九年級(jí)英語上冊(cè) Unit 2 Colour reading2教案 牛津版_第1頁(yè)
九年級(jí)英語上冊(cè) Unit 2 Colour reading2教案 牛津版_第2頁(yè)
九年級(jí)英語上冊(cè) Unit 2 Colour reading2教案 牛津版_第3頁(yè)




1、Unit 2 Colour reading2 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1. To review the details in the article.2. To learn the key phrases and drills in the article.重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)分析1. To learn the key phrases and drills in the article.2. To talk about the relationship between colours and their characteristics and add more information about themselves.教

2、學(xué)流程安排集體智慧(以知識(shí)體系為主)個(gè)性設(shè)計(jì)(二次備課)教學(xué)后記Step 1 RevisionAsk some questions about the article to see how much they remember?1. What can colours do?2. Do you like calm colours? Why?3. If you enter an exam, what colour will you choose?4. What does green represent?5. How do strong colours help you?Step 2 Present

3、ation1. Part B4 Fill in the questionnaire with my own information and read it to the students. Make sure they know how to do it. Give them a few minutes and choose some students to present in class. Encourage them to add more information and discuss with their partners if necessary.2. Language point

4、s(1) sleep, sleepy, asleepThe baby has just fallen _.Can you see a _ dog over there?She just _ for 5 hours last night. Now she is _. (2) prefer-preferred-preferringPrefer sth. 你更喜歡哪個(gè)? 大的還是小的?Which one do you prefer? The big one or the small one?prefer to do sth他更喜歡在晚飯后散步。He prefers to go for a walk

5、after dinner.他更喜歡在晚上學(xué)習(xí)。He prefers to study in the evening.prefer sth to sth比起茶,我更喜歡咖啡。I prefer coffee to tea.比起粉色,我更喜歡藍(lán)色。I prefer blue to pink.prefer doing sth to doing sth我更喜歡購(gòu)物,而不喜歡待在家。I prefer going shopping to staying at home.Simon寧愿走路也不愿意坐汽車。Simon prefers walking to taking a bus.(3) remind sb.

6、of sth 令某人想起了某事他的話令我想起了那個(gè)故事。His words reminded me of that story.He reminded his grandfather to take the medicine on time.remind sb to do sth.Step 3 Consolidation and improvement1. Provide them some idioms about colors, let them guess the meaning about colors in different idioms. (Sometimes, colors h

7、ave different meanings in different idioms.)2. Ask them to translate some phrases. We can help them ,if them need.復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)過的內(nèi)容,讓學(xué)生更加深印象。近義詞辨析要垮時(shí)段多練習(xí),克服學(xué)生的遺忘教師用幾分鐘時(shí)間復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課學(xué)生內(nèi)容,設(shè)置幾個(gè)問題,反應(yīng)挺好師生共同學(xué)習(xí)此部分知識(shí)點(diǎn),教師詳細(xì)講解,并設(shè)置練習(xí)幫助學(xué)生理解,效果很好Prefer 和would rather 用法很多,要求學(xué)生熟記,反復(fù)練習(xí)加以鞏固學(xué)生對(duì)此新短語不太熟悉,教師講解完舉例說明,學(xué)生已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)如何運(yùn)用我會(huì)給他們更多時(shí)間去背誦這部分,也會(huì)給他們更多練習(xí)來鞏固的。練習(xí)安排1. Recite the reading part.2. Finish Unit 2 period 3 on Assessment Book


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