



1、2022-2023學年山東省淄博市三岔中學高一英語聯考試題含解析一、 選擇題1. I would _ little Jack to the circus this weekend.A. rather not taking B. not rather to take C. not rather take D. rather not take參考答案:D2. He was told that it would be at least three more months _ he could recover and return to work.A. when B. sinceC. before D

2、. that參考答案:C【詳解】考查連詞。句意:他被告知至少還需要三個月的時間恢復并回到工作崗位。It is+時間段+before表示“過多長時間發(fā)生某事”,故C項正確?!军c睛】It is+時間段+before是高考的一個重要考點,表示“多久之后才”,It is+時間段+since表示“某個動作發(fā)生持續(xù)了多久”,另外,it iswhen通常加時間點而不是時間段,表示事件發(fā)生的具體時間,it is+that則是強調句型,考生需要加以區(qū)分It is+時間段與不同的連詞搭配表示意義的不同。3. _ English well, one must have a lot of practice. A. S

3、peak B. Speaking C. To speak D. Spoken參考答案:C4. What disappointed us is not what he did in class but _ he did it. A. in the way B. the way how C. the way D. in the way in which參考答案:C5. His attitude _ work made his boss angry.A. in B. on C. atD. to參考答案:D略6. One of the few things you say about English

4、people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. A. need B. must C. should D.can參考答案:D略7. It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.A. pick outB. bring out C. call out D. turn out 參考答案:A8. Pausanias lived in the place _ we call “Ancient Greece”.A. what B. which C.

5、it D. where參考答案:B9. English is a free site_visitors can not just learn the English language but also chat online.AwhereBwhich CthatD. what參考答案:A10. The number of people who _ cars _ increasing in China.A. owns, are B. owns, is C. own, is D. own, are參考答案:C11. Please tell me the way you thought of _ t

6、he garden.A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care參考答案:B略12. I think the Beijing Olympic will develop our _with many countries. Aenjoyment B success Cinterests Dfriendship 參考答案:D試題分析:此題考查名詞,根據四個選項的含義可知只有friendship適合本句的含義,北京奧運會增強了我們和其他許多國家的友誼,故選D。13. Would you like to join

7、 us in the game?_, for I have something important to do. A. I will B. Id love to C. I wont D. Im afraid not參考答案:D14. _ is known to all, China will he an _ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time.A. That, advancing B. This, advancing C. As, advanced D. It, advancing參考答案:C15. -What caused the part

8、y to be put off?-_ the invitations.A Tom delayed sending B Toms delaying sendingC Tom delaying to send D Tom delayed to send參考答案:B16. The past 30 years the greatest changes in China, making it one of the world powers.A. have found B. have seen C. have been D. have shown參考答案:B二、 書面表達17. 書面表達(滿分25分)。假

9、如你是李華,住在西雙版納。你的加拿大筆友Bob來信談到了他所居住的城市,并希望了解你家鄉(xiāng)西雙版納的情況。請你用英語寫一封回信?;匦彭毎ㄏ卤碇械膬热荨W匀磺闆r位于云南省西南部,瀾滄江從版納穿過;冬暖夏熱,自然資源豐富;有許多種好吃的水果。 成 就經濟發(fā)展迅速;新建了不少工廠、住房、道路等。存在問題水、空氣污染;橡膠樹種植過多;景洪交通擁擠; 對版納發(fā)展的看法(學生發(fā)表自己觀點)注意:1. 行文應連貫,內容包括所給信息,并可適當增加;2. 詞數100左右。信的開頭與結尾已為你寫好,不計入詞數。參考詞匯:經濟economy (n.), 橡膠樹 rubber plant(n.) Dear Bob,I

10、ts very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Xishuangbanna. Yours, Li Hua參考答案:三、 閱讀理解18. 根據短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填人空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Trying to find out who you are seems simple to you._71_ But answering the questions of h

11、ow well you know yourself is actually really difficult._72_ Imagine all the things you did and liked when you were five years old. It is almost certain that there is a long list of differences between who you were then and who you are now. So how are you going to fully understand yourself?Luckily, t

12、here are some great ways to get to know yourself better. One of the better ways is to spend time alone with your thoughts. It doesnt mean just sitting in a chair, thinking. Anything that gets you in a relaxed, but active state of mind will work well._73_ Once youre in this state of mind, you can sta

13、rt noticing and questioning your behaviors and actions. _74_ I think everyone has done something at least once in their lives for which they didnt have a reason. It can take some time, but youll find it.Getting to know yourself means understanding your behavior and responses in certain situations. _

14、75_ The experiences I received through my first trip through Asia probably gave me the greatest understanding of who I am. How well would you do in a speech for hundreds of people? What would you feel like after a white-water rafting trip? If youve never experienced these, then you cant answer the questions.A. This is the best state to learn about yourself.B. After all, no one spends more time around you than you.C. Its important to always know who you are and who you are becoming.D. As a human being, you are going through character changes all the time.E. Thats w


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