Unit 2 Grammar形容詞和副詞課件_第1頁
Unit 2 Grammar形容詞和副詞課件_第2頁
Unit 2 Grammar形容詞和副詞課件_第3頁
Unit 2 Grammar形容詞和副詞課件_第4頁
Unit 2 Grammar形容詞和副詞課件_第5頁
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1、 語法專項學(xué)習(xí)形容詞和副詞知識要點(一)用法例 句補充說明作定語This is an interesting book.I have nothing important to tell you.形容詞作定語時放在被修飾詞之前,修飾不定代詞放在后面作表語The work is difficult.She looks happy today.作表語與系動詞連用作賓補Please keep the room clean .I find it very beautiful.1、形容詞的用法sunrainwindcloudfriendcareinterestuse2.掌握下列名詞和形容詞的轉(zhuǎn)化sunny

2、rainywindycloudycarefulinterestingfriendlyusefulmothermotherly1.副詞的作用: 用來修飾動詞.形容詞.其它副詞.全句或 名詞詞組及句子用 法例 句作表語My mother is out .作定語(后置)The girl there is my friend. 作狀語He runs fast .作賓補I found him outside.二 、副詞有幾個特殊的要去e后再加-ly或y,如:true truly terrible -terribly以e結(jié)尾的,大部分直接加-ly, 如:wide widely brave bravely

3、good的副詞是well。hard 既是形容詞也是副詞,作形容詞是“困難的”,作副詞是“努力地”。hardly的意思是“幾乎不”它和hard沒關(guān)系注意:詞 尾 變 化原級比較級最高級單音節(jié)詞在詞尾加-er(比較級)或-est(最高級)以字母e接尾的詞加r或stTall hard large wide以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的詞末尾只有一個輔音字母應(yīng)雙寫輔音字母再加er或estBig hot thin fat wet 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的詞變?yōu)閕再加er,或estHappy dry early少數(shù)以er,ow結(jié)尾的雙音節(jié)詞可加er或estNarrow clever 多音節(jié)詞和多數(shù)雙音節(jié)詞在其前面加mor

4、e 和most Difficult popular 1. 規(guī)則變化taller harder larger wider tallest hardest largest widestbigger hotter fatter wetterbiggest hottest fattest Wettest happier drier earlierhappiest driest earliestnarrower cleverernarrowest cleverestmore difficult more popularmost difficult most popular2、不規(guī)則變化原級goodwel

5、lbadillmanymuchlittlefarold比較級最高級說明巧記:特殊形式比較級共有三對二合一壞病兩多并兩好little意思不是小一分為二有兩個一是老來二是遠(yuǎn)better bestworseworstless more mostfarther/furtherolder/elderleast farthest/furthestoldest/eldest3、形容詞,副詞比較等級的用法等級原級句 型1、as+原級+as2、not + so/as + 原級+ as例 句She is as kind as her mother .Lucy didnt do it so/as well as y

6、ou .比較級比較級 + thanHe is taller than Lilei. The weather is getting hotter and hotter.最高級the+最高級+of /inShe is the tallest one in her class.如(1). China is larger than any other country in Asia. (注意:比較的對象不能相互包容。) ( 2). China is larger than any country in Africa. (3). Tom is taller than the other students

7、 in our class. (4). In my opinion, playing basketball is more interesting than anything else game.(3)the +比較級+of the two表 “兩者中較的 ”。 如He is the better of the two .他是兩人中較好的.(4)“比較級+and+比較級” 表達 “越來越”的意思, 表示本身程度的改變,其動詞經(jīng)常使用grow ,get, Become , 如Its spring now . It gets warmer and warmer. (5) “the +比較級,the

8、 +比較級” 表“越就越”的意思。如:The more, the better.5. 使用形容詞最高級時(1)用“one of +the 最高級+名詞復(fù)數(shù) 表示 “是最 之一者”。如:Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China . 上海是最美的城市之一。 (2) the +最高級形式+in +單數(shù)名詞 the +最高級形式+of +復(fù)數(shù)名詞或代詞。 如:who is the tallest in the class? Who is the tallest of the students .注意:典型例題分析(二)1、The bre

9、ad is _ than these cakes.A、very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting .A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _.A.happily B. happy C. happier D. happies

10、t4.which is _ season in Beijing ?A.good B. better C. best D. the best CCAD 雙基訓(xùn)練(三)1. I think Yao Ming the famous basketball player , will be _ new Star in NBA.hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest 2. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August .hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D.

11、hot hotter3. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in China.large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 4. An elephant is _ than a tiger .heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavierDDCD5. A horse is _ than a dog .much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. less heavier6. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _.care B. careful C. carefully D. careless7. Jimmy is the oldest and is taller th


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