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1、Unit 1Women of achievement第一頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-2-【識記閱讀單詞】1.welfare n. 福利;福利事業(yè)2.project n. 項目;工程;規(guī)劃3.institute n. 學會;學院;協會4.nest n. 巢;窩5.bond n. 聯系;關系;結合;紐帶6.entertainment n. 款待;娛樂;娛樂表演7.career n. 事業(yè);生涯8.rate n. 比率;速度9.emergency n. 突發(fā)事件;緊急情況.單詞 由簡到難,水到渠成The first step is as good as half over.第二頁,編輯于星期

2、六:五點 二十五分。-3-【拼寫高頻單詞】1.campaign n.運動;戰(zhàn)役vi.作戰(zhàn);參加運動2.shade n.蔭;陰涼處vt.遮住光線3.worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的4.childhood n.童年;幼年時代5.outspoken adj.直言的;坦誠6.respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意7.crowd n.人群;觀眾vt.擠滿;使擁擠8.inspire vt.鼓舞;激發(fā);啟示9.support n.&vt.支持;擁護10.audience n.觀眾;聽眾;讀者11.generation n.一代;一輩12.determination n. 決心;果斷13.

3、modest adj.謙虛的;謙讓的;適度的第三頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-4-【拓展核心單詞】1.achievement n.成就;功績achieve vt.完成;實現2.specialist n.專家;專業(yè)工作者special adj.特別的;特殊的specially adv.特別地;專門地specialize vi. 專攻;專門從事;專注于3.connection n.連接;關系connect vt.&vi.連接4.organization n.組織;機構;團體organize vt.&vi.組織organizer n. 組織者5.behave vt.& vi.舉動;(舉止或行為

4、)表現behaviour n.行為;舉止;習性第四頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-5-6.observe vt.觀察;觀測;遵守observation n.觀察;觀測observer n.觀察者;觀察員7.argue vt.& vi.討論;辯論;爭論argument n.爭論;爭辯;爭吵8.refer vi.談到;查閱;參考referee n.裁判員reference n.參考;參考書目9.sickness n.疾病;惡心sick adj.生病的;惡心的10.intend vt.計劃;打算intention n.目的;意圖11.kindness n.仁慈;好意kind adj.善良的;好的

5、12.considerate adj.考慮周到的consider vt.考慮consideration n.考慮;體諒13.deliver vt.遞送;生(小孩兒)接生;發(fā)表(演說等)delivery n.投遞;分娩第五頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-6-1.以-hood為后綴的名詞面面觀boyhood少年時代childhood 童年adulthood成年brotherhood 手足之情parenthood父母身份;親子關系neighbourhood鄰里;社區(qū);街坊manhood男子氣概2.以-ency結尾的高頻名詞小結emergency緊急情況fluency 流利;流暢frequency

6、頻率efficiency 效率tendency趨向;趨勢第六頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-7-3.以-ist為后綴的高頻名詞全接觸artartist 藝術家pianopianist 鋼琴家tourtourist 游客sciencescientist 科學家journaljournalist 新聞工作者;記者socialsocialist 社會主義者specialspecialist 專家psychologypsychologist 心理學家第七頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-8-4.表示“反對”與“同意”的高頻單詞集錦disagree vi.不同意object vi.反對;不贊成op

7、pose vt.反對;反抗;抵抗reject vt.拋棄;排斥;拒絕;駁回;否決support n.& vt.支持;擁護agree vt.& vi.同意approve vt.& vi.批準;贊成5.support用法小結support a family養(yǎng)家糊口support oneself自力更生in support of sb./sth.支持或者支援某人/某事第八頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-9-6.deliver用法小結deliver sth.to sb.遞送/傳送某物給某人deliver a speech發(fā)表演說deliver a baby接生小孩第九頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五

8、分。-10-【識記】1.human being 人2.move off 離開;起程;出發(fā)3.lead a.life 過著的生活4.crowd in (想法、問題等)涌上心頭;涌入腦?!灸瑢憽?.蔑視;瞧不起 look down upon/on2.查閱;參考;談到 refer to3.碰巧;湊巧 by chance4.(偶然)遇見;碰見 come across5.繼續(xù);堅持 carry on.短語化難為簡,輕松記憶Learn to walk before you run.第十頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-11-1.“查字典”的多種表達look up a word in the dictio

9、naryrefer to/consult the dictionary2.carry相關短語集錦carry on with/doing sth.繼續(xù)做某事carry out實行;執(zhí)行;進行;履行(諾言、義務等)carry through幫渡過(難關等);維持;完成第十一頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-12-1.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她母親頭幾個月來幫她的忙,這才使她得以開始自己的計劃??键c提煉“only+狀語”放

10、于句首,其后的句子要用部分倒裝語序。2.Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.突然我想起在那個年代,一個女子去學醫(yī)是多么困難啊。考點提煉“It hits/hit sb.+從句”表示“某人突然想起”,其中it做形式主語。.高頻句型分析探究,融會貫通Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.第十二頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-13-1.只有用這種辦法我們才能解決這個問題。Only in this way can w

11、e solve the problem.2.我突然想起今天是父親的生日。Suddenly it hits me that it is my fathers birthday today.第十三頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-14-Nobody before Jane 1.fully(full)understood chimp behaviour.She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.Since her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in 2.

12、their(they) own environment.3.However,this was not easy.When she first 4.arrived(arrive)in Gombe in 1960,it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest.Only after her mother came to help her 5.for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.Her work changed the way people think about

13、 6.chimps(chimp).For example,one important thing she discovered was 7.that chimps hunt and eat meat.Until then everyone had thought chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chimps as a group 8.hunting(hunt)a monkey and then eating it.She also discovered how chimps communicate 9.with eac

14、h other,and her study of their body language helped her work out their 10.social(society) system.語篇填空舊材新用,探究根源Kill two birds with one stone.第十四頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-15-核心詞匯核心句式1.behave vt.&vi.舉動;(舉止或行為)表現派生behaviour n.行為;舉止;習性well-behaved adj.表現好的badly-behaved adj.表現差的領悟高考究考法用behave或所給單詞的適當形式填空(1)Knowin

15、g these causes can make us examine our , and correct bad habits.(2018北京,七選五閱讀)了解這些原因可以讓我們審視自己的行為并糾正壞習慣。(2)Yes,many cyclists dangerously.(2015湖南,閱讀理解A)是的,很多騎自行車的人的行為非常危險。behaviour behave 第十五頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-16-核心詞匯核心句式(3)Listening is thus an active,not a passive, consisting of hearing,understanding

16、and remembering.(2015浙江,單項填空)傾聽是一種主動的而非被動的行為,它包括聽、理解和記憶。(4)He is old enough to behave (he).他已經長大懂規(guī)矩了。聯想拓展記考點(1)behave well/badly 行為或態(tài)度良好/惡劣(2)behave oneself 表現得體;有禮貌behaviour himself 第十六頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-17-核心詞匯核心句式2.observe vt.觀察;觀測;看到;注意到;遵守;慶祝派生observation n.觀察;觀測observer n.觀察者;觀察員領悟高考究考法用observe

17、或所給單詞的適當形式填空(1)This educational method was first in 2012.(2017江蘇,閱讀理解B)這種教育方法是在2012年首次被注意到的。(2)When we told her the news,we observed tears (come) into her eyes.當我們告訴她這個消息時,我們注意到她熱淚盈眶。(3)Their equipment is in poor repair.他們的觀測設備狀況很差。observed comingobservation 第十七頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-18-核心詞匯核心句式(4)I spec

18、ialize in zoology,and Im a good .(2014廣東,信息匹配)我在動物學方面有專長,而且我是個很好的觀察員。(5)Though having lived abroad for years,he still the traditional customs.盡管在國外居住了很多年,他仍然遵守傳統風俗。(6) shadows cast by the sun is a way to measure the time in ancient times.觀察太陽投射的影子是古代衡量時間的一種方式。observer observes Observing 第十八頁,編輯于星期六:

19、五點 二十五分。-19-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)observe sb.do sth.看到某人做某事(2)observe sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事第十九頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-20-核心詞匯核心句式3.respect vt.尊敬;尊重;重視n.尊敬;尊重;(pl.)敬意;問候;祝愿派生respectable adj.受人尊敬的respectful adj.尊敬人的領悟高考究考法用respect的適當形式填空(1)After I left the company,I managed to find a job in a government office

20、.離開那家公司后,我設法在政府部門找到了一份受人尊敬的工作。(2)Give my to your parents.代我向你的父母問好。(3)The audience stood at a distance.觀眾站在一定的距離之外,以示尊敬。(4) them and value their opinions,even if they annoy you sometimes.(201610浙江,七選五閱讀)尊敬他們并重視他們的意見,即使有時他們會讓你厭煩。respectablerespects respectful Respect 第二十頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-21-核心詞匯核心句式翻

21、譯句子(5)No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our respect._(6)Being unpunctual,we are not respectful of others.(2015陜西,信息匹配)_聯想拓展記考點(1)respect sb.for sth. 因某事尊敬某人 (2)give ones respects to sb. 向某人致敬/問候(3)out of respect for sb. 出于對某人的尊重不管一份工作多么普通,它在社會中都起作用因而值得

22、我們尊重。我們要是不準時,就是對別人的不尊重。第二十一頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-22-核心詞匯核心句式4.argue vt.&vi.討論;辯論;爭論派生argument n.爭論;爭辯;爭吵;論點領悟高考究考法用argue的適當形式填空(1)The author supported the theme of the text by stating .作者通過陳述論點來支持本文的主題。(2)He that this did not prove parental involvement was the cause of that success.(2015陜西,閱讀理解D)他辯解說這并不

23、能證明父母的參與是成功的原因。arguments argued 第二十二頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-23-核心詞匯核心句式介詞填空(3)I would argue copying previous architectural styles.(2014安徽,閱讀理解D)我反對抄襲以前的建筑風格。(4)He argued Mary over the best place for a holiday.他和瑪麗爭論度假的最佳地方。(5)They tried to argue him joining them.他們試圖說服他加入他們。聯想拓展記考點(1)argue for. 為而爭論;為而辯護

24、(2)argue against. 爭辯(反對) (3)argue with sb.on/about/over sth. 與某人爭辯某事(4)argue o doing sth. 說服某人做某事 against with into 第二十三頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-24-核心詞匯核心句式5.crowd in(on sb.)(想法、問題等)涌上心頭;涌入腦海領悟高考究考法用crowd的適當形式填空(1)Memories often in on me at night.夜晚,往事經常一起涌上我的心頭。(2)It is always with customers at meal times

25、.(2016全國乙,短文改錯)每到飯點時,這里總是擠滿了顧客。(3)In places like airports and railway stations,you must take care of your luggage.在像機場和火車站這些擁擠的地方,你必須看好你的行李。crowd crowded crowded 第二十四頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-25-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)crowd into the hall 涌進大廳(2)a crowd of 一群;一堆(3)in crowds成群;大群地(4)be crowded with 滿是第二十五頁,編輯于星期六:

26、五點 二十五分。-26-核心詞匯核心句式6.refer to提到;說到;指;參考;查閱領悟高考究考法寫出下列句子中refer to的意思(1)In fact,tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created.(2018全國,閱讀理解C)(2)It was foolish of him to refer to his notes during that important test.(3)We have reached an agreement that w

27、e will not refer to the matter again.體會語境辨詞義用refer to,consult 或 look up填空You should the dictionary. this word in a dictionary.指的是 查閱 提起;提到refer to/consult Look up 第二十六頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-27-核心詞匯核心句式自助鞏固(1)refer to和consult后往往跟書籍、詞典等名詞。(2)look up后面常跟所要查找的內容做賓語,然后再接“介詞+書籍/詞典”等。第二十七頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-28-核心

28、詞匯核心句式7.intend vt.意欲;計劃;打算;打算使;想讓做派生intention n.打算;意圖;意向;目的領悟高考究考法用intend或所給單詞的適當形式填空(1)Beijing Language and Culture University is known for its language and culture courses for international students.北京語言大學以其面向國際學生的語言和文化課程而聞名。(2)She had a firm within herself to be the best she could be.(2016天津,完形填空

29、)她心中有一個堅定的目標,要盡自己所能成為最棒的。(3)The opening paragraph is mainly intended (attract) the readers interest in the subject.開始段落主要為了引起讀者對該話題的興趣。intended intention to attract第二十八頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-29-核心詞匯核心句式(4)I intend (join)a Dragon Boat Training Camp.(2015北京,書面表達)我打算加入一個龍舟訓練營。聯想拓展記考點(1)intend doing/to do st

30、h.打算做某事 (2)intend sb.to do sth.打算讓某人做某事(3)be intended for. 為準備;為計劃/設計 to join 第二十九頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-30-核心詞匯核心句式Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.突然我想起在那個年代,一個女子去學醫(yī)是多么困難啊。分析提煉究考法It hit/hits sb.某人突然想起。it是形式主語,代替后面的主語從句。類似句式還有:It occurs to sb.that.

31、某人突然想到It strikes sb.that.某人突然想到It happens that.碰巧第三十頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-31-核心詞匯核心句式領悟考法用考點翻譯句子(1)It hit me then:why,as a child,helping Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure.(2015陜西,完形填空)_ _(2)It occurs to me that we can turn to Mary for help._(3)It struck me that the phone number I had told them was

32、wrong._那時候我突然想:作為一個孩子,為什么幫助爸爸清洗梳子是件這么快樂的事情。我突然想到我們可以請瑪麗幫忙。我忽然想到我告訴他們的電話號碼是錯的。第三十一頁,編輯于星期六:五點 二十五分。-32-.單句填空1.Madame Curie is a woman of great .(achieve)2.As is known to all,music can influence our emotions,thoughts and (behave).(2019天津,書面表達)3.On the top of Mountain Tai,people excitedly observed the sun (rise) from the sea.4.Many poets and artists have drawn their (inspire) from nature.5.They decided to put him under (observe).6.We tried many ways to argue him following our advice, but in vain.achievements behavioursrisinginspir


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