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1、2023學年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項1考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請務必將自己的姓名、準考證號用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請認真核對監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準考證號與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應選項的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號等須加黑、加粗. 單項選擇1、_ Mr. Smith _ his wife was badly hurt i

2、n the traffic accident.Im sorry to hear that. We need to drive more carefully on foggy days.AEither; or BNeither; nor CNot only; but also DBoth; and2、 We are going to take the high-speed train to Xian tomorrow, so an early arrival at the station_ .AadvisesBis advisedCis advisingDwas advised3、Its tim

3、e to work now.OK. Ill wake Carl up. He for an hour.Afalls asleepBfell asleepChas been asleep4、 I dont mind giving you a detailed explanation of what happened that day. You _. Im not asking you for it.AneedntBcouldntCneedDcould5、-Mary failed the exam yesterday.- Give her a phone call. We should _.Ach

4、eer up her Bcheer up Ccheer her up Dcheered up6、I am very interested in this maths problem. Can you show me_?Awhat to work it outBwhat to work out itChow to work it outDhow to work out it7、Excuse me, madam. Would you please the total cost of the trip?一All right, I will make it at once.Agive outBlook

5、 outCtake outDwork out8、Could you help me _ what time the fight arrived yesterday?Alook outBfind outCtake outDlet out9、She can speak little English but she dares _ with foreigners.AtalkedBtalkingCto talk10、 do you go to the cinema? Once a week.AHow often BHow soon CHow long. 完形填空11、完形填空。通讀全文,掌握其大意,然

6、后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出一個最佳答案。School education is very important and useful 1 no one can learn everything from school . A 2 ,no matter how much he knows ,can not teach his students everything they want to know.Its 3 important for teachers to show their students how to learn than to make them 4 a certain

7、 fact or a formula(公式),so that they will learn much more outside school by 5 .Great scientists before us didnt get everything from school. Their teachers only showed them the_ .Edison didnt even finish primary school. But he was so 6 .He invented so many things_ human beings. The_to their success is

8、 that they knew how to learn, worked hard and wasted not a single moment all their lives. And above all. They knew how to 7 their brain(大腦).1ABut BSo CAnd2Ateacher Bheadmaster Clearner3Amuch Bmore Cvery4Ato learn Blearn Clearning5Athem Bthemselves Chimself6Aidea Brule Cway7Aimportant Bhelpful Csucce

9、ssful8Ato Bof Cfor9Afact Bresult Csecret10Amake Btest Cuse. 語法填空12、四、語法填空(共10小題;每小題1分,計10分)Middle school can be a difficult time. Some students may have to deal with exam pressure. Some may find it hard to get1with others. However, many students in a middle school in America 2(have) a wonderful day

10、because of some notes(便條)。 On March 6th, students of Grade 3(walk) into school as usual. Then everyone was 4(surprise) to find a note, reading “You are beautiful” on each of their lockers(儲物柜).Whatever was wrong with 5(they),they felt happy as soon as they read the notes. Most of the students and te

11、achers didnt know 6did the great thing. A teacher named Christina said,“Its a girl. She didnt allow me 7(tell) others her name. She spent over one hour and a half 8(write) the notes.” The headmaster explained,“9 my opinion, the name of the girl is not important. Each child should have a better day b

12、ecause someone is 10(care) about them.”. 閱讀理解A13、Tinas town offers two projects in summer. Both of them will be fun. Tina is athletic. She plays softball and soccer well. She likes to swim, too. Tina also likes to draw, and she wants to learn how to paint. She is reading about what activities the tw

13、o projects will offer.Art WeekCome to ART WEEK and meet some artists who have fun ideas. You will learn lots of different ways to create art. You can also work on a new project of your own. You can choose your own idea or one of ours. You will be amazed at what you can do.You will learn how to make

14、action figures from cans and bottlespictures from strawspuppets from paper bagsAnd more!On the last day of the week, there will be a big art show. All your friends and family can come.Camp Pine LakeCAMP PINE LAKE invites you to have fun in the sun!Spend four days with us. Our teachers will help you

15、safely enjoy new activities. Learn how to paddle a canoe (用漿劃獨木舟). Learn how to swim. Enjoy food in a whole new way. Explore the woods while listening to birds singing.CAMP PINE LAKE also offers campfiresriding horsessongbooksWe will end the project with a picnic. Invite your family to meet your new

16、 friends at CAMP PINE LAKE!根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。1When could Tina go to Art Week?AIn autumn.BIn spring.CIn summer.DIn winter.2Tina might choose Art Week because she likes to.AdrawBcookCcanoeDswim3People can do the following EXCEPTat Camp Pine Lake.Apaddle a canoeBlearn to swimCenjoy foodDset bir

17、ds free4People who go to Camp Pine Lake willin the end.Asing some songsBhave a picnicCget a nice puppetDplay fun games5Which of the following is NOT true?ASome artists with fun ideas will go to Art Week.BYou can have fun in the sun at Camp Pine Lake.CEveryone can visit the art show at Art Week.DYou

18、can spend seven days at Camp Pine LakeB14、As an old Chinese saying goes, food is what matters most to people. A Bite of China Season Two, all about the history and culture of eating and cooking in China, broadcast on CCTV-1 from April 18 to June 6. Food plays an important role in our daily life. It

19、is also one of the most important parts of Chinese culture. Besides the rich food culture in China, A Bite of China Season Two also wants to show the joys and sadnesses of ordinary Chinese in changing times through food.The documentary makes viewers long for home and the tastes of childhood. One Wei

20、bo user wrote, “A Bite of China Season Two makes me have so many words to say. It makes me think of my parents and grandmother. I remember my father taught me how to fish when I was a kid. I havent been home for a long time, so Ive decided to go back in a few days.”The documentary uses food as a win

21、dow to introduce China to the world. Viewers can see how Chinese people love life by loving food. The new season is not just an introduction to food. It also explores the relationship between Chinese people and their food. Anyone who wants to know more about Chinese food culture and Chinese society

22、should have a bite of the programme.1What type of TV programme is A Bite of China Season Two?AA cartoon.BA comedy.CA documentary.DA chat show2When did the programme begin on CCTV-1?AApril 6.BJune 6.CApril 18.DJuly 18.3Whats the main idea of the programme?AThe development of Chinese history.BThe hist

23、ory and culture of Chinese food.CAn introdution to Chinese culture.DFeelings of ordinary Chinese.C15、Its so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring. So why not take the vacations(假期)off? A new survey(調(diào)查)found that 31of U.S workers dont always take all of their vaca

24、tion days. Americans have 12 vacation days on average(平均)each year, but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year.So why dont they use up their vacation days? Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days; some busy workers say they just cant leave their work. American

25、s have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed.The French take their vacations seriously. French workers get an average of 39 vacation days, and 40 plan to take at least one there-to-four-week vacation.Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a year, but they c

26、ant find time to use them all. More workers there return vacation days than any other country surveyed.British workers have the longest working week in Europe(歐洲),with 23 vacation days -the shortest vacation. So they feel overworked.75 say their weekends or vacations are too short and 40 wouldsacrif

27、icea days pay(工資)for one more vacation day.1_ U.S workers dont always take all of their vacation days.AAllBMostCSomeDFew2How many vacation days do Americans have on average each year in fact?A9B12C15D233Which country has the most workers working during the vacation days?AAmerica.BFrance.CSweden.DGre

28、at Britain.4What does the word “sacrifice” mean in the last sentence?AUse up.BPut up.CTake up.DGive up.5Which of the following is true?ASome American workers are too busy to leave their work.BFrench workers can take one Three-to-four week days.CSwedish workers can enjoy all of their vacation days.DB

29、ritish workers have the shortest vacation days of all the countries surveyed.D16、 Language changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and grow. The words and pronunciations used by young people in the UK can be very different from those used by adults Living in a multi (多元的)-cultural society

30、 has an effect on language, especially on young people, whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds. TV and music also influence the language of the young.Young British people use lots of language that you usually cant find in most dictionaries. These very informal(不正規(guī)的) words and expressions

31、are known as “slang”. It is not possible to make a complete list of modern British slang. By the time the list was finished, it would be out of date! However, here are a few examples:“Safe”,“ sorted”;“ sound”,“cool” and “wicked” all mean “That s good or “I understand”.“Whatever ”means “I dont care”.

32、(e.g. A: But the teacher says we cant leave until weve finished. B: Whatever. Im going)“Hes fine. And “Hes fit ” both mean “Hes good-looking”. Fine and fit can describe a boy or a girl.Not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it. A school in Sheffield, has recently required its pupils to sto

33、p using slang words such as hiya (hello), cheers and ta(both mean “thank you ). The head teacher says that If young people learn to speak“correctly”, this will help them get a place at university and a good job。So, how important is it to learn these slang words and expressions? If you watch films or

34、 TV in English, read magazines in English, chat online in English or are interested in English song lyrics, then understanding slang can be very useful. You probably wont see much slang in your English exam, though.1Which is the best word to complete the blank?Peter: Ive just passed my exam!Jenny:_

35、! Well done!ACheersBWhateverCHiyaDCool2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AModern slang changes very quickly.BYoung people use the same slang as their parents.CFit is only used to describe boys.DIts a must to learn some British slang.3The example of the school in Sheffield shows that_.Amany B

36、ritish schools encourage the use of slangBspeaking slang helps young people to get better jobsCchildren from different cultures feel respectedDslang is not considered as proper English in schools4Understanding slang might not be useful when you_.Awatch films and TV in EnglishBread magazines in Engli

37、shCdo English exam papersDtalk to your British net-pal5The authors main purpose is to_Adiscuss that slang should be stoppedBexplain the best way to learn slangCtell readers about British slangDinterest readers with slang wordsE17、How can we improve our life? Many people think that they have to accep

38、t whatever life throws at them. Theyll say, “this is my destiny (命運). I cannot change it.”Certainly not! You dont have to suffer too much. Your destiny depends on yourself, not on any other factors.I know someone who says she just accepts what life gives her because she has done everything she can t

39、o improve it. Guess what her lifestyle is? She wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes back home, relaxes, chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, the same routine cycle follows. Huh! Is this what she calls “doing her best”? She believes she has tried her best. But in fact

40、she hasnt.Remember that you get what you pay. You just dont sit around and wait for a million dollars to fall from the sky. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone. Dont expect your luck to change unless you do something about it. If something goe

41、s wrong, dont just regard it as a little failure, but use it as feedback (反饋). Learn your lesson, make the most of the situation, and do something to solve the problem. Its not enough to think positively (積極地), you also have to act positively.If someones life is in the trouble, do you just hope that

42、 things will_fine? Of course not! You get to do anything you can to save the person. So it is with your own life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but you have to do your best. In other words, dont just stand (or sit) there, do something to improve your life.1The writers attitude towards desti

43、ny is that _.Awe can change it Bwe cant depend on ourselvesCwe must accept it Dwe have to suffer it2According to the passage, what should you do if something goes wrong?ARegard it as a little failure. BGet your hands off your phone.CSit around and wait for luck. DDo something to solve the problem.3T

44、he underlined word “turn out” in the passage means _.A翻轉(zhuǎn) B關(guān)閉C變得 D清空4From the passage, we know _.Awe only need to hope for the best in our life.Bwe can get what we pay if we think positively.Cthe woman has tried her best to improve her life.Dmaybe our luck will change if we do something about the lif

45、e5What would be the best title for this passage?AUnderstand Yourself BImprove Your LifeCBelieve in Yourself DAccept Your LifeF18、Mini dictionary: 1. register v. 注冊,登記 2.sponsor n. 贊助人1The poster encourages people to join Book Aid International by _.Aoffering them some books for free as a rewardBshow

46、ing them reading books can bring them much funCtelling them how many friends they can make in Sub-Saharan AfricaDshowing them they can make a great difference to lives of people in other countries2You can read as many books as you can in one month in order to _.Ahave more funBregister at www. bookaid. OrgCraise more moneyDimprove your reading ability only3Book Aid International helps people in Sub-Saharan Africa _.Aby giving them moneyBby reading books about childhoodCby providing books and librariesDby building them new bookshops.書面表達19


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