2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第1頁
2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第2頁
2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第3頁
2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第4頁
2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第5頁
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1、2023年江蘇省常州市中考模擬英語試題學校:姓名: 班級: 考號: 一、單項選擇you have finished most of your homework at school, you neednt stay up late to do it.A. BeforeB. UntilC. SinceD. WhenWhat do you think of your school, Andy?Its great for us to ourselves for the future.A. promiseB. prepareC. proveD. presentOur city has made grea

2、t progress in the fight COVID-19 so far.A. onB. forC. withD. againstHow many can I have?-You can have two,are for your sister.A.the othersB.othersC.the otherD.anotherIf you drink at meals, you drive cars on the highways.A.needntB.mustntC.shouldntD.wouldntQQ and WeChat havechanged peoples life inmany

3、 ways.:. We can use them to keep in touch with others more easily.A.CompletelyB.ProbablyC.ExactlyD.PossiblyJim Thailand for honeymoon since he Mary two weeks ago.A.has gone to; married withB.has been in; marriedC.has gone to; got married toD.has been to; marriedFathers Day is coming. Tm wondering.A.

4、what gift will I give himB.if I planned a party for himC.how I can give him a big suqjriseD.where can my familyhave a big meal一Would you mind me the channel? -:. My favourite programmewill begin.A - to change; Better notB. changing; Not at allC. to change; Im afraid notD. changing; I hope not means

5、that you have to do something before others to be successful.A. No pain, no gainB. Every dog has its dayA. No pain, no gainD. Practice makes perfectD. Practice makes perfect二、完形填空“I dont want to go, Miss White. Fm frightened, very frightened,Monica told her teacher.Monica was a very 11 girl. She alw

6、ays sat at the back of the classroom, reading or taking notes. Every Monday morning, there would be a special show in her class and one student would be 12 to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week. But she refused.“I know that it seems diff

7、icult for you, but it will help you 13 your confidence,said Miss White. Monica was lost in thought.The next day, Monica came to Miss Whites office. Miss White was 14 that she would take the chance. Miss White red-penciled her manuscript (手稿)of speech, corrected her 15 and even helped with her body l

8、anguage. She advised Monica to practice, to 16 that she was speaking confidently in front of her class. 17 a whole week, Monica practiced speaking in front of her imaginary friends and teacher. Behind the locked door of her bedroom, she told them about her dream. Monday 18 at last. 19 Monica was cal

9、led upon to give her speech, she stood up and walked to the front of the class without any notes, in a 20 ofconfidence. Monicas successful performance brought everyone a great surprise. The whole class clapped (鼓掌)for a full minute when she completed her speech. Miss White smiled. She had known that

10、 Monica would 21 it when she 22 took her firststep to overcome (克服)her fear of speaking in public. From that day, Monicas life changed for the better. Later she became a news reader. People who see her on television now will find it hard to believe that she was once a shy girl who refused to speak u

11、p in class.11. A. activeB. helpfulC. shyD. attractive12. A. warnedB. forcedC. promisedD. chosen13. A. make upB. take upC. build upD. stay up14. A. madB. surprisedC consideredD. relaxed15. A. instructionB. conversationC. explanationD. pronunciation16. A. realizeB. examineC. imagineD. introduce17. A.

12、ByB. ForC. WithD. Along18. A. arrivedB. presentedC. appearedD. reached19. A. AfterB. UntilC. SinceD. Though20. A. decisionB. recordC. spiritD. show21. A. takeB. makeC. riskD. satisfy22. A. heavilyB. rapidlyC. hardlyD. bravely三、閱讀單選Sunday marks the seventh Space Day in China. On this special day, mor

13、e than 200 activities were organized, including aerospace open days, science talks, knowledge competitions. Space exhibition (展覽)halls and space facilities (設施)opened to the general public and students of primary and middle schools.A primary school in Qingdao, Shandong ProvinceA teacher explains spa

14、ce knowledge to his students through models in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on Sunday. Besides, students can make models with their classmates.A middle school in Wenling, Zhejiang ProvinceMiddle school students join in physical training by their teachers. In this way, students can have a better under

15、standing of astronauts.A school in Zaozhuang, Shandong ProvinceYue Xiu, a teacher, explains space knowledge to students in the space science museum in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, on Sunday.A kindergarten (幼兒園)Huzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceChildren use toy blocks to build Long March rocket and launch to

16、wers in 3 kindergartens in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, on Friday.A school in Xinyu, Jiangxi ProvinceA popular science caravan is sent to a school in Jiulongshan town to carry out popular science activities in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province, on Thursday.A school in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province.Students visit th

17、e Youth Aerospace Science and Technology Museum in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, on Sunday.If you want to have a better understanding of space by visiting museums, you can go to a schoolA.in Shandong Province on SaturdayB.in Zhejiang Province on FridayC.in Shandong Province on SundayD.in Jiangxi Provin

18、ce on ThursdayA 5-year-old boy may join in which activity to celebrate this special day?A.Visiting science museums.B.Listening to science talks.C. Joining in physical training.D. Building Long March rocket and launchC. Joining in physical training.towers.Which picture goes well with the school that

19、may help you experience astronauts9After taking a risk by dropping out of school at the age of 16, two decades later, Yang Lan has lived a comfortable life by playing, teaching and making guqin.When Yang Lan first became interested in guqin, he was 16 and he didnt really know much about it.It was 20

20、03 and a poetic (充滿詩情畫意的)scene in a film attracted him. Guqin has existed (存在)for over 3,000 years. In the same year that Yang developed an interest in it, guqin music was seen as an intangible heritage (非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn))of humanity by UNESCO.Yang got to know stories related to the instrument. The boy was fu

21、rther attracted by the cultural connotations (內(nèi)涵)of the ancient instrument, though he admits the attraction is more about imagination, instead of the instrument itself. But the imagination really built a relationship between him and guqin. After years of exploration, he finally makes a living by pla

22、ying and making guqin, and he has just published a book about his experience with the instrument.At 16, shortly after his epiphany (頓悟),Yang decided to drop out of school and pursue a music career. He told his parents he would go to Beijing and become a rock musician. But, actually he wanted to move

23、 to Shaolin Temple to learn guqin.His parents tried to prevent him quitting school, but they failed. In the autumn of the year, Yang left home.“You dont consider the results of your decisions at 16. 1 was simply attracted by something and drawn to start a journey to find it. says Yang.After nearly 2

24、0 years, Yang, now 35, says he does not regret his choice as he has satisfied with his current life, but, sometimes, he feels curious about how his life would have turned out if he had taken another path.Can you guess the meaning of “drop out of school according to the passage?A. go to further study

25、 B. leave school C. pick another school D. go to school after a restWhich of the following is true according to the passage?Yang Lans parents supported his ideas.Yang Lan wanted to go to Beijing to learn guqin.Guqin music became an intangible heritage of humanity 35 years ago.Guqin has a history of

26、more than 3000 years.Where can we see this passage?A. A science book B. A novelC. Newspapers D. A story book“What a quiet, gentle pussy angel it is,“ Norah spoke.No, said Willie, tI saw her catch a bird in the garden today. She was fierce and angry then. She tore it to pieces and ate it, after she h

27、ad killed it.”*What makes her so cruel sometimes?, asked Norah. Cant we teach her better, mother?”“No, said Fred. We cant, she kills and eats other animals because she was made fbr it, and meant fbr it. Let me tell you something Ive learnt about it at school. Shall I, Norah?“Do, please,M said her si

28、ster.“Then take puss on yourlap (大腿上),Norah, and well begin/5 said he. 4tFirst look at her eyes. Now look into my eyes. You see that round black spot in the middle of my eye? That is the pupil (瞳孑L) of the eye. Light enters the eye through the pupil. In the bright light it is a long narrow slit (狹縫)

29、,when it is dark the pupil opens into a very wide round window.”“I suppose,“ said Norah, “that is to help her to see when it is dark.”“It is,M said Fred. Look at her now while she is stretching herself. What a wide mouth she has and what long sharp teeth. Four of the teeth, two in each jaw, are much

30、 larger and stronger than the rest. Teacher says that they are meant for seizing and tearing the mice and birds. We move our jaw from seizing and tearing the mice to birds. We move our jaw from side to side, as well as up and down, when we chew our food. The cats jaw cannot do it, it moves only up a

31、nd down. Her jaws as well as her teeth are meant fbr cutting, not forchewing.”“How amazing!” Norah laughed.“Moreover, a cats tongue is not smooth, like our tongue. It is set with small, sharp, horny points which stretch backwards. The cat uses her rough tongue to strip the flesh from the bones.“Now,

32、 one more look at her feet. If we took the cat up when she was angry, we should see that each toe (曲 1:頭)is armed with a strong, pointed claw. We dont see them now; she keeps them in a sheath. She only stretches them out when she is angry., said Fred.What is possibly “the pussy angel” in the passage

33、?A. Norahs friend. B. Norahs toy. C. Norahs pet. D. Norahs family.What will a cats eyes look like when it catches a mouse in the dark?What does the underline word “stretch“ mean in the passage?A.伸展B.放松C.打盹D.玩耍What can we know from the passage?A cat has a wide mouth, with only four sharp teeth fbr ca

34、tching mice.A cats tongue is as rough as our humans, moving side ways.A cafs jaws and teeth are both made for cutting food instead of chewing.A cat keeps its claws in a sheath, even when it is angry.The younger woman cried out in alarm(恐懼)when the Indian ran past her horse.“Dont worry, Alice,M said

35、the officer. 4The Indian is called Magua, an army runner. Hes going to guide us to reach the destination before the soldiers/“Do you trust him, Heyward?” asked Alice.“I do, said the officer. t4He used to fight with the Mohawks and once he was an enemy of your father, but that was a long time ago. No

36、w he is our friend.M“Does Magua speak English? said Alice. Can you ask him to say anything?Heyward laughed. He pretends he doesnt know any English. He only speaks it if he hasJust then the Indian stopped and pointed to a dark path through the bushes. There was only space for one horse to pass.“Maybe

37、 we should travel with the soldiers,said Alice. I dont feel safe with Magua”“Just because he has some different manners from us and his skin is dark, it doesnt mean we should distrust him,“ said the dark-haired woman. Alice did not reply to her sister. She rode her horse through the bushes and follo

38、wed Magua down the dark path between threes.The riders(騎馬的人)continued through the forest. 4*The servants卜人)must leave us now and change the direction,9, said Magua. Then it will be more difficult for Montclams Indians to follow our tracks(蹤跡)Heyward told the servants to ride in the direction of the

39、soldiers. Then he and the two sisters rode on. Magua ran in front of them. Suddenly they heard the sound of the horses, hoofs. The riders held their breath and waited in the bushes to see who was following them. A tall thin man in a blue coat rode into view.“Who are you?” asked Heyward.“My name is D

40、avid Gamut. I am a preacher and I sing hymns, said the man.Alice was happy when she heard this. Please let him travel with us and we will sing together, Heyward.Gamut started singing. But Magua asked Heyward to stop Gamut immediately.Tm sorry, said Heyward, you have a wonderful singing voice, Mr. He

41、yward, but on this occasion I must ask you to travel in silence.How many riders are mentioned in the passage?A. 4B. 3C. 5D. 6Alice didnt trust Magua NOT because?A. Alice didnt feel safe with Magua.B. Magua couldnt speak English.C. Magua was once her fathers enemy.D. Alice disliked his different appe

42、arance.Can you infer (推斷)why Magua stopped Gamut from singing?Magua tried to spoil (掃興)Alice on purpose.Magua noticed someone else watching them now.Magua disliked Gamuts hymns very much.Magua wanted to keep them safe from danger.Which of the following can best describe Magua?Kind and popular B. Car

43、eful and clever C. Caring and creative D. Friendly and brave四、閱讀還原5選4閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(有兩項為多 余選項)Each year on Feb 21, UNESCO (聯(lián)合國教科文組織)holds an International Mother Language Day (IMLD). The event is to help people to pay attention to the disappearance of the worlds languages; many of t

44、hem are disappearing each year. UNESCO sees this as a terrible fact.37 Something great is lost, not just sounds and words but the way that people understand the world and communicate with each other. We keep different cultures and traditions through languages. Killing a language means all these are

45、killed too.Through IMLD, more and more people come to realize the terrible situation and try to stop it. 38 Many speakers and protectors of endangered languages upload (上傳) texts, audios (音頻)and videos to the project website. They want to introduce the way that people communicate and express themsel

46、ves around the world.The Myaamia Project is the same kind of effort to revive the language spoken by the Miami tribes (部落)of the United States. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language, which died out in the 1960s.These activities give life to those endang

47、ered languages. 39 Many young people design apps and use social media (媒體)to support their activities. They “spread the word to save the world.So, while the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope. 40 This is why we should remember the wise words of late president

48、 of South Africa, Nelson Mandela: If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language, that goes to his heart., A. We all have a special feeling of our mother languages.More and more people realize the importance of protecting endangered

49、 languages.The organization has taken action to stop this trend.What happens when a language dies out?People who work to keep languages alive are not limited to the past.Googles 2018 Endangered Languages Project is a good example.五、語法填空閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。The idea of living underwater is

50、 often 41 (bring) up as a possible future for human beings. It seems to be a great way 42 (avoid) overpopulation or to survive when a terrible disaster hits. But what is it like to live under the waves?In the 1960s, Jacques Cousteaus team built the 43 (world) first underwater lab. It was called Cons

51、helf I. Two men lived inside for a week. In 1963, Conshelf II was set up off the coast of Sudan. This time, the scientists spent 30 days underwater.Since then, there 44 (be) many other underwater labs. Aquarius is 45 only one still running today. It is located 20 metres 46 (above) sea level in Flori

52、da. Marine (海洋的)scientist Deron Burkepile is one of the few who have worked there.The first night Burkepile spent there was ten years ago. The memory is still fresh in his mind. As the scientist swam to Aquarius 47 two of his colleagues (同事),it got darker and darker. Its one of 48 (cool) experiences

53、 Ive ever had,“ Burkepile said.The past few years have seen great improvements in technology. 49, insideunderwater labs, things havent changed much. The conditions are still terrible. Aquarius only has 37 square metres of space inside it. Hot water is limited. Showers have to be short. Food is 50 (m

54、ost) freeze-dried (冷凍干燥保存的),or jam sandwiches.But the future of the underwater living may be bright. Some companies have been working on underwater hotels. These hotels have larger rooms, hot showers and elevators to take guests down.六、完成句子.把一切保持得井然有序是一個多么好的習慣??!(漢譯英)What!.與傳統(tǒng)學習相比,網(wǎng)上學習為我們打開了一個全新的世界。(

55、漢譯英), online study.自去年以來,我們小區(qū)就以其開闊的空間和優(yōu)美的環(huán)境而聞名。(漢譯英)Our community since last year.我父母總是鼓勵我有問題時向老師請求幫助。(漢譯英)My when I have problems.教學生們在日常生活中如何節(jié)能是必需的。(漢譯英)It,s necessary.孫儷是如此有表演天賦,以至于她經(jīng)常被高度評價。Sun Li has.七、書信作文.“雙減”政策已經(jīng)實施一段時間了,假如你是Sam,你的英語網(wǎng)友Tom寫信要 了解一下“雙減”后你的生活,請你給Tom寫一封信,告訴他相關的事情。Dear Sam,Im very g

56、lad to know you have made great progress in your study. I hear that your school carried out the “double reduction policy in 2021. I am interested in the policy, and have the following questions:Has your life changed after carrying out the policy? Can you tell me the changes?As a student, what will y

57、ou plan to do in your free time after carrying out the policy?What do you think of the policy?Im looking forward to your letter.Yours,Tom 注意:.內(nèi)容涵蓋要全,全文連貫通順。.詞數(shù)100左右(已給出的文章開頭,不計入總詞數(shù))。.文中不得提及有關考生個人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。參考詞匯:雙減政策:double reduction policy 校外培訓機構(gòu):off-campus tutoring institution Dear Tom,I,m ver

58、y glad to share my life with you.Wish you good luck.Yours,Sam參考答案:C【解析】【詳解】句意:既然你在學校已經(jīng)完成了大部分作業(yè),所以你不必熬夜做??疾檫B詞辨析。Before在之前;Until直到:Since既然,因為;When當。根據(jù),ouhave finished most of your homework at school, you neednt stay up late to do it”可知前后兩句 是因果關系,前因后果,用since引導原因狀語從句。故選C。B【解析】【詳解】句意:安迪,你覺得你的學校怎么樣?對我們來說,

59、為未來做好準備是很好的。 考查動詞辨析。promise承諾;prepare準備;prove證明;present頒發(fā)。根據(jù)ourselves fbr the fUture”可推出是為未來做準備。故選B。D【解析】【詳解】句意:目前,我市在抗擊新冠肺炎疫情中取得了重大進展??疾榻樵~辨析。on在之上;for為了: with和在一起;against反對。結(jié)合語境和空前后“the fight”以及“COVID-19”表示對抗新冠肺炎,用介詞against,構(gòu)成“the fight against.對抗故選 D。A【解析】【詳解】句意:我可以得到多少?你可以得到兩個,其余的是給你的妹妹的??疾椴欢ù~。t

60、he others剩余的全部:others其他的人或物,表示泛指:the other二者中 另一個;another 另一個。根據(jù)“You can have two.are fbr your sister.“可知,此處指除了這兩 個,剩下的全部給妹妹。故選A。B【解析】【詳解】句意:如果你在吃飯時喝酒,你不能在高速公路上開車??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞。neerft不必:mustnt禁止;shouldnt不應該;wouldnt不會,不要。根據(jù)“If you drink at meals”以及常識可知喝酒之后不能開車。故選B。C【解析】【詳解】句意:一QQ和微信在很多方面改變了人們的生活。正是如此。我們可以用它


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