【課件】Unit5 Listening and Talking課件 2022-2023學年高中英語人教版必修第二冊_第1頁
【課件】Unit5 Listening and Talking課件 2022-2023學年高中英語人教版必修第二冊_第2頁
【課件】Unit5 Listening and Talking課件 2022-2023學年高中英語人教版必修第二冊_第3頁
【課件】Unit5 Listening and Talking課件 2022-2023學年高中英語人教版必修第二冊_第4頁
【課件】Unit5 Listening and Talking課件 2022-2023學年高中英語人教版必修第二冊_第5頁
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1、Unit 5 Music Listening and TalkingLead-inWatch a video. What is the video about?Lead-inHave you ever participated in the school music festival? What did you do at the music festival? How did you feel?Singer Musical instrument playerVolunteer DirectorBackgroundA music festival is a large event, usual

2、ly held outdoors, which features numerous musicians or bands performing back-to-back. Festivals are usually organized according to some specific theme or genre.Depending on the details and the location, festival organizers may offer things like camping facilities, showers, and bathroom access for at

3、tendees, which can make it easier to come from a distance. Its not uncommon to find a range of food stalls, fairground games, vendors, and other attractions, either.Listen to an announcement about a school music festival. Warm-up for listeningAn announcement is a written or spoken statement in publi

4、c or formal words containing a specific purpose or information about an event that has happened or is going to happen so publicly people know what, when, and where it is about.1Generic Structure of AnnouncementStating Purpose: The text that contains what event will be heldStating Day and Date: Day a

5、nd Date realization. The text that contains when the event will be heldStating Place: The text that contains where the event will be heldInforming Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contactedWarm-up for listeningLanguage Feature of AnnouncementUsing Simple Present Tense an

6、d Simple Future Tense.e.g. Due to some technical problems, the show will We apologize for the inconvenience. Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a fund Raising Activity next month.Warm-up for listening1Tick the kinds of volunteers the festival needs.people to give music lessonschoir memberspeople t

7、o run food standspeople to sell festival ticketspeople to sell music CDspeople to set up equipmentmusical performersListen and tick2Listen to the announcement again and answer the questions.Listen and answerWhat kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival?Who can try out as a performer?What

8、can those who think they do not have musical talent do?How can students volunteer to take part?StrategyWhen you listen for some specific information or a particular detail, you should:Use key words and phrases as alerts to help you find information, but dont rely only on that.Take bullet-point notes

9、 to help you remember everything.Listen and answerWhat kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival?Who can try out as a performer?She will sing English folk songs.Anyone with musical talent can try out as a performer.Listen and answerWhat can those who think they do not have musical talent d

10、o?How can students volunteer to take part?Those who think they do not have musical talent can help out by selling tickets or running a food stand.Students can volunteer by getting in touch with their teacher.3Work in groups. Role-play the conversation or make a new one.Role playWho are they?What is

11、the topic?How do they feel?Proper tones and intonationRole playExpressions for talking about preferences:Would you prefer doing .?What would you prefer to do?Would you rather do . or .?What would you rather do?Id prefer . to .Id rather have . than .PresentationWork in groups. Present your conversati

12、ons to the class.Discussion4In pairs, talk about what you would do at the music festival.Would you like to sing or play a musical instrument? How else could you help in addition to what had already been mentioned?Whom would you invite? What other activities could you do at the music festival?Discuss

13、ionWould you like to sing or play a musical instrument? How else could you help in addition to what had already been mentioned?Plan a music festivalRun the technical side of the event.(lighting and sound equipment)Giving directions or selling mapsJoin in a security team to monitor the festival.Decor

14、ate the stage or prepare bathroom facilities Think about: Habit, preference, personalityDiscussionWhom would you invite? What other activities could you do at the music festival?Activitiesdance with friendsvisit art installationswatch comedy actslearn different types of musicI would invite everyone

15、from local schools and colleges as well as their families and friends.QuestionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of the music festival?QuestionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of the music festival?Advantages:Musicians have a chance to showcase their talents to many potential new fan

16、s at once;Attendees can enjoy music and make friends;Organizers can raise money for charity;.Disadvantages:large crowds and chaos;Sometimes accommodations are expensive for hotels;Easy to spend too much money, get dehydrated or sunburned;.Key words1. equipment / kwpmnt / n. 設(shè)備,裝備 a useful piece of e

17、quipment for the kitchen 一件有用的廚房設(shè)備 office/medical equipment 辦公室設(shè)備/醫(yī)療器材e.g. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. 照相館的裝備這個花費巨大。Key words2. talent / tlnt / n. 天才,天資,天賦 to have great artistic talent 很有藝術(shù)天賦 a man of many talents 多才多藝的男子 e.g. She showed considerable talent for getting w

18、hat she wanted. 她很有天資,能夠達成自己的目標。 There is a wealth of young talent in British theater. 英國戲劇界年輕一代人才輩出。Key words3. assume / sjum / v. 以為,假設(shè) e.g. It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. 認為經(jīng)濟將繼續(xù)好轉(zhuǎn)是有道理的。 Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱們暫時假設(shè)計劃成功。 The court assumed responsibility for the girls welfare. 法庭承擔了保障這個女孩福利的責任。 synonym: presumeKey wordsKey words4. addition / dn / n. 添加,加法,增加物 an addition to the family (= another child) 這家新添的一口人(又生了一個孩子) e.g. Pastas basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition o


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