



1、編 者 說 40 個部分:技、文化衛(wèi)生和軍事;18500五、中國數(shù)據(jù)除面積外,均未包括中國省、特別行政區(qū)和特別行政區(qū)。該項統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)不詳;“”表示其中的主要項;“|(G7: 經(jīng)濟(jì)合作與發(fā)展組織(經(jīng)合組織,OECD)301971冰島、丹麥、德國、法國、芬蘭 (1969)、荷蘭、盧森堡、葡萄牙、 (1964)、挪威、瑞典、愛爾蘭、西班牙、希臘、意大利、新西蘭 (1973)、土耳其、英國、墨西哥 (1994.3.24)、捷克 (1995.11.28)、匈牙利 (1996.3.29)、波蘭(1996.7.11)、韓國 (1996.10.11)、斯洛伐克(2000.9。 年)、保加利亞(2007 年)和羅

2、馬尼亞(2007 年)。歐洲貨幣(歐元區(qū),EuroArea:成員國有16個:德國、比利時、奧地利、荷蘭、法國、意大年 1 月 1 日起,歐元現(xiàn)鈔正式取代各成員國原貨幣全面流通。,ASEAN:亞、文萊(1984 年、越南(1995 年、(1997 年、老撾(1997 年)和柬埔寨(1999 年。 貿(mào)易區(qū)(NAFA:成立于1994年1月1日,成員國有3個,、墨西哥和。 發(fā)達(dá)國家與發(fā)展中國家:按照分組標(biāo)準(zhǔn),發(fā)達(dá)國家具體包括、原歐盟成員國、工業(yè)國家和發(fā)展中國家:按照國際金組織分組標(biāo)準(zhǔn),工業(yè)國家包括、原歐盟成員國 15 國、澳大利亞、新西蘭和,除上述國家之外的為發(fā)展中國家。sq.km(squarekil

3、ometer)平方公里, 千瓦時, TJ(terojoule)1012TCE( tonofstandardcoalequivalent)TOE(tonoflequivalent)(StatisticsDivisionoftheUnitedNations)統(tǒng)計司, FAO(Food and Agriculture anization of the United Nations)糧食及農(nóng)業(yè)組織, UNCTAD(UnitedNationsConferenceonTradeandDevelopment)貿(mào)易和發(fā)展會議, UNDP(United Nations Development Program)開

4、發(fā)計劃署,ILO (InternationalLaboranization)國際勞工組織, WHO(World Health anization)世界衛(wèi)生組織。International Statistical Yearbook 2009 is an annual comprehensive reference publication on international economic and social statistics. It contains data from as much as 200 countries, regions and territories over the w

5、orld. More detailed information on the economic and social development of over 40 countries and the key indicators of the world famous companies is also included in the Yearbook.The Yearbook contains the following 18 chapters: China in the World; Geography ,Climate, Natural Resources and Environment

6、; National Accounts; Population; Employment and Earnings; Investment Environment; Energy; ernment Finance and Banking; Price Indices; Householde and Expenditure and Poverty; Agriculture; Industry and Construction; Transportation and Communication; External Trade; Balance of Payments and External Deb

7、ts; Tourism; Education, Science and Technology, Culture, Healthand Military; Main Indicators of the 500 Largest Companies in the World.Data for most of the foreign countries/territories have been adjusted by international anizations such as the United Nations, and the scope and coverage is therefore

8、 comparable.ThelatestdataformanycountriesarepreliminaryorestimatedAll data of China do not coverProvince, SARand MacaoSARexcept data for the surface area.The data all from the databases, CD-ROMs, yearbooks and monthly publications of international anizations.The sourcesof dataare givenat the top of

9、each table in the Yearbook.Some aggregations or rates/ratios may not add up to the sum of the series because of Unless otherwise indicated, the countries included in the Yearbook are the countries under their present names with the present territories, although the names or the boundaries may have c

10、hanged during the period covered by the Yearbook.ThemeaningsofthesymbolsusedintheYearbookareas indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the (blank)indicatesthatdataare notavailable; # indicates the major items of the total;| indicates that the data to th

11、e left are not comparable with those to the right because of the adjustment of scope and coverage.SomeinternationalanizationsandthemembersincludedareasGroup 7, includes theUnitedStates,Japan,theUnitedKingdom, Germany, France,Italyand anization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has 30

12、 members, i.e., Australia (1971), Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland (1969), Canada, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, United States, Portugal, Japan (1964), Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,Ireland,Spain, Greece,Italy,New Zealand(1973),Turkey,UnitedKingdom,Mexico(Mar. 24, 1994), Cze

13、ch Republic (Nov. 28, 1995), Hungary (Mar. 29, 1996), Poland (Jul. 1996),Korea(Oct.11,1996)andSlovakia(Sep.European Union (EU), it expanded to 27 members, i.e., France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (1951), Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom (1973), Greece (1981), Spain, Portuga

14、l (1986), Austria, Finland, Sweden (1995), Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Malta, Poland,Slovakia andSlovenia(2004),Bulgaria(2007), European Monetary Union (Euro Area) , member countries are Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxe

15、mbourg, Ireland, Finland ,Greece ,Slovenia, Cyprus, MaltaandSlovak, has16 members.Since January1, 2002, the euro has formally substitute the former local currencies of the member countries.Association of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN), it has 10 members, i.e., the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand

16、, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam (1984), Viet Nam (1995), Myanmar (1997), Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (1997) and Cambodia (1999).North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), was founded on January 1, 1994, with members unchanged hitherto, i.e., Canada, Mexico and the United States.Countries(

17、territory)groupsandtheirmeaningsareasCountries bye Group According to the criteria by the World Bank, countries and territories (referred to as economies) are classified into highe (higher than $11456), higher e (between $3706 and $11455), lower middlee(between$936and$3705)and e ($935 and below) gro

18、ups by their per capita Gn the year 2007.Developed and Develo Countries AccordingtotheclassificationstandardoftheUnited Nations, developed countries include Canada, the United States, the member countries of the former European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South Africa The others are develo countries.Industrial and Develo Countries According to the classification standard of International Monetary Funds, industrialcountries include Canada, the United States


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