高中英語(yǔ)Unit 3 A Healthy Lifereading課件3 新課標(biāo) 人教 必修6_第1頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)Unit 3 A Healthy Lifereading課件3 新課標(biāo) 人教 必修6_第2頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)Unit 3 A Healthy Lifereading課件3 新課標(biāo) 人教 必修6_第3頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)Unit 3 A Healthy Lifereading課件3 新課標(biāo) 人教 必修6_第4頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)Unit 3 A Healthy Lifereading課件3 新課標(biāo) 人教 必修6_第5頁(yè)
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1、2021/8/11 星期三1Unit3Cultural differences2021/8/11 星期三2Lets enjoy a flash.2021/8/11 星期三3Many people like chatting on line, especially you students. You musthave many e-pals. What do you think of online chat?Do you think it is really a good way to know more things and make morefriends? 2021/8/11 星期三4Ha

2、ve you ever experienced any funny things or awkward situations when chatting with your cyber friends?2021/8/11 星期三5Fast readingGo through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page34. 2021/8/11 星期三6Answers:1. He is from Brunei. 2. He comes fro

3、m UK.3. No, they dont. Only the Sultan and his family do.2021/8/11 星期三7Detailed reading:Lets read the passage again and complete PartC2 on page 36. Answers:C2 4 7 3 1 2 6 52021/8/11 星期三8ListeningListen to the tape and answer the following questions:2021/8/11 星期三9C1 1. Thanksgiving Day is held to cel

4、ebrate the first harvest after The European settlers went to live in the USA. 2.Turkey.2021/8/11 星期三103. In the West, the polite time to open a present is when someone gives it to a person, because they like to see the persons reaction.4. Guests expect presents as a souvenir to remember the big day.

5、2021/8/11 星期三115. Alcohol.6. In Brunel, you should use your thumb to point at things.7. In both places, you should take off your shoes before going inside a house.2021/8/11 星期三12DiscussionWhat might happen if people had no idea of other countries cultures?2021/8/11 星期三13Do you think it might result

6、in embarrassment or inconvenience?2021/8/11 星期三14What do you think about “culture shock”?2021/8/11 星期三15Do you know more information about cultural differences?In most countries, nodding your head up and down means yes. In some parts of Greece and Turkey, however, this motion can mean no.2021/8/11 星

7、期三16In South-east Asia, nodding your head is a polite way of saying Ive heard you.In the United Stated, when someone puts his thumb up, It means Everything is all right. However, in Sardinia of Italy and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there. 2021/8/11 星期三17ConsolidationFill

8、in the blanks with proper words according to the reading material.2021/8/11 星期三18Ma Li: Hi, everyone. I want to (1)a_ some information about cultural differences to finish my homework.Waled: Hi. Id like to tell you something about cultural differences. We have some native teachers. One is from Ameri

9、ca and the other two are from the UK. They have unbelievable differences in culture.ccumulate2021/8/11 星期三19Ma Li: Come on!Waled: Yeah. Our American teacher gets quite (2)e_ when he talks about Thanksgiving while the British teachers didnt know what Thanksgiving was held in (3)c_ of.Peter: Hello. Wh

10、at are you talk about?xcitedelebration2021/8/11 星期三20Waled: Oh, hi. We are talking about the cultural differences.Peter: Hi, Ma Li. Id like to tell you more. In the West, its rude not to open a present when someone gives you one. Besides, in the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to the ne

11、wly-weds, but in Italy, the newly-weds are expected to give their guests presents as a (4)s_ to remember the big day.ouvenir2021/8/11 星期三21Ma Li: How interesting! In China, we always have a huge (5)b_ to celebrate weddings.Waled: Here in Brunei, if a man (6)p_ in a wedding reception, he has to sit w

12、ith the bridegroom and the other men. The bride and the other women have to sit in a different area. And we (7)s_ food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, but no alcohol! Also, we play drums to (8)c_ the wedding for hours.anquetarticipateserveelebrate2021/8/11 星期三22Ma Li: Anything else?Waled: Well, we thi

13、nk its (9)r_ for people to point with their first finger. We use our thumb to point. And if you come to Brunei, you would have to take your shoes off before going into someones house and shouldnt wear yellow because it is the royal colour for the Sultan and his family.ude2021/8/11 星期三23Ma Li: Its th

14、e same as in cities in China. Well, its time for me to log off. I think now I have known more about different cultures and what is (10)a_ behaviour. It really helps me a lot. Good-bye.ppropriate2021/8/11 星期三24Language Points1. accumulate: V. T or I(1) gradually get or gather together an increasing n

15、umber or quantity of sth. 積累,聚集By investing wisely she accumulates a fortune. 通過(guò)英明的投資,她積累了一筆財(cái)富.2021/8/11 星期三25(2)increase in number or quality 增加 Dust or dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.如果房子不正常打掃,塵埃很快堆積.2. topic: N.Ca subject which is discussed, written about or studied:2021

16、/8/11 星期三26Our discussion ranged over various topics, such as acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer.我們的討論范圍涉及各種各樣的話題,如酸雨及臭氧層的洞.2021/8/11 星期三27注意比較:theme: N. C the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc. or a short, simple tune on which a piece of music is based: 主題 The theme of loss runs throug

17、h most of his novels. 失落的主題貫穿著他的小說(shuō)的大部分.2021/8/11 星期三28title (NAME): N. C the name of a film, book, painting, piece of music, etc: 題目 The title of Evelyn Waughs first novel was Decline and Fall.Evelyn Waughs的第一部小說(shuō)的題目是Decline and Fall.2021/8/11 星期三293. all the time: 一直The letter I was searching for wa

18、s in my pocket all the time.我剛才在尋找的信一直在我的口袋里.2021/8/11 星期三30相關(guān)短語(yǔ):at all times 隨時(shí); 永遠(yuǎn) at one time 一度; 從前at a time 每次; 依次 at the time 在那時(shí)at times 有時(shí); 間或 behind time 遲, 晚 ahead of time 提前 for the time being 暫且in time 及時(shí); 遲早,最后 once upon a time 從前on time 準(zhǔn)時(shí) take ones time 慢慢來(lái)2021/8/11 星期三31高考鏈接(2005福建)

19、Can the project be finished as planned?Sure,_ it completed in time, well work two more hours a day.having got B. to get C. getting D. get2021/8/11 星期三324. get excited: (變得)興奮起來(lái)He got excited when he heard the news.當(dāng)他聽到這個(gè)消息的時(shí)候變得興奮起來(lái).Note:(1)get+ p.p. 使自己處于某種狀態(tài) 和情況;或表被動(dòng)意義。如:2021/8/11 星期三33get dressed

20、穿上 get married 結(jié)婚 get burnt 燒傷,曬黑了 get paid 得以付錢 get drunk 喝醉酒 get started 開始(2)get + adj. 表示達(dá)到某種狀態(tài)或情況get well/bored/hungry/worried/fat/fit/cold, etc.2021/8/11 星期三345. come to: (1) to reach a particular point or state:His hair comes right down to his shoulders.他的頭發(fā)剛好到他的肩.The war had just come to an

21、end (= ended). 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)剛剛結(jié)束.2021/8/11 星期三35(2) to be a particular total when numbers or amounts are added together:That comes to 25. 那總計(jì)25英鎊.(3) If you come to a decision, arrangement etc., you make a decision or decide what to think about something:2021/8/11 星期三36We havent come to a decision on the matte

22、r yet.關(guān)于這件事,我們還沒(méi)有決定呢.Have you come to any conclusions about the story yet?關(guān)于這個(gè)故事你得出結(jié)論了嗎?2021/8/11 星期三37(5) If a thought or idea comes to you, you suddenly remember or start to think about it:I cant remember his name - itll come to me in a minute.我現(xiàn)在記不起他的名字,一會(huì)兒后我會(huì)想起來(lái)的.2021/8/11 星期三38高考鏈接(2006天津) Most

23、 of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eating.refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to2021/8/11 星期三396. suppose: verb T to think that something is likely to be true:Do you suppose (that) Mary will marry him? 你認(rèn)為瑪麗會(huì)和他結(jié)婚嗎? We all su

24、pposed him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss.我們都認(rèn)為他是一個(gè)德國(guó)人,但實(shí)際上他是一個(gè)瑞士人.2021/8/11 星期三40Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good.她的新書被認(rèn)為很不錯(cuò).他應(yīng)該五點(diǎn)前到這兒.He is supposed to be here before 5 oclock.2021/8/11 星期三417. celebrate: verb I or T to take part in special enjoyabl

25、e activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important:We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.我們總是出去吃飯來(lái)慶祝結(jié)婚周年紀(jì)念日.celebration noun C or U a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate something, or the act of celebrating something:2021/8/11 星期三

26、42Such good news calls for (= deserves) a celebration!這樣的好消息值得慶祝.注意比較:celebrate表“慶?!?,賓語(yǔ)是事,即后接sth. 其名詞構(gòu)成的詞組為:have/hold a celebration(舉行慶祝會(huì))in celebration of(為了慶祝)2021/8/11 星期三43 congratulate表“祝賀”其賓語(yǔ)是受到祝賀的人, 可組成短語(yǔ)congratulate sb. on sth./doing名詞congratulation可構(gòu)成短語(yǔ) congratulations to sb. on sth./doing2

27、021/8/11 星期三448. expect: verb T (1) to think or believe something will happen, or someone will arrive:We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.我們正期待著很多的申請(qǐng)這份工作的人呢. I expect (that) youll find it somewhere in your bedroom.我預(yù)計(jì)你會(huì)在臥室的某個(gè)地方找到它.2021/8/11 星期三45 He didnt expect to see me. 他沒(méi)有預(yù)料到會(huì)看見我.(2

28、) to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing:I expect punctuality from my students. 我期望我的學(xué)生準(zhǔn)時(shí).2021/8/11 星期三46 Borrowers are expected to (= should) return books on time. 借書的人應(yīng)該準(zhǔn)時(shí)還書.expected adjective before nounexpectation noun C usually plural when you expect go

29、od things to happen in the future:2021/8/11 星期三47The holiday lived up to all our expectations (= was as good as we were expecting).這個(gè)假期沒(méi)有辜負(fù)我們的期望.We did so well - beyond all (= better than) our expectations.我們干得如此出色超出我們所有人的預(yù)料.2021/8/11 星期三48(2) C or U when you expect something to happen:Our expectati

30、ons are that the UK will cut its interest .我們預(yù)計(jì)英國(guó)會(huì)降低利息.2021/8/11 星期三49高考鏈接(2006上海) When he turned professional at theage of 11, Mike _ to become a world champion by his coach and parents.expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected2021/8/11 星期三509. clarify: verb T to make something

31、 clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation: Could you clarify the first point please? I dont understand it completely.你能把第一點(diǎn)解釋一下嗎? 我沒(méi)有完全地理解.2021/8/11 星期三51(2) to remove water and unwanted substances from fat, such as butter, by heating itclarification noun C or Uc

32、larified adjective 2021/8/11 星期三5210. participate: verb I to take part in or become involved in an activity:She never participates in any of our discussions, does she?她從來(lái)不參加我們的討論,是嗎?2021/8/11 星期三53participation noun U when you take part or become involved in somethingparticipant noun C a person who

33、takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity11. adjust: verb T to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:2021/8/11 星期三54If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.如果這把椅子太高的話,你可以調(diào)整以適合你.(2) verb I to become more familiar with a n

34、ew situation:I cant adjust to living on my own.我不能適應(yīng)獨(dú)自生活.2021/8/11 星期三55able to be changed to suit particular needs:adjustable adjectiveThe height of the steering wheel is adjustable.方向盤的高度是可以調(diào)整的.adjustment noun C or U a small change: She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera. 她把照相機(jī)的焦距進(jìn)行了很小的調(diào)整。2021/8/11 星期三5612. take off:to remove something, espec


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