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1、Unit 5Music-2-核心詞匯核心句式1.pretend vt.假裝;裝扮領悟高考究考法用所給單詞的適當形式填空(1)She would open a book,pretending (read),with tears dropping on the open page.(2014北京,完形填空)她就會打開書,假裝讀書,淚水滴落在了敞開的書頁上。(2)He pretended (read)an important paper when the boss came in.老板進來時他假裝在看一份重要的文件。(3)42% of people pretended (read) the maga

2、zine.42%的人假裝讀過這本雜志。to read to be reading to have read -3-核心詞匯核心句式(4)Tom (pretend) that he didnt see her and kept working.(2014四川,完形填空)湯姆假裝沒有看到她,繼續(xù)工作。(5)He would ask who we were and pretend (not know) us.(2016浙江,短文改錯)他會問我們是誰,假裝不認識我們。聯(lián)想拓展記考點(1)pretend(not) to do sth.假裝(沒)做某事(2)pretend to be doing sth.

3、假裝正在做某事(3)pretend to have done sth.假裝做過某事(4)pretend that.假裝pretended to know -4-核心詞匯核心句式2.attach.to認為有(重要性、意義);附上;連接領悟高考究考法誦讀句子,體會黑體部分含義(1)Long ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones.(2015四川,閱讀理解E)很久以前,建造者們可能把木頭柱子綁在石頭上。(2)Status is the honour or respect attached to a persons pos

4、ition in society.身份就是對一個人的社會地位的崇尚或尊重。(3)Emma had never taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans.(2019江蘇,完形填空)艾瑪從來沒有把自己當成是一只鶴,她深深地迷戀人類。-5-核心詞匯核心句式單句寫作(4)很多人認為英語很重要。_(5)我發(fā)現(xiàn)在第一頁上附了一張漂亮卡片,上面有給予我的最好祝福。_A large number of people attach great importance to English.I found a beautiful ca

5、rd attached to the first page,giving me the best wishes.-6-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(1)attach sth.把某物固定;把某物附上(2)attach sth.to sth.將某事物與另一事物相聯(lián)系(3)be attached to附屬于;喜愛溫馨提示attach sth.to sth.中的to是介詞。-7-核心詞匯核心句式3.form n.形狀;形態(tài);外形;表格;形式vt.&vi.(使)組成;形成;構成;排列;養(yǎng)成;培養(yǎng)領悟高考究考法寫出下列句子中form的意思(1)Nowadays,cycling,along with jo

6、gging and swimming,is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.(2017天津,單項填空)(2)The curves(曲線) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills,forming a unique view.(2018全國,閱讀理解C)(3)Each applicant should first complete an application form.(4)The form of matter can be change

7、d.(5)The tall form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs.形式 形成 表格 形態(tài) 外形 -8-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(1)in the form of 以的形式;呈狀態(tài)(2)take the form of 采取的形式;表現(xiàn)為的形式(3)form the habit of養(yǎng)成的習慣(4)fill in/out a form 填表-9-核心詞匯核心句式4.perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;執(zhí)行派生performance n.表演;演奏;履行,執(zhí)行;表現(xiàn),成就;性能領悟高考究考法寫出下列句子中黑體詞的意思(1)

8、She will perform songs from her new best-selling CD.(2016全國,閱讀理解A)(2)Your performance in sports and art also has made a deep impression on us.(2016天津,書面表達)(3)“The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not,on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋轉) and translate

9、 shapes,” Levine said in a statement.(2020全國,閱讀理解B)表演 成就 表現(xiàn) -10-核心詞匯核心句式聯(lián)想拓展記考點(1)perform an operation 進行手術(2)perform ones duty 履行職責/承諾(3)put on/give a performance 表演(4)He performed his duties perfectly.(5)The musician along with his band members has given ten performances in the last three months.(

10、2019江蘇,單項填空)履行 演出-11-核心詞匯核心句式5.play jokes on./play a joke on.開玩笑;戲弄領悟高考究考法單句寫作他的朋友和他開了一個玩笑。_聯(lián)想拓展記考點(1)play a trick on sb.戲弄某人(2)have a joke with sb.與某人說笑話(3)joke with sb.about 拿與某人開玩笑His friends played a joke on him.-12-核心詞匯核心句式體會語境辨詞義用play a joke/jokes on,make fun of或laugh at填空It is unkind to a per

11、son in trouble.Dont him.He is always serious.But Im just worried other people might think were a little strange.And then they would us.自助鞏固(1)play a joke/jokes on開玩笑; 戲弄(經(jīng)常是善意的)(2)make fun of開玩笑;取笑(可以是善意的,也可以是惡意的)(3)laugh at嘲笑;取笑(別人的缺點、毛病、殘疾等)laugh at play a joke/jokes on make fun of -13-核心詞匯核心句式Fre

12、ddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的樂隊無論走到哪里都會有人跟蹤。分析提煉究考法句中not.without是一種雙重否定結構,用來表示肯定意義,此處not可用never來代替。在英語中,表示非否定意義的否定句常見于某些固定的句型、習慣用語及搭配中,除了not/never.without.結構外還有以下幾種情況:(1)not.until.“直到才”。(2)含can/could+否定詞(如not,never,hardly)的否定句常表達語氣很強的肯定意義。如cant help doing s

13、th.“禁不住做某事”;cant but do sth.“不得不做某事”;cant help but do sth.“不得不做某事”。(3)借助于without,but for的虛擬語氣結構常用來表示與事實相反的狀況或愿望,從而間接傳達肯定意義。-14-核心詞匯核心句式領悟考法用考點誦讀或翻譯句子,體會黑體部分含義(1)Although they are good friends,they never meet without quarrelling.盡管他們是好朋友,但是他們兩個人見面就吵。(2)She didnt come without telling me something new.

14、_她每次來都會告訴我一些新鮮事。 -15-.單句填空1.Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist (attract).2.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,most of are beyond our control.3.With the money (earn),Ill enroll in a driving course and try to get my drivers license.4.Ar

15、e you satisfied with your (perform) in the activity?5.Jack pretended (write) when the teacher came in.6.The bird did not return the man left the tower.attractionwhichearnedperformance to be reading until -16-.單句改錯1.The famous doctor is going to set out performing the operation.2.At night,in addition

16、 for lighted lanterns,fireworks form a grand scene.3.You can always rely Jim,and he wont fail you.4.Sorting out things you want to keep and throw everything else away.5.I know youre really awake;youre just playing a joke to me.outaboutfortorely 后加onSortingSorttoon-17-.寫作訓練1.如果沒有他們的幫助,我們不會克服這些困難。 their help,we couldnt have got over the difficulties.2.這樣能幫助他養(yǎng)成節(jié)省的習慣。This can help him .3.要申請這份工作,你必須填張表。To apply for the job,you mu


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