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1、模擬11.你們通常多久去一次購(gòu)物?2.你爸爸喜歡這份禮物嗎?答案:1.How often do you usually go shopping?2.Does your father like this gift? / Does your dad like this present?模擬21.我們需要帶筆記本嗎?2.這次學(xué)校會(huì)議的主題是什么?答案:1.Do we need to take our notebooks? / Must we take notebooks with us?2.What is the topic of the school meeting? / What is the

2、man idea of the school meeting?模擬3 1.你們的俱樂(lè)部是免費(fèi)加入的嗎?2.你們通常一周舉行多少次活動(dòng)?答案:1.Is your club free to join? / Is it free to join your club?2.How many times do you usually hold the activities in a week? / How often do you usually have these activities in a week?模擬41.你的弟弟多少歲了?2.你們多久回一趟你們的家鄉(xiāng)?答案:1.How old is you

3、r little brother ? / Whats the age of you little brother?2.How often do you return to your hometown ? / How often do you go back to your hometown?模擬51.什么是均衡飲食?2.你在飲食方面還有其他建議嗎?答案:1.Whats balanced diet? / What does a balanced diet mean?2.Do you have any other tips for diet? / Is there any other sugges

4、tion on diet?模擬61.你想在花園里建個(gè)游泳池嗎?2.你希望你的臥室是什么顏色的?答案:1.Do you want to build a swimming pool in your garden? / Would you like to bulid aswimming pool in your graden?2.What color of a bedroom do you want? / What color of a bedroom would you like?模擬71.生日派對(duì)是什么時(shí)候結(jié)束的?2.你們玩了什么好玩的游戲?答案:1.When was the birthday

5、party over? / At what time did the birthday party end?2.What funny games didi you play? / What kind of funny games did you play?模擬81.在你家里誰(shuí)煮飯呢?2.你可以使用家里的電腦上網(wǎng)嗎?答案:1.Who does the cooking in your home? / Who cooks the meals in your famliy?2.Can you use your home computer to surf the Internet? / Can you

6、use the computer in you house to surf the Internet?模擬91.你參演過(guò)電影嗎?2.你是怎么鼓勵(lì)生病的孩子笑的呢?答案:1.Did you act in afilm? / Did you play a role in any films?2.How do you encourage the sick children to laugh? / How do you encourage the children who are sick to laugh?模擬101.爬山用了多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?2.你很喜歡大自然,是嗎?答案:1.How long did it

7、 take to climb thre mountain? / How long did it take you to climb the countain?2.You like the nature very muh, dont you? / You love the nature very much ,dont you?模擬111.你的狗是什么類(lèi)型的?牧羊犬還是叭兒狗(lapdog)?2.它的尾巴是長(zhǎng)的還是短的?答案:1.What type of dog is it? A sheep dog or a lapdog? / What kind of dog it is? / Is it a

8、sheep dog or lapdog?2.Is it tail long or short? / Does it have a long tail or a short one?模擬121.誰(shuí)教你這些學(xué)習(xí)方法的?2.你使用電腦來(lái)幫助學(xué)習(xí)嗎?答案:1.Who taught you these learning ways? / Who taught you these ways of learning?2.Do you use a computer to help you learn? / Do you use a computer to help your learning?模擬131.你那份

9、工作掙了多少錢(qián)?2.你用些錢(qián)買(mǎi)了什么?答案:1.How much did you earn out of the job? / How much money didiyou make out of the job?2.What did you buy with the money? / What did you use the money to buy?模擬141.為什么你會(huì)喜歡化學(xué)這門(mén)課?2.你最喜歡哪類(lèi)書(shū)籍?答案:1.Why do you like chemisty? / Why are you fond of chemisty?2.What kind of books do you li

10、ke best? / Which kind of books do you like best?模擬151.我們應(yīng)該多久洗一次頭發(fā)?2.請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何選擇合適的護(hù)法用品?答案:1.How often should we wash our hair? / would you plesed tell us how orten we should wash our hair?2.Could you plesed tell me how to choose the right hair products? / Could you give me some advice on choosing the pro

11、per hair products?模擬161.他們將會(huì)在什么地方演出?2.他們?cè)诙鄠惗喽毫羝陂g還會(huì)有其他特別的安排?答案:1.Where will they give a show? / In what place will they give their shows?2.Will there be any other special plans during their visit to Toronto? / Will they have any other special activities during their stay in Toronto?模擬171.你去年有制定一些計(jì)劃嗎?

12、2.你為什么要學(xué)習(xí)彈鋼琴呢?答案:1.Did you make any resolutions last year? / Did you make any plans last year?2.Why do you want to learn to play the piano? / Why would you like to learn to play the piano?模擬181.你對(duì)學(xué)校的伙食有什么建議嗎?2.你認(rèn)為學(xué)生應(yīng)該少考試嗎?答案:1.Do you have any suggestins about the food at your school? / Have you made

13、 any suggestions about your food at school?2.Do you think you should take fewer exams? / Do you think the students should take fewer exams?模擬191.一輛加拿大校車(chē)?yán)锩嬉话阌卸嗌賯€(gè)孩子?2.加拿大校車(chē)的司機(jī)會(huì)穿同樣的服裝嗎?答案:1.How many children are there in a Canadian school bus usually? / Generally, How many children does a Canadian scho

14、ol bus take?2. Will driver in Canadian school buses wear the same cloths? / Do Canadian school bus drivers dress the same?模擬201.你是什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始一個(gè)人住的?2.你通常多久打掃一次衛(wèi)生?答案:1. When did you begin to live alone? / When did you start to live by yourself?2. How often do you usually do the cleaning? / How often do you

15、 usually clean your room?第一期1 他為什么學(xué)習(xí)京???2 他去了美國(guó)哪幾個(gè)城市?答案:1 Why did he learn Beijing Opera? 2 Which cities did he go in America?第二期1 貝爾有幾個(gè)孩子?2 貝爾的父親也是發(fā)明家嗎?答案:1 How many children did Bell have? 2 Was Bells father also an inventor?第三期1 托馬斯愛(ài)迪生最喜歡什么書(shū)?2 托馬斯愛(ài)迪生還發(fā)明了什么?答案:1 What was Thomas Edisons favourite bo

16、ok? 2 What else did Thomas Edison invent?第四期1弗蘭克在哪所學(xué)校上學(xué)?2 弗蘭克經(jīng)常去電影院看電影嗎?答案:1 Which school does Frank study at? 2 Does Frank usually go to cinema to see films?第五期1 霍金現(xiàn)在的工作是什么?2 霍金現(xiàn)在住在哪里?答案:1 What is Hawking now? 2 Where does Hawking live now?第六期1 莎士比亞什么時(shí)候出生的?2 莎士比亞最著名的作品是什么?答案:1 When was Shakespeare

17、born? 2 What was Shakespeares most famous works?第七期1 你和父母怎么溝通?2 你經(jīng)常幫助父母做家務(wù)嗎?答案:1 How do you communicate with your parents? 2 Do you usually help your parents with the housework?第八期1 你最喜歡哪一位家庭成員?2 你和父母常常一起干什么?答案:1 Which family member do you like best? 2 What do you usually do with your parents?第九期1 你

18、家里誰(shuí)是做最多決定的人?2 你家里有什么規(guī)則?答案:1 Who makes the most decisions in your family?2 What rules do you have at home?第十期1 如果我和一個(gè)朋友打架了該怎么辦?2 在這種情況下我還可以找誰(shuí)求助?答案:1 What should I do if I fought with a friend? 2 Who else could I ask for help in this situation?第十一期1 你常常向誰(shuí)尋求幫助?2 你有沒(méi)有做過(guò)什么后悔的事?答案:1 Who do you usually tur

19、n to for help? 2 Have you ever done anything that you regret?第十二期1 如果我有煩惱應(yīng)該怎么辦?2 你能給我一些提升英語(yǔ)的建議嗎?答案:1 What should I do if I have troubles? 2 Can you give me some advice on improving English?第十四期1 你喜歡獨(dú)自呆在家里嗎?2 你今年上幾年級(jí)了?答案:1 Do you like stay at your home on your own? 2 Which grade are you in this year?

20、第十五期1 我應(yīng)該做些什么才能參加它?2 你有任何其他的趣事和我們分享嗎?答案:1 What should I do to take part in it? 2 Do you have any other interesting things to share with us?第十六期1 你怎么看待看電視這個(gè)愛(ài)好?2 你知道如何制作電視節(jié)目嗎?答案:1 What do you think of watching TV? 2 Do you know how to make a TV programme?第十七期1我怎樣才能去到這個(gè)影視樂(lè)園呢?2 這個(gè)影視樂(lè)園最有趣的部分是什么?答案:1 How

21、can I get to the Film Park? 2 What is the most interesting part of the Film Park?第十八期1 你們每頓飯都吃肉嗎?2 你們每天一般吃多少頓飯?答案:1 Do you eat meat every meals? 2 How many meals do you usually eat every day?第十九期1 你認(rèn)為什么是均衡飲食?2 你午餐經(jīng)常吃什么?答案:1 What do you think is a balanced diet? 2 What do you usually have for lunch?第

22、二十期1 我們應(yīng)該在什么時(shí)間吃早餐?2 你認(rèn)為一頓健康的早餐是怎么樣的?答案:1 What time we should have breakfast? 2 What do you think a balanced breakfast would be like?第二十一期1 這是你最喜歡的小說(shuō)嗎?2 你還有其他的書(shū)推薦嗎?答案:1 Is this novel your favourite ones? 2 Do you have other books to recommend?第二十二期1 你們是怎么認(rèn)識(shí)對(duì)方的?2 你將來(lái)會(huì)來(lái)中國(guó)嗎?答案:1 How did you get on know with each other? 2 Will he go to China in the future?第二十三期1 我在哪里可以找到這本書(shū)?2 你最喜歡的書(shū)是什么?答案:1 Where can I find this book? 2 Whats your favourite book?第二十四期1 你有其他類(lèi)型的書(shū)推薦嗎?2


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