



1、四川省成都市青城山鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)高二英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already.A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed 參考答案:B2. - This is such an interesting book _ everyone likes to read .-Yes , but there are few such books _ in the bookstore now .A. that ;present B. as ;convenient C. as

2、 , available D. that ; available 參考答案:C3. Although Whitney Houston died of an accidental drowning on February, 11, adequate evidence showed that cocaine was a factor that to her death. A. distributed B. substituted C. contributed D. supplemented參考答案:C略4. I hope I will not be called on in class as Im

3、 not yet_prepared.A.attentively B.readily C.actively D.adequately參考答案:D5. - My leg hurts a lot-Youd better go to the doctor and have it _.A. examined B. being examinedC. to be examined D. examining參考答案:A6. She is accustomed to _like that.Abe spoken B being spoken toCspeak D being spoken參考答案:B7. He w

4、as so sad hearing the bad news that he couldnt _his tears. A. hold on B. hold up C. hold back D. hold out參考答案:C8. As we know, nothing can be equal to the _ of parents for their children in the world.A. appreciation B. intention C. invitation D. affection 參考答案:D9. Lucy _ time to go to the library sin

5、ce she got her new job.A. didnt have B. hasnt had C. doesnt have D. hadnt had參考答案:B10. May I ask a question after class,Sir?_,but not during my lunch break()AIm sorryBAnytimeCCertainlyDGo ahead參考答案:C考查語(yǔ)言交際Im sorry對(duì)不起,抱歉;anytime任何時(shí)間;certainly當(dāng)然,確定;go ahead去吧,做吧A選項(xiàng):對(duì)不起,但是不能在我的午餐時(shí)間B選項(xiàng):任何時(shí)候,但不能在我的午餐時(shí)間C選

6、項(xiàng):當(dāng)然,但不能再我午餐的時(shí)間D選項(xiàng):?jiǎn)柊?,但不能在我的午餐時(shí)間根據(jù)句意,選C11. Im sorry I didnt hear you clearly. _ you repeat that, please? A. Could B. May C. Must D. Need 參考答案:A略11. The bird was lucky that it just missed _ .A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch參考答案:B略13. Onlywhen_thepainting_decidewhetherthepaintin

7、gisworthbuying.A. hesees;hecan Bdoeshesee;canheChesees;canhe Dseeshe;hecan參考答案:C25. The production and use of goods may _ outcomes like pollution or social costs.A. come about B. come from C. result in D. result from 參考答案:C略15. It is so nice to hear from her again. _, we last met more than fifteen y

8、ears ago.A. Whats more B. Thats to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not參考答案:D16. -Students should devote most of their time to studying rather than playing computer games. -_.No pains, no gains.A. Extremely B. Actually C. Obviously D. Exactly 參考答案:D17. We found the exercise difficult without t

9、he help of the teacher.A. to be done B. of doing C. to do it D. to do參考答案:D18. You _these parcels yourselfThe shop would have delivered them if you had asked them. A. neednt have carried B. mustnt have carried C. should have carried D. could have carried參考答案:A略19. As is often the case, a man who can

10、 dream will try hard to _ any difficulties and live his dream.A. overworkB. outcomeC. overcomeD. output參考答案:C【詳解】考查動(dòng)詞詞義辨析。句意:通常是這樣的,有夢(mèng)想的人才能努力克服困難實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的夢(mèng)想。A. overwork過(guò)度工作;B. outcome結(jié)果;C. overcome客服;D. output產(chǎn)出,輸出。根據(jù)后文live his dream可知,客服困難,故選C。二、 書(shū)面表達(dá)20. The hares once gathered together and complained

11、about the dangers on all their sides. Lacking the strength and the courage to fight against their enemies, such as man and wolves, they were determined to end their miserable lives. Desperately, they rushed towards a neighboring pool, intending to drown themselves.On the bank were sitting a number o

12、f frogs, who, when they heard the noise of the hares as they ran, jumped into the water together quickly and hid themselves in the depths.Then one of the older hares who was wiser than the rest cried out to his companions, “Stop, my friends, take heart; dont let us destroy ourselves after all: see,

13、here are creatures who are afraid of us, and who must, therefore, be still more timid (膽小的) than us.”【寫(xiě)作內(nèi)容】 1. 用約30個(gè)詞概括上文的主要內(nèi)容; 2. 用約120詞就“如何面對(duì)困難”這一主題發(fā)表你的觀點(diǎn),內(nèi)容包括: (1)以自己的一次面對(duì)困難的經(jīng)歷談?wù)勀銓?duì)困難的認(rèn)識(shí); (2)我們應(yīng)該如何對(duì)待困難?!緦?xiě)作要求】 1. 作文中可以使用親身經(jīng)歷或虛構(gòu)的故事,也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱。【評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】 內(nèi)容完整,語(yǔ)言規(guī)范,語(yǔ)篇連

14、貫,詞數(shù)適當(dāng)。參考答案:Lacking the courage to face difficulties or dangers aroundthem, a group of hares intend to end their lives, only to find they are stronger than some others like frogs.The story sets me thinking of my once experience, where I participated in an English speech contest. However, I had no fa

15、ith in myself and narrowly gave up. Eventually, encouraged by my teacher, I built up courage and should have won the first place. The experience made me aware that facing difficulties, we should try our best to solve them instead of escaping the reality.As senior school students, I think, we should

16、first have a correct attitude towards difficulties and admit they are there to help us grow. In addition, we are supposed to believe in ourselves and have confidence to overcome them. Lastly, we can turn to teachers, parents or friends for advice, which in turn will help us a lot.21. 寫(xiě)作(共10分)隨著生活水平的

17、不斷提高與醫(yī)療技術(shù)的不斷進(jìn)步,中國(guó)人口老齡化問(wèn)題日益凸顯。根據(jù)下表提示,請(qǐng)以“How to solve the problem of supporting the aged”為題,談?wù)勛约簩?duì)解決人口老齡化問(wèn)題的看法。1. 家人:照顧老人,多看望老人,理解老人;2. 社區(qū):組織有利于老人身心健康的活動(dòng);3. 政府:建立完善的養(yǎng)老體系,投資興建敬老院。注意:1. 字?jǐn)?shù)為100字左右;2. 參考詞匯:體系 system 敬老院 old folks home_參考答案:How to solve the problem of supporting the aged?As a result of the

18、improvement in living standard and medical care, China is becoming an aging society.To solve the problem, in my opinion, all the people should do their duties. Families should care for aging relations. They should spare time to see the aged. If possible, it is better so spend more time staying with

19、them. The community should organize more activities, designed to the improvement in their physical and psychological health. The government should build a perfect system. More old folks homes should be built, where the aged can enjoy their life.Luckily, more attention has been paid to the problem. G

20、etting old wont be such a depressing thing after all.三、 閱讀理解22. When I graduated from college I dreamed of being a television news reporter. Having no experience, I had to work in a small town until I finally got my big break in the from of a job in Boston. I made it.Soon, reality set in. I was too

21、often sent to run after accused criminals out of courts, waiting outside of crime scene tape or at the doorstep of a family still crying for tragedy(悲劇). My breaking point came the day I accidentally informed a young woman that her mother died. It was the worst day of my professional life and the da

22、y I decided I no longer wanted to shine a light on these stories. My career was ebbing, and at the same time my personal life was too-I divorced.My mom had always told me “When youre feeling extremely upset, go help someone else.” So I started seeking out stories of people who had been in the news u

23、nder tragic circumstances but were doing something inspiring with their lives: a young girl who was paralyzed(癱瘓的) by an accident but was uplifting her classmates with her positive spirit, a blind and autistic(自閉的) musician who learned to play 27 instruments, a disabled soldier who opened his own ar

24、t studio. I started to tell and promote stories like them.Over the last 10 years I have discovered my kindness gift: my ability to see the beautiful side of a person and reflect it back to them and the world. In telling stories of people turning their own hurt into acts of helping others I have beco

25、me more sympathetic, more grateful and kinder. I have learned kindness is who we are, that our power for it is limitless and that, as we shine a light on it, it grows.8. What changed the authors working direction in his job in Boston?A. The tragedy in the society B. The low payment of the jobC. The

26、hurt from his divorce D. The fear of cruel criminals9. What is the meaning of the underlined word “ebbing” in Paragraph 2?A. Taking off B. Getting into troubleC. Unchangeable at all D. Dull but important10. What the authors mother said means .A. helping others is a way to escape from realityB. helpi

27、ng others can comfort your soulC. the best way of helping others is telling storiesD. it is difficult to make contributions to helping others11. According to the last paragraph, what does the author advise us to do?A. To tell inspiring stories B. To fight against criminalsC. To ignore our own hurt D

28、. To do as much kindness as possible參考答案:8. A 9. B 10. B 11. D作者由于工作原因看到了生活中太多的不幸,由一開(kāi)始的同情、不安變?yōu)榘l(fā)現(xiàn)不幸人們的積極方面去報(bào)道,盡可能多的去幫助他們,積極地傳播友善。8. A推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段waiting outside of crime scene tape or at the doorstep of a family still crying for tragedy(悲劇).和My breaking point came the day I accidentally informed a you

29、ng woman that her mother died. It was the worst day of my professional life and the day I decided I no longer wanted to shine a light on these stories.可知作者在職業(yè)生涯中見(jiàn)了太多的生活中的悲劇,加上自己生活的不幸,這些因素導(dǎo)致作者改變了工作方向,故選A.9. B猜測(cè)詞義題。句意:我的事業(yè)開(kāi)始走下坡路,同時(shí)我的個(gè)人生活也出現(xiàn)問(wèn)題我離婚了。句中“ebbing”指沉陷,遇到困難,與Getting into trouble同義,故選B.10. B推理判

30、斷題。文中My mom had always told me “When youre feeling extremely upset, go help someone else.”指母親告訴我,當(dāng)心情極度沮喪時(shí)去幫助別人,這樣心靈能夠得到安慰。故選B.11. D推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段In telling stories of people turning their own hurt into acts of helping others I have become more sympathetic, more grateful and kinder.可知作者從幫助別人中自己變得更有同情心更感恩和友善。根據(jù)I have learned kindness is who we are, that our power for it


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