Unit6 Disaster and Hope 重點詞組句型 - 外研版(2019)高中英語必修第三冊_第1頁
Unit6 Disaster and Hope 重點詞組句型 - 外研版(2019)高中英語必修第三冊_第2頁
Unit6 Disaster and Hope 重點詞組句型 - 外研版(2019)高中英語必修第三冊_第3頁




1、 Book 3 unit6重點詞匯詞組句型 Part I Phrases Starting out & Understanding ideas P61-P64對災(zāi)難作出反應(yīng) react to the disaster電影海報 film poster自然災(zāi)害 natural disaster 4. 面對這些災(zāi)難 in the face of these disasters 5. 拿起一張免費的報紙 pick up a free newspaper6. 在地鐵站 at the Tube station7. 預(yù)計 is expected to 8. 平均高溫 average high tempera

2、ture9. 地鐵中央線 on the Central Line10. 空調(diào)調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng) air conditioning11. 通常 典型的 It is typical that12. 果不其然 sure enough13. 和相比 is compared to 14. 穿西裝 wear a suit15. 擠在一群乘客中 in a crowd of passengers16. 緊鄰;在近旁 next to 17. 從高大的玻璃大廈反射出來的陽光 the sun reflected off the tall glass building18. 融化了停在下面的汽車 melt cars parke

3、d below 19. 成功;趕上,到達 make it 20. 感到一點害怕 feel a bit scared21. 把公寓賣掉 put my flat on the market22. 最重要的是 most importantly23. 下樓梯 go down stairs23. 大廈被淹沒 the tall buildings are flooded24. 瀏覽我的報紙look through my newspaper25. 被震驚到 be shocked by26. 惡劣天氣的出現(xiàn)是由于氣候變化 bad weather has occurred due to climate chan

4、ge27. 心情沉重走出地鐵站 step out of the station with a heavy heart 28. 畢竟,終究after all 29. 既然地球上很難避免災(zāi)難 Now that it is hard to avoid a disaster on Earth30. 移到太空move to spaceUsing language P65-67省略;遺漏 leave out 在路上; 即將來臨 on the way 抬頭看天 look up at the sky朝前進 head for 抓緊你的傘 grab your umbrella準確可靠的預(yù)測 accurate an

5、d reliable predictions一聽到這則消息 on hearing the news國際救援隊 international rescue teams 高達 up to最致命的森林火災(zāi)the most deadly forest fires遭受 suffer from 在歷史上 in history 由組成 consist of導(dǎo)致4 千喪生result in the death of about 4000 people 導(dǎo)致一場嚴重的糧食危機lead to a severe food crisis威脅到950多萬人生計 threaten the livelihoods of mo

6、re than 9.5million people天氣預(yù)報 weather forecastDeveloping Ideas P68-P72還沒有 have yet to飛出,飛跑;突然跑掉fly off屋頂飛掉 the roof fly off失去生命lose ones life 突然 all of a sudden秒變成河turn into a river in seconds上下顛簸go up and down 留心;尋找look out for 7. 一直keep on 8. 一個遙遠的國家 a faraway country 9. 即使even though 10.被環(huán)繞be sur

7、rounded by11.安全指導(dǎo) safety guideline12.存活的機會 chance of survival13.對海岸城市的共同威脅common threat to coast cities14.足夠的食物 sufficient food 15.電器用的電池batteries for electrical appliances.句式理解關(guān)I was so frightened that I just froze.我如此害怕,以至于嚇呆了。原句句式so .that .如此以至于.解構(gòu)The scenery is so beautiful here that I dont want

8、 to leave佳句背誦這兒的風景如此迷人,以至于令我流連忘返。But Mon said that whether whatever happens,we should always try to see the goad side of things但是媽好說,不管發(fā)生什么事,我們都應(yīng)該看到事情好的一面 2.Whatever the result ls,we should stop accept it.不管結(jié)果如何,我們都應(yīng)該接受。3.Even though we had lost a lot, moments like those gave us hope for the future.

9、盡管我們失去了很多,但豫那樣的時刻止我們對未來充滿了希望。Even though other teams are great and ready for the competition,I am confident we can win the competition.盡管其他球隊報優(yōu)秀,并且為比賽做好準備,但我有信心,我們隊會獲勝。Part II sentences P62-P651.Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines, as well as one of the deepest. Its the ho

10、ttest on the whole Tube system.我通常上班所走的路線剛好是地鐵里最老、最深的一條線。那也是整個地鐵系統(tǒng)里最熱的一條線。2.Sure enough, going down the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano thats erupting. This, however, is nothing compared to the train.果不其然,走下樓梯,來到站臺上就像跳進一座正在噴發(fā)的火山一樣。但是,這與在火車廂里相比算不了什么。3.My office is only on

11、the third floor of the building, so quite low. Ill speak with my manager about moving to the top floor. 我的辦公室就在四樓,太低了。我得和經(jīng)理談?wù)劙岬巾敇侨ァ?.Looking through my newspaper, Im shocked by photos showing that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town. 翻閱著手里的報紙,我震驚地看到亞洲的颶風摧毀了一個城鎮(zhèn)的照片。It is also said that mice and

12、snakes head for safer ground several days before an earthquake,while dogs avoiding the beach may be a sign that a tsunami is approaching.(P65)據(jù)說地震前幾天,老鼠和蛇會前往更安全的地方,而狗避開海灘可能是海嘯即將來臨的征兆。On hearing the news,China was quick to start organising emergency aid.(P65)聽到這個消息,中國很快就開始組織緊急援助。P66-681.I was sitting

13、 in my room with my cat, Smartie, on my lap, when the roof just flew off. All of a sudden, there was sky where the roof had been. I was so frightened that I just froze.當時我正坐在房間里,我的貓咪斯瑪?shù)倥吭谖业耐壬?,突然屋頂就飛走了。突然之間,屋頂變成了天空。我嚇呆了。2.Our street turned into a river in seconds. We were going nowhere.瞬間道路淹沒成了河流。我們無處可去了。3.I remember us all lying under the midnight sky and looking up at the stars. Because there were no lights, we could see the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper and the Milky Way. 我還記得那時我們躺在午夜的蒼穹之下,仰望星空。因為沒有燈光,我們能看到北平七星、小北斗七星和銀河。4.Some families have yet to retur


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