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1、精品文檔 精心整理精品文檔 精心整理新人教PEP版六年級上冊小學英語期末試卷匯編(含各單元知識梳理卷、期末測試卷6套、??碱}型及新題型突破卷2套、專項復習試卷5套)(所有試卷的聽力音頻均以附件的形式插入到了文件中)Unit 1單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(28分)1. 科學_2. 博物館 _3. 郵局_ 4. 書店_5. 電影院_ 6. 醫(yī)院_7. 十字路口_ 8. 轉彎 _9. 左_ 10. 筆直地_11. 右_ 12. ask_13. street_ 14. GPS _二、重點短語。(8分)1. 左轉_2. 直走_3. 右轉_4. Italian restaurant_三、重點

2、句子。(7分)1. 博物館的商店在哪兒? _2. 在大門附近。_3. 我們怎么到那兒?_4. 到書店左轉。_5. What an interesting film!_6. Turn right here?_7. Follow me, please!_四、核心語言點。(4分)本單元,我們學習了如何問路。請根據首字母填出單詞,把信息補充完整。單元強化檢測五、讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。(5分)() 1. A. street B. restaurant C. get() 2. A. left B. right C. tell() 3. A. turn B. near C. far() 4. A. of

3、fice B. straight C. museum() 5. A. pizza B. ask C. get六、讀一讀,哪些地方可以看到這些內容?選出對應的圖片。(8分)() 1. doctornurseA. ()2. robotold animals B. ()3. books C. ()4. letterspostcards D. 七、讀一讀,選擇合適的一項。(5分)1. We can see a (talktalking) robot there. 2. Our school is(nextnext to) the big shop. 3. There are many cars and

4、 buses (onfor) the street. 4. Follow(meI), please. 5. How can we (getget to) the new park?八、讀一讀,選一選。(5分)()1. I want _ a book. A. buyB. to buyC. buying()2. A _ robot!A. talking B. talk C. to talk()3. Its _ the park. A. far B. near C. next()4. Its _ the Fifth Street. A. on B. with C. at()5. Please tur

5、n right _ the shop. A. in B. at C. on九、連詞成句。(10分)1. iswherenewrestaurantthe(?)_2. therecanhowweget(?)_3. rightatturncinemathe(. )_4. deskthetheisdoortonext(. )_5. amangreatwhat(!)_十、讀一讀,選擇正確的句子補全對話。(10分)A:Where do you want to go on Saturday morning?B:1. _A:2. _B:Its near the Happy Cinema on Yonghua

6、Street. A:3. _B:Its not far. 4. _A:5. _B:Sure! Thats great!A. Can I go with you?B. I want to go to a new bookstore. C. Go straight on this street and then turn left at the crossing. Its next to the park. D. How can you get there?E. Where is it?十一、閱讀短文,選擇正確的選項。(10分)My home is not in a city. Its in a

7、little village. There is no cinema. There is no museum. But there is a big playground. We can run, jump, play basketball on it. Near the playground, there is a bookstore. I like to read and buy new books there. And I like to ride bikes on the streets. There are many farms in the village. We dont hav

8、e zoos. But you can see many animals on the farms. What an interesting village!() 1. My home is in a _. A. villageB. cityC. town() 2. There is no _ in the village. A. bookstore B. zoo C. street() 3. We can play _. A. on the playgroundB. in the bookstoreC. at the zoo() 4. The playground is near the _

9、. A. museum B. farm C. bookstore() 5. I like to _. A. watch animals at the zooB. ride a bike on the playgroundC. read and buy new books at the bookstore答案基礎知識梳理:一、1. science 2. museum 3. post office 4. bookstore 5. cinema6. hospital 7. crossing 8. turn 9. left 10. straight11. right 12. 問 13. 大街;街道 1

10、4. 全球(衛(wèi)星)定位系統(tǒng)二、1. turn left2. go straight 3. turn right 4. 意大利餐館三、1. Where is the museum shop? 2. Its near the door. 3. How can we get there? 4. Turn left at the bookstore. 5. 多么有趣的一部電影?。?6. 在這里右轉嗎? 7. 請跟我來!四、Where; How單元強化檢測:五、1. C2. C3. A4. B5. A六、 1. C2. A3. D4. B七、1. talking:這里的talking用作定語來修飾rob

11、ot。2. next to3. on4. me:follow是個動詞,其后面出現的人稱代詞需要使用賓格形式。5. get to八、1. B :表示想做某事,應為want to 動詞原形。2. A3. B:far與from組成短語,其后接地點,表示“離遠”,next與to組成短語,表示“緊鄰”。4. A:在街上,使用介詞on。5. B:在某一具體地點,使用介詞at。九、1. Where is the new restaurant?2. How can we get there?3. Turn right at the cinema. 4. The desk is next to the door

12、. 5. What a great man!十、1. B2. E3. D4. C5. A十一、1. A2. B3. A4. C5. CUnit 2單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(12分)1. 飛機_2. early _3. 出租汽車_ 4. sled_5. (大)船_ 6. fast_7. 地鐵_ 8. ferry_9. 火車_ 10. Scotland_11. 停下_ 12. wear_二、重點短語。(10分)1. 步行_2. 乘公共汽車_3. 慢下來_4. pay attention to_5. traffic lights _三、重點句子。(10分)1. 你怎么來學校的? _2

13、. 通常我走路來。_3. 在美國騎自行車的人必須戴(頭盔)。_4. 別闖紅燈!_5. 我必須注意交通信號燈!_四、核心語言點。(8分)本單元我們學習了表達使用何種交通工具以及一些交通標志的含義。請根據字母提示補全單詞。單元強化檢測五、讀一讀,選出不同類的一項。(5分)()1. A. ferryB. takeC. sled()2. A. home B. bike C. bus()3. A. from B. come C. by()4. A. Scotland B. the UK C. English()5. A. park B. zoo C. helmet六、讀一讀,根據句意和首字母提示補全句子

14、。(5分)1. We want to go to Canada by p_. 2. Can you see a big s_ on the sea?3. Look at the t_. Its fast. 4. Im late. I want to take a t_ to school. 5. Please s_ down and wait at the yellow light. 七、根據圖片和句意圈出句子中錯誤的部分,并改錯。(8分)1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Please look right first when you cross the street. _2. He goes

15、to school by bike. _3. I live far from my school. I usually walk to school. _4. Please go at the red light!_八、讀一讀,選一選。(10分)() 1. How _ your father go home? He _ home by car. A. do; goB. does; goesC. do; goes() 2. Some children go to school _ their bike. A. byB. inC. on() 3. How do you _ the park _ y

16、our school?By bus. A. get to; from B. get; fromC. get to; of() 4. _ run fast on the street!A. Must B. Dont C. Cant() 5. Please pay attention _ the little animals. A. to B. on C. of九、連詞成句。(16分)1. I, come, sometimes, to, on, school, foot (. )_2. how, to, come, does, sister, your, school (?)_3. people,

17、 in, the U. S. , on, must, wear, a, helmet, bikes (. )_4. let, to, nature, go, us, the, park (. )_十、閱讀短文,選擇正確的選項。(16分)China is a very big country. The weather is very different in different cities. In Heilongjiang, its very cold in winter. It often snows. Many children have to go to school by sled.

18、The dogs run fast. The children must sit down on the sled. In Jiangxi, it often rains. Some children in some villages have to go to school by boat or ferry. In China, most of the childrens home is near their school. So many students go to school on foot. And some students in Grade Six often go to sc

19、hool by bike. And some students go to school on their mothers or fathers bike. () 1. In Heilongjiang,_. A. its very hotB. it often rains C. its snowy in winter() 2. Some children in _ go to school by _. A. Heilongjiang; ferryB. Jiangxi; boatC. Jiangxi; bike() 3. Many children in China go to school _

20、. A. on footB. by bikeC. on their fathers or mothers bike() 4. Some children in Grade Six often_. A. walk to schoolB. ride a bike to schoolC. take a bus to school答案基礎知識梳理:一、1. plane 2. 早到的 3. taxi 4. 雪橇 5. ship 6. 快的 7. subway 8. 輪渡 9. train 10. 蘇格蘭11. stop12. 戴二、1. on foot2. by bus3. slow down4. 注意

21、 5. 交通信號燈三、1. How do you come to school?2. Usually, I come on foot. 3. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 4. Dont go at the red light!5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights!四、1. How2. lights3. by4. by5. on 6. often7. sometimes8. slow單元強化檢測:五、1. B2. A3. B4. C5. C六、1. plane2. ship3. trai

22、n4. taxi5. slow七、1. Please look left first when you cross the street. 2. He goes to school by bus. 3. I live near my school. I usually walk to school. 4. Please dont go at the red light!八、1. B :此題問句、答句的主語都為第三人稱單數形式,所以助動詞和實義動詞都需要使用第三人稱單數形式,所以選擇does, goes。2. C:by bike為短語,指使用自行車作為交通工具。此題中的bike前有一個物主代詞t

23、heir,所以此處不能使用by,只能使用on。3. A:到達某地應為get to . . . ,from your school指從你的學校出發(fā)。4. B:這是一個表示禁止的祈使句,應使用Dont。5. A:pay attention to固定搭配。九、1. I sometimes come to school on foot. 2. How does your sister come to school?3. In the U. S. people on bikes must wear a helmet. 4. Let us go to the nature park. 十、1. C2. B

24、3. A4. BUnit 3單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(16分)1. 拜訪_2. together_3. 電影_ 4. lesson_5. 旅行_ 6. space_7. 超市_ 8. half _9. 晚上;傍晚_ 10. price_11. 在今晚_ 12. mooncake_13. 明天_ 14. moon_15. 詞典_ 16. 明信片_二、重點短語。(18分)1. 看電影_2. 去旅行_3. 看望我的祖父母_4. 去超市_5. 下周_6. (兒童的)連環(huán)畫冊_7. 單詞書 _8. MidAutumn Festival_9. get together_三、重點句子。(12

25、分)1. 你明天打算做什么?_2. 我要上美術課。_3. 我們要到人民公園去畫畫。_4. 你們打算去哪兒?_5. 我們打算去電影院。_6. I am going to buy some word books. _四、核心語言點。(8分)本單元我們學習了使用一般將來時描述自己的活動計劃。請根據首字母補全單詞,完善知識點。單元強化檢測五、讀一讀,圈出與畫線部分單詞不是同一類的一個。(8分)1. I am going to have an art lesson. isdoaredrawmusicscience2. We will be together this evening. tonightmo

26、rningafternoonyoutheymy六、讀一讀,用所給單詞的正確形式填空。(5分)1. Tom_(walk)to school every day. He_(walk) to the park tomorrow. 2. I like _(draw) pictures. 3. Dont _ (be) sad. 4. Look, the children _ (play) on the playground. 七、讀一讀,選一選。(5分)() 1. We will go _ tomorrow afternoon. A. ice skateB. iceskate C. iceskating

27、() 2. What _ your parents going to do this weekend?A. isB. areC. am() 3. What are you going to do _?A. now B. yesterdayC. tomorrow() 4. _ go to the park next Sunday?A. Why not B. Where C. When() 5. I have lots of _. A. book B. books C. story八、連詞成句。(8分)1. for, going, to, look, Im, some, leaves, yello

28、w _. 2. are, what, you, do, going, this, to, weekend_?3. the, going, when, you, are, to, cinema_?4. my, be, will, family, together, tonight_九、讀一讀,選擇正確的句子補全對話。(10分)A: Next week I am going to take a trip to Shanghai. 1. _B: Im going to take a trip, too. A: 2. _ B: Im going to Hong Kong. A: Its great!

29、3. _B: Yes. I will have a good time with them. A: 4. _B: Were going by train. How about you?A: Were going by plane. B: 5. _ But we can see lots of things on the train. A: Yes. Thats great!A. A plane is fast. B. What about you?C. How are you going there? D. Where are you going?E. Are you going there

30、with your family?十、根據短文內容判斷正誤,正確寫“T”,錯誤寫“F”。(10分)Tomorrow is Sunday. My family will get together to have a big dinner. We will be very busy today. My father is going to clean the rooms this morning. My mother and I are going to the supermarket to buy food for the big dinner. She is going to cook for

31、 us tomorrow. This afternoon, I am going to the bookstore to buy some books. I need some books about plants. And I am going to buy some comic books for my cousin. She likes comic books very much. She will come tomorrow. This evening, my family are going to talk together to get ready for the big dinn

32、er. I must do my homework after that. What a busy day!1. My family are going to have a big dinner at the restaurant. _2. My cousin is a girl. _3. I like comic books very much. _4. I need some books about plants. _5. My family are going to talk for the dinner this evening. _答案基礎知識梳理:一、1. visit 2. 一起

33、3. film 4. 課 5. trip 6. 太空7. supermarket8. 一半 9. evening 10. 價格 11. tonight12. 月餅13. tomorrow14. 月亮 15. dictionary 16. postcard二、1. see a film2. take a trip3. visit my grandparents4. go to the supermarket5. next week6. comic book7. word book8. 中秋節(jié)9. 聚會三、1. What are you going to do tomorrow?2. Im goi

34、ng to have an art lesson. 3. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 4. Where are you going?5. Were going to the cinema. 6. 我打算去買些單詞書。四、1. going2. What3. Where4. When單元強化檢測:五、1. 圈:dodraw2. 圈:mytonight六、1. walks; is going to walk :第一個句中的every day提示我們這是一個常態(tài)的規(guī)律性的活動,使用一般現在時,Tom為第三人稱單數,所以使用walks

35、。而第二個句子中的tomorrow告訴我們這是一般將來時,所以使用is going to walk。2. drawing 3. be 4. are playing七、1. C2. B3. C4. A5. B 八、1. Im going to look for some yellow leaves2. What are you going to do this weekend3. When are you going to the cinema4. My family will be together tonight九、1. B2. D3. E4. C5. A十、1. F2. T3. F4. T

36、5. TUnit 4單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(9分)1. 學習(三單)_2. hobby_3. 謎_ 4. idea_5. 遠足_ 6. amazing_7. goal _ 8. join_9. club_二、重點短語。(8分)1. 做中餐 _2. 學漢語 _3. 猜字謎 _4. 去遠足 _三、重點句子。(12分)1. 彼得有什么愛好? _2. 他喜歡讀故事。_3. 他住在悉尼嗎?_4. 他喜歡猜字謎和遠足嗎?_5. 是的,他喜歡。/不,他不喜歡。_6. I am writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. _四、核心語言點

37、。(22分)本單元我們學習了詢問和表達自己或他人的愛好。請根據提示補全單詞,完善知識點。 單元強化檢測五、讀一讀,選出與畫線單詞同類的一項。(5分)() 1. Do you like the jasmine?A. clubB. grassC. street() 2. We want to go to Canberra. A. China B. Canada C. Beijing() 3. What an amazing story!A. interesting B. togetherC. early() 4. Can you join us?A. idea B. poem C. share()

38、 5. We shall go there before 9:00. A. flower B. will C. goal六、讀一讀,圈出正確的一項。(5分)1. My new pen pal(livelives)in a big city. 2. My grandfather likes(flyflying) kites. 3. What are your (hobbyshobbies)?4. My cat(hashave) big eyes and a little mouth. 5. Do you like (doingdoes) word puzzles?七、讀一讀,選一選。(10分)(

39、) 1. Im writing _ email to my aunt. A. aB. anC. /() 2. Please read a story _ the little baby. A. to B. on C. of() 3. _ your uncle work at a big factory?A. Do B. Is C. Does() 4. My friend Jack _ like singing. A. doesnt B. isnt C. do() 5. Can I also _ her good friend?A. am B. is C. be八、為下列句子選擇正確的答語。(6

40、分)() 1. What is the film talking about?A. They are talking about animals. B. It is going to talk about vegetables. C. Its talking about friends. () 2. What are your brothers hobbies?A. He likes playing football. B. She likes singing songs. C. He goes hiking every week. () 3. Does Peter like singing

41、songs?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he does. C. No, he doesnt. 九、按要求完成句子。(10分)1. She likes drawing pictures and reading books. (對畫線部分提問)_?2. Im writing a letter to my friend, Jim. (對畫線部分提問)_?3. I live in Beijing, China. (將I變?yōu)镾he,改寫句子)_. 4. Does Tom study English at our school?(給出否定回答)_ 5. Does his brother l

42、ike doing word puzzles?(給出肯定回答)_十、閱讀短文,完成表格。(13分)Dear Susan,How are you? Im Lily, your new pen pal. I live in London. Im eleven. There are four people in my family. My father is a doctor. He likes playing football and watching football games on TV. My mother doesnt work. She cooks delicious food for

43、 us. And she likes cleaning our rooms. She also likes going shopping. She often goes shopping on Saturday afternoon. I like singing and dancing. I often listen to music or read books after dinner. I like reading books about flowers. I like flowers very much. My brother is nine. He likes riding bikes

44、 and going hiking. He often goes hiking with his classmates on the weekend. We are a happy family. What about you?Write soon,LilyNameJobHobbiesLilystudentfather答案基礎知識梳理:一、1. studies 2. 業(yè)余愛好 3. puzzle 4. 想法;主意5. hiking 6. 令人驚奇的 7. 射門 8. 加入 9. 俱樂部二、1. cook Chinese food2. study Chinese3. do word puzzle

45、s4. go hiking三、1. What are Peters hobbies?2. He likes reading stories. 3. Does he live in Sydney?4. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?5. Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt. 6. 我正在給我在澳大利亞的新筆友寫郵件。四、1. What2. hobbies3. dancing4. singing 5. reading6. playing7. doing 8. cooks 9. studies 10. does

46、 11. goes單元強化檢測:五、1. B2. C3. A4. C5. B六、1. 圈lives 2. 圈flying3. 圈hobbies4. 圈has 5. 圈doing七、1. B :email為以元音音素開頭的可數名詞,使用不定冠詞時要用an而不是a。2. A3. C4. A5. C:can后使用動詞原形。八、1. C2. A3. C九、1. What are her hobbies 2. What are you doing3. She lives in Beijing, China 4. No, he doesnt 5. Yes, he does十、NameJobHobbiesL

47、ilystudentsinging and dancing; reading booksbrotherstudentriding bikes and going hikingfatherdoctorplaying football and watching football games on TVmotherdoesnt workcleaning rooms and going shoppingUnit 5單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(13分)1. 工廠_2. country_3. 工人_ 4. sea_5. 郵遞員_ 6. stay_7. 商人;企業(yè)家_ 8. gym_9. 漁民

48、_ 10. university_11. 科學家_ 12. type_13. 飛行員_二、重點短語。(8分)1. 警察_2. head teacher_3. type quickly_4. healthy life_三、重點句子。(16分)1. 他是做什么的?_2. 他是商人。_3. 他在哪兒工作?_4. 他在海上工作。_5. 他怎么上班?_6. 他騎自行車上班。_7. Do you want to be a head teacher, too?_8. We should study hard and stay healthy. _四、核心語言點。(13分)本單元我們學習了有關職業(yè)的內容,包括

49、職業(yè)名稱、工具、地點、上班的交通方式等。請根據提示補全單詞,完善知識點。單元強化檢測五、讀一讀,猜出職業(yè),根據圖片提示寫出單詞。(注:圖片順序與題目順序不同)(10分)1. He works in a plane. He drives the plane to fly in the sky. He is a _. 2. He works at sea. He catches fish. He is a _. 3. He works at the office. He catches bad men. He protect(保護)us. He is a _. 4. He works in a f

50、actory. He works hard. He makes things for us to use. He is a _. 5. He is often in green. He sends the letters and postcards to us. He is a _. 六、用所給單詞的正確形式填空。(12分)1. She likes _ (sing) very much. She _ (sing) very well. She wants to be a good _(sing). 2. He_ (work) at a big factory. He is a great _

51、(work). 3. Li Mei likes _ (use) computers. She can type very _ (quick) . 七、按要求完成句子。(8分)1. My grandfather is a farmer. (對畫線部分提問)_?2. Li Ling works at a big gym. (對畫線部分提問)_?3. My sister goes to work by car. (對畫線部分提問)_?4. He is a sports reporter. (改寫為他想成為a sports reporter)_. 八、讀一讀,選擇正確的句子補全對話。(12分)A: W

52、hats this?A. Is that you?B. Whos that man?C. Whos the girl in a pink dress?D. She is a secretary. E. He is a pilot. F. She wants to be a basketball player. B: Its my family photo. A: 1. _B: He is my father. 2. _A: So he can fly to many countries. B: Yes. And this is my mother. 3. _A: I think she can

53、 type quickly. B: Yes, she is. A:4. _B: She is my little sister. 5. _A: So she is good at sports, right?B: Yes, she is. A:6. _B: Yes, I want to be a scientist. 九、閱讀短文,選擇正確的一項。(8分)My father is a great man. He often makes things for me. He makes a desk and a chair for me. They can go up and down accor

54、ding to my height (根據我的身高). They are amazing! My friends like them very much. And my father makes a big table with the wheels of old bikes. We often have dinner at the great table. My father likes taking photos for us. There are many photos in our house. So we can remember all the happy time. I love

55、 my father. What does he do? He is a worker!()1. I think my father _. A. is a workerB. is very greatC. isnt a good father() 2. My father makes a big table with _. A. woodB. wheelsC. photos() 3. My father likes _. A. cooking food B. going to workC. taking photos() 4. There are many _ in our house. A.

56、 tablesB. chairsC. photos答案基礎知識梳理:一、1. factory 2. 國家 3. worker 4. 大海 5. postman 6. 保持7. businessman8. 體育館 9. fisherman10. 大學 11. scientist12. 打字 13. pilot二、1. police officer2. 校長3. 打字快4. 健康的生活三、1. What does he do? 2. Hes a businessman. 3. Where does he work? 4. He works at sea. 5. How does he go to

57、work? 6. He goes to work by bike. 7. 你也想當校長嗎? 8. 我們應該努力學習,保持健康。四、1. What2. Where3. How4. worker 5. postman6. businessman7. policeman 8. fisherman9. scientist10. pilot11. cook12. factory13. sea單元強化檢測:五、1. pilot2. fisherman3. police officer 4. worker5. postman六、1. singing; sings; singer :like doing表示喜

58、歡做。She為第三人稱單數,一般現在時態(tài)下,動詞需要加s;a good _,此處需要填寫名詞,所以為singer。2. works; worker3. using; quickly:第一空考查likedoing;第二空用來修飾動詞type,即“打得快”,此處應使用副詞,在quick后加上ly。七、1. What does your grandfather do2. Where does Li Ling work3. How does your sister go to work4. He wants to be a sports reporter八、1. B2. E3. D4. C5. F6.

59、 A九、1. B2. B3. C4. CUnit 6單元知識梳理卷基礎知識梳理一、單詞過關。(17分)1. 生氣的_2. chase_3. 害怕_ 4. mice_5. 難過的_ 6. bad_7. 擔心的_ 8. ill_9. 高興的_ 10. wrong_11. 穿_ 12. feel_13. 更多的_ 14. well_15. 數數_ 16. grass_17. hear _二、重點短語。(12分)1. 深吸一口氣 _2. 看病 _3. 數到十 _4. wear warm clothes_5. pull. . . out of_6. stuck in _三、重點句子。(12分)1. 它們

60、害怕它。_2. 這只貓很生它們的氣。_3. 怎么了?_4. 你爸爸生病了。_5. 他今天早上應該去看病。_6. 別傷心。_四、核心語言點。(14分)本單元我們學習了如何表達感受以及對不同感受的人提出建議。請根據提示補全單詞,完善知識點。單元強化檢測五、判斷以下各項單詞是(T)否(F)為同一類。(5分)() 1. A. grassB. treeC. stuck() 2. A. pull B. worry C. feel() 3. A. bad B. wrong C. great() 4. A. hurt B. mice C. chase() 5. A. ill B. well C. ant六、讀


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