2022年人教版七年級下冊英語同步教案Unit 9 What does he look like第二課時Section A (Grammar Focus-3d)_第1頁
2022年人教版七年級下冊英語同步教案Unit 9 What does he look like第二課時Section A (Grammar Focus-3d)_第2頁
2022年人教版七年級下冊英語同步教案Unit 9 What does he look like第二課時Section A (Grammar Focus-3d)_第3頁




1、第二課時 Section A (Grammar Focus-3d)o目標(biāo)導(dǎo)航類別課時要點重點單詞handsome a英俊的actor n.演員actress。女演員person n.人重點句型.一Is he tall or short?他是高還是矮?He isn t tall or short. He s of medium height.他不高,也不矮。他中等身高。. And he is really handsome.而且他真的很帥。教學(xué)重點.讓學(xué)生能在日常情境中描述人的外表。.讓學(xué)生能夠區(qū)別句型He/She has.”和“He/She is.并掌握選擇疑問句的用法。教學(xué)難點.讓學(xué)生掌握更

2、多描述外貌的詞匯及句型。.讓學(xué)生能夠使用不同的方式描述一個人的外貌。教學(xué)過程預(yù)習(xí)指導(dǎo)一、方法指導(dǎo).預(yù)習(xí)Page 51中的生詞并掌握其詞性及漢語意思。.大聲朗讀和翻譯Grammar Focus局部的句子,畫出重點短語和句型。.朗讀3b中的對話,畫出重點句子。.試完成3a-3c的任務(wù)。二、預(yù)習(xí)檢測根據(jù)句意用is, are, has, have或with填空.She has long curly hair.Jenny is thin with short hair.Mr. Green is of medium height.Tina is a little heavy with black hair

3、.Jack and his brother both have black short hair.課堂教學(xué)Step 1 Leading inGreet the class.Work in groups. One student describes one of their classmates in class, the other students in the group guess who the student is describing.Step 2 Work on Grammar FocusRead the sentences in Grammar Focus and let th

4、e students repeat.Explain the grammar points.Get the students to recite and remember the words that describe appearance. Step 3 Work on 3a-3bLet the students read the words in the box and complete the practice in 3a.Check the answers.Ask the students to read the sentences and finish the task in 3b.G

5、et two or three students to share their answers and translate them into Chinese. Step 4 Work on 3c-3dHave the students write some sentences about an actor/actress or a teacher they like best. And let their partners guess who they are describing.Invite some pairs to act out their dialogs.板書設(shè)計L常用的描述外貌

6、的形容詞:(1)描述身高:tall (高的),short (矮的),of medium height (中等身高的)。(2)描述體形:fat (胖的),thin(瘦的),of medium build(中等身材的)。(3)描述頭發(fā):long (長的),short (短的),straight (直的),curly (彎曲的)。(4)描述顏色:blonde (金黃色的),brown (棕色的),black (黑色的)。辨析 little, a little 和 few, a few。(l)little意為“很少;幾乎沒有”,修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表示否認(rèn);a little意為“一些;幾個”, 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表示肯定。(2) few意為“很少;幾乎沒有”,修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),表示否認(rèn);a few意為“一些;幾個”,修飾


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