frp筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能-改eng o_第1頁
frp筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能-改eng o_第2頁
frp筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能-改eng o_第3頁
frp筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能-改eng o_第4頁
frp筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能-改eng o_第5頁
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1、廣西交通科學研究院浙江大學Guangxi Transportation Research InsituteZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY2022年8月29日FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土橋梁技術及服役性能The Technology and Service Performance for Concrete Bridge Strengthening Using FRP Rebar & Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites (UHTCC)2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 Th

2、e mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC F

3、RP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 Conclusion2022年8月29日2006、2007兩年危橋的數(shù)量

4、及其所占比例均有大幅上升。The number and proportion of deficient bridges increased in 2006 and 2007背景及意義 Background & Purpose為解決橋梁的耐久性問題,需要采取什么樣方法來改善危橋數(shù)量不斷攀升的現(xiàn)象?What is necessary to decrease the No. of deficient bridges and to solve the durability problem?No. of Deficient BridgesNo. of Deficient Bridges開裂、鋼筋銹蝕是鋼

5、筋混凝土橋梁耐久性蛻化、結構剛度和承載能力降低的主要誘因。 Cracks and corrosion are the main cause of the decreasing of durability, stiffness and strength of the structure.2022年8月29日背景及意義 Background & Purpose2022年8月29日現(xiàn)有一些橋梁加固方案不太注重裂縫的主動控制和耐久性要求,使得橋梁的服役壽命難以達到理想的效果。因此,一個優(yōu)秀的橋梁加固方案的確定,既要考慮新的加固是否能有效地提高橋梁的承載能力和整體性而不影響橋梁原有的使用功能,還要考慮此

6、方案是否能很好的改善橋梁存在的耐久性問題而不再出現(xiàn)或者大大減輕各種病害。The current bridge strenthening method does not pay much attention to the cracks active control and durability requirements. That is why bridges usually cannot serve as long as we expect. Therefore, a good bridge strengthening needs think about whether it can impr

7、ove the bridge capacity and integrity, and has no effect on bridges original function. Whether the methods can improve the durability well and reduce the No. of deficiency is also important.為確保橋梁結構具有足夠的安全性和可靠性,除了要在結構設計上繼續(xù)下功夫外,也必然對混凝土與加固材料提出新的更高的要求,除了有較好的耐久性、較高的強度之外,還應具備優(yōu)良的延性、有效控制裂縫的能力和與加固結構有良好的相容性。

8、To guarantee the safety and reliability of bridge structure, to set a higher requirement for strengthening material is as critical as good design. Besides good durability and strength, material should have excellent ductility, ability to contral cracks and compatibility to the original material.背景及意

9、義 Background & Purpose2022年8月29日Deficient Stuff纖維聚合物筋Fiber Polyester Rebar工程水泥復合材料Engineering Cementitious Composites用纖維聚合物筋代替鋼筋,解決了鋼筋銹蝕問題。Replace steel with FRP to solve corrosion issue.用纖維增強水泥基復合材料代替混凝土,解決了混凝土易開裂的問題。Replace concrete with fiber-reinforced cementitious composites to solve crack issu

10、e. 纖維增強水泥基復合材料與纖維筋結合,能夠更好的抑制裂縫發(fā)展,提高結構的耐久性。Combination of FRP rebar and fiber-reinforced cementitious composites restrains crack developing and improve structure durability. 對策及本技術主要思路2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FRP rebar

11、s 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening usin

12、g FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 ConclusionFRP筋的性能2022年8月29日高韌性水泥基復合材料 (可彌補FRP筋的不足)UHTCC and FRP rebars are complementaryFRP筋FRP rebar抗拉強度高

13、 High tensive capacity密度小、質量輕 Low density, light weight彈性模量低,延性差 Low modulus of elasticity抗剪強度差 Low shear capacity抗拉強度較低 Low tensive capacity密度大,質量重 High density, Heavy weight延性好,變形大 Good ductility, large deformation抗剪強度較好 Good shear capacityFRP筋與ECC結合運用到結構中 Use the combine FRP rebars and ECC耐腐蝕 Cor

14、rosion resisitance抗疲勞 Fatigue resistance電磁絕緣性好 Electromagnetic insulation2022年8月29日直接拉伸試驗 Direct Drawing TestLoadLoadCFRP wrappingLoadLoadAluminum plateglueEpoxy resinCFRP wrappingEpoxy resin2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of F

15、RP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthen

16、ing using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 Conclusion應力-應變曲線 Stress-Strain curve(b) E-1(a) C-0(c) E-2(d) E-3(e) E-4(f) E-52022年8月29日表2-2 拉伸試驗

17、結果 Result of stretch test在纖維體積摻量為2.0%左右的情況下,摻入粉煤灰、硅灰、偏高嶺土的纖維增強水泥基復合材料其極限拉應變能達到2%,極限拉應力達到4.0MPa。 When volume of fiber is around 2.0%, the tensive strain limit of UHTCC(with fly ash, silica fume, high ridge soil) reaches 2%, tensive stress limit reaches 4.0MPa.呈現(xiàn)出高延性,并表現(xiàn)出明顯的應變-硬化及多裂縫開裂特性,且最大裂縫寬度不超過175

18、微米 ,平均裂縫寬度不超過115 微米。High ductility, evident strain-hardening characteristic and multiple cracks. The largest width of cracks is 175 micrometer, the average width is less than 115 micrometer.2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FR

19、P rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengtheni

20、ng using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 ConclusionFRP筋與高韌性混凝土的粘結性能Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites 2022年8

21、月29日試件編號Piece number基體類別Material category纖維筋直徑dia. Of fiber rebar/mm試件尺寸Size/mm保護層厚度Thickness of cover/mm錨固長度Anchorage length/mm試件個數(shù)Amount of piecesE150-16-80ECC 16150*150*1506780(5D)3E150-10-50ECC10150*150*1507050(5D)3E150-04-20ECC4150*150*1507320(5D)3E100-04-20ECC 4100*100*1504820(5D)3E100-04-4040

22、(10D)3E100-04-6060(15D)3E50-04-20ECC 4100*50*1502320(5D)3E15-04-10ECC 4100*15*150610(2.5D)3E15-04-2020(5D)3E15-04-4040(10D)3C100-04-20純水泥基材料4100*100*1504820(5D)3C50-04-20純水泥基材料4100*50*1502520(5D)3C15-04-20純水泥基材料4100*15*150620(5D)3 拉拔試件明細表 Detail of test pieces for drawing test 2022年8月29日粘結拉拔試件Bond d

23、rawing test-piece試驗裝置Test equipmentBFRP rebarPVC TUBEECCdiameter2022年8月29日(a) E150-16-80(b) E150-10-50(c) E100-04-20(d) E50-04-20(e) C100-04-20(f) C50-04-20Bond slide curve Forced end Free end2022年8月29日1.FRP筋直徑對粘結強度的影響B(tài)ond capacity with different diamiter of FRP rebars2.基材性能對粘結強度的影響 Bond with differ

24、ent Material performance 3.保護層厚度對粘結強度的影響 Bond capacity and cover depthc/d 1.5時,易發(fā)生劈裂破壞。 when c/d 1.5, easily splitting BFRP筋與ECC的極限粘結強度相對于純水泥基材料拉拔試件有所提高。The bond limit of BFRP and ECC is higher than pure cementitious material on drawing test The larger diameter, the lower bond(a) 不同直徑BFRP筋與ECC的粘結強度

25、Bond capacity with different BFPR diameter(b) BFRP筋與不同基材的粘結強度 Bond capacity between BFRP and different materials由于纖維的約束作用,ECC即使開裂也不會失去了對FRP筋的約束作用,BFRP筋與ECC之間具有很好的粘結力。Due to constraint effect of fiber, ECC still bonds with FRP rebar even when it cracks. Bonding between BFRP and ECC is good.基本錨固長度 Bas

26、ic anchorage length2022年8月29日Diamiter of BFRP bars/mmJSCEACI440本文計算結果Result411.9 37.8 12.5 1012.5 37.8 13.1 1614.7 37.8 15.4 相對基本錨固長度(lab/d)結果比較Compared result of relative basic anchorage length 2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance

27、of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder streng

28、thening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 ConclusionFRP筋高韌性混凝土復合結構力學性能Mechanical Performance of FRP rebars and UHTCC 2022年8月29日類型 Type纖維

29、筋根數(shù)No. of Rebars板的尺寸Size of Plate普通水泥基薄板(不添加PVA纖維)+BFRP筋 Normal cementitious plate (with no PVA fiber) + BFRP rebars2400mm*100mm*15mm4ECC薄板+BFRP筋ECC plate + BFRP rebars234表4-1 BFRP筋增強纖維板 BFRP rebar reinforced plate2022年8月29日(a) C-B-2(b) C-B-4(c) E-B-2(d) E-B-3(e) E-B-4Stress-Strain Curve2022年8月29日板E

30、-B-2、E-B-3、E-B-4(相對于純ECC薄板)Plate E-B-2, E-B-3, E-B-4 (Compared to pure ECC plate)極 限 荷 載 分 別 為:18.1KN,22.8KN,30.6KN,Load limit of each plate is 18.1KN, 22.8KN, 30.6KN極限承載力分別提高了:202%、280%、410%。Capacity limit increases 202%, 280% and 410%E-B系列:最大裂縫寬度在200微米 以內;E-B series, max width of cracks is 200m C-

31、B系列:最大裂縫寬度為800微米 左右。C-B series, max width of cracks is 800mE-B系列:平均裂縫寬度為100 微米左右;C-B系列:平均裂縫寬度為700微米 左右。E-B series, average width of cracks is 100m. For E-B series, it is 700m.2022年8月29日ECC開裂后能繼續(xù)承擔荷載的特性對板E-B-2的極限承載力的提高做出了較大的貢獻。ECC can continually provide load capacity after it cracks, which largely i

32、mprove the capacity limit of E-B-2 plate.BFRP筋與ECC良好的粘結與變形協(xié)調能力對E-B-2板承載力的提高也做出了一定程度的貢獻。 The good bonding and Co-deformation between BFRP rebars and ECC largely imprive the capacity limit of E-B-2 plate.2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The perfo

33、rmance of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder

34、 strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 ConclusionFRP筋高韌性混凝土復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening using FRP re

35、bars and UHTCC2022年8月29日CFRP筋增強ECC板加固鋼筋混凝土梁CFRP-reinforced-ECC-plate strengthened concrete girder1-1混凝土Concrete鋼筋Steel rebarCFRP筋CFRP rebar碳纖維布CFRP WrappingECC與老混凝土的粘結性能 Bond performance between ECC and original concrete2022年8月29日既有混凝土Original ConcreteECC在同抗壓強度下,界面處的破壞主要發(fā)生在既有混凝土中,因此ECC和既有結構混凝土有著良好的粘

36、結性能。With the same compressive capacity, the interface of failure mainly occurs at the original part of concrete. Therefore, bonding performance between ECC and original concrete is great.2022年8月29日編號No.加固層厚度Thickness of strengthened layer/mmCFRP筋根數(shù) No. of CFRP rebarsCFRP筋直徑/mm鋼筋直徑/mm梁的處理方式How to dea

37、l with girders截面尺寸 Size of cross-section/mmC-000814無 no150*200C-N20(水泥基Cement-based material)2814梁底鑿毛,無鉚釘(碳纖維布倒U形加固)Coarsen the bottom of girder, no Rivet(Inverted U-shape CFRP wrapping)150*200E-N20(ECC)2814梁底鑿毛,無鉚釘(碳纖維布倒U形加固)Coarsen the bottom of girder, no Rivet(Inverted U-shape CFRP wrapping) 150

38、*200E-U20(ECC)2814梁底鑿毛、梁底設鉚釘碳纖維布倒U形加固)Coarsen the bottom of girder, no Rivet at the bottom(Inverted U-shape CFRP wrapping)150*200E-N-M20(ECC)2814梁底鑿毛,無鉚釘(碳纖維布倒U形加固)Coarsen the bottom of girder, no Rivet(Inverted U-shape CFRP wrapping) 150*200E-U-M20(ECC)2814梁底鑿毛、梁底設鉚釘碳纖維布倒U形加固)Coarsen the bottom of

39、girder, no Rivet at the bottom(Inverted U-shape CFRP wrapping)150*200表6-1 CFRP筋增強ECC板加固混凝土梁 Table 6-1 CFRP-reinforced-ECC-plate strengthened concrete girder2022年8月29日2022年8月29日(a) 梁C-0(b) 梁C-N(c) 梁E-N(d) 梁E-N-M(e) 梁E-U(f) 梁E-U-M29試驗結果-梁的破壞模式 Test result failure mode of girder2022年8月29日試驗結果-荷載撓度曲線 Te

40、st result load-deflection curve 荷載撓度曲線 Load-deflection curve加固構件的開裂荷載約提高了:37.9%-60.9%;Crack load increases about by 37.9% - 60.9%;鋼筋屈服時荷載分別提高了:58.2 %、45.4%、43.9%、51.0%、49.0%;Steel yielding load respectively increases by 58.2 %、45.4%、43.9%、51.0%、49.0%;極限承載能力分別提高了:43.5%、38.2%和 48.4%、109.1%、101.1%。 The

41、 limit capacity respectively increases by 43.5%、38.2%和 48.4%、109.1%、101.1%.鋼筋屈服Steel bars yields混凝土開裂Concrete cracks鋼筋屈服Steel bars yields混凝土開裂Concrete cracks2022年8月29日試驗結果-裂縫發(fā)展(a) 梁C-0(b) 梁C-N(c) 梁E-N(d) 梁E-N-M(e) 梁E-U(f) 梁E-U-M1. 對 比 梁:加載初期,裂縫寬度發(fā)展較為緩慢,但加載到鋼筋的屈服荷載后,裂縫的寬度迅速增加,很快達到2mm左右;1. Control gir

42、der: At the early stage of loading, width of cracks increases slowly. However, width of cracks grow fast after steel yields.2. E-N系列梁:隨著荷載的增加,裂縫一直處于緩慢發(fā)展的狀態(tài),達到極 限荷載時,裂縫均小于0.5mm;2. For girders of E-N series, cracks grow slowly all the time during load increasing. The max width of creacks is smaller th

43、an 0.5mm when applied load reaches the capacity.3. E-U系列梁:加載初期,隨著荷載增加,裂縫寬度緩慢增加,加載后期快接近極限荷載時,裂縫寬度增長趨勢加快,臨近破壞時, 寬度仍然低于1mm。3. For girders of E-N series: At the early stage of loading, width of cracks grow slowly. Width of cracks tends to grow faster when applied load is about to reach the capacity. The

44、 max width of cracks is still within 1mm when it is near the limit.312022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP reba

45、rs and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Te

46、chnology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 ConclusionFRP筋高韌性混凝土復合加固設計理論Theory for desigh and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC2022年8月29日FRP筋高韌性混凝土加固鋼筋混凝土結構受力特征The mechanical performance of concrete structure with FRP rebars and UGTCC FRP筋高韌性混凝土加固混凝土結構設計與計算

47、基本原理Basic theory for desigh and computing using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固結構屬二次受力結構。Strengthened structure is secondary forced structure.加固結構屬組合結構,新舊兩部分整體工作共同受力。Strengthened structure is composite structure, the old and new components are working simultaneously. 構件在結構加固后其抗彎性能符合平截面假定。 Components remains

48、to obey plane cross-section assumption after strengthening.基本假定 basic assumptions:截面上的應變保持平截面 strain on cross-section should obey plane cross-section assumption;截面上的混凝土不抵抗拉應力;concrete on cross-section has no tensive capacity;鋼筋、混凝土應力應變本構關系采用混凝土設計規(guī)范的推薦模型;Stress-strain relationship of concrete reinfor

49、cement refers to the general concrete design code.ECC開裂后考慮受拉ECC的作用;極限承載力計算時應計入ECC的抗拉強度;ECC應力-應變關系采用相關的力學模型。The tensive capacity of ECC is counted after it cracks. ECCs tensive capacity should be counted when calculating limit capacity. Stress-strain relationtship refers to relative mechanical models

50、.FRP筋的應力-應變關系破壞之前保持為線性;受拉FRP筋的應力取等于FRP筋應變與彈性模量的乘積,但其絕對值不應大于其允許的抗拉強度設計值。Strain-stress relationship of FRP rebars is linear before failure. The stress of FRP rebars is the pruduct of FRPs stress and its modulus elasticity.2022年8月29日混凝土單軸受壓應力-應變曲線Single axis compressive stress-strain curve of concrete受

51、拉鋼筋應力-應變系曲線Tensive steel rebars stress-strain curve 高韌性混凝土單軸拉伸應力-應變關系曲線High toughness concrete single axistensive stress-strain curveFRP筋受拉應力-應變關系曲線Tensive FRP rebars stress-strain curve梁的破壞狀態(tài)1鋼筋屈服、FRP筋達到極限的同時混凝土被壓碎: Girders failure mode 1 steel yields, FRP reaches its limit and concrete crashes at

52、the same time.2022年8月29日 梁的破壞狀態(tài)2鋼筋屈服、混凝土壓碎、FRP筋未達到極限狀態(tài) Girders failure mode 2 steel yields and concrete crashes, but the FRP does not meet its limit.2022年8月29日梁的破壞狀態(tài)3鋼筋屈服、混凝土未壓碎、FRP筋達到極限狀態(tài) Girders failure mode 3 steel yields, but concrete is well and FRP does not meet its limit2022年8月29日(a)混凝土應變2022

53、年8月29日(b)混凝土應變FRP筋混凝土結構承能力計算需采用合理的允許變形進行計算,對于本研究采用CFRP筋,其允許應變宜不大于0.4%。 The capacity calculation of FRP reinforced concrete structure needs to use reasonable allowed deformation. For the CFRP in this research, the allowed deformation should not be greater than 0.4%.梁的破壞狀態(tài)3鋼筋屈服、混凝土未壓碎、FRP筋達到極限狀態(tài) Girde

54、rs failure mode 3 steel yields, but concrete is well and FRP does not meet its limit2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance b

55、etween FRP rebars and cementitious composites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and

56、 UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthening and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 Conclusion加固修復工藝Technology of strengthenging and restore2022年8月29日混凝土基面處理Preparing concrete surface基面浮塵處理cleaning dust高韌性混凝土壓抹apply the UHTCC tightly綁扎碳纖維筋Tie CFRP rebars噴涂加固用界面劑Spray strengthening interfa

57、ce agent植入鉚釘Plant rivet濕潤養(yǎng)生Wetting and maintain 2022年8月29日目錄 Table of contents高韌性水泥基復合材料力學性能 The mechanical performance of UHTCC FRP筋的性能 The performance of FRP rebars 背景與意義、對策與本技術主要思路 Background & purpose, options & main ideaFRP筋與水泥基復合材料的粘結性能 Bonding Performance between FRP rebars and cementitious c

58、omposites FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合結構力學性能 Mechanical performance of structure using FRP rebars and UHTCC FRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固混凝土梁性能Performance of concrete girder strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCCFRP筋高韌性水泥基材料復合加固設計理論 Theory for design and strengthening using FRP rebars and UHTCC加固修復工藝 Technology of strengthe

59、ning and restore社會經濟效益分析 The social and economic benefit結論 Conclusion 社會經濟效益分析Analysis on social and economic benifit 2022年8月29日1、經濟效益分析Ecnomic benefit analysis 費用項目Cost粘貼CFRP加固 Apply CFRP粘鋼加固Apply steel plate更換梁板Replace girderCFRP筋(8mm)ECC (25mm厚)復合加固直接費 direct cost(元RMB/m2)271492.3542.6327.5間接費用In

60、direct cost(元RMB/m2)40.773.881.433.6綜合單價Comprehensive unit price(元RMB/m2)311.7566.1624361.1由于FRP筋與ECC材料有著很高的耐久性,且二者的復合結構也有著很強的裂縫控制能力,所以FRP筋ECC復合加固技術除了可以提高劣化橋梁結構的承載力外,更可以有效提升橋梁混凝土的抗裂性和加固后結構的耐久性,大大延長橋梁結構的服役壽命,減少橋梁的后期維護費用,從橋梁使用的全壽命出發(fā),其帶來的經濟效益十分顯著。Due to the high durability, and also because these two m


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