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1、四年級下冊粵人開心版英語(配套新版本)全冊精品教學(xué)課件StoryUnit 1 My School StoryListen and look.1Go to school with us, Gogo.OK. Whats in your school?At Bens school.Story2Theres a music room, an art room, a gym, and a hall.Theres a teachers office, too.Story3Do you have a classroom?Of course, Gogo! There are lots of classroom

2、s.Story4No, there isnt a lunch room.Do you have a lunch room?Story5Hmm. I have an idea.Story6Now, theres a lunch room!Oh, Gogo!school學(xué)校單元新詞短語 go to school 上學(xué)例句 Lets go to school! 我們一起上學(xué)吧!come來,來到單元新詞形近 home 家例句 Please come to the teachers office. 請來教師辦公室。too也,還單元新詞同音 two(數(shù)詞)二例句 He is running in the

3、park, too. 他也正在公園里跑步。idea意見,想法單元新詞短語 good idea 好主意,好想法例句 That is a good idea. 那是一個好想法。Theres a music room, an art room, a gym, and a hall.(學(xué)校)有一間音樂室、一間美術(shù)室、一個體育館和一個禮堂。句型“There+be 動詞 + 名詞.”用于表示“某地有某人或某物”。句中 be 動詞要與主語的數(shù)保持一致。當(dāng)句中主語為兩個或兩個以上的名詞時,be 動詞要與最近的名詞的數(shù)保持一致。知識講解例 There is a toy car and three dolls.

4、有一個玩具汽車和三個玩具娃娃。Of course. 當(dāng)然?!癘f course.”是英語中的常用口語,用于禮貌地對對方的疑問表示肯定,相當(dāng)于“Sure.”。例 Do you have a toy car? 你有一輛玩具汽車嗎? Of course. 當(dāng)然。知識講解I have an idea. 我有一個想法?!癐 have an idea.”用于表示你想到了解決當(dāng)前問題或麻煩的方案。idea 為可數(shù)名詞,意為“意見,想法”。idea 的讀音以元音音素開頭,所以應(yīng)用冠詞 an 修飾。知識講解例 I have an idea. You can ask him for help. 我有一個想法。你可

5、以向他求助。_ a music room, an art room, a gym, and a hall.Theres a teachers office, _.課文回顧TherestooDo you have a classroom?_ _, Gogo! There are lots of classrooms.課文回顧Ofcourse隨堂練習(xí)一、看圖填空,每空一詞。1. Go to _ with us, Gogo. OK.2. Do you have a _? Yes, we do.schoolclassroom二、閱讀Story,回答問題。1. Is there a hall in Be

6、ns school? _2. Are there any classrooms in Bens school? _Yes, there is.隨堂練習(xí)Yes, there are.Unit 1 My SchoolVocabularyTarget VocabularyListen and say.a teachers officea librarya classrooma hallVocabularya music rooma playgroundan art rooma gymteachers office教師辦公室聯(lián)想 classroom (名詞)教室例句 This is our teach

7、ers office. 這是我們的教師辦公室。單元新詞classroom教室巧記 class(班級)+room(房間)= classroom(教室)例句 I clean the classroom on Monday. 我周一打掃教室。單元新詞hall禮堂形近 ball(名詞)球例句 There is a hall in our new school. 我們的新學(xué)校里有一個禮堂。單元新詞library圖書館短語 in the library 在圖書館里例句 He is reading a book in the library. 他正在圖書館里讀書。單元新詞music room音樂室短語 in

8、 the music room 在音樂室里例句 We have a big music room. 我們有一間大音樂室。單元新詞art room美術(shù)室聯(lián)想 art class 美術(shù)課例句 They are in the art room. 他們在美術(shù)室里。單元新詞gym體育館,健身房例句 He plays basketball in the gym. 他在體育館里打籃球。單元新詞playground操場巧記 play(玩)+ground(地面)= playground(操場)例句 Our playground is very big. 我們的操場很大。單元新詞art roomlibrarymu

9、sic roomteachers officeA.B.C.D.把下列詞語和相應(yīng)的圖片連線。單詞檢測Listen and say.TargetThis is my school. Theres a hall, a gym, a teachers office, a library, an art room, and a music room.TargetThere are twenty-five classrooms.How many classrooms are there?This is my school. 這是我的學(xué)校。句型“This is+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) / 不可數(shù)名詞.”用于介紹較近

10、的人或物。如果要介紹較遠的人或物,可用句型“That is+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞.”。知識講解例 This is his Chinese book. 這是他的語文書。thisis我們介紹較近的人或物。How many classrooms are there? 有多少間教室?There are twenty-five classrooms. 有 25 間教室。句型“How many+ 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) + are there?”用于詢問可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量。be 動詞的形式由其前的名詞決定。答語句型為“There are + 數(shù)詞(+ 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)).”。例 How many halls are

11、there? 有多少個禮堂? There are two halls. 有兩個禮堂。知識講解howmany我們詢問數(shù)量。PracticeAsk and answer.PracticeAsk and answer.AWhat do you see in this school?BHow many classrooms are there in this school?CWhat do you have in your school?DHow many classrooms are there in your school?隨堂練習(xí)一、選詞填空。1. How _( many, much)books

12、 are there? There are five.2. This _( are, is)my bedroom. It is very nice and big.manyis隨堂練習(xí)二、看圖填空,每空一詞。1. Do you have an _ room in your school? Of course.2. How many _ are there? There is one.artclassroomsteachers officemusic room重點短語art room課時小結(jié)classroom重點單詞halllibrarygymplayground1. This is my sc

13、hool.重點句子2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.Unit 1 My SchoolPractice 1 Sounds and words Practice 1Listen and check.ABCDA. This is a classroom. There is a window in it.B. How many chairs are there? There are three chairs.C. Do you have an art room in your school? Of co

14、urse.D. Do you have a gym in your school? No, there isnt a gym. There is a playground.錄音原文Practice 1Practice 2Ask and answer.PracticeAsk and answer.AWhat do you see in this school?BHow many classrooms are there in this school?CWhat do you have in your school?DHow many classrooms are there in your sc

15、hool?Chant activitiesListen and chant.1In my schoolIn my school, theres a gym.Theres a gym in my school.Theres a hall in my school.In my school, theres a hall.Chant activitiesThere are twenty classrooms, in my school.In my school, there are twenty classrooms.Chant activitiesListen, write, and chant.

16、2In my school, theres _._ library in my school._ playground in my school.In my school, theres _.a libraryTheres aTheres aa playgroundChant activities_ teachers office, in my school.In my school, _ teachers office.There is athere is aIn my school, theres a library.Theres a library in my school.Theres

17、 a playground in my school.In my school, theres a playground.There is a teachers office, in my school.In my school, there is a teachers office.錄音原文Chant activitiesActivitySay and point.Look at Picture A. Its my school. Theres one art room, one gym, and two classrooms. How many chairs are there in yo

18、ur classroom?There are sixteen.ActivityABCDSounds and wordsroommooncoolHow to read?Sounds and wordsListen, point, and say.1roommooncoolSounds and wordsclassroomschoolnoodlesSounds and wordsListen and chant.2The cool moonRoom, room, room,A room on the moon.School, school, school,A school on the moon.

19、Noodles, noodles, noodles,Noodles on the moon.Oh, it is cool!知識講解字母組合oo的發(fā)音字母組合發(fā) 音發(fā)音要點例 詞oo/u/長元音。發(fā)音時聲帶振動。雙唇收圓而且小,并向前突出,牙齒接近閉合。舌身后縮,舌尖離開下齒,舌后部向軟腭抬起,但不要接觸到軟腭。room 房間moon 月亮school 學(xué)校一、判斷每組單詞畫線部分讀音是(T)否(F)相同。( ) 1. A. schoolB. cool( ) 2. A. zooB. moon( ) 3. A. bookB. room( ) 4. A. noodlesB. cookTTFF隨堂練習(xí)

20、二、讀句子,選詞填空。1. There is a _ in the sky.2. Lets go to _.moon room隨堂練習(xí)mooncool schoolschool字母組合oo的發(fā)音重點語音課時小結(jié)Unit 2 Our New Home Story 單元新知Dad has some good news .Story Listen and look.Listen, kids. Were moving to a new home.Oh no!Be happy, Jenny. Its a nice new home.Is there a bedroom for me?Story List

21、en and look.Yes, there is. There is a bedroom for everyone. Is there a living room?Yes, there is. And there is a dining room, too.What about a garden?Story Listen and look.There isnt a garden, but there are three bathrooms.Is there a zoo in our new home?I like our new home.No, Gogo. There isnt a zoo

22、.知識講解1記 living (活的) +room (房間) =livingroom(客廳)例 My sister is cleaning the living room. 我姐姐正在打掃客廳。living room 客廳知識講解2例 There is a table in the dining room. 餐廳里有一張桌子。dining room 餐廳知識講解3記 bed(床)+room(房間) =bedroom(臥室)例 This is my bedroom . 這是我的臥室。搭 in the bedroom 在臥室里bedroom 臥室知識講解4記 bath(洗澡)+room(房間) =

23、bathroom(浴室)例 How many bathrooms are there ? 有多少個浴室?bathroom 浴室知識講解5例 Is there a garden in your home ? 你家里有花園嗎?搭 in the garden 在花園里garden 花園知識講解6例 There is a new hall in our school. 我們的學(xué)校有一個新的禮堂。new 新的知識講解7例 The kids are in the park. 孩子們在公園里。kid 孩子知識講解8記 every(每個)+one(一) =everyone(每個人)例 Everyone lik

24、es the new English teacher. 每個人都喜歡這個新英語老師。everyone 每個人知識講解9例 I have a nice schoolbag. 我有一個好看的書包。聯(lián) 形近詞: rice (名詞)米飯;大米nice 好看的知識講解What about a garden? 花園呢?10例 What about your sister ?你妹妹呢? 在英語口語中, “ What about. ?”常用于引出話題,意為“怎么樣?”。 what about 后接名詞或動詞(短語)的- ing 形式??梢耘c how about 互換。知識講解There isnt a zoo.

25、 沒有動物園。11 “ There isnt+( a/an )+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) / 不可數(shù)名詞 . ”為 there be 句型的否定形式,意為“某處沒有某物”。如果名詞前有 some ,則把 some 改為 any 。知識講解There isnt a zoo. 沒有動物園。11我們表示某處有某物。加我就表示否定了。thereisnot例 There isnt any water in the cup. 杯子里沒有水。 隨堂練習(xí)隨堂練習(xí)課文重現(xiàn)。_, kids. Were moving to a_home.ListennewOh no!Be happy, Jenny. Its a _new ho

26、me.niceIs there a bedroom for me?Yes,_. There is a bedroom for _. there iseveryoneIs there a _?living roomYes, there is. And there is a _, too.dining roomWhat _ a garden?aboutThere_ a garden, but there are three bathrooms.isntI _ our new home.like 課時小結(jié)課時小結(jié)詞匯living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroo

27、m, garden, new, kid, nice的讀寫there be 句型的否定形式表示“怎么樣?”的句型What about.?There isnt+( a/an )+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) / 不可數(shù)名詞 .Unit 2 Our New Home Part A Vocabulary & Target知識講解1記 living (活的) +room (房間) =livingroom(客廳)例 My sister is cleaning the living room. 我姐姐正在打掃客廳。living room 客廳知識講解2例 There is a table in the dining roo

28、m. 餐廳里有一張桌子。dining room 餐廳知識講解3記 bed(床)+room(房間) =bedroom(臥室)例 This is my bedroom . 這是我的臥室。搭 in the bedroom 在臥室里bedroom 臥室kitchen 廚房例 My mom is cooking in the kitchen . 我媽媽正在廚房里做飯。單元新詞 搭 in the kitchen 在廚房里4知識講解5記 bath(洗澡)+room(房間) =bathroom(浴室)例 How many bathrooms are there ? 有多少個浴室?bathroom 浴室知識講解

29、6例 Is there a garden in your home ? 你家里有花園嗎?搭 in the garden 在花園里garden 花園單詞鞏固客廳餐廳臥室廚房浴室花園living roomdining roombedroomkitchenbathroomgarden 單元新知VocabularyListen and say.a living rooma dining rooma bedrooma kitchena bathrooma gardenTargetListen and say.Is there a living room n your new home?Yes, ther

30、e is.TargetListen and say.Is there a garden?No,there isnt.知識講解Is there a living room in your new home?你的新家有客廳嗎?Yes,there is. 是的,有。 句型“ Is there a/an+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) + 表示位置 的介詞短語?”用于詢問某處是否有某物。如 果詢問的事物是不可數(shù)名詞,則用句型“ Is there+ 不可數(shù)名詞 + 表示位置的介詞短語?”??隙ɑ卮馂椤?Yes, there is. ”,否定回答為“ No, there isn t. ”。知識講解Is there a l

31、iving room in your new home?你的新家有客廳嗎?Yes,there is. 是的,有。例 Is there a hall in your school ? 你的學(xué)校有禮堂嗎? No, there isnt. 不,沒有。知識講解Is there a living room in your new home?你的新家有客廳嗎?Yes,there is. 是的,有。 句型“ Are there + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) + 表示位置的介詞短語?”用于詢問某處是否有某些事物。肯定回答為“ Yes, there are. ”,否定回答為“ No, there arent. ”。知識講解

32、Is there a living room in your new home?你的新家有客廳嗎?Yes,there is. 是的,有。例 Are there pink flowers in the garden? 花園里有粉色的花嗎? No, there arent. 不,沒有。 結(jié)對練習(xí) 學(xué)生結(jié)對活動。每組把兩套單詞卡片擺放桌上, 正面朝下。S1翻開一張卡片,并根據(jù)卡片內(nèi)容向 S2提問一個問題,如:Is there a.? S2翻開另一張 卡片,并根據(jù)客片內(nèi)容回答Yes或no。如果翻開的卡片與S1所問的一致,S2就回答Yes,并拿走兩張卡片,如不一致S2就將兩張卡片放回原處S1和S2互換角

33、色重新開始。最后,取得卡片多的學(xué)生獲勝。示例 結(jié)對練習(xí)Is there a bedroom?Yes, there is. 隨堂練習(xí)隨堂練習(xí)bathroombedroomliving roomkitchen將下列圖片與對應(yīng)的英語單詞連線。一隨堂練習(xí)A: _ to my new home.B: Thank you. Are there _ in your new home?A: Yes, there are three.B: Is there a _?A: No, there isnt. But there is a _. There are many books there.study welc

34、ome bedrooms garden 讀對話,選詞填空。二Welcomebedroomsgardenstudy 課時小結(jié)課時小結(jié)詞匯 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, graden, dining room 的讀寫詢問某處是否有某物的句型Is there a/an+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) + 表示位置 的介詞短語?Unit 2 Our New Home Practice1 Sounds and words 單元新知Practice 1Listen and number.431265Listen and number.Practice 11. Is th

35、ere a garden in our new home? Yes, there is.2. How many chairs are there in the dinning room? There are four.3. I like our new home. We can watch TV in the living room.4. Is there a bedroom for everyone? Yes, there is.5. How many bathrooms are there in your old home? There is one.6. Is there a kitch

36、en for everyone? Yes, there is.聽力原文Practice 2Ask, answer, check and write.NameIs there a .?How many . are there?gardenkitchenliving roomdining roombedroombathroomTell me about your home. Is there a kitchen?How many bedrooms are there?示例 Practice 2Ask, answer, check and write.NameIs there a .?How man

37、y . are there?gardenkitchenliving roomdining roombedroombathroomLilyIs there a garden in you home?Yes, there is.LilyHow many bedrooms are there ?There are four.How many bathrooms are there ?There are one.YesfouroneChant ActivityListen, write and chant.I like my new homeI like my new home.Is there a

38、kitchen,A kitchen?Theres a kitchen,A kitchen.I like my new home. Hey!I like my new home. Hey!Chant ActivityListen, write and chant.I like my new homeI like my new home.Is there a _,A _?Theres a _,A _.I like my new home. Hey!I like my new home. Hey!kitchenkitchenkitchenkitchenActivity Draw, write and

39、 say.Draw your dream home. You can have many rooms in your home.My Dream HomeActivity Draw, write and say.Write about your dream home. Talk about it with your friends.There are three bathrooms.There are _.There are _.Theres _.Theres _.two bedroomstwo bathroomsa living room游戲 等Activity部分的練習(xí)做完以后,讓學(xué)生與同

40、伴交換作業(yè),反過來向?qū)Ψ矫枋鰧Ψ叫哪恐欣硐氲姆孔樱ù藭r,他們須合上課本)。然后進行一個游戲。老師收集學(xué)生的課本,從中挑選一個完成得比較好的作業(yè),向全班描述這間房子,讓學(xué)生猜猜是誰的房子。課堂導(dǎo)入armWhats this word?課堂導(dǎo)入a:Do you know the sound?課堂導(dǎo)入hardarguepartyararara: 單元新知sounds and wordsListen, point and say.armsounds and wordsListen, point and say.cardsounds and wordsListen, point and say.arts

41、ounds and wordsListen, point and say.gardensounds and wordsListen, point and say.parksounds and wordsListen, point and say.partysounds and wordsar a: party argue part sounds and words字母組合ar的發(fā)音 字母組合ar發(fā)音為/a:/,/a:/為長元音,發(fā)音時聲帶振動,張大嘴,舌放平,舌后部略抬起,舌尖不抵下齒。Lets spellListen and chant. Theres a party in the park

42、 Theres a party in the park. People are ancing arm in arm. Birthday cakes, And birthday cards. A birthday party, In the park. 隨堂練習(xí)隨堂練習(xí)從右邊選出相應(yīng)答句。一( ) 1. Is there a gym in your school?( ) 2. How many bathrooms are there?( ) 3. Do you like your new school?( ) 4. Whats in your home?( ) 5. Is there a bir

43、thday party?A. There are two.B. Yes, there is.C. No, there isnt a gym.D. There is a living room and a kitchen.E. Yes, I do.CAEDB隨堂練習(xí)看圖填空,每空一詞。二1 Whats in your home? There is a _ room.dining2 What is Mom doing? Shes cooing in the_.kitchen隨堂練習(xí)看圖填空,每空一詞。二3 Is there a _? Yes, there is.bedroom4 How many_

44、 are there? There is one.bathrooms 課時小結(jié)課時小結(jié)U2所學(xué)單詞、句型的練習(xí)There be句型的陳述句、一般疑問句字母組合ar的發(fā)音StoryUnit 3 Bank or beach? StoryListen and look.1On the bus.Where are you going?Im going to the bank.Story2Im going to the restaurant.Where are you going?Story3Where are you going?Im going to the hospital.Story4No, w

45、e arent. Were going to the shopping mall.Are you going to the hospital?Story5Im going to the beach.Where are you going?Story6Oh, Gogo!Oh no! This bus isnt going to the beach.beach海灘單元新詞短語 on the beach 在海灘上例句 Were going to the beach. 我們打算去海灘。bus公共汽車單元新詞短語 on the bus 在公共汽車上例句 He is waiting for the bus

46、. 他正在等公共汽車。Where are you going? 你打算去哪里?Im going to the bank. 我打算去銀行?!癢here are you going?”用于詢問對方打算去哪里。答語句型為“Im/Were going(to)+ 地點.”。如果答語中的地點為副詞時,to 要省略。知識講解例 Where are you going? 你打算去哪里? Im going home. 我打算回家。Are you going to the hospital? 你們打算去醫(yī)院嗎?No, we arent. 不,我們不打算去醫(yī)院。句型“Are you going(to)+ 地點?”用

47、于確認對方是否打算去某地??隙ɑ卮馂椤癥es, we are.”,否定回答為“No, we arent.”。例 Are you going to the park? 你們打算去公園嗎? Yes, we are. 是的,我們打算去。知識講解課文回顧_ are you going?Im going to the _.Wherehospital課文回顧No, _ _. Were going to the shopping mall._ you going to the hospital?Arewearent隨堂練習(xí)一、看圖填空,每空一詞。1. Where are you going? Im goin

48、g to the _. 2. Are you going to the _? Yes, we are. bankhospital銀行醫(yī)院二、閱讀Story,回答問題。1. Where is Gogo going? _2. Is the bus going to the beach? _Gogo is going to the beach.隨堂練習(xí)No, it isnt.課時小結(jié)beach重點單詞bus1. Where are you going? Im going to the bank. 重點句子2. Are you going to the hospital? No, we arent.U

49、nit 3 Bank or beach?VocabularyTarget VocabularyListen and say.a movie theatera banka swimming poola hospitalVocabularya shopping malla supermarketa restauranta parkShopping Mallmovie theater電影院巧記 movie(電影)+theater(劇院)= movie theater(電影院)例句 Im going to the movie theater. 我打算去電影院。單元新詞swimming pool游泳池短

50、語 in the swimming pool 在游泳池里例句 They are swimming in the swimming pool. 他們正在游泳池里游泳。單元新詞hospital醫(yī)院例句 Is he going to the hospital? 他打算去醫(yī)院嗎?單元新詞短語 in the hospital 在醫(yī)院里bank銀行例句 This is a bank. 這是一家銀行。單元新詞聯(lián)想 bank(名詞)岸;堤shopping mall購物中心近義 shopping center 購物中心例句 Im going to the shopping mall. 我打算去購物中心。單元新詞

51、購物中心restaurant餐館例句 Hes in a restaurant. 他在一個餐館里。單元新詞短語 Chinese restaurant 中餐館park公園例句 There are some kids in the park. 公園里有一些孩子。單元新詞短語 in the park 在公園里supermarket超級市場例句 How many supermarkets are there? 有幾個超級市場?單元新詞聯(lián)想 shopping mall 購物中心bankhospitalmovie theatershopping mallA.B.C.D.把下列詞語和相應(yīng)的圖片連線。單詞檢測S

52、hopping MallTargetListen and say.Im going to the bank.Where are you going?TargetIs she going to the bank?No, she isnt. Shes going to the park.TargetAre they going to the beach?Yes, they are.Is she going to the bank? 她打算去銀行嗎?No, she isnt. 不,她不打算去。知識講解句型“Is+ 人稱代詞(第三人稱單數(shù))+ going(to)+ 地點?”用于確認他人是否打算去某地。

53、肯定回答為“Yes, he/she is.”,否定回答為“No, he/she isnt.”。例 Is he going to the hospital? 他打算去醫(yī)院嗎? No, he isnt. 不,他不打算去。PracticeAsk and answer.Tonys going to.PlacesTonyrestaurantshopping mallmovie theater supermarketpartyHello, Tony. Where are you going?Im going to.一、讀句子,選詞填空。1. _ she going to the supermarket?2

54、. _ they going to the park?3. Where _ you going?are is隨堂練習(xí)IsAreare隨堂練習(xí)二、看圖填空,每空一詞。1. Where are you going? Im going to the _ pool.2. Is he going to the movie _? Yes, he is.swimmingtheatermovie theaterswimming pool重點短語shopping mall課時小結(jié)hospital重點單詞Is she going to the bank? No, she isnt. bankrestaurantp

55、arksupermarket重點句子Unit 3 Bank or beach?Practice 1 Sounds and words Practice 1Listen and number.1324Shopping MallA. Im hungry. Im going to the restaurant.B. Are you going to the movie theater? Yes, I am.C. Are they going to the beach? No, theyre not. Theyre going to the swimming pool.D. Where is he g

56、oing? Hes going to the shopping mall.錄音原文Practice 1Practice 2Ask and answer.Tonys going to.PlacesTonyrestaurantshopping mallmovie theater supermarketpartyHello, Tony. Where are you going?Im going to.Practice 2Jennys going to.PlacesJennyrestaurantshopping mallmovie theater supermarketpartyWhere are y

57、ou going, Jenny?Im going to.Song activitiesListen and sing.1Where are you going?Going, going, where are you going now?Going, going, where are you going now?Im going to the swimming pool.Swimming pool!Going, going, where are you going now?Going, going, where are you going now?Im going to the movie th

58、eater.Movie theater!Song activitiesMOVIESSong activities Look, write, and sing.2Going, going, where is she going now?Going, going, where _ going now?_ going to the _._!is sheRESTAURANTShe isrestaurantRestaurantSong activitiesGoing, going, _ is he _?Going, going, _?_ to the _._!wheregoing nowwhere is

59、 he going nowHe is goingshopping mallShopping mallSHOPPING MALLActivityPlay and say.A: Where are they going?B: Theyre going to the hospital.123STARTActivity5694RestaurantSCHOOL87MOVIESActivity101112131415Sounds and wordsshipsheshirtHow to read?Sounds and wordsListen, point, and say.1shipshirtsheSoun

60、ds and wordsshortsshoesshoppingShopping MallSounds and wordsListen and look.2Shelly! Shelly!Whos Shelly?Shes in black shoes.Sounds and wordsWhos Shelly?Shes in blue shorts!Sounds and wordsWhos Shelly?Shes in a big, big shop!知識講解字母組合sh的發(fā)音字母組合發(fā) 音發(fā)音要點例 詞sh/清輔音,聲帶不振動。發(fā)音時,舌端靠近齒齦后部,舌身抬起靠近上腭。雙唇稍收圓并略突出,讓口腔內(nèi)


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