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1、 附錄一:平地機(jī)簡(jiǎn)介平地機(jī)是利用刮刀平整地面的土方機(jī)械,它可以完成公路重要內(nèi)容場(chǎng)、農(nóng)田等大面積的地面平整和挖溝、刮坡、推土、排雪、疏松、壓實(shí)、布料、拌和、助裝和開荒等工作。是國(guó)防工程、礦山建設(shè)、道路修筑、水利建設(shè)和農(nóng)田改良等施工中的重要設(shè)備。平地機(jī)的歷史與發(fā)展原始的平地機(jī)可以追述到 19 世紀(jì)末的美國(guó)。自 20 世紀(jì) 20 年代起,在近 80年的發(fā)展歷程中,平地機(jī)經(jīng)歷了低速到高速、小型到大型、機(jī)械操縱到液壓操縱、機(jī)械換擋到動(dòng)力換擋、機(jī)械轉(zhuǎn)向到液壓助力轉(zhuǎn)向再到全液壓轉(zhuǎn)向以及整體機(jī)架到鏟接機(jī)架的發(fā)展過(guò)程。整機(jī)可靠性、耐久性、安全性和舒適性都有了很大的提高。今天隨著高新技術(shù)的發(fā)展,機(jī)械制造和液壓技術(shù)


3、衡箱串聯(lián)傳動(dòng)裝置等組成。PY180 平地機(jī)傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)液力變矩器為單級(jí)向心式變矩器,具有一定的正透性。變矩器泵輪通過(guò)彈性連接盤(非金屬材料)與發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)飛輪直接相連;采用定軸式動(dòng)力換檔變速箱,渦輪軸為定軸式動(dòng)力換檔變速箱的輸入軸。由變速油泵向液壓換擋離合器提供壓力油,以實(shí)現(xiàn)動(dòng)力換檔。變速泵由泵輪軸驅(qū)動(dòng),安裝在變速箱內(nèi)的后上方。除向換檔離合器提供壓力油外,同時(shí)向液力變矩器供油,然后經(jīng)冷卻器冷卻,再供給變速箱的壓力潤(rùn)滑系統(tǒng)。PY180 平地機(jī)傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng)原理PY180 型平地機(jī)傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng)采用發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī) -液力變扭器 -動(dòng)力換擋變速器的傳動(dòng)形式。他的傳動(dòng)原理簡(jiǎn)圖如下圖所示。發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)輸出的動(dòng)力經(jīng)液力變矩器,進(jìn)入動(dòng)

4、力換擋變速器,由變速器輸出,經(jīng)萬(wàn)向節(jié)和傳動(dòng)軸輸入三段型驅(qū)動(dòng)橋的中央傳動(dòng)。中央傳動(dòng)設(shè)有自動(dòng)閉鎖差速器,左右半軸分別于左右行星減速裝置的太陽(yáng)輪相 連,動(dòng)力由齒圈輸出,談后輸入左右平衡箱輪邊減速裝置通過(guò)重型滾子鏈輪減速增扭,再經(jīng)車輪軸輸出到左右驅(qū)動(dòng)輪。Y180 型自行式平地機(jī)采用 ZF 液力變矩器-變速器或采用 Clack 液力變扭器-變速器與發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)共同工作。液力變扭器與動(dòng)力換擋變速器共殼體,前端與發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)飛輪殼體用螺栓連接。ZF 液力變扭器=變速器均為組成是變速器,由主、幅變速器串聯(lián)組成,前者采用高低檔副變速器,具有 6 個(gè)前進(jìn)和 3 個(gè)倒退檔。液力變矩器為電極向心式變矩器,具有一定的正透性。變扭器

5、泵輪通過(guò)彈性盤與發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)飛輪練級(jí),我淪為變速器的動(dòng)力輸入軸。變速器為定軸式動(dòng)力換擋變速器,變速齒輪均為常嚙合了,操縱換擋離合器換擋,并有變速油泵供給壓力油。變速齒輪油泵安裝在變速器內(nèi)的后上方。除向換擋離合器提供壓力油外,變速泵也同時(shí)向液力變扭器供油,然后經(jīng)冷卻器冷卻,再向變速器的壓力潤(rùn)滑系統(tǒng)供油。變速器設(shè)有 K1、K2、K3、K4、K5 等 5 個(gè)換擋離合器和 1 個(gè)換向離合器(KR),換擋離合器為多片式雙離合器機(jī)構(gòu),“KV-K1”、“KV-K2”和“KV-K3”換擋離合器均為單作用雙離合器,即左、右離合器可以單獨(dú)接合,也可以同時(shí)接合傳遞動(dòng)力。左、右離合器公用一個(gè)油缸,分別有各自的壓緊活塞。在變


7、檔位降至 1 檔進(jìn)行。液控液壓換擋換向閥設(shè)有緩沖裝置,可使換擋離合器接合平穩(wěn)、換擋無(wú)沖擊。另外,變速器的電液換擋電氣線路中設(shè)有空當(dāng)保險(xiǎn)裝置,只有在變速其處于低檔位是,才能啟動(dòng)發(fā)電機(jī),這樣可以避免發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)負(fù)載啟動(dòng)。轉(zhuǎn)向液壓回路PY180 型平地機(jī)的裝向液壓回路由轉(zhuǎn)向泵 14、緊急轉(zhuǎn)向泵 15、轉(zhuǎn)向閥 22、液壓轉(zhuǎn)向器 23、轉(zhuǎn)向油缸 4、冷卻器 28、旁通指示閥 21 和壓力油箱 24 等主要液壓元件組成。平地機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)向時(shí)由轉(zhuǎn)向泵提供的壓力油經(jīng)流量控制閥和轉(zhuǎn)向閥,以穩(wěn)定的流量進(jìn)入液壓轉(zhuǎn)向器,然后進(jìn)入前橋左、右轉(zhuǎn)向油缸的反向工作腔,推動(dòng)左、右前輪的轉(zhuǎn)向節(jié)臂,偏轉(zhuǎn)車輪,實(shí)現(xiàn)向左或向右轉(zhuǎn)向。轉(zhuǎn)向器內(nèi)的安全閥

8、可保護(hù)轉(zhuǎn)向液壓回路的安全,即回路過(guò)載(工作壓力超過(guò) 15MPa)時(shí)安全閥開啟、卸荷。當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)向油泵出現(xiàn)故障、無(wú)法提供壓力油時(shí),轉(zhuǎn)向閥即自動(dòng)接通由變速箱輸出軸驅(qū)動(dòng)的緊急轉(zhuǎn)向泵,由該泵提供的壓力油即可進(jìn)入轉(zhuǎn)向回路,確保轉(zhuǎn)向運(yùn)動(dòng)正 常進(jìn)行。當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)向泵或緊急轉(zhuǎn)向泵發(fā)生故障時(shí),旁通指示閥接通,監(jiān)控指示燈顯示,以提醒駕駛員注意。PY180 型平地機(jī)前橋工作特點(diǎn)平地機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)向時(shí),左右車輪可通過(guò)轉(zhuǎn)向油缸推動(dòng)左右轉(zhuǎn)向節(jié)偏轉(zhuǎn),實(shí)現(xiàn)平地機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)向,此時(shí)將前輪向轉(zhuǎn)向內(nèi)側(cè)傾斜,可進(jìn)一步減小平地機(jī)的轉(zhuǎn)彎半徑;平地機(jī)在橫坡上作業(yè)時(shí),傾斜前輪使其處于垂直狀態(tài),有利于提高前輪的附著力和平地機(jī)的作業(yè)穩(wěn)定性。PY180 型平地機(jī)平衡箱工作特點(diǎn)平

9、衡箱可將主傳動(dòng)器的由半軸傳出動(dòng)的力,經(jīng)鏈傳動(dòng)分別傳給中、后車輪。因平衡箱箱體有較好的擺動(dòng)性,因而保證了每側(cè)的中、后輪同時(shí)著地,有效地保證了平地機(jī)的附著牽引性能,并大大提高平地機(jī)刮刀作業(yè)平整性。PY180 型平地機(jī)的工作裝置平地機(jī)工作裝置分為主要工作裝置和附加工作裝置;前者為刮刀,后者有耙土器、松土器和推土鏟等,生產(chǎn)廠家可根據(jù)用戶要求加裝其中一種或兩種。多數(shù)平地機(jī)將耙土器裝在刮刀與前輪之間,用來(lái)幫助清除雜物和疏松表層土壤;松土器安裝在平地機(jī)的尾部;推土鏟安裝在平地機(jī)前面,用來(lái)配合刮刀作業(yè)。PY180 型平地機(jī)刮土工作裝置1)牽引架的前端個(gè)球形鉸,與車架前端鉸接,因而牽引架可繞球鉸在任意方向轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)和

10、擺動(dòng)。2)支承在牽引架上的回轉(zhuǎn)圈在回轉(zhuǎn)驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置的驅(qū)動(dòng)下繞牽引架轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),從而帶動(dòng)刮刀回轉(zhuǎn)。3)刮刀切削角的改變:由角位器及角位器緊固螺母、切削角調(diào)節(jié)油缸共同完成。4)刮刀側(cè)移:刮刀側(cè)移油缸活塞桿通過(guò)滑軌帶動(dòng)刮刀側(cè)移。5)刮刀移出機(jī)身:由牽引架引出油缸、刮刀側(cè)移油缸及回轉(zhuǎn)驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置同時(shí)動(dòng)作實(shí)現(xiàn)。PY180 型平地機(jī)牽引架分為 A 型和 T 型兩種。前者為箱形截面三角形鋼架。A 型牽引架前端球鉸與弓形前機(jī)架前端鉸接,后端橫梁兩端球頭與刮刀提升油缸活塞桿鉸接。牽引架前端和后端下部焊有底板,前底板中部伸出部分可安裝轉(zhuǎn)盤驅(qū)動(dòng)小齒輪。 PY180 型平地機(jī)回轉(zhuǎn)圈及支承裝置回轉(zhuǎn)圈由齒圈、耳板、拉桿等焊接而成。耳板

11、應(yīng)強(qiáng)度足夠以免破壞?;剞D(zhuǎn)圈屬于不經(jīng)常傳動(dòng)件,所以齒圈制造及配合面的配合精度可不高,并且暴露在外?;剞D(zhuǎn)圈在牽引架的滑道上回轉(zhuǎn),滑道與回轉(zhuǎn)圈之間為間隙配合且便于調(diào)節(jié),并且因回轉(zhuǎn)支承裝置的滑動(dòng)性能和耐磨性能都較好,不需要更換支承墊塊。PY180 型平地機(jī)的刮刀刀身為一塊鋼板制成的長(zhǎng)方形曲面弧形板,其下緣和兩端用螺栓裝有切削刀片。刀片由耐磨抗沖擊高合金鋼制成。其切削刃是上下對(duì)稱,刀口磨鈍或磨損后可上下?lián)Q邊或左右對(duì)換使用。為提高刮刀抗扭抗彎剛度和強(qiáng)度,在刀身的背面焊有加固橫條,在某些平地機(jī)上,此加固橫條就是上下兩條供刮刀側(cè)伸時(shí)使用的滑軌。PY180 型平地機(jī)松土工作裝置用于疏松不能用刮刀直接切削的堅(jiān)硬土

12、壤。可以分為耙土器負(fù)荷比較小,一般采用前置布置方式,即布置在刮刀和前輪之間;松土器負(fù)荷較大,采用后置布置方式,布置在平地機(jī)尾部,安裝位置離驅(qū)動(dòng)輪近,車架剛度大,允許進(jìn)行重負(fù)荷松土作業(yè)。PY180 型平地機(jī)松土器分雙連桿式和單連桿式兩種。單連桿式松土器由于其連桿長(zhǎng)度有限,松土齒在不同的入土深度下的松土角變化較大,但結(jié)構(gòu)簡(jiǎn)單。雙連桿式的近似于平行四邊形機(jī)構(gòu),其優(yōu)點(diǎn)是松土齒在不同的切土深度角基本不變,故對(duì)松土有利。且雙連桿同時(shí)承載,改善了松土器架的受力狀態(tài)。輪式隨動(dòng)裝置的刮平控制裝置方形連接套裝在刮刀一側(cè)的背面,連接整個(gè)裝置的方形桿可插入套內(nèi),然后固定住。整個(gè)裝置可以從刮刀的一端換到另一端,拆裝方便

13、。工作時(shí),隨動(dòng)輪在基準(zhǔn)路面上被刮刀拖著滾動(dòng),輪子相對(duì)于刮刀上下跳動(dòng)量直接傳給刮平傳感器上的擺桿,使之繞擺軸轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)角由傳感器測(cè)得。轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)角的大小反映了刮刀高度的變化。如果測(cè)得的高度與司機(jī)在控制箱上設(shè)置的高度存在偏差,通過(guò)信號(hào)立即傳到液壓伺服裝置,控制升降油缸調(diào)節(jié)刮刀高度至設(shè)置高度為止。輪式隨動(dòng)裝置常用于以比較硬的地面(如瀝青路面等)為基準(zhǔn)時(shí)的作業(yè)。滑靴式隨動(dòng)裝置 滑靴由連桿帶動(dòng),連桿與刮刀背面的接塊鉸接,可相對(duì)于刮刀作上下擺動(dòng),擺動(dòng)量通過(guò)連桿上的支桿撥動(dòng)擺桿傳給傳感器?;鶞?zhǔn)繩控制刮平當(dāng)沒(méi)有可參照的基準(zhǔn)路面時(shí),基準(zhǔn)繩的設(shè)置為:套著橫桿樁桿釘入土內(nèi),橫桿在樁桿上下滑動(dòng)以調(diào)節(jié)基準(zhǔn)繩的高度并用螺釘定位

14、。工作中傳感器上的擺桿在彈簧拉力作用下抵在基準(zhǔn)繩的下面,彈簧拉力可以起到補(bǔ)償繩子下垂的作用。隨著擺桿繞傳感器軸轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),將跳動(dòng)量傳遞到傳感器。激光調(diào)平與電子調(diào)節(jié)結(jié)合型刮刀縱向刮平采用激光調(diào)平方式控制,而斜度控制采用傾斜儀測(cè)量控制,激光接收機(jī)只裝在縱向刮平控制一側(cè)的牽引架上,以激光束為基準(zhǔn)調(diào)節(jié)這一側(cè)刮刀的高度。傾斜儀裝在牽引架上,可以檢測(cè)刮刀的橫向斜度,按照設(shè)置的斜度要求控制另一則升降油缸。控制箱裝在駕駛室內(nèi),刮刀高度和傾斜度均可在控制箱上設(shè)置,實(shí)現(xiàn) “自動(dòng)控制”和“人工控制”的相互轉(zhuǎn)換。此外還有一個(gè)優(yōu)先設(shè)計(jì),即當(dāng)自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)作業(yè)時(shí),如果刮刀的負(fù)荷過(guò)大,則可用手動(dòng)優(yōu)先操縱各操縱桿。技術(shù)發(fā)展前景:系列化、

15、特大型化系列化是工程機(jī)械發(fā)展的重要趨勢(shì)。國(guó)外著名大公司逐步實(shí)現(xiàn)其產(chǎn)品系列化進(jìn)程,形成了從微型到特大型不同規(guī)格的產(chǎn)品。與此同時(shí),產(chǎn)品更新?lián)Q代的周期明顯縮短。所謂特大型工程機(jī)械,是指其裝備的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)額定功率超過(guò) 746kW(1000HP)。它們主要用于大型露天礦山或大型水電工程工地。產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)是科技含量高,研制與生產(chǎn)周期較長(zhǎng),投資大,市場(chǎng)容量有限,市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)主要集中在少數(shù)幾家公司。以裝載機(jī)為例,目前僅有馬拉松勒?qǐng)D爾勒、卡特彼勒和小松一德雷塞這三家公司能夠生產(chǎn)特大型裝載機(jī)。多用途、超小型化、微型化為了全方位地滿足不同用戶的需求,國(guó)外工程機(jī)械在朝著系列化、特大型化方向發(fā)展的同時(shí),已進(jìn)人多用途、超小型化、微型


17、了較快的發(fā)展。為占領(lǐng)這一市場(chǎng),各生產(chǎn)廠商都相繼推出了多用途、小型和微型工程機(jī)械。如卡特彼勒公司生產(chǎn)的汀系列綜合多用機(jī)、克拉克公司生產(chǎn)的“山貓”牌產(chǎn)品等。 多功能化多功能化作業(yè)裝置改變了單一作業(yè)功能,多種作業(yè)已從中、大型工程機(jī)械應(yīng)用的局限中解脫出來(lái),在小型和微型工程機(jī)械上也開始了應(yīng)用。節(jié)能與環(huán)保為提高產(chǎn)品的節(jié)能效果和滿足日益苛刻的環(huán)保要求,國(guó)外工程機(jī)械公司主要從降低發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)排放、提高液壓系統(tǒng)效率和減振、降噪等方面人手。計(jì)算機(jī)管理及故障診斷、遠(yuǎn)程監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)及整機(jī)智能化以微電子、Internet 為重要標(biāo)志的信息時(shí)代,不斷研制出集液壓、微電子及信息技術(shù)于一體的智能系統(tǒng),并廣泛應(yīng)用于工程機(jī)械的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì)之中

18、,進(jìn)一步提高了產(chǎn)品的性能及高科技含量。附錄二:Grader IntroductionGrader is the use of flat ground scraper earthmoving machinery, an importantpart of it can be done road courses, a large area of farmland ground leveling andtrenching, slope scraping, bulldozing, ranked snow, loose, compaction, fabrics,mixing, loading aid an

19、d land reclamation work. Defense engineering, mineconstruction, road construction, water conservancy construction and farmimprovements such as the construction of important facilities.History and Development gradersThe original grader can be traced to the late 19th century America. Since the1920s, n

20、early 80 years of development history, graders experienced a low speed tohigh speed, small to large, mechanically operated to hydraulically operated,mechanical shift to the power shift, mechanical steering to hydraulic power steeringand then hydraulic steering and overall pick shovel rack rack to th

21、e developmentprocess. Machine reliability, durability, safety and comfort have been greatlyimproved. Today, with the development of high technology, the development andapplication of mechanical engineering and hydraulic technology. They have beencombined and applied engineering machinery products in

22、 order to modernmicroelectronic technology, represented by high-tech are becoming more widely usedto transform the traditional structure of construction machinery products.Transplantation of mature technology has greatly facilitated the further increase thelevel of integrated technology grader. Grad

23、er has developed into its own ground level.Automation has become the development trend graders. Therefore, they have beenwidely grader used.Overall Rack Rack is a front axle and rear axle support arched beams. The rack filled withengine, main transmission, cab and working devices.With fuel tanks sta

24、nd in the middle of the arched frame at installation blade liftcylinder and cause the fuel tank above the traction frame. Hinged frame hasarticulated steering cylinder about to change, or the relative position of the fixed frontand rear rack.Grader powertrainGrader generally consists of the main clu

25、tch transmission, torque converter,transmission, rear axle drive, balanced tandem gear boxes and other components.PY180 grader structural characteristics of the transmission systemTorque converter is a single-stage centripetal torque converter, with somepositive permeability. Torque converter pump w

26、heel connected by elastic plate(non-metallic materials) is directly connected to the engine flywheel;Using fixed shaft power shift transmission input shaft of the turbine shaft is fixedshaft power shift transmission. Provide pressure oil from the hydraulic clutch shiftgear pump, in order to achieve

27、power shift. Variable speed pump driven by the pumpshaft mounted above the rear in the gearbox. In addition to providing the shiftingclutch oil pressure, but at the same time to the torque converter oil, then by the cooler,then the supply pressure gearbox lubrication system.PY180 grader transmission

28、 principlePY180 grader transmission system uses engine - torque converter - power shifttransmission drive form. His driving principle diagram shown below. Power output ofthe engine through the torque converter into the power shift transmission, thetransmission output, the input drive shaft universal

29、 joint and three sections of thecentral drive type drive axle. Central transmission with automatic locking differentials,respectively, around the sun around the wheel axle planetary gear unit is connected tothe power output from the ring, after talking about balancing the input box wheeldeceleration

30、 device through heavy roller wheel deceleration by twisting, and then bycar to the left and right drive axle output.Y180 type grader uses ZF torque converter - transmission or torque converterusing Clack - transmission and engine work together. Torque converter and powershift transmission altogether

31、 case, the front end of the engine flywheel housing bolted.= ZF torque converter transmissions are composed is the transmission, by the Lord,increase transmission in series, the former high-low splitter, with six forward andthree reverse gears.Torque converter electrode centripetal torque converter,

32、 with some positivepermeability. Torque converter pump wheel through the elastic plate and the engineflywheel leveling, I reduced power transmission input shaft.Transmission for a given type power shift transmission, transmission gears wereconstant mesh, and manipulation of the shift clutch shift, a

33、nd shift the supply pressureoil pump. Change gear transmission oil pump installed in the top post. In addition toproviding pressurized oil to shift the clutch outer, the variable speed pump also oil to the torque converter, and then cooled by the cooler, the transmission again pressureoil lubricatio

34、n system.Transmission has K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, etc. 5 shifting clutch and a reversingclutch (KR), for the multi-plate clutch shift dual clutch mechanism, KV-K1,KV-K2 and KV-K3 are single-action clutch shift dual-clutch, and the left andright clutch engagement individually, you can also engage to tran

35、smit power. Left andright common a clutch cylinder, respectively, each of the pressing piston.Winning on the rear of transmission shaft pump, oil pump drive fitted graderworking device. Power shift part of its output is used to drive the steering pump andemergency steering pump. The front end of the

36、 transmission output shaft is equippedwith a parking brake, after the power is transmitted to the rear end through the shaftdrives walking bridge.Transmission using electro-hydraulic control system shift. Electro-hydrauliccontrol system consists of a variable speed pump, shift pressure control valve

37、s,hydraulic solenoid shift signal valves, hydraulic shift valve, hydraulic componentsand gear shift selector clutch pack machine filters, safety valves, electricalcomponents, etc. E-mail composed.In the electro-hydraulic shift control system, variable speed pump main oilprovides a signal hydraulic s

38、olenoid valves and shift signals shift by a hydraulic valveinto a hydraulic shift clutch engagement when shifting manually operated electricalcontrol gear selection stalls, the same season in the selector valve associatedelectromagnetic signal and the output signal through electromagnetic signalshyd

39、raulic valve, hydraulic shift control valve again achieve power shift. When gradercommutation should be reduced to a stall stalls.Hydraulic control valve has a hydraulic shift buffer system that allows smoothshifting clutch engagement, no shift shock. In addition, the electro-hydraulictransmission s

40、hifting electrical circuit has a safety device when empty, and only inthat it is in low gear position is to start the generator, so to avoid the engine load tostart.Steering hydraulic circuitPY180 grader mounted steering route back to the hydraulic pump 14, 15emergency steering pump, steering valve

41、22, 23 hydraulic steering, steering cylinder 4,the cooler 28, the bypass valve 21 and the pressure tank instructions and other majorhydraulic components consisting of 24 . Grader steering provided by steering pumpoil pressure flow control valve and the steering valve, in order to stabilize the flowi

42、nto the hydraulic steering, and then enter the front axle left and right turn reverse theworking chamber cylinder, push the left and right front wheel knuckle arm deflectionwheels, steering left or right to achieve. Diverter valve inside to protect the safety ofhydraulic steering circuit, namely bac

43、k overloads (operating pressure exceeds 15MPa)safety valve opens when unloading.When the steering pump failure, unable to provide pressure oil, the diverter valveis automatically switched on by the gearbox output shaft driven emergency steeringpump, provided by the pump pressure oil to enter the ste

44、ering circuit, ensuring thenormal steering movements. When the steering pump or emergency steering pump failure, the bypass valve is turned indication, monitoring indicator displays to alert thedriver.PY180 grader working characteristics of the front axleGrader when turning left and right wheels can

45、 be pushed through the steeringcylinder about knuckle deflection achieve grader steering wheel to the steering Themedial tilt, can further reduce the turning radius graders;Grader at the time of cross-slope operation, tilt wheel it is in a vertical position,will help improve the stability of the fro

46、nt wheel adhesion work peacefully machines.PY180 grader balance box work characteristicsBalance box can be the main drive axle spread by the movement of forces, werepassed through the chain drive, the rear wheels.Box because the box has a good balance of the swing, thus ensuring each side ofthe rear

47、 wheels while the ground, effectively ensure the adhesion traction motorgrader, and greatly improve the grader blade operation smoothness.Working device type PY180 gradersGrader working device into the main unit and the additional work means work;the former is the blade, which has rake the soil, a r

48、ipper and dozer and othermanufacturers can install one or two according to user requirements.Most grader will rake the soil is mounted between the blade and the front wheels,to help clear the debris and loose topsoil; ripper installed in the rear grader; dozerinstalled in front grader, used to work

49、with the scraper.PY180 grader moldboard working device1) front-end traction frame a spherical hinge, and the front frame is hinged, sotraction frame can rotate around the ball joints and swing in any direction.2) supporting the shelves back in a circular motion in traction drive rotary drivemeans to

50、 rotate around the traction frame, so as to drive the blade rotation.3) cutting blade angle changes: by angular position and angular positioncontrol device fastening nut, cutting angle adjustment cylinder together to complete.4) scraper Sway: Sway cylinder rod scraper blade driven by lateral slide.5

51、) blade out of the body: the traction frame leads cylinders, cylinder and rotaryblade lateral movement while the drive to achieve.PY180 grader traction frameDivided into A and T type two. The former is a triangular box section steel.A ball joint front end traction frame with arched front hinged fron

52、t of the rack,the back-end beam at both ends of the ball head with the blade lift cylinder rod ishinged. The lower part of the front and rear traction frame welded plate, extending thecentral part of the front floor can be installed turntable drive pinion.PY180 grader turning circle and supporting d

53、evice Turning circle welded ring, ear plate, rod, etc. together. Board should be ofsufficient strength to avoid ear damage. Turning circle are infrequent transmissionparts, so with the precision manufacturing and the mating surface of the ring withouthigh and exposed.Turning circle on the traction f

54、rame rotary slide between the slide and the turningcircle is a clearance fit and easy to adjust, and sliding properties and wear resistancedue to the rotary support means are good, do not need to replace the bearing pad.PY180 grader blade typeCurved blade is curved rectangular plate made of a steel

55、plate, and ends with itslower edge provided with cutting insert bolt.Blades are made of wear-resistant high impact steel. Its cutting edge is verticallysymmetrical, blunt knife or worn up or down or left and right to change sides swappeduse.To improve the blade torsional bending stiffness and streng

56、th in the back of theblades welded reinforcement bar, on some graders, this reinforcement bar is availablewhen the blade up and down the two side rails extending use.PY180 grader ripper working deviceLoose soil can not be used for hard cutting blade directly.Can be divided intorake earthenware - loa

57、d is relatively small, the general pre-arrangement, which isarranged between the blade and the front wheel; ripper - a larger load, using the reararrangement, arranged in the rear grader, installation location away from the drivenearly round, frame stiffness, allowing for heavy tillage operations.PY

58、180 grader ripperDual-link single link sub-two. Single Link ripper because of its limited length ofthe link, ripper teeth buried in different depths of scarification angle variation is large,but simple structure.Dual-link approximates the parallelogram mechanism, the advantage ripper teethcut at dif

59、ferent angles is essentially the same soil depth, so the loose soil favorable. Atthe same time, and dual-link load, and improves the stress state ripper frame.Calibrating control means wheeled followerSet at the back of the square is connected on one side of the blade, the wholeassembly can be inser

60、ted into a square rod kit, and then fixed. The entire device canbe changed from one end to the other end of the blade, easy disassembly.When working with the drive wheels on the reference surface is dragged scraperscroll wheel up and down relative to the blade directly to Calibrating sensor runoutOn


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