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1、中考話題整合復(fù)習(xí)世界與環(huán)境world & environment中考話題整合復(fù)習(xí)世界與環(huán)境課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)第21個話題(73)國家與民族Countries and nationalities(74)環(huán)境保護(hù)Environmental protection(75)人口 Population21.世界與環(huán)境world & environment課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)第21個話題(73)國家與民族(74)環(huán)境保護(hù)(子話題整合世界與環(huán)境world & environment(共3課時)人口,國家與民族PopulationCountries and nationalities(1課時)環(huán)境保護(hù)Environmental pr

2、otection(2課時)子話題整合世界與環(huán)境人口,國家與民族環(huán)境保護(hù)環(huán)境保護(hù)Environmental protection(第1課時)中考話題整合復(fù)習(xí)環(huán)境保護(hù)中考話題整合復(fù)習(xí)仁愛教材與話題相關(guān)的單元仁愛教材與話題相關(guān)的單元(Kangkang and his parents have just come back from the picnic to the West Hill, but he doesnt feel very happy.) Wang Junfeng: Kangkang , why do you look so sad?Kangkag: I went to the West

3、 Hill for a picnic with my parents last Sunday. However, the flowers and grass there have gone. And the water is dirty and smells terrible.Wang Junfeng: What has happened there?Kangkang: There are several chemical factories polluting the environment. Everything has changed.Wang Junfeng: Thats too ba

4、d. I think we should write to the newspaper about the environmental problems.Kangkang: I think so. Lets do it together.(Kangkang and his parents have1. 詞匯積累2. . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫作1. 詞匯積累2. . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題Task 1 Before writing the letter wordsPollutionair pollutionlight pollutionnoise pollutionw

5、ater pollutionsoil pollutionlitterTask 1 Before writing the lettTask 1 Before writing the letter wordsOther environmental problems wasteprinting factoryloud musicsandstormdeserttraffic pollutionTask 1 Before writing the letTask 1 Before writing the letter wordsEffects of pollution to healthunhealthy

6、 fooddeafhigh blood pressuresore eyesTask 1 Before writing the lettTask 1 Before writing the letter wordsEffects of pollution to environmentgreenhouse effectthe ozone layerdead riverssoil and water lossTask 1 Before writing the lett1. 詞匯積累2. . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫作1. 詞匯積累2. . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題1.There

7、are several chemical factories _ waste water into the stream. 2._, the chemical factory makes too much waste water.3.Noise is _to humans health. 4. It is difficult for me to _ because Ive got a pain in my throat .5.Luckily, the government is doing _to protect the environment. 6.We should do everythi

8、ng we can _the environment. 7. None of us _ pollution. 8. In big cities, cars and buses have _ the air. 9. Although nearly of the earth is covered with water, we _drinking water10. Dont spit _ in public. something useful, harm, whats worse, be short of, somewhere, pour, breath, protect, pollute, lik

9、epouring Whats worseharmful breatheto protect something useful likes are short ofpollutedanywhereTask 2 Before writing the letter expressions1.There are several chemical f(1)_ of us knows how to stop the bad behaviour.(2) I knocked on the door but _ answered.(3) Some of these books are better than_.

10、(4) She was driving the car with one hand and wiping the window with the _.(5) They are beautiful but I am looking for _ useful.(6) Is there _ you can do to help her?(7) Therere 5 000 people living here and almost _ has his/her own car.(8) Hes cleverer than _ I know.(9) Ive looked _ but I cant find

11、it.Fill in the blanks using something, anything, others, nobody, everyone, anybody, everywhere, none, other.None nobodyothersothersomethinganythingeveryoneanybodyeverywhereTask 2 Before writing the letter expressions(1)_ of us knows how to In the past, man did not have to think about the protection

12、of his environment. There were not many people on earth, and _/ntrl/ resources seemed to be unlimited. Today, things are different. The world has _ (become)too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too _(quick), and at the same time we are polluting our environment with _(danger) chemicals.

13、 _we continue like this, human life on earth will not survive. Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be_ /nn/ left. Yet, with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are _(catch). We know that if too many trees are cut_ , forests will disappear and

14、nothing will grow on the land. We realize that if rivers are polluted with _ /weist/products from factories, we will die. In the fields, farmers use too many chemicals _ destroy the soil. In fact, soil pollution causes unhealthy food. What can we do to solve these problems?becomequicklydangerousIfno

15、necaughtdownwastenaturalwhichTask 2 Before writing the letter expressions In the past, man did 1. 你看到以前漂亮的花草都消失了,你感到很遺憾,可以這樣表達(dá):_2. 你想告訴朋友這里的村民們把樹林給毀,可以這樣說:_3. 你想表達(dá)你無法忍受這兒的環(huán)境,你可以這樣說: _4. 你的同桌告訴你因沙塵暴他的眼睛受傷很嚴(yán)重時,你可以這樣應(yīng)答:_5. 你想告訴大家不是所有的人都知道噪音也是一種污染,可以這樣說:_What a shame/pity!The villagers have destroyed th

16、e forest. I cant bear the environment here.Im sorry to hear that.Not all people know noise is a kind of pollution.Task 2 Before writing the letter expressions1. 你看到以前漂亮的花草都消失了,你感到很遺憾,可以這樣表producemake, deafo.harmful, eyes unhealthy food1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _The factory produces air pollution.Noise poll

17、ution can make people deaf.People put a lot of little into the land.Light pollution is harmful to eyes.Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.Task 2 Before writing the letter expressionsproducemake, o.1. 詞匯積累2 . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫作1. 詞匯積累2 . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫2018年福建省中考(閱讀理解E)We should not use more wa

18、ter than we actually need. If we do, we will not have enough water in the future. 1 It is not a difficult question to answer. If we remove more fresh water than nature replaces, we have taken too much.Many cities run campaigns (運(yùn)動) to get people to stop wasting water. They show them ways they can cu

19、t back on water use. 2 Whats more, they carry out programs that offer money to reduce water use. For example, they give people shower heads and toilets that use less water. 3 Another threat (威脅) to our water supply is pollution. When our sources of fresh water get polluted, we can no longer use this

20、 water. This also endangers (危及) the animals that depend on the water. 4 We can save lots of water by not letting taps (水龍頭) run while we brush our teeth or by turning off taps right after washing hands. By collecting cold water when were taking warm showers, we can also save water. 5. In this way,

21、we can make full use of water.A. However, just how much is too much?B. There are several things we can do to save water.C. Finally, they make laws to control the use of water.D. We dont have to let the cold water run until it gets warm.E. They also increase water bills for people who use too much.AE

22、CBDWhatHowHowTask 3 Before writing the letter collecting information2018年福建省中考(閱讀理解E)A. However, j 2017年福建省中考(完形填空) Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar (沙洲) of the Brahmaputra River and has36it into a forest. One day in 1979

23、,16-year-old Payeng was walking37the bank of the Brahmaputra River. He saw many snakes on the sandbars.These snakes died in a few days time38the heat and the absence of trees. Payeng felt very39when he saw this. He decided to plant some trees. Single-handedly, he started planting bamboo trees, as on

24、ly bamboo trees could survive(存活)in the sandbars. To water the trees was a difficult40for one man.With his hard work and great effort, day by day the 41bamboo trees grew into a forest.His tree planting has changed the soil(土壤). Now the sandbar is a thick forest and42to thousands of plants and animal

25、s. A large group of around 100 elephants visit the forest every year and43there for a few months. Payeng is now in 44fifties. He has planted close to 1,400 acres(英畝)of forests and is45as the Forest Man of India.In 2015, he was honored with Padma Shri, one of the top awards in India. 36.A. divided B.

26、 putC. turned 37.A. alongB. through C. across38.A. according to B. because ofC. as for 39.A. lonelyB. sad C. tired40.A. task B. journeyC. condition 41.A. wildB. tall C. young42.A. way B. guideC. home 43.A. stayB. lie C. sit44.A. her B. hisC. its 45.A. invitedB. served C. knownpersonplacethingprocess

27、achievementTask 3 Before writing the letter collecting information 2017年福建省中考(完形填空)36.A. div1. 詞匯積累2 . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫作1. 詞匯積累2 . 詞匯運(yùn)用 3. 話題閱讀4. 話題寫書面表達(dá)解題策略指導(dǎo)審 列 連 美篇章結(jié)構(gòu):步驟:鳳頭 豬肚 豹尾書面表達(dá)解題策略指導(dǎo)審 列 連 美篇章結(jié)構(gòu):步驟Task 4 While writing the letter 假定你是王俊峰, 上星期天你和父母親去西山野炊。根據(jù)你的所見所聞所想,寫一封信給當(dāng)?shù)貓笊绶磻?yīng)西山村污染情況。行文連貫,信的開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。詞數(shù)80左右。Dear editor, Im writing to tell you something important to tell you. _ Looking forward to


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