



1、天津第七十二藝術(shù)高級(jí)中學(xué)高二英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. -What did David demand in the meeting just now?- _ an opportunity to join the Debating Club.A. Being offerredB. To be offerredC. Be offerredD. Having been offerred參考答案:B【詳解】考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。句意:大衛(wèi)剛才在會(huì)上要求什么?給他一個(gè)加入辯論俱樂(lè)部的機(jī)會(huì)。答語(yǔ)是省略句,完全句是(David demanded to be offerred an opportuni

2、ty to join the Debating Club.)主語(yǔ)David是offer的動(dòng)作承受者,所以用不定式的被動(dòng)式,故B項(xiàng)正確。2. stomach A.machine B.cheek C.aching D.channel參考答案:C3. While _ thin, this kind of paper _ easily.A. looked; doesnt tornB. looking; isnt tornC. looked; isnt tornD. looking; doesnt tear參考答案:D【詳解】考查非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞和主動(dòng)表被動(dòng)。句意:雖然這種紙看起來(lái)很薄,但不容易撕破。系動(dòng)詞l

3、ook無(wú)被動(dòng),用現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語(yǔ),所以只能在B和D中選擇;此處的tear 為不及物動(dòng)詞,與副詞連用表示主語(yǔ)的某種屬性,用主動(dòng)表示被動(dòng)含義,故D項(xiàng)正確。【點(diǎn)睛】注意常見(jiàn)的兩種主動(dòng)表被動(dòng)的情況是:一些連系動(dòng)詞(look,sound,smell,feel, prove)等詞要用主動(dòng)表被動(dòng)。如:My advice proved to be wrong.我的建議被證明是錯(cuò)誤的。動(dòng)詞sell,write,read, open,wash,wear,cook,run與副詞連用,說(shuō)明主與內(nèi)在的性能或特點(diǎn)。如:This kind of book sells well.4. He had a lot of frien

4、ds, only a few of _ invited to his wedding.A. whom B. them C. which D. who參考答案:B略5. -Can you lend me the book Gone with the wind? -Sorry . I returned it to the library. Maybe it is still _.A. affordable B. acceptable C. avoidable D. available參考答案:B略6. Officials believe that more than one person _ fo

5、r the big fire.A. is to be blamed B. should blame C. should be blaming D. is to blame 參考答案:D7. The Greens hurried to the railway station yesterday, only _ that the train _.A. to find; had left B. finding; had left C. found; left D. to find; leaving參考答案:A略8. _ at the top of the Oriental Tower, people

6、 below will look very small.A. To stand B. Standing C. If you stand D. Stand參考答案:C40. _ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring參考答案:B

7、略10. Ill never forget Paris for the first time.A. to visit B.visit C. visiting D. visited參考答案:C11. With trees and grass_ about 35 of the urban area,the city of Hefei has taken on a new look.Acovered Bbeing covered Cto be covered Dcovering參考答案:D12. - I have passed my driving test.- _!A. Cheers B. Goo

8、d luck C. Well done D. Congratulation參考答案:C13. When first_ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A. being introduced B. having introduced C. introduced D. introducing參考答案:C14. Moyans success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _has made him the first native write

9、r to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.A. that B. when C. which D. why參考答案:A15. The demand for cell phones is on the rise. _, the sales of fixed line phones are falling.A. Somewhat B. Anyhow C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise參考答案:C16. Various summer camps being available, we can choose _ based on our own in

10、terest. A. either B. each C. one D. it 參考答案:C17. Tom hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period.A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve參考答案:A18. _Whites are spending their holiday in Hawaii, for they have _great love for nature.A. / ; the B

11、. the ; a C. a ; the D. the ; /參考答案:B19. _ his carelessness sometimes, his English scores are not often very bad. A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case of D. Thanks to參考答案:B略二、 書(shū)面表達(dá)20. 假定你是高中生李華,對(duì)西方文化非常感興趣,想在假期去英國(guó)旅游。請(qǐng)給你的英國(guó)網(wǎng)友戴維發(fā)一封電子郵件。內(nèi)容:1旅游目的2旅游計(jì)劃3需要的幫助要求:1、邏輯清楚,行文流暢;2、詞數(shù)100字左右Dear David,How are y

12、ou? Hope everything goes well with you._Best wishes.Yours ,Li Hua參考答案:Dear David,How are you? Hope everything goes well with you.The summer vacation is around the corner. I am going to go to Great Britain, your country for a visit. I am very interested in the history and culture in your country. I w

13、ant to visit some places of interest and try to know more about it. I plan to visit London, Edinburgh,Manchester and some other places. I think I will stay in Great Britain for about ten days. But I am not sure where I should start from and what I need to take with me. Can you give me some suggestio

14、ns?Look forward to your early reply.Best regardsYours,Li Hua【分析】本文書(shū)面表達(dá)屬于應(yīng)用文,要求寫(xiě)一封電子郵件。【詳解】第1步:根據(jù)提示可知,本文是一篇電子郵件:假定你是高中生李華,對(duì)西方文化非常感興趣,想在假期去英國(guó)旅游。請(qǐng)給你的英國(guó)網(wǎng)友戴維發(fā)一封電子郵件。內(nèi)容包括:1旅游目的;2旅游計(jì)劃;3需要的幫助。第2步:根據(jù)寫(xiě)作要求確定關(guān)鍵詞,如:around the corner(即將來(lái)臨);very interested in the history and culture(對(duì)歷史和文化非常感興趣);give me some sugge

15、stions(給我一些建議)等。第3步:根據(jù)提示及關(guān)鍵詞(組)進(jìn)行遣詞造句,注意主謂一致和時(shí)態(tài)語(yǔ)態(tài)問(wèn)題。第4步:連句成文,注意使用恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B詞進(jìn)行句子之間的銜接與過(guò)渡,書(shū)寫(xiě)一定要規(guī)范清晰,保持整潔美觀的卷面是非常重要的?!军c(diǎn)睛】本文是一篇電子郵件,內(nèi)容完整,語(yǔ)言規(guī)范,語(yǔ)篇連貫,詞數(shù)適當(dāng)。另外全文中沒(méi)有中國(guó)式英語(yǔ)的句式,顯示了很高的駕馭英語(yǔ)的能力。同時(shí)文中使用高級(jí)句子。Hope everything goes well with you.句中使用賓語(yǔ)從句;But I am not sure where I should start from and what I need to take with

16、 me.句中使用where和what引導(dǎo)的賓語(yǔ)從句。21. 國(guó)際文化交流中心將組織一次由全國(guó)學(xué)生參加的“和平友誼”夏令營(yíng)活動(dòng),要求報(bào)名者提交英文個(gè)人簡(jiǎn)歷。假設(shè)你是王珊,請(qǐng)根據(jù)下列信息用英語(yǔ)介紹自己。姓名:王珊 性別:女 年齡:16歲 學(xué)校:北京陽(yáng)光中學(xué)其他:愛(ài)好音樂(lè),攝影;善于與人交流,樂(lè)于助人;熱愛(ài)自然,熱愛(ài)和平。參加夏令的目的:結(jié)交朋友,了解外國(guó)文化。參考詞匯:夏令營(yíng) the Summer Camp參考答案:My name is Wang Shan. Im a 16-year-old girl studying in Beijing Yangguang Middle School. Lis

17、tening to music and taking photos are my favorite things to do in my spare time. Im good at communicating with others and always ready to help other people. Furthermore, I love nature. Whenever Im free, Ill travel to beautiful natural attractions to experience natural wonders with my family. In addi

18、tion, I love peace, for I hope all nations in the world can live in a peaceful environment and lead a happy life.The purpose of my intending to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp is to make friends from foreign countries, and to have a chance to learn about foreign cultures. I hope I can do s

19、omething for world peace, and I am sure Ill be learning a lot from the Summer Camp.三、 閱讀理解22. I once did a year of voluntary service in a residential home for people with learning disabilities. It was set in an English village deep in the countryside, quite different from my home in Sweden. One of m

20、y fellow volunteers, a girl from Tanzania, seemed a little unhappy, so I asked what the problem was. She told me she had a friend back home who had financial difficulties and maybe it was impossible for her to complete her university courses. So this friend of mine had sent all her money to Tanzania

21、 to support her friend! This meant that she didnt have much food to eat and no money to go anywhere outside the village. I was so touched and I felt I had to do something. So, during my next trip to one of the nearby towns I walked into a shop. I didnt have much money left myself but I thought Id bu

22、y her an extra box of chocolate we both liked and some rice. I started talking to the woman(also a volunteer)working in the shop and eventually told her about my friend. The woman looked at me, amazed. “Does she eat pasta?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. She immediately started loading a bag with past

23、a, cookies, and other things until the bag was full. “Give her this for me. Its my treat! I couldnt believe it but accepted with happiness. As I left the shop to go home with my unexpected bag of food, I asked the woman her name. “Just Gloria,” she said.Imagine my friends face when I arranged the gi

24、fts on my kitchen table and fetched her from her room to see! I had never seen her so happy! A few weeks later she found Gloria in the shop and thanked her in person. These two extraordinary women really showed me what true kindness and compassion(同情)are, and the impression will stay with me for the rest of my life!51. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to . A. the shop B. the writers home C. the residential hom


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