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1、Part FourLanguage StudyENTER Word Study Phrases and Expressions Word Building Grammar Language StudyContentsWord StudyWord list:appallauthenticdefinedomeeccentric11. smash stiffen swallow vague whirlimpulsiveindemnitynonethelessrepress scoff Word Study1. appallto grow pale: to (ap- /ad-) + pale(pall

2、) v. to fill or overcome with horror, fear or apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprisedIf you dont study the whole semester and open your books a night before the exam, then youll surely be appalled to look at the syllabus. cf.Astound: to overwhelm with amazement and wonder; to aston

3、ish and bewildershudder: to shake or tremble suddenly and violently, as from horror, fear or aversionWord Study2. authenticauthor, one who acts independentlyadj. conforming to fact and worthy of belief; trustworthy; reliable: an authentic account by an eyewitness adj. of undisputed origin or authors

4、hip; genuine: an authentic signature.Word Study3. defineto limit, determine : de- + fnis, boundary, limitFIN & FINIS: root-words, meaning endfinal 最終,決賽,期末考試finale 終曲finish 結(jié)束finite 有限的confine 限制,監(jiān)禁infinity無窮financial:When you pay your bill the financial matter is ended Word Study 4. domen. a concav

5、e shape whose distinguishing characteristic is that the concavity faces downwardUnder the Dome is a science fiction novel by Stephen King published in November 2009. (Slang) the human head.To be continued on the next page.Word Studyout of centre, from(-ec) + centre5. eccentric a person with an unusu

6、al or odd personality; unconventional; peculiar; oddHe is getting more eccentric every day; He had an eccentric habit of collecting stray cats.Word Study6. impulsiveInclined to act on impulse rather than thought Letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted.PEL & PUL

7、S, the ROOT-WORDS means DRIVE PUSH & THROS. 1. Impulse / Impulsive:沖動(的)2. Pulse:脈搏3. Compel / Compulsive:強迫(的)4. Compulsory:義務的5. Expel / Expulsion:驅(qū)逐6. Repel / Repulsive:抵制(的)7. Propel / Propulsion:驅(qū)動8. Impel:推動 9. Dispel:驅(qū)散Word Studyfrom uninjured, not (in-) + injured (damage) n. protection or se

8、curity against damage or loss ; compensation for loss or damage; reimbursement7. indemnityPolitical exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution. Word Study8. nonethelessdespite that; however; nevertheless; in spite of the fact that has just been mentionedThe region was extremely beautiful.

9、Nonetheless he could not imagine spending the rest of his life there. Word Study9. repressre-+ pressv. to keep under control, check, or suppress (desires, feelings, actions, tears, etc.)It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.v. to put down by force, usually before t

10、otal control has been lost; quellTo repress a rebellion / dissidentsWord Study10. scofffrom mockery, probably of Scandinavian origin;akin to Danish skof, jest, teasingv. to express scorn; laugh at with contempt and derision She scoffed at my poem.However, of course the scoffer didnt laugh I mean the

11、 boy. No, he scoffed; there wasnt anything he wouldnt scoff at.From A Connecticut Yankee by Mark Twain To be continued on the next page. Word Study11. smashv. to break in pieces or be ruined. But, unhappy man, the dreadful recoil will smash you to pieces at your starting. From The Earth To The Moon

12、by Jules VerneThis unexpected news had smashed all his hopes.*smashing adj. marvelous; splendidWhat a smashing idea!*smash hit a song, show etc. that is a great success. This play was a smash hit in New York.Word Study12. stiffenv. to make or become stiff or stiffer; to become suddenly tense or unyi

13、eldingI felt him stiffen in my arms and heard him murmur: Go on, go on; but dont make any noise. From The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux He stiffened when he saw his boss enter the roomTo be continued on the next page.Word Study13. swallowv. to allow to pass down the throat to the stoma

14、ch. His throat was so painful that he could hardly swallow.v. to put up with (something unpleasant): I swallowed the insults and kept on working.v. to take back; retract: to swallow ones wordsswallow up: to cause to disappear completely. She was swallowed up in the crowdswallow ones pride 忍氣吞聲 to be

15、have humbly by making an apologyn. a type of insect-eating bird with long wings and a divided tail燕子 One swallow does not make a spring.Word Study14. vagueI feel vaguely uneasy.adj. Not clearly expressed; inexplicit; not clear, distinct or definite. Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship

16、. She has only a vague idea of how this machine works.adj.(of people) imprecise, or impractical and forgetful. He is always very vague when making arrangements.Vaguely: slightlyShe felt vaguely irritated. Word Study15. whirlThe end of Word Study.v. to move rapidly (round, away etc.). She whirled rou

17、nd when I called her name.The wind whirled my hat away before I could grab it.whirlpool 渦流n. a circular current in a river or sea, caused by opposing tides, winds or currentswhirlwind 旋風n. a violent circular current of wind with a whirling motion.List:be sealed withpick up be locked in placeof all t

18、he nervemake a soundget involved indraw back get worked up overPhrases and Expressionssealed - closed or secured with or as if with a seal; determined irrevocablymy lips are sealedthe package is still sealedhis fate is sealedSealed with a Kiss is a song written by Peter Udell and Gary Geld.When you

19、get baptized, you are sealed with the holy spirit.1. be sealed withPhrases and Expressionscf. To be continued on the next page.Phrases and Expressionscf.be fastened to: The dogs leash was fastened to a post be taped to: A note was taped to the refrigerator.be attached to: He is attached to her.Jeff

20、is attached to this group.Phrases and Expressions2. pick up1. To take up or collect: pick up a book; pick up pebbles.She picked up the children at the day care center2. To take on passengers or freight: The bus picks up commuters / hitchhikers on the mountain road.3. To acquire casually or by accide

21、nt: picked up a new coat on sale; pick up French quickly; pick up a virus at school.4. To take into custody: The agents picked up a smuggler.5. To come upon and follow: The dog picked up the scent.6. To continue after a break: pick up the discussion / topic after lunch.cf.To be continued on the next

22、 page.Phrases and Expressionscf.pick apart: To refute or find flaws in: The lawyer picked the testimony apart.pick at: To eat sparingly or without appetite: The child just picked at the food.pick off: To shoot after singling out: The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.pick on: To tease or bully.

23、pick out: To choose or select: picked out a nice watch.pick over: To sort out or examine item by item: picked over the grapes before buying them.To fix in place so that movement or escape is impossible; hold fast: The ship was locked in the ice through the winter. She felt that she had become locked

24、 into a binding agreement.3. be locked in placePhrases and Expressions(informal) How rude! What a nerve!Bob: Lady, get the devil out of my way! Mary: Of all the nerve! (What a nerve!) Jane: You cant have that one! I saw it first! Sue: Of all the nerve! I can too have it!4. of all the nervePhrases an

25、d Expressions5. make a soundPhrases and Expressionsto produce a sound Synonyms: tap out, let out, pitch, emit, utter, voiceconnected by participation or associationI dont want to get involved.Everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified.*Antonym: uninvolved not involvedbeing uninvolved

26、he remained objective6. get involved inPhrases and Expressionscf. To be continued on the next page.Phrases and Expressionscf.absorbed in, fascinated by, immersed in, captivated by, enthralled by: She was so involved in her career she had no time for fun.Having a sexual relationship: They see a lot o

27、f each other but arent involved.7. draw backPhrases and Expressionscf. To be continued on the next page.pull back or move away or backwardBut he could not draw back from the generous word when it was once uttered, even though he felt now, vaguely foreseeing certain eventualities in his intrigue with

28、 Madame Karenina, that this generous word had been spoken thoughtlessly, and that even though he were not married he might need all the hundred thousand of income. From Anna Karenina by Leo TolstoyIdioms: draw straws: To decide by a lottery with straws of unequal lengths 抽簽draw the line: To decide f

29、irmly an arbitrary boundary between two thingsPhrases and Expressionscf.move backpull awaypull backrecederetreatwithdrawretireback awaycrawfishcrawfish outpull in ones hornsback outretreatpull backwithdraw8. get worked up overPhrases and ExpressionsThe end of Phrases and Expressions.worked up (over/

30、about) adj. excited and agitated about something. (Typically: be ; get ; get oneself .) Tom is all worked up over the tax increase. Dont get so worked up about something that you cant do anything about.she was worked up about all the noise.Word BuildingList: Prefix: sub- Suffix: -ish Suffix: -ageSub

31、-: underprefixWord Buildingsituated under or beneath: subterraneanunder+earth 秘密的,地下的 secondary in rank:subordinate下屬(的): subeditor副主編 falling short of; less than or imperfectly: subarctic亞北極的 ; subhuman類人的 forming a subdivision or subordinate part: subcommittee小組委員會 in chemistry suboxide 低值氧化物, sub

32、acetate堿式乙酸鹽Sub-: more examples and its variants變體Word Buildingsubmarine: vehicle under the sea 潛水艇subway: transportation under ground 地鐵subscribe: to write under a magazine 簽署,訂閱suffix: morpheme fixed under a word 后綴,下標suffice: bear + under 足夠suffer: bear + under 遭受succor: under + run 援助suggest: un

33、der + bring 提議supply: under + fill 供給support: under + carry 支持surreal: under reality 不真實的,超現(xiàn)實的 Word BuildingSuffix: -ish forming adjectives, relation, resemblance, similarity Noteof a nationality or groupScottish 蘇格蘭的having the manner or qualities of (often derogatory)slavish 奴性的; prudish假正經(jīng)的 somewh

34、at; approximately: yellowish 微黃的concerned or preoccupied with: bookish 書呆子氣的*Also a verb ending, originally in verbs of French origin such as abolish, cherish, finish, furnish, garnish and impoverish Suffix: -age forming mass or abstract nouns, occurring originally in loanwords from French such as c

35、ourage and voyageWord BuildingTo be continued on the next page.1. a collection, set, or group: acreage 面積; baggage 行李2. a process or action or the result of an action: haulage 拖運; passage 通路; breakage 破壞 3. a state, condition, or relationship: bondage 束縛; parentage出身 4. a house or place: orphanage 孤

36、兒院5. a charge or fee: postage 郵資 6. a rate: dosage 劑量; mileage 英里數(shù) GrammarPast participle as attributive modifierTo be continued on the next page.A past participle and participle phrases always function as adjectives, adding description to the sentence, and indicating a past or completed action or t

37、ime.(Note: only transitive verbs can use their past participles as adjectives)Examples:The water drained slowly in the pipe clogged with dog hair. (Clogged with dog hair modifies the noun pipe.)Eaten by mosquitoes, we wished that we had made hotel, not campsite, reservations. (Eaten by mosquitoes mo

38、difies the pronoun we.) GrammarTo be continued on the next page.1. Misplace participle phrasesIn clear, logical sentences, modifiers are right next to the words they describe. X Draped neatly on a hanger, William borrowed Grandpas old suit to wear to the interview.The suit, not William, is on the ha

39、nger! The modifier must come closer to the word it is meant to describe: For the interview, William borrowed Grandpas old suit, (which was) draped neatly on a hanger.GrammarTo be continued on the next page.2. Dangle participle phrasesIf the sentence fails to include a target, the modifier is dangling.X If properly installed, you shouldnt be able to open the door without first pressing the safety button.Whatever item is actually being installed, you certainly arent. If it is properly inst


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