高二英語 Simon Wakefield's Yunnan Diary課件 新人教選修7_第1頁
高二英語 Simon Wakefield's Yunnan Diary課件 新人教選修7_第2頁
高二英語 Simon Wakefield's Yunnan Diary課件 新人教選修7_第3頁
高二英語 Simon Wakefield's Yunnan Diary課件 新人教選修7_第4頁
高二英語 Simon Wakefield's Yunnan Diary課件 新人教選修7_第5頁
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1、Simon Wakefields Yunnan DiaryFast readingPara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Naxi ethnic groupSimons feelingNaxi musicYunnan LijiangThe old townNaxi languageDifferent from _(熱帶的Xishuangbanna, Lijiang is _ and _town, on the foot of a Yulong Mountain . The mountain is 5500m, its peak _ with snow all t

2、he year. The sky is _ blue. _ see from above, Lijiang is a _ of canals運河, little bridges and tiny _ streets that tourists get lost in. Three rivers run through it and you hear the sound of _ water潺潺流水everywhere. When you walk past the ancient _houses, you feel like you are walking _into the past.Rea

3、d Para 1 and Para 2, then fill in the blanks.tropicalcoveredclearSeenmazecobbledrunningwooden and stonebackhalf newhalf old1. Men run Naxi society.2.Naxi women have always inherited property. 3.Naxi women have an interest in the tourists.4. Naxi women have the custom of playing cards at home.Read Pa

4、ra 3 and check the true sentences.Womennoon card tables in the middle of the street1. The old man who Simon met ( ).A. had made translations of Naxi poemsB. read Naxi poems to SimonC. was very lively 2. The Naxi language ( ).A. is still spoken todayB. is not spoken any moreC. is most 1,000 years old

5、Read Para 4 and choose the correct answers.CA Read Para 5 and fill in the blanks.The music_ from father to son, the music has not changed for _ centuriesThe musiciansome looked as if they were well over 100 years old! They played _ songs.The instrumentssounded like women crying, or trees _ under sno

6、w.The audienceEveryone listened as if someone had _.Passedeightancientbendingput a spell on themRead Para 6 and answer the question.What is Simons feeling after his traveling?We are all the same, all equal.Imagine that you are Simon or a friend of him. Make up a dialogue or interview about Simons jo

7、urney.Questions: 1.Wheres Lijiang? 2.Is Lijiang a new town? 3. Do you find Lijiang interesting and why? 4. What have you learned about the Naxi people, for example, the women there? 5. What about their language?/ music?. 6. Whats your feeling about your journey in Lijiang?Write down the dialogue you

8、 made up just now about Simons journey in Yunnan. Homework麗江古鎮(zhèn)玉龍雪山納西族東巴文字9、靜夜四無鄰,荒居舊業(yè)貧。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202210、雨中黃葉樹,燈下白頭人。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 6:29:17 AM11、以我獨沈久,愧君相見頻。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、故人江海別,幾度隔山川。2022/10/132022/10/132022/1

9、0/13Thursday, October 13, 202213、乍見翻疑夢,相悲各問年。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202214、他鄉(xiāng)生白發(fā),舊國見青山。13 十月 20222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202216、行動出成果,工作出財富。2022/10/132022/10/1313 October 202217、做前,能夠環(huán)視四周;做時,你只能或者最好沿著以腳為起點的射線向前。

10、2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/139、沒有失敗,只有暫時停頓成功!。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202210、很多事情努力了未必有結(jié)果,但是不努力卻什么改變也沒有。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 6:29:18 AM11、成功就是日復(fù)一日那一點點小小努力的積累。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、世間成事,不求其絕對圓滿,留一份缺乏,可得無限完美。2022/10/132022/10/1

11、32022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202213、不知香積寺,數(shù)里入云峰。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202214、意志堅強的人能把世界放在手中像泥塊一樣任意揉捏。13 十月 20222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、楚塞三湘接,荊門九派通。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202216、少年十五二十時,步行奪得胡馬騎。2022/10/132022/10/1313 October 202217、空山新雨后,天氣晚來秋。20

12、22/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/139、楊柳散和風(fēng),青山澹吾慮。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202210、閱讀一切好書如同和過去最出色的人談話。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 6:29:18 AM11、越是沒有本領(lǐng)的就越加自命非凡。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、越是無能的人,越喜歡挑剔別人的錯兒。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, Octob

13、er 13, 202213、知人者智,自知者明。勝人者有力,自勝者強。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202214、意志堅強的人能把世界放在手中像泥塊一樣任意揉捏。13 十月 20222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、最具挑戰(zhàn)性的挑戰(zhàn)莫過于提升自我。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202216、業(yè)余生活要有意義,不要越軌。2022/10/132022/10/1313 October 202217、一個人即使已登上頂峰,也仍要自強不息。2022/10/132022/10/


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