rd,31st pare “ Whatsthe date to

16、day. Its Friday. 5.Do some exersice on the blackboard. 6.Check the answers. 7.Summary the Keys about Unit 6-7 in a group of four. 1.日期:(月份和號(hào)數(shù))2.問(wèn)日期 : 用 When/ What s the date today. 問(wèn)星期:用 What day is it today. 3). on+詳細(xì)某一天(日期、星期)in+年、月、季節(jié) at+詳細(xì)鐘點(diǎn) 4).go去+動(dòng)詞 ing 5). 重點(diǎn)節(jié)日所在日期s Day (元旦)January 1st New Ye

17、ar Childrens Day (兒童節(jié))June 1st Teacher s Day (老師節(jié))September 10th summer holiday (暑假)July and August winter holiday (寒假)January and February 8.Write down on the notebooks Step 3 Do exercise 1. Do the exercise of Unit 6-7 2.Check the answer in a pair 3.Write the Keys Step 4.Review the composition abou

18、t “A birthday Party”. 1.Ask Ss read the title . 2.Give 3-5minutes to write it . 3.Check out. Step 5 Summary Step 6.Homework 1.Read the Keys 2.Finish the exercise 后記:一般將來(lái)時(shí)態(tài)的運(yùn)用集中在這兩課中,同學(xué)對(duì)問(wèn)日期的各類(lèi)題型把握比較好,但是個(gè)別同學(xué)對(duì)這兩課的月份記得仍不太堅(jiān)固,因此在寫(xiě)作文的時(shí)候會(huì)顯現(xiàn)寫(xiě)錯(cuò)單詞,加強(qiáng)對(duì)單詞的聽(tīng)寫(xiě)力度;Unit 9 It was clean but its dirty now. Studying aim:

19、1.Review the words and sentences. 2. Use the past tense excatly . 3.Sounds and words Key point 1.Can spell the words and say sentence . 2 Use the sentence to ask and answer “ what was the weather/bedroom like . It was. “ What were the shoes /books like. They were ”Difficult point 1. The usage of was

20、/were 2. compare be verb:am,is,are,was,were Step 1.Warming up 1.sing a song “What can we do.”2.Review: Ask and anser with the picture cards. Step 2.Presentation the key points 1.by some practices 1What _ the weather like yesterday. It _ cloudy. 2What _ the shoes like now. They are_.潔凈的 3The books _

21、on the floor this morning but they _ on the desk now. 2.Summary (1)The usage of was/were (2)compare be verb:am,is,are,was,were. 3.Find out the other Key Points in a group of four. 4.Show your idea to the class 5.Write down on the notebooks Step 3 Do exercise 1.Do the exercise 2.Check the answer in a

22、 pair 3.Write the Keys Step 4 Summary Step 5.Homework 1.Read the Keys 2.Do exercise 后 記 : 通 過(guò) 復(fù) 習(xí) , 區(qū) 分 了am/is/are/was/were的 用 法 , 圖cloudy/cool,warm/sunny ,rainy/wet 區(qū)分不清 .有 but 的句中 be 動(dòng)詞 的用法使用不好;如 It was clean but it is dirty now.加強(qiáng)同學(xué)對(duì)前后學(xué)問(wèn)的交叉運(yùn)用教學(xué);Unit 10-11 The past tence Studying aims : 1 Review s

23、entences structures, words and phrases. Teaching Key Points 1. What did you/he/they do this morning . I/He/They planted trees. 2. Did you study yesterday . No, I didnt . I planted trees Teaching difficult points The usage of the past tense Teaching aids Recorder and tape, picture, PPT Teaching procedure Step One Getting ready Ask Ss to read Unit 10-11 Step Two Revision Ask and answer with the picture cards. Step 2.Presentation the key points 1.By some exercise 1What did you do yesterday. I _trees. 2Did you _ 學(xué)習(xí)this morning. No,I _.I _ tr


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