A6Whats your hobby技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)設(shè)計_第1頁
A6Whats your hobby技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)設(shè)計_第2頁
A6Whats your hobby技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)設(shè)計_第3頁
A6Whats your hobby技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)設(shè)計_第4頁
A6Whats your hobby技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)設(shè)計_第5頁




1、基本信息縣(市、區(qū))學(xué)校姓名學(xué)科英語能力維度口學(xué)情分析 0教學(xué)設(shè)計 學(xué)法指導(dǎo) 口學(xué)業(yè)評價所屬環(huán)境J多媒體教學(xué)環(huán)境 口混合學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境 口智慧學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境微能力點A6技術(shù)支持的課堂講授教學(xué)環(huán)境配有希沃白板的多媒體教室教學(xué)主題八年級 Unit3 Topic Whats your hobby? Section A教學(xué)對象及特點本課的教學(xué)對象是初二學(xué)生,他們經(jīng)過一年的英語學(xué)習(xí),建立了對英語的興 趣,有了一定的英語基礎(chǔ),但所具備的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力尚不成熟。教學(xué)內(nèi)容及分析本課是八年級第三單元第一話題第一課時,主活動是la, 1c和20所要談?wù)摰?話題:Whats your hobby?以及興趣、愛好的不同表

2、達(dá)形式,如 1 ove/like/enjoy/prefer /be interested in/be fond of +doingo 結(jié)合本單元的話題 Our Hobbies,呈現(xiàn)了大量的表示興趣愛好的短語:go traveling, collect stamps, walk a pet dog/isten to music等。本課主要設(shè)計為聽說課,通過2的呈現(xiàn),學(xué) 習(xí)表達(dá)愛好的句型,通過la讓學(xué)生針對“愛好”這一主題進行對話,通過對 Helen和Wen Wei兩人不同愛好的分析,以到達(dá)培養(yǎng)學(xué)生批判性思維能力的 目的。教學(xué)目標(biāo)Teaching aimsSs will be able to im

3、prove the following abilities through the study in this period.Language ability:. Listen to, read ,write and use the new words and some phrases: hobby, maybe, be interested in, be fond of, recite poems ,collect stamps and so on. Listen to, read ,write and use the sentence patterns zzlove/like/enjoy/

4、prefer/be fond of /be interested in +doingStudy ability:Use different expressions with similar meanings in talking and writing.Get the main idea according to the key word or the key sentence while listening.Culture character:Cultivate the awareness of having more hobbies that are good for study and

5、health.Thinking character:To develop students ability of listening, logical thinking, critical thinking and creative thinking教學(xué)重點Key points:Whats your hobby?/What are your hobbies?.love/like/enjoy/prefer/be fond of/be interested in +doinggo traveling, collect stamps, walk a pet dog, listen to music教

6、學(xué)難點Difficult points:be interested in /be fond of 其后動詞要用 V-ing 形式。所選技術(shù)多媒體教學(xué)環(huán)境,希沃白板,手機視頻拍攝技術(shù)使用目的信息技術(shù)有助于豐富講授內(nèi)容以及講授形式,滿足學(xué)生的不同認(rèn)知風(fēng)格和起 點差異,繼而破解學(xué)生理解和吸收學(xué)生內(nèi)容中的重點和難點,同時有助于展 開知識建構(gòu),引發(fā)高階思維活動。例如,使用視頻,順利地導(dǎo)入了新課教學(xué), 營造了輕松的學(xué)習(xí)氣氛,利用多媒體課件,通過手機拍攝的師生照片和視頻, 在實際語境中學(xué)習(xí),便于學(xué)生理解和掌握。通過對文本的解析,設(shè)計不同的 問題,借助思維導(dǎo)圖,有利于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獲取語篇關(guān)鍵信息的能力。技術(shù)使用目

7、的教學(xué)過程Leading-in:教學(xué)過程Watch a videoThe teacher plays a video about “What do you like to do?”(視頻導(dǎo)入本節(jié)課的話題 “hobby。)l)Whatzs the video about?2)What?s your hobby?(教授 hobby)Listening:Pre-listeningTask 1 Ask and answerAsk and answer between the teacher and students according to the picture.Whats your hobby?

8、I love reading.Whats Xuefang/s hobby? He loves reading.Ask and answer by Ss themselves according to the pictures.Whats your hobby? I like running.Whats Zhikais hobby? He likes running.(借助圖片,教師通過示范,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生自主合作,學(xué)習(xí)表達(dá)愛好的6種句型。)Task 2 Listen and complete the sentences.I love singing and playing the guitar.I

9、am interested in playing basketball.I enjoy dancing to music.I like sleeping.I like reciting poems.(教授 recite, poem)I am fond of acting.I prefer playing soccer.Task 3 Play a game.Try to know more about expressions on talking about hobbies in a competition.(ilil 游戲,練習(xí)表達(dá)愛好的句型的同時,為聽力環(huán)節(jié)掃清局部聽力生詞或句型障礙, 同時

10、競賽形式也能較好地調(diào)動學(xué)生的課堂積極性。)Share the saying “ Every man has his hobby horse.v with students.While-listening:Task 1 Listen to la and answer the following question.What are Helen and Wen Wei talking about?A.Going to the movie theater.B.Their hobbies.C.Outdoor activities.(培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)會通過捕捉關(guān)鍵詞或關(guān)鍵句獲取聽力的主題。)Task 2 Lis

11、ten again and write the phrase for each picture.And then the whole class read the dialog aloud together.Task 3 Fill in the blanks and retell the dialog.(通過復(fù)述活動,鞏固la的句型。)Task 4 Talk more.What do you think of Helens hobbies? Share your ideas and finish the mind map.(教授 maybe。利用思維導(dǎo)圖,tk outdoor activiti

12、es 引出 indoor activities,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生 的批判性思維以及創(chuàng)造性思維。)Post-listening:Task 1 Lets learn more hobbies.Write down the phrases according to the pictures.(讓學(xué)生了解更多的愛好類型,同時為接下來的小組討論做鋪墊。)Task 2 Group work.Make a survey (調(diào)查)in your groups and finish the table. And then report it in front of the class.NameHobbyJackgo f

13、ishingTomgo swimmingTask 3 Give a report in front of the class.The teacher comments students performance and share a poem with students. Happiness is the man who is living by his hobbyOne likes to do in his free timeBegin with interestBring lots of pleasureYou never stop the progress(小組活動,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的合作意識,

14、口頭報告訓(xùn)練了學(xué)生說的能力,通過討論交流 不僅了解了同學(xué)們之間的愛好,同時也為家庭作業(yè)的布置做鋪墊。借助藏頭英文詩, 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生要積極培養(yǎng)自己的興趣愛好,永不止步。)Summarysome new words and phrasesSome expressions about hobbies. love doing. like doing. enjoy doing.prefer doing. be interested in doing . be fond of doing .Self-assessmentAssign homeworkItem6I can read the new words

15、and phrasesI can use the new words and phrasesI can talk about hobbies with othersI have many hobbiesI will try something new and have more hobbies1).Review Section A .2).Finish the exercise on the workbook.3).Modify your report to make it better and write a composition with the title “ Our Hobbies自

16、評等級也優(yōu)秀口合格口不合格Unit3 Topic IWhafs your hobby?Section A教學(xué)反思本節(jié)通過Helen和Wen Wei的對話,呈現(xiàn)了本課所要談?wù)摰脑掝}:Whafs your hobby?以及興趣、愛好的不同表達(dá)形式,如 love/like/enjoy/prefer /be interested in/be fond of +doing o結(jié)合本單元的話題Our Hobbies,呈現(xiàn)了大量的表示興趣愛好的短 語:go traveling, collect stamps, walk a pet dog, listen to music 等。以視頻導(dǎo)入話題hobbies,以師生的照片和視頻來呈現(xiàn)表達(dá)愛好的句型,和學(xué) 生的生活息息相關(guān),吸引


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