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1、Unit 3 Staying Healthy Vocabulary & Target 單元新知 enough 足夠的例句 We should eat enough fruits every day. 我們每天應(yīng)該吃足夠的水果。單元新詞聯(lián)想 形近詞: though (連詞)盡管 not enough不夠的例句 The time is not enough. 時間是不夠的。 單元新詞 plenty of 充足的;大量的例句 There are plenty of cars on the road. 馬路上有大量的車。用法 plenty of 可以修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù), 也可以修飾不可數(shù)名詞。單元新詞

2、too much太多的例句 My mother has too much housework every day. 我媽媽每天有太多的家務(wù)。用法 too much 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,too many 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)。單元新詞 healthy 健康的短語 stay healthy 保持健康巧記 health (健康) +y=healthy (健康的)單元新詞例句 He has a healthy habit. 他有一個健康的習(xí)慣。 unhealthy 不健康的例句 He is poor and unhealthy. 他貧病交加。單元新詞 chocolate巧克力例句 Dont eat too m

3、uch chocolate. 不要吃太多巧克力。單元新詞 candy糖果例句 My brother buys plenty of candy. 我弟弟買了大量的糖果。聯(lián)想 a bag of candy 一袋糖果單元新詞單詞檢測老師讀單詞,大家一起跟著讀,并說出動詞原形。unhealthytoo muchnot enoughchocolatehealthyplenty ofenoughcandyVocabularyListen and say.enoughplenty ofhealthychocolatenot enoughtoo muchunhealthycandyBonus junk foo

4、d get plent of exerciseTargetListen and say.Whats wrong with you, Gogo?Thats bad for you.I drink too much cola.TargetListen and say.Too much junk food.What else is bad for me?TargetListen and say.Plenty of exercise, plenty of vegetables, and a lot of water.Whats good for me?兩人一組,用下面句型進(jìn)行對話練習(xí)。結(jié)對練習(xí)A: I

5、 like eating _.B: Eating too much _ is bad for you.A: Whats good for me?B: _. 示例1A: I like eating _.B: Eating too much _ is bad for you.A: Whats good for me?B: _.candycandyPlenty of vegetables and fruits 示例2A: I like eating _.B: Eating too much _ is bad for you.A: Whats good for me?B: _.ice creamice

6、 creamPlenty of fruits and enough water結(jié)對練習(xí)A: Whats wrong with you? B: I eat too much _.A: Thats bad for you. You should eat_.提示圖片:chocolate結(jié)對練習(xí)A: Whats wrong with you? B: I eat too much _.A: Thats bad for you. You should eat_.提示圖片:candy結(jié)對練習(xí)A: Whats wrong with you? B: I eat too much _.A: Thats bad f

7、or you. You should eat_.提示圖片:cheese 隨堂練習(xí)一、英譯漢。1. 足夠的 _ 2.不夠的_ 3. 大量的 _ 4. 太多的_5. 健康的 _ 6. 不健康的 _7. 巧克力 _ 8. 糖果 _enoughnot enoughplenty oftoo muchhealthyunhealthychocolatecandy二、根據(jù)上下文,從方框內(nèi)選詞填空。plenty A: _ wrong with you?B: I drink too _ cola. A: Thats bad _ you!B: Whats good for me?A: _ vegetables and _ of water. Whats Enough for much Whats much Enough for plenty 課時小結(jié)總 結(jié)重


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