北師大版八年級英語下冊課件:Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrow's Jobs 第二課時(shí)_第1頁
北師大版八年級英語下冊課件:Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrow's Jobs 第二課時(shí)_第2頁
北師大版八年級英語下冊課件:Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrow's Jobs 第二課時(shí)_第3頁
北師大版八年級英語下冊課件:Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrow's Jobs 第二課時(shí)_第4頁
北師大版八年級英語下冊課件:Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrow's Jobs 第二課時(shí)_第5頁
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1、北師大版初中英語八年級下冊Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 3 Tomorrows Jobs第二課時(shí)Revision 1. What were the jobs like in the past?2. What are the jobs like at present?3. What will the jobs be like in the future?Vocabulary Find the expressions in the text and match the mnunication hoursjob situationsfixed mar

2、ketdifficult skillsRead aloud 1. They worked with fixed hours in fixed places and did not have much need to develop new skills. 2. What will the future job market require of studentsat school today? 3.They include good communication skills, decision-making skills and problem-sovlving skill.4. the ab

3、ility to deal with difficult situations is a key to your success.Answer the questions1. Where did the people work and did they often change their job?2. What question do you care about the future job market?3. What skills will be important in the future?4. What is the key to your success?Vocabulary

4、Complete the following expressions with prepositions.1. a key _success2. stay _ one job3. _ the same time4. _ the futuretoinat inRead aloud1. They usually worked near their hometown and they often stayed in one job for their whole life.2. You need to express your ideas clearly and at the same time b

5、e a good listener.3. In the future, more people will be able to sell their skills and services to many different companies.4.And, as there will always be problems to solve, the ability to deal with difficult situations is a key to your success.Discuss the pairs1. What were the jobs like in the past?

6、2. What will the jobs be like in the future?3. What are good communication skills?4.What do you think of the ability to deal with difficult situations?Speaking What kind of job would you like to do in the future? Why?Id like to be a tour guide in the future because I love travelling and meeting people.Speaking Talk in pairs.Do you think the job you want to do will be the same or different in the future?Id like to be a teacher. I think it will be different


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