



1、2021年福建省龍巖市通賢中學高一英語聯(lián)考試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Look at the pride on Toms face. He to have been praised by the manager just now.A. seemedB. seemsC. had seemedD. is seeming參考答案:B2. The old man insisted that he _ old, and _ back to the working post(崗位) again. A. wasnt; be sent B. wasnt; was sent C. be not; send D.

2、 isnt; sent參考答案:A3. Life is like a long race _we compare with others to go beyond ourselves.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where參考答案:D4. He bothered me with _ useless questions.A. a great deal ofB. many a C. a great many D. much參考答案:C5. Sorry,I am late.My watch is slow!Thats all right.But dont forget to y

3、our watch.A. put away B. put forwardC. put back D. put off參考答案:B6. Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for many hours. A. possible B. supposed C. sure D. likely 參考答案:D略7. The Loch Ness Monster has brought tourists to Scotland si

4、nce the 1930s, _ the first photo of the creature was taken.A. whichB. whatC. whenD. as 參考答案:C8. Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy?Thank you. A.of course you can B.If you likeC.its up to you D.it couldnt be better參考答案:D9. -Shall we go right now?-_.A. Right B. Thats all right C. All

5、 right D. Thats OK.參考答案:C10. You cant imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province .Aat any time Bat one time Cin no time Dat times參考答案:B11. I really appreciate_some time to surf the Internet. But Im too busy.Ato have Bto having Chaving Dhave參考答案:C12. Why dont you bring _ to his at

6、tention that you really dont have time to do it for him?A. this B. what C. that D. it參考答案:D13. They promised to develop a software package by the end of this year, _it will be. A whatever difficulty B what difficulty C however difficult D how difficult 參考答案:C14. _ Changjiang River is among_ longest

7、rivers in the world.AThe;the B/;theCThe;/ D/;/參考答案:A表示江河等的專有名詞以及最高級前要加定冠詞the。15. The Great Pyramid is such a famous place of interest in the world, _was built in ancient times in Egypt,_ every tourist likes to visit. Awhich;that Bwhich;as Cas;which Dthat;which參考答案:B解析考查定語從句。句意:金字塔在世界上是如此著名的名勝古跡,它在古代

8、埃及建造的,每個游客都喜歡去參觀。第一空為非限制性定語從句,先行詞為place,用關系代詞which引導;第二空為such.as句式,as引導定語從句。16. After World War Two, many of the cities across western European countries _. A. lied in ruins B. lay in ruin C. lay in ruins D. laid in ruins參考答案:C17. _ the yard, I found it _ with lots of fallen leaves.A. Entering into;

9、 covering B. Entering; coveredC. Entered; covered D. Entering; covering 參考答案:B18. If the bike is broken again, youll have to pay to _ .A. get it repaired B. have it repair C. have repaired it. D. get it repair參考答案:19. Did you go to see the play last night?Unluckily, I couldnt it. But I am going to s

10、ee it soon.Ado Bmanage Cmake Dtake參考答案:C二、 新的題型20. In 2015, Adele Adkins(阿黛爾阿德金斯)said “hello” to her greatest achievement yet. Despite giving every other musician an 11-month head start, she had no trouble _61_(beat) the competition, _62_ (become) not only the years most talked-about artist, but als

11、o its _63_ successful one. Her third album, 25, _64_ ( release) on Nov 20, not only broke a record for one-week album sales in just over three days, but also sold more than US singer Taylor Swifts 1989 to become _65_ best-selling album of 2015. No _66_ USA Today named Adele “Musician of the Year” on

12、 Dec 28. So what is behind the albums _67_ (popular)? First and foremost, the 27-year-old British singer has “an awe-inspiring voice that shows her genuine talent”, wrote The Christian Science Monitor. But her directness is also a huge part of her appeal(魅力). As the Chicago Tribute commented, “Adele

13、 sings about her personal struggles” with emotional lyrics (歌詞) that invite everyone into her world.Take the albums hit single Hello _68_ an example. Adele has connected with people this tear-stained(淚痕斑斑的)song because, as the Chicago Tribute (芝加哥論壇報) put it, “who doesnt need a good cry once in a wh

14、ile?” Music, after all, is _69_ Chris Ferguson, an associate professor of psychology at Stetson University in Florida called “a social event.” The pain in her songs satisfies everyones need for love. “It is this sense of weve been here before _70_ makes Adele,” said the Chicago Tribute.參考答案:61 .beat

15、ing 62. becoming 63. most 64. released 65. the 66. wonder 67. popularity 68. as 69. what 70. that65. the 考查定冠詞。英語中在最高級的前面要使用定冠詞the修飾,表示特指。本句中the best-selling album of 2015特指2015年最賣座專輯。66. wonder 考查連詞短語。連詞no wonder難怪;句意:難怪今日美國把阿黛爾成為年度音樂人。67. popularity 考查名詞。橫線前面有所有格albums修飾,說明橫線應該使用名詞,形容詞popular的名詞形式

16、是popularity。句意:在這份專輯受歡迎的背后是什么?68. as 考查固定短語。短語take.as an example以.為例;句意:以阿黛爾年度單曲“Hello”為例。69. what 考查表語從句。本句中what引導表語從句,并在句中作為動詞call的賓語。句意:音樂就是Chris Ferguson所稱的“a social event”。70. that 考查強調句型。強調句型的劇本結構是“It is/was.that/who.”,本句強調的是主語this sense of weve been here before.三、 閱讀理解21. Air pollution, such

17、as haze, has become a serious problem around the world. Besides wearing a mask, what else can we do to protect ourselves from the dirty air?Scientists have developed a new inhaler (吸入劑) that can reduce the effect air pollution has on people. It could help millions of people who are suffering from ai

18、r pollution, the Guardian reports.This inhaler is developed by German company Bitop and contains a molecule (分子) named Ectoine. The molecule creates a layer (涂層) that protects lungs from polluted air. Its reported that the inhaler will be affordable to most people when it comes to the market.Air pol

19、lution kills more than three million people a year worldwide and leads to health problems like lung and heart disease and strokes, according to a 2016 research project in the journal Nature. It is also linked to brain disease, mental illness and diabetes (糖尿病).Andreas Bilstein at Bitop believed that

20、 the inhaler could be useful around the world, because air pollution is not just a European problem: “Especially in Asia China in particular the demand for such a product is even higher.”Many Chinese cities have been suffering from haze. According to World Health Organization, two of the 10 most pol

21、luted cities in the world in 2015 were in China. About 800,000 deaths that are linked to air pollution take place in the country every year.However, such inhalers should never be an excuse for not trying to stop air pollution, said Professor Jean Krutmann at the Leibniz Research Institute for Enviro

22、nmental Medicine. “The best thing is that we have clean air and we dont need any prophylactic (預防性的) treatment,” he said. 28. What is the new inhaler?A. It can help protect the environment. B. It can help us reduce the harm of air pollution.C. It can solve the air pollution problem. D. It can make t

23、he dirty air clean.29. From the third paragraph, we learn that _.A. the inhaler comes from a US company B. the inhaler is named EctoineC. a molecule in the inhaler forms a layer on lungs D. the inhalers price will not be too high for most people30. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Air pollution

24、 kills millions of people a year worldwide. B. Air pollution can cause mental illness.C. There are no air pollution problems in Europe. D. Air pollution is a serious problem in China.31. Which is Professor Jean Krutmanns opinion?A. Such inhalers mean much to people. B. We should take action to control air pollution.C. We can depend on inhalers to solve air pollution problems. D. Wed better produce more medicines to treat lung diseases.參考答案:28-31.BDCB28B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的敘述“Scientists


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