



1、2022-2023學(xué)年山東省菏澤市曹縣第三中學(xué)高二英語上學(xué)期期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. _ I admit that all these problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.A. Unless B. WhileC. Until D. Since參考答案:B試題分析:考查連詞辨析。A除非,如果不;B當(dāng)時;然而;可是;盡管;C直到才;D自從,既然;句意:盡管我承認所有的問題都很難,但是我不同意他們都不能被解決。故B正確??键c:考查連詞辨析點評:此題主要考查連詞的辨析,選擇連詞主要是看前后句的關(guān)系,因果關(guān)系用

2、表因果的連詞,轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系用轉(zhuǎn)折連詞,并列關(guān)系用并列連詞,要求考生具有一定的句子分析能力和詞義辨析能力。2. Im still working on my project. Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _. A. running outB. trying out C. letting out D. looking out參考答案:A3. Although difficult, she finished the job on time. So I think she certainly deserved_. A. being praised B. to

3、be praised C. to praise D. having praised參考答案:B略4. Wind power is an ancient source of energy _we may return in the near future.A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which參考答案:C知識點:介詞與關(guān)系代詞連用解析:選C,根據(jù)定語從句中的謂語動詞return后應(yīng)跟to sth。先行詞為energy,故選C。技巧點撥:觀動詞,判介詞。5. My brother is honest. He _ such a thing.

4、A. might not do B. cant have done C. can do D. mustnt have done參考答案:B6. As we know, _east of the lake stands a tower _ back to Song Dynasty.A. The, dated B. The , dating C. /, dated D. / , dating 參考答案:D7. -Do you have enough to _ all your daily expense?-Oh, yes, enough and to spare.A. cover B. spend

5、C. fill D. offer參考答案:Acover在此處意為“支付;夠之用”。問句句意為:你有足夠的錢來支付日常開銷嗎?8. The other two areas _ the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation. A. what B. in which C. which D. in that參考答案:B略9. We have a _ budget and every penny counts.A. tightB. looseC. badD. slight參考答案:A【詳解】考查形容詞詞義辨析。A. tight緊的;B.

6、loose寬松的;C. bad不好的;D. slight輕微的。句意:我們的預(yù)算很緊,每一分錢都很重要。根據(jù)“every penny counts”可知此處表示“預(yù)算很緊”,故A項正確。10. _ succeed in doing anything.AOnly by working hard we can BBy only working hard we canCOnly we can by working hard DOnly by working hard can we參考答案:D11. It is _ for a girl to become pregnant before marria

7、ge in China but in some western countries it is a quite _ and acceptable behaviour. A. embarrassed; normal B. disappointing; ordinary C. awkward; common D. embarrassing; general參考答案:C12. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sae by its mother _ to swim.A. how will it learn B. and it learns how C

8、. it will learn how D. will it learn how參考答案:D13. Little _ how much money it costs to bring up a child. A. realize people B. people realize C. do people realize D. are people realized 參考答案:C14. Film has a much shorter history, especially when such art forms as music and painting.A. having compared t

9、o B. comparing to C. compare to D. compared to參考答案:D15. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _ was very reasonable.A.which priceB.its price C.the price of which D.the price of whose參考答案:C二、 填空1. It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had a lot in common.

10、 Not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ _ _ we had a lot in common. 2. Ifithadntbeenforhisfluencyin,hecouldnthavebeenofferedthejob. _his fluencyin English, hecouldnthavebeenofferedthejob.3. After they had made a great many efforts, everything is now under their control.After they h

11、ad made a great many efforts, everything is now _ _ _.4. The production in large quantities of this kind of medicine is forbidden.The _ _ of this kind of medicine is not allowed.5. I thought after he left he would disappear gradually from my mind , but still every day when I wake up I will dream of

12、the happiest moments with him.I thought after he left he would _ _ from my mind, but still every day I wake up dreaming of the happiest moments with him.參考答案:1. did I find 2. But for 3. at/ under their command 4. mass production 5. fade away5. fade away動詞短語fade away消失,衰退;與原句中的disappear gradually意義相近

13、。三、 閱讀理解17. Hans was an honest fellow with a funny round good-humored face. Living alone, every day he worked in his garden. In all the countryside there was no garden so lovely as his. All sorts of flowers grew there, blooming in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another f

14、lowers place, so that there were always beautiful things to see, and pleasant odors to smell.Hans had many friends, the most devoted being the Miller. So devoted was the rich Miller to Hans that hed never go by his garden without picking a large bunch of flowers or a handful of sweet herbs, or filli

15、ng his pockets with fruits. The Miller used to talk about noble ideas, and Hans nodded and smiled, feeling proud of having such a friend.The neighbors thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave Hans anything in return, though he had hundreds of sacks of flour, many cows and sheep; but Hans n

16、ever troubled his head about these, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things about the unselfishness of true friendship.In spring, summer, and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to sell, he suffered from cold and h

17、unger. Though extremely lonely, the Miller never came to see him then. “Theres no good in going to see Hans while the snow lasts.” The Miller said to his wife, “When people are in trouble they shouldnt be bothered. So Ill wait till the spring comes when hes happy to give me flowers.”“Youre certainly

18、 very thoughtful,” answered his wife, “Its quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship.”“Couldnt we ask Hans up here?” said their son. “Ill give him half my meal, and show him my white rabbits.”“How silly you are!” cried the Miller; “I really dont know whats the use of sending you to school. If

19、Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybodys nature. I am his best friend, and Ill always watch over him, and see that hes not led into any temptation. Besides, if Hans came here, he mig

20、ht ask me for some flour. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they shouldnt be confused. The words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.” He looked seriously at his son, who felt so ashamed that he hung his head down, and grew quite scared, an

21、d began to cry into his tea.Spring coming, the Miller went down to see Hans. Again he talked about friendship. “Hans, friendship never forgets. Im afraid you dont understand the poetry of life. See, how lovely your roses are!”Hands said he wanted to sell them in the market to buy back his things whi

22、ch were sold during the hard time of the winter.“Ill give you many good things. I think being generous is the base of friendship.” said the Miller. “And now, as Ill give you many good things, Im sure youd like to give me some flowers in return. Heres the basket, and fill it quite full.”Poor Hans was

23、 afraid to say anything, he ran and picked all his pretty roses, and filled the Millers basket, imagining the many good things promised by the Miller.The next day he heard the Miller calling, “Hans, would you mind carrying this sack of flour for me to market?”“Im sorry, but I am really very busy tod

24、ay.”“Well,” said the Miller, “considering that Im going to give you my things, its rather unfriendly of you to refuse. Upon my word, you wont mind my speaking quite directly to you.”Poor Hans was driven by his friendship theory to work hard for his best friend, leaving his garden dry and wasted.One

25、evening Hans was sitting by fire when the Miller came.“Hans,” cried the Miller, “My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and Im going for the Doctor. But he lives so far away, and its such a bad windy night. It has just occurred to me that you can go instead of me. You know Im going

26、to give you my good things, so you should do something for me in return.”“Certainly,” cried Hans. He struggled into the stormy night, and got the doctor to ride a horse to the Millers house in time to save the boy. However, Hans got lost in the darkness, and wandered off into a deep pool, drowned.At

27、 Hans funeral, the Miller said: “I was his best friend. I should walk at the head of the procession.” Every now and then he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.55From the passage, we can learn that Hans . Awas extremely wise and nobleBwas highly valued by the MillerCadmired the Miller very muchDhad a strong desire for fortune56“Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” can be understood as . A“Different words may mean quite different things.”B“Interest


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