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1、山SHAN寶BAO牌BRAND3YK-1545圓振動篩INCLINED VIBRATING SCREEN使用 說明書OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONK5154.SM目錄Table of Contents一、機器的用途簡介Pure of Machine二、型號及說明Mand Description三、技術性能參數(shù)Technical Performance Parameter四、產品外形及基礎圖Product Configuration and Foundation Diagram五、原理及結構特征 Principle and Structure Feature六、產品驗收Product

2、Acceptance七、起吊與保管Lifting, Transporion, Preservation八、機器的安裝、調試、枝運轉Installation, Adjustment and Running-in九、機器操作規(guī)程Machine Operation Rules十、可能出現(xiàn)的故障及處理意見sible Troubles and Troubleshooting十一、備用件表List of Spare Parts2前言Preface為了更好地發(fā)揮圓振動篩的功能和效率,確保其正常工作,在安裝該設備之前和使用過程中,請仔細參閱本說明書的內容,這將有助于為用戶熟悉提供方便。設備To better

3、give scope to function ander of circular vibrating screen, and ensure itsnormal work, before installation and during the use, please read carefully contents inthe manual, which will help user familiar with ma use.一、機器的用途簡介enance of device and faciliePure of Machine用戶,隨著經濟形勢迅猛發(fā)展,市場上對建筑材料的要求越來越高,數(shù)量不斷增

4、大,為了滿足用戶的需求,本公司在產品結構性能上用了很大改進。Dear user,he context of economic booming, demand of construction material inmarket irging,ty increases continuously; to meet the requirements of user,our company has made great improvement on structure and performance of products.本篩機是參考了目前市場上先進機種和結構后推出的新一代座式圓振動篩。它主要用于礦山

5、、化工、煤炭、建筑材料等碎石、采石、沙石等的分級,是各級破碎機的配套設備,本類篩機的外形新穎、性能可靠。The screen is a new generation of pedestal-type circular vibrating screen in reference to advanced machine and structure in current market. It is mainly applicable in grading of breakstone, quarrying and gravel of mining, chemical industry, coal in

6、dustry and construction material, and it serves as mating device of crusher of eachlevel, this kind of screen is novel in appearance and reliable in performance.二、 型號及說明:Mand Description:13YK1545circular-motion vibrating screenscreen tray length (dm)screen tray width (dm)structure of vibrator is ecc

7、entric blockmotion locus is circularscreens deck number三、技術性能參數(shù)Technical Performance Parameter 1. 篩面規(guī)格:15004500mm Screen specification: 15004500mm2. 篩孔尺寸:5-150 Screen mesh dimen: 5-150mm3. 最大給料粒度:400 um feeding dimen: 400mm重量(不包括電機):5832kg Weight : (Excluding Motor): 5832kg電機機型號:Y180L-6Motor m: Y180

8、L-6功率:15kWer: 15kW轉速:1000r/min Revolving speed: 1000r/min電壓:380VVoltage: 380V振動頻率:970r/min Vibrating frequency: 970r/min雙振幅:8 Double-litude: 8mm28. 處理能力:22-150m3/h Treatment capacity: 22-150m3/h9. 外形尺寸:590030003363 Overall dimen: 590030003363mm10.篩面層數(shù):3 層Screen layer number: 3 Layers 11.篩面傾角:1522.5S

9、creen leaning angle: 1522.5四、產品外形及基礎圖Product Configuration and Foundation Diagram五、原理與結構特征Operating Principle and Structure Feature1. 工作原理:Operating Principle:圓振動篩是一個以篩箱、激振器等可動部分為質量m,以金屬螺旋彈簧為彈性元件c,以振動器為振構的單質量強迫振動系統(tǒng)的篩分設備,電機通過聯(lián)軸節(jié)或此帶輪驅動振動器、偏心塊高速旋轉產生強大的離心力,使篩箱作強制連續(xù)圓運動,物料則隨篩箱在篩面上作連續(xù)拋擲運動,拋起時分層落下時顆粒透篩,周而復始

10、地完成了粒度的分級過程。Circular vibrating screen is one kind of screening unit with single quality forced vibration system, taking moving element such as screen box and vibration exciter etc as quality m, using metal spiral spring as elastic element and regarding vibrator asvibrating unit. The motor drives the

11、 vibration vibrator through shaft coupling or beltwheel to drive vibrator and eccentric block to generateerful centrifugal force tomake the screen box to make forced continuous circular motion. The materials move along with the screen box on the screen to make continuous throwing motion. When the ma

12、terials are thrown up, they are layered and when the materials drop, the particles pass through the screen. The equipment completes grading of particles in cycles.2. 結構特征:Structure Feature:本類篩機電機均可左右安裝,為使用方便,請用戶在訂購時予以說明。3The electric motor of this kind screen may be installedeft-side or right-side,w

13、hen you order screen, make it clear.本類篩機由篩箱、支承裝置、器、輪胎聯(lián)軸節(jié)、電機等主要構件組成,結構見附圖,篩箱與地基間由八只金屬彈簧隔振,以消除由于設備工作時對地面的振動,篩箱上裝有用于篩分物料的篩網(wǎng),振動器通過軸承座用螺栓固定在篩箱上,主軸的兩端有主、副偏心塊,這種布置方式的優(yōu)點是振動器結構比較緊湊,篩機的振幅可通過調整主、副偏心塊的方式進行調整。This circular-motion vibrating screen is mainly comed of screen box, support,vibrating exciter, tyre-mco

14、upling and electric motor. Its construction is asattached drawing. Eight metal spiral springs are installed betn screen box andfoundation to remove the vibration to ground when the screen working. Screen webfor screening and classifying material is fitted on screen box. Vibrating exciter isfixed on

15、screen by bolts through bearing seat. On two ends of principle shaft, maineccentric block and assistant eccentric block are fitted. The advantages of thestructure ist the structure of vibrating exciter is fast and thelitude of screencan be adjusted by changingty of main eccentric block and assistant

16、 eccentricblock.篩箱是篩機的最大,它由接料槽、側板、支撐架、橫梁及加強要構件組成,是承接物料,傳遞激振力,分級物料的主要,為了克服整體框架因物件大、焊接應力大弊病。本件采用了高強度鉚釘聯(lián)接,其工作可靠,制造維修方便,篩面采用優(yōu)質耐磨鋼絲編織成的金屬網(wǎng),也可根據(jù)需要使用篩板、非金屬網(wǎng)面,網(wǎng)孔大小控制分級粒度。The screen box is the biggest part of the machine. It consists of the sidofincepting groove, bracket, beam and strengthen beam. It is main

17、 part for receivingmaterial, transmitting vibratinger and classifying material. To4e the faultof whole frame being large and welding stress being big, this machine adopts highstrength bolts to connect to convenience working, making, maaining and repairing.Screen spray adopts quality and wear-resista

18、nt metal web made of steel wires, thepunched screen plate or other new type of screen tray cso be adopted accordingto requirement.六、產品驗收Product Acceptance產品到貨后,應在三個月內開箱檢查驗收,檢查內容為:After receiving products, unpacking acceptance should be conducted within three months, check contents is:1. 產品合格證。Produc

19、t qualification.2. 按發(fā)貨零數(shù)量。ty of parts and components according tClear up and count theivery list;3. 檢查機器及是否有損壞,如發(fā)現(xiàn)缺件與損壞及其它質量問題,應作好記錄并及時通知本公司,以便查清責任。Checkt if device and parts is damaged, if there should be any missing piece ordamage or other quality problem, please record it and notify our company t

20、o find outreliability.七、起吊與保管Lifting, Transporion and Preservation1. 起吊:起吊篩機需具備足夠起重力的吊具和設備,鋼繩吊掛在篩箱兩側的吊耳上,或套在底座的吊,在兩側板間可用 120 120mm支撐,以防止變形,起吊后應保持水平,不得吊掛其它部位。Lifting: It is nesary to arrange hoisting tools and equipment with sufficientcapacity to lift the vibrating screen. The wire rope can be hoiste

21、d onto the lifting eyeson two sides of the screen box or liftedo the lifting holes on the base. Two side plates can be supported by 120120mm square timber so as to avoid deformation.Keep the equipment level after lifting up. Do not hoist otharts.52.拖運。Transpor of transpor:篩機必須謹慎,以防篩框變形及零損壞,不得在地面上ion

22、: The transporion of the vibrating screen should be careful in courseion so as to avoid deformation of screen frame and damages to parts andcomponents. Do not drag the equipment on the ground.3. 保管:設備存放地應平整,下面墊枕木,露天存放要遮蓋,以防雨淋,并經常檢查設備保養(yǎng)情況,露部分三個月應涂一次防銹漆。Preservation: The equipment should be placed on

23、flat ground with sleeper below. Incase of storing outdoors, it is appropriate to get it covered so as to avoid rain. Themaenanituation of the equipment should be inspected frequently and antirustoil should be coated onto the exed part each three mouths.4. 電機、彈簧等可拆卸應拆開置于室內存放,防止丟失。Detachable partcase

24、of loss.ch as motor and springs should be detached and placed indoors in八、機器的安裝、調整與試運轉Installation, Adjustment and Running-in1. 安裝前須檢查零情況,不得有損壞與缺件,設備出廠超過半年的,激振器必須拆開與添加潤滑脂并重新裝配。Before installation, components situation must be inspected. Damages and shortitems are not allowed. If the equipment is del

25、ivered out from this Company for overhalf year, the vibrating exciter must be dismantled to wash reassemble.安裝現(xiàn)場要有滿足起重要求的設備條件。Equipment condition meeting hoisting requirements should installation site.篩機安裝順序如下:Installation sequence for the vibrating screen is as follows:and to lubricateandbe arrange

26、d onthe3.1檢查基礎位置尺寸是否正確。Inspect whether foundationition is proper.3.2安裝支承裝置底座,安裝彈簧。Install the base of supporting device and then install the spring.3.3篩機主體就位。Put the main body of vibrating screen inition.63.4安裝電機Install the motor;3.5連接電源線。Connect theer supply line.3.6安裝輪胎式聯(lián)軸節(jié)可皮帶輪、皮帶。Installation of

27、tyre type coupling or belt pulley and belt.4. 安裝原料進篩機篩選的進料斗與篩面物料排出的排料斗,進料斗及排料斗與篩箱之間左、右間隙須大于 40mm,前向間隙大于 80mm,上下間隙大于 80mm。 Install feeding hopper for raw material entering vibrating screen and discharginghopper for discharge of material on the screen. The left and right clearance betthe feeding hoppe

28、r & discharging hopper and the screen box must be largernn40mm, the front direction clearanhould be largern 80mm and the upper andlower clearanhould be largern 80mm.5. 為了減少物料對篩面的沖擊,應使物料落到篩機的薄利差不大于 200 。In order to reduce the impact of materials to the screen, the fall betn the materialsand the scree

29、n should not be higher6. 安裝后應作如下項目檢查:n 200mm.Following items should be checked after installation:6.1檢查支承彈簧的壓下量,保證前后端、左右彈簧高度差小于 5 。Inspect the pressed amount of the supporting spring so as to guarantee the heightdifference of the front/rear and left/right springs should be no largern 5mm.6.2檢查激振器運動是

30、否靈活無卡阻。Inspect whether the motion of vibrating exciter is flexible or blocked.6.3檢查篩箱四周進料斗、排料斗位置是否正確。Inspect whether theitions of the surroundings of the screen box, feeding hopperand discharging hopper are proper.6.4檢查緊固螺栓是否旋緊。Inspect whether the fastening bolts are tight.7. 安裝完經檢驗合格后方可進行試運轉:Only a

31、fter installation and upon qualification by inspection, the running-in can be conducted:7.1試運轉不得少于 4h。7Running-ime shall not be lowern 4h.7.2篩機運轉平穩(wěn)無異常噪音。The vibrating screen should operate smoothly without abnormal noise.7.3無漏油現(xiàn)象。Without oil leakage phenomenon.7.4激振器軸承溫度不大于 85。The temperature of vib

32、ration exciter bearing should not be highern 85.8. 篩子振幅的調整:Adjustment of screenlitude:8.1根據(jù)用戶產量與粒度、篩分情況,可適當調整篩子振幅。litude of screen can be adjusted according to the production, granularity and screening situation of user.8.2篩子有二組激振器組成,每組激振器內有內、外組偏心塊,共四組,每組由主偏心塊和副偏心塊各一塊組成,偏心塊越多振幅越大,反之振幅越小。量,可改變篩子振幅,量S

33、creen consists of two groups of exciters, each exciter has inside and outsideeccentric blocks, totally four groups, each group consists of main eccentric block andauxiliary eccentric block, adjustment of included angetn main eccentric blockand auxiliary eccentric block can changelitude of screen, an

34、d the more theincluded angle is, the larger thelitude is, otherwise, the smaller thelitude is.8.3調整偏心塊必須拆防護罩,四組偏心塊必須同時調整,而且偏心塊必須一樣。To adjust eccentric blocks, must detach the hood, four groups of eccentric blocksmust be adjusted at the same time, and the included ang must be consistent.九、機器操作規(guī)程Machi

35、ne Operation Rulesetn eccentric blocks1. 操作應了解并熟知設備的安全操作規(guī)程。Operators should know and master safety operation rules of device.2. 操作理。The operator should understand the situation of this vibrating screen and be familiar應了解熟悉本篩機情況,當出現(xiàn)異常情況時有能力采取適當措施處8with this operation manual and have the ability to ta

36、ke appropriate measures to treat in case of abnormal phenomenon.3. 起動前須做好如下準備工作:Prepare properly before starting up as follows:3.1閱讀值班,處理上一班的遺留問題。Read the on-duty records, and treat the problems left over from previous shift.3.2檢查并排除篩機與溜槽漏斗等固定物間有無石塊等影響篩機工作的雜物。Inspect whether there indriech as stone

37、etc whiay impact the operation ofthe vibrating screen betthem.n the vibrating and chute & hopper etc and eliminate3.3仔細檢查所有緊固件是否完全緊固,篩機有無破損。Carefully inspect whether the fastening components are fully fastened and whetherthe screen is damaged.3.4檢查激振器軸承是否按期加油。Inspect whether the bearing of vibrating

38、 exciter is lubricated as scheduled.4. 篩機運動時應作好如下檢查:Following inspections should be made before operation of screen:4.1如發(fā)現(xiàn)有不正?,F(xiàn)象時,應立即停車查明原因,排除故障后方可再行起動、運轉。In case of abnormal phenomenon, the operator should stop the machine and find out the causes. Start up to operate after the trouble is eliminated

39、.4.2檢查激振器正常溫度。Check normal temperature of exciter.4.3篩機運行無異常噪音。The operation of vibrating screen should have no abnormal noise.4.4物料要求均勻的給到篩機上,料流應均勻、平穩(wěn)通過篩機不得跑料。The materials are required to be fed on the vibrating evenly. The flow of materialsshould pass the screen smoothly and evenly. Material esca

40、is not allowed.4.5帶料停機或在停機后繼續(xù)供料。Do not stop the machine with materials or feed materials after stop5. 下班時應清除篩機上的堵塞物及篩機周圍環(huán)境。the machine.After getting off work, the blocking materials in the screen and the surrounding9environment of the screen should be cleared up.6. 每工作一Add grease each要加一次油。eek of wo

41、rking.7. 振動器軸承采用EL-3 鋰基脂潤滑,要求填滿 50%的軸承空隙。EL-3 lithium grease is adopted for lubrication for bearings of vibrator, and it is required to fill 50% of bearing gaps.8. 激振器軸承每(3-6)個月在機上沖洗一次,每年拆開一次,機上沖洗方法從不加油注入煤油或,洗凈臟污潤滑脂,然后重新填入新潤滑脂。The bearing of vibrating exciter should be washed on the machine every (3

42、 to 6 )months and dismantled to wash one time every year; the washing method on themachine is to fill in keroseneasoline from the oil hole to wash clean the usedlubricating grease and then refill in clean lubricating grease.8.1保養(yǎng)要做好、月檢工作。nel should doThe maenanceproperly.kly inspection and monthly i

43、nspection8.2日常檢查的各項內容。Each item of daily inspection.8.3檢查側板有否出現(xiàn)開裂,橫梁、加強梁是否出現(xiàn)裂紋。Inspect whether the side plate cracks and whether the beam and stiffening beam havefire.十、可能出現(xiàn)的故障及處理方法sible Troubles and Troubleshooting10故障Trouble主 要 原 因Main Cause排 除 方 法Troubleshooting篩機無法起動或振幅小 Vibrating screenis unabl

44、e to be started up or thelitude is small電機損壞Motor is damaged控制線路中的電氣元件損壞 Electrical components in the control circuit are damaged電壓Voltage is insufficient更換電機Replace the motor更換電氣元件Replacetheelectrical components改變電源供給Changeer supply篩面物料11篩面物料太多 Materials is piled up on the screen too much振動器出現(xiàn)故障Vib

45、rating exciter is rouble振動器內潤滑脂變稠結塊Lubricating grease in the vibrating exciter gets thick and caking.皮帶打滑Slip of beltClear up the materials on the screen檢修振動器Inspect vibrating exciter激振器,重新添加新潤滑脂Wash the vibrating exciter and fill in new lubricating grease皮帶Tightening belt物料 異常The flow of materials

46、is abnormal篩箱剛度,存在臨界頻率The stiffness of screen box is insufficient and exists critical frequency篩箱橫向水平沒找準 Capturing of horizontal level of screen box is not accurate支承彈簧剛度相差太大或損壞The difference of the stiffness of supporting spring is too large or the spring is damaged篩面破損The screen is damaged給料極不平衡Material feeding is ex sive imbalance.橫梁斷裂The beam is broken.緊固聯(lián)接螺栓Fasten connecting bolts找準橫向水平Capture the horizontal level掉換彈簧Replace the spring更換篩面Replace the screen均衡操作,穩(wěn)定給料 Balancetheoperationand feed materials stably更換橫梁Replace the beam注意:Note:12


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