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1、PAGE 日期:2007-01-09 翻譯:蘆麗萍,王瑾,朱榮,鞏亞強審核Page PAGE 115 of NUMPAGES 138Date:2007-01-09Translated by:Sophy, Vivian, Michelle, SimonproofreadPAGE 46新建鄭州至西安鐵路客運專線基礎工程沉降觀測指導方案(試行)Zheng-Xi PDL Foundation Engineering Settlement Observation Directing Scheme(Provision)鄭西鐵路客運專線有限公司鄭西鐵路客運專線工程咨詢項目部2006年11月西安目 錄TOC

2、o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc151399903 一、總 則 PAGEREF _Toc151399903 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399904 二、主要依據(jù)的標準及規(guī)范 PAGEREF _Toc151399904 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399905 三、沉降變形監(jiān)測網(wǎng)建立及測量技術要求 PAGEREF _Toc151399905 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399906 四、路基 PAGEREF _Toc151399906 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399907 (一)一般規(guī)定 PAG

3、EREF _Toc151399907 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399908 (二)觀測的內容 PAGEREF _Toc151399908 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399909 (三)觀測斷面和觀測點的布置 PAGEREF _Toc151399909 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399910 (四)沉降觀測的頻度 PAGEREF _Toc151399910 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399911 (五)觀測精度要求 PAGEREF _Toc151399911 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc1513999

4、12 (六)沉降觀測要求 PAGEREF _Toc151399912 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399913 (七)評估方法和判定標準 PAGEREF _Toc151399913 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399914 五、橋梁 PAGEREF _Toc151399914 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399915 (一)一般規(guī)定 PAGEREF _Toc151399915 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399916 (二)沉降觀測的內容 PAGEREF _Toc151399916 h 14 HYPERLINK l

5、 _Toc151399917 (三)沉降觀測點的布置 PAGEREF _Toc151399917 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399918 (四)觀測精度 PAGEREF _Toc151399918 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399919 (五)沉降觀測頻度 PAGEREF _Toc151399919 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399920 (六)評估方法和判定標準 PAGEREF _Toc151399920 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399921 六、隧道 PAGEREF _Toc151399921 h 1

6、8 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399922 (一)一般規(guī)定 PAGEREF _Toc151399922 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399923 (二)沉降觀測的內容 PAGEREF _Toc151399923 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399924 (三)沉降觀測點的布置 PAGEREF _Toc151399924 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399925 (四)觀測精度 PAGEREF _Toc151399925 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399926 (五)沉降觀測頻度 PAGEREF _To

7、c151399926 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399927 (六)評估方法及判定標準 PAGEREF _Toc151399927 h 20 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399928 七、過渡段 PAGEREF _Toc151399928 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399929 (一) 般 規(guī) 定 PAGEREF _Toc151399929 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399930 (二)觀測點布置與觀測頻次 PAGEREF _Toc151399930 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399931 (三)

8、觀測精度 PAGEREF _Toc151399931 h 21 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399932 (四)沉降觀測頻度 PAGEREF _Toc151399932 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399933 (五)評估方法和判定標準 PAGEREF _Toc151399933 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399934 八、組織與管理 PAGEREF _Toc151399934 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399935 (一) 主要工作內容 PAGEREF _Toc151399935 h 22 HYPERLINK l _T

9、oc151399936 (二)工作分工與職責 PAGEREF _Toc151399936 h 22 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399937 (三)工作程序 PAGEREF _Toc151399937 h 24 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399938 (四)工作要求 PAGEREF _Toc151399938 h 26 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399939 附件一:沉降觀測記錄手簿格式 PAGEREF _Toc151399939 h 27 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399940 附件二:沉降觀測表格式 PAGEREF _Toc151399940

10、h 31 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399941 附件三:組合式沉降板路基沉降觀測方法 PAGEREF _Toc151399941 h 46 HYPERLINK l _Toc151399942 附件四:路基沉降常用預測方法 PAGEREF _Toc151399942 h 53鄭西鐵路客運專線基礎工程沉降觀測指導方案Zheng-Xi PDLFoundation Engineering Settlement Observation DirectingScheme總 則General 為指導鄭西鐵路客運專線做好施工期間的沉降觀測,通過對路基、橋梁及隧道工程的沉降觀測資料進行分析,預測工后

11、沉降,提出加速路基沉降的措施,確定無碴軌道的鋪設時間,評估路基工后沉降控制效果,確保無碴軌道結構的安全,制定本指導方案。In order to direct Zheng-Xi PDL to do well settlement observation during construction, establish this directing scheme by analyzingsettlement observation data of subgrades, bridges, and tunnels, forecasting settlement after construction, ra

12、ising accelerating subgradesettlementmeasurement, confirming the time of paving slabtrack, evaluating the controlling effect of subgrade settlement after construction, making sure safety of slabtrack structure.無碴軌道鋪設條件評估的重點應是線下工程的變形,評估應綜合考慮沿線路方向各種結構物間的變形關系,以標段為單位實施。設計單位按照本指導方案,以標段為單位制定沉降觀測實施設計方案。Eva

13、luation keypoints of slabtrack paving conditions should be deformationof underline construction.Evaluation should syntheticallyconsiderdeformationrelation amongdifferent structures along alienment, implementby section. Contractorsshould establishsettlement observation implement design scheme by sect

14、ion according to this scheme. 基礎工程的沉降觀測數(shù)據(jù)必須采用先進、成熟、科學的檢測手段取得,且必須真實可靠,全面反映工程實際狀況。Settlement observation data of foundation engineering should be gotten by advanced, matured, scientific checking methods. The data which fully reflects the actual engineeringmust be true.本規(guī)定適用于施工期及正式驗收通過前的沉降觀測評估工作。This r

15、egulation appliesto settlement observation evaluation during construction and before acceptance.主要依據(jù)的標準及規(guī)范The main references:客運專線無碴軌道鋪設條件評估技術指南;EvaluationTechniqueGuide for PavingConditions of PDL Slabtrack客運專線無碴軌道鐵路工程測量技術暫行規(guī)定;ProvisionalRegulationforPDL Slabtrack Railway EngineeringMeasure Techniq

16、ue國家一、二等水準測量規(guī)范(GB1287991)National First and Second Level MeasureRegulations (GB1287991)工程測量規(guī)范(GB002693)EngineeringMeasureRegulations(GB002693)全球定位系統(tǒng)(GPS)鐵路測量規(guī)程GPS Railway MeasureRegulations(TB1005497)沉降變形監(jiān)測網(wǎng)建立及測量技術要求沉降監(jiān)測網(wǎng)的建立、精度要求等應符合客運專線無碴軌道鐵路工程測量技術暫行規(guī)定的要求;The establishmentand precision requirement

17、of settlement monitoring net shouldaccord with ProvisionalRegulation forPDL Slabtrack Railway EngineeringMeasure Technique沉降監(jiān)測網(wǎng)應在施工高程控制網(wǎng)的基礎上進行加密建立,按二等水準測量的精度和測量方法要求進行施測。Settlement monitoring net should be encrypted based on the construction height control net, and should implement measure according

18、to measure precision and measure methods of second level.高程基準網(wǎng)點間距不宜大于200m,以便于對沿線橋梁和路基等建筑物或構筑物進行沉降觀測。The space between height datum net points should be within 200m in order to observesettlementof bridges, subgrades and other buildings along the line.變形測量點分為基準點、工作基點和變形觀測點。其布設應符合下列要求:Deformationmeasur

19、e points are classified into datum marks, work basic points and deformationobservation points. The layout of them should accord with the following requirements:每個獨立的監(jiān)測網(wǎng)應設置不少于3個穩(wěn)固可靠的基準點,且基準點的間距不大于1公里?;鶞庶c應選設在變形影響范圍以外便于長期保存的穩(wěn)定位置。使用時應作穩(wěn)定性檢查與檢驗,并應以穩(wěn)定或相對穩(wěn)定的點作為測定變形的參考點。Each independent observation net shou

20、ld set no less than 3 steadydatum marks, and the space between datum marks should be within 1km. The datum marksshould be set out of deformationscope, which is easy to long term keep.When using, should checkthe stability, and make the stable or comparatively stable points as the referent points for

21、measuringdeformation.工作基點應選在比較穩(wěn)定的位置。對觀測條件較好或觀測項目較少的工程,可不設立工作基點,在基準點上直接測量變形觀測點;Work basic points should be set at a stable place. For the engineering which has better observation conditions and less observation projects can directly measuredeformation observation points at datum marks, without settin

22、g work basic points.(3) 變形觀測點應設立在變形體上能反映變形特征的位置。Deformationobservation points should be set at a place which can reflect deformation characters.每次觀測前,對所使用的儀器和設備,應進行檢驗校正,并保留檢驗記錄.Before observation, check and revise the instrument and facility,and savethe checking record.在沉降觀測基準網(wǎng)建立后,應對水準基點做好保護工作,發(fā)現(xiàn)丟樁或

23、樁位有移動現(xiàn)象,應盡快恢復和補測樁點。另外,應定期對沉降觀測基準網(wǎng)進行復測,提出復測成果,復測周期不大于6個月。After establishingsettlement observation norm net, should protect well level basic points.If find pier missing or moved, should recoverand measure it as soon as possible. Whats more, should regularly remeasure settlement observation norm net an

24、d raise remeasuringresults.The remeasuring period should be no more than 6 months.應使用精度不低于DSZ1的自動安平水準儀或DS1的氣泡式水準儀,水準標尺應采用與之配套的帶有兩排分劃的線條式銦瓦合金標尺,水準儀和水準標尺各項技術指標應符合國家一、二等水準測量規(guī)范(GB1287991)有關規(guī)定,在沉降觀測前和沉降觀測過程中的規(guī)定時間段應對儀器和標尺進行檢定。Should use the automatic level, precision of which is no less than DSZ1, or use

25、the bubble level DS1. The level rod shouldusetwo rows indium alloy staff gauge.Every technical criteria of water level and level rod should accord with National First and Second Level Measure Regulations(GB1287991), facilities and rods should be checked before settlement observation and at the speci

26、fiedslotofsettlement observation.沉降觀測置鏡點、觀測路線、觀測人員、觀測設備一般應固定,在成像清晰穩(wěn)定的條件下進行觀測,不得在日出后及日出前約半小時及其他不宜觀測的天氣情況下作業(yè);作業(yè)中應經(jīng)常對水準儀及水準尺的水準器和i角進行檢查;在同一測站觀測時,不得兩次調焦,以確保觀測成果的質量。Mirror place of settlement observation,observation routes, observers, observation facilities should be fixed. Observe under the clear and st

27、able imaging condition, dont after sunrise,half an hour before sunrise, and other weather which isnt good for observation; should frequently examinelevel tube and i angle of level instrument and level rod; in order to make sure the quality of observation results dont focus two times at the same obse

28、rvation station.每一項目的工程變形測量任務完成以后要及時進行測量成果整理, 應提交下列綜合成果資料:After finishing engineering deformationmeasure of each project,clear up the results in time, and hand in the following data of integrated results:(1)施測方案與技術設計書; measure scheme and technique design(2)控制點與觀測點平面布置圖;layout plan of reference point

29、s and observation points(3)標石、標志規(guī)格及埋設圖;markstone, mark standard, andembedded drawing(4)儀器檢驗與校正資料;check facilities and revise data (5)觀測記錄手簿;observationrecord notebook(6)平差計算及測量成果表;balance calculation and measure results list(7)變形過程和變形分布圖表;deformationprocess and layout plan(8)變形分析成果資料;dataof deformat

30、ionanalysis results (9)變形測量技術報告。deformationmeasurement technique report路基subgrade(一)一般規(guī)定general regulation觀測的目的是通過沉降觀測,利用沉降觀測資料分析、預測工后沉降,提出加速路基沉降的措施,確定無碴軌道的鋪設時間,評估路基工后沉降控制效果,確保無碴軌道結構的安全。The purpose of the observation is after settlement observed, used the settlement observation data to analyze and f

31、orecast the after work settlement, put forward the measure, which increase the subgrade settlement, ensure the slab track installed time, estimate the subgrade after work settlement control effect and ensure the slab track structure safety. 路基上無碴軌道鋪設前,應對路基變形作系統(tǒng)的評估,確認路基的工后沉降和變形滿足無碴軌道鋪設要求。Before insta

32、ll the slab track, it shall systemic assess the subgrade deformation to affirm the subgrade after work settlement and deformation can satisfy the slab track installation requirement. 路基填筑完成或施加預壓荷載后應有不少于6個月的觀測和調整期。觀測數(shù)據(jù)不足以評估或工后沉降評估不能滿足設計要求時,應延長觀測或采取必要的加速或控制沉降的措施。After finished filling or preloading, i

33、t shall have more than 6 months observation and adjustment period. When the observed data is not sufficient to assess the settlement or the after work settlement can not satisfy the design requirement, it shall be extended the observation time or adopted the necessary measure to increase or control

34、the settlement. 觀測期內,路基沉降實測值超過設計值20及以上時,應及時查明原因,必要時進行地質復查,并根據(jù)實測結果調整計算參數(shù),對設計預測沉降進行修正或采取沉降控制措施。In the observation period, when the actual measured settlement exceed more than 20% of the design value, it shall clarify the reason, when necessary it shall recheck the geology, and according to the actual

35、measured result to adjust the calculation parameter, modify or adopt the settlement control measure for the design forecast settlement. 評估時發(fā)現(xiàn)異?,F(xiàn)象或對原始記錄資料存在疑問,要進行必要的檢查。When assess, if it will appear the abnormal appearance or exist the doubt for the original recorder data, it shall be checked. (二)觀測的

36、內容the content of the observation路基沉降觀測應以路基面沉降和地基沉降觀測為主。The subgrade settlement observation shall mainly observe the subgrade surface settlement and foundation settlement路塹沉降觀測部位為基床表層的底面處。The cutting settlement observation part is the bottom surface of the bedding surface layer.路堤沉降是由路堤本體和地基組成,為了觀測到路

37、堤的沉降與時間的關系,及沉降主要產(chǎn)生的部位,一般路堤觀測的內容應為:基床底層頂面的路基總沉降和地基面處地基部分總沉降。The embankment settlement is caused by embankment and the foundation. To observe the relationship between the settlement and time of the embankment and the main part that caused the settlement, generally the embankment observation content is

38、: the subgrade total settlement of the bedding bottom layer surface and the foundation part total settlement of the foundation surface.對于地基條件復雜和填土高度大的路堤,還包括如下內容:路堤中部的沉降觀測;地基處理范圍的下限處地基深部的沉降觀測。For the embankment that the foundation condition is more complex and the filling is higher, it shall be also

39、contained the following content: the settlement observation in the middle part of the embankment; in the foundation treatment range the lower limit part, the settlement observation of the foundation depth.(三)觀測斷面和觀測點的布置set the observation cross section and observation point1、觀測斷面布置set the observatio

40、n cross section路基沉降觀測斷面的設置及觀測斷面的觀測內容應根據(jù)地形地質條件、地基處理方法、路堤高度、堆載預壓等具體情況,結合沉降預測方法和工期要求具體確定。The setup of subgrade settlement observation cross section and the observation content of the observation cross section shall follow the landform and geological condition, foundation treatment method, height of the

41、 embankment, preloading etc, and combine with the settlement forecasting method and the work time requirement to determine. 沉降觀測斷面的間距一般不應大于50 m。地形、地質條件變化較大地段應適當加密(以設計文件為準),應不大于25m布設一個斷面。Generally, the distance between the observation cross sections is no larger than 50m, if the foundation condition

42、is complex, the landform is changed a lot (the design document as a standard) it shall be increased, every 25m it shall be set one cross section.一個沉降觀測單元(連續(xù)路基沉降觀測區(qū)段為一單元)應不少于2個觀測斷面。In one settlement observation unit (continuous subgrade settlement observation section is one unit), it is no less than

43、2 observation cross sections.2、觀測點布置set the observation point沉降觀測可在線路兩側地基、路肩和線路中心設置觀測樁;在地基和基床底層的頂面設置剖面沉降管,或在線路中心設置沉降板。The settlement observation can be set on the foundation, shoulder at the two sides of the line and in the center of the line it can be set the observation pile. On the surface of the

44、 foundation and the bedding bottom layer it shall be set the profile settlement pipe, or in the center of the line shall be set the settlement board. 對于路堤觀測斷面,在線路中心線布設一組沉降板,路肩兩側布設變形觀測樁。對地形橫向坡度大或地層橫向厚度變化的路基工點應布設不少于1個橫向觀測斷面,每個斷面3組觀測點。It shall be set one group settlement board on the alignment center l

45、ine for the embankment observation cross section, on the two sides of the shoulder it shall be set the deformation observation pile. For the subgrade work area that the landform cross direction gradient is larger or the stratum cross direction thickness changed, it shall be set more than 1 cross obs

46、ervation section, every cross section shall contain 3 group observation points. 有預壓土路塹地段,每個路塹斷面在線路中心設沉降板一組,兩側路肩各設觀測樁1個。無預壓土路塹地段,每個路塹斷面在兩側路肩各設觀測樁1個。For the cutting section that have the preloading, every cutting cross section shall be set one group combined type settlement boardin the center of the a

47、lignment, on the two sides of the shoulder it shall be set one observation pile separately.for the cutting sections that no preloading, every cutting cross section shall be set one observation pile separately on the two sides of the shoulder.組合式沉降板對于減少路基填筑的施工干擾有優(yōu)勢,可以在鄭西客運專線試驗使用。實施前應制定操作細則、做好培訓。組合式沉降

48、板路基沉降觀測方法見附件一。The combination form settlement board has the advantage to reduce the subgrade filling construction influence, it can be tested used for Zheng-Xi PDL. Before performed, it shall set the operation detailed principles, and prepare the training. The combination form settlement board subgr

49、ade settlement observation method sees the attachment 1. 圖1 路堤沉降觀測斷面觀測標志布置示意圖Drawing 1 the drawing of embankment settlement observation cross section embedded the mark圖2 路塹沉降觀測斷面觀測標志布置示意圖Drawing 2 the drawing for cutting settlement observation cross section set the mark沉降觀測的頻度the frequency of the se

50、ttlement observation沉降觀測分為四階段進行,每個階段的沉降觀測的頻次應根據(jù)沉降的發(fā)生與發(fā)展規(guī)律及沉降大小確定,一般應按照如下觀測頻度進行。The settlement observation shall be divided into four stages, the settlement observation frequency of every stage shall be followed the settlement developed regulation and the settlement dimensions to ensure, generally it

51、 shall be done follow the following observation frequency.第一階段:路基填筑施工期間的觀測,主要觀測路基填土施工期間地基與堤身的沉降變形以及路堤坡腳邊樁位移與沉降。本階段沉降觀測應與施工配合,每填筑一層應觀測一次;同時應保證不超過3天觀測1次。First stage: the observation during the subgrade filling construction, mainly observed the foundation and embankment settlement deformation and the r

52、eplacement and settlement of the side pile on the toe of the embankment slope during the subgrade filling construction period. For this stage, the settlement observation shall be cooperated with the construction, when filled one layer it shall be observed once, at the same time, it shall be observed

53、 once in 3d.第二階段:路基填筑施工完成且預壓土方施加后,自然沉落期的沉降觀測,該階段應對路基基床底層頂面的沉降及路基基底沉降進行系統(tǒng)的觀測,直到工后沉降評估可滿足鋪設無碴軌道的要求為止。本階段的沉降觀測頻度為:第115天每3天一次,第1690天每7天一次,第90180天每15天一次。Second stage: after finished subgrade filling construction and preloading, the settlement observation for the natural settlement period, for this stage

54、it shall be observed the surface settlement of the subgrade the top of bedding bottom layer and the subgrade foundation bottom settlement until the after work settlement evaluation can satisfy installed the slab track requirement. The settlement observation frequency is: for the first 1-15d, every 3

55、d once, the 16th -90d, every 7d once, the 90th -180d every 15d once.第三階段:預壓土方卸載、鋪設基床表層(級配碎石層)、無碴軌道鋪設期間及正式運營前的觀測。本階段的沉降觀測頻度為:前15天每3天一次,第15天后每7天一次。Third stage: the observation for unload the preloading, pave the bedding surface layer (gradated crushed stone layer), install the slab track period and be

56、fore officially operation. The settlement observation frequency is: for the first 15d every 3d once, for the last 15d every 7d once.第四階段:試運營期間的觀測(對于需進行運營期進行沉降觀測的路基)。本階段的沉降觀測主要進行路基面觀測樁的觀測,一般每月1次,必要時進行路基本體沉降及地基土沉降的觀測。Forth stage: the observation for the test operation period (for the subgrade that nee

57、d to be observed the settlement during the operation period). The settlement observation mainly observed the subgrade surface observation pile, generally every month once, if it is necessary it shall be observed subgrade settlement and the foundation soil settlement.實際工作進行時,觀測時間的間隔還要看地基的沉降值和沉降速率,兩次連

58、續(xù)觀測的沉降差值大于4mm時應加密觀測頻次。當出現(xiàn)沉降突變、地下水變化及降雨等外部環(huán)境變化時應增加觀測頻次。When do the actual work, the observed time and interval need to concern about the settlement value and settlement speed, when the settlement different value of twice continuously observation is more than 4mm, it shall be increased the observation

59、 frequency. When the outside environment changed e.g. the settlement suddenly changed a lot, the ground water changed and the rainfall etc. it shall increase the observation frequency. 觀測精度要求 the requirement of the observation accuracy沉降水準的測量精度為1 mm,讀數(shù)取位至0.1 mm;剖面沉降的測量精度為8 mm/30 m。The survey accurac

60、y of the settlement water level is 1 mm, the reading accuracy is 0.1 mm, and the survey accuracy of the profile settlement is 8 mm/30 m.沉降觀測要求the settlement observation requirement為達到路基沉降觀測的目的,建立沉降與時間的關系,了解產(chǎn)生沉降的部位,沉降觀測應考慮如下要求。To achieve the subgrade settlement observation propose, it shall be create


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